A Brief History of The New World Flying Squirrels: Phylogeny, Biogeography, and Conservation Genetics
A Brief History of The New World Flying Squirrels: Phylogeny, Biogeography, and Conservation Genetics
A Brief History of The New World Flying Squirrels: Phylogeny, Biogeography, and Conservation Genetics
Key words: biogeography, boreal forest, comparative phylogeography, flying squirrel, Glaucomys sabrinus, Glaucomys
volans, phylogeography, Pleistocene, Pteromyini
Flying squirrels are a diverse group of nocturnal, arboreal a uropatagium extending between their ankles and the base
rodents that are highly adapted for gliding locomotion. They of the tail. This feature is lacking or greatly reduced in the
range in size from the 24-g pygmy flying squirrels (Petaurillus) smaller species.
to the 1.5-kg giant flying squirrels (Petaurista—Thorington Currently, 15 genera and 44 species of flying squirrels are
and Heaney 1981). All flying squirrels are characterized by recognized, with the majority (14 of the 15 genera and 42 of
the presence of a membrane of skin between their wrists and the 44 species) occurring in Eurasia, especially Southeast Asia
ankles (a patagium) that they extend when gliding. There are (Thorington and Hoffmann 2005). The only genus to occur
2 basic types of tail morphology (Thorington et al. 2002). In outside of Eurasia is Glaucomys; this genus is restricted to
the smaller species (those less than approximately 1 kg), the North America and Mesoamerica (Mexico plus Central
lateral hairs of the tail are much longer than the dorsal and America) and comprises 2 species, the northern flying squirrel
ventral hairs, resulting in a flattened, featherlike tail; in the (G. sabrinus) and the southern flying squirrel (G. volans).
larger species (those greater than approximately 1 kg), the tail In this paper, I summarize our current understanding of the
is round in cross section. The larger species also have evolution, biogeography, and conservation genetics of the New
World flying squirrels. I begin with an overview of the
phylogeny and taxonomy of flying squirrels in general, briefly
* Correspondent: bsa2@humboldt.edu synthesizing existing morphological and molecular studies of
the group. I then focus on Glaucomys in particular, highlighting
Ó 2007 American Society of Mammalogists recent phylogeographic and conservation genetics research on
www.mammalogy.org the genus. In keeping with the spirit of this symposium, I have
focused primarily on the northern flying squirrel. The close to Glaucomys (see Thorington et al. 2002; Fig. 1). Although
association of this species with the northern coniferous forests not all relationships were well resolved, Thorington et al.
of North America makes it especially useful as a biogeographic (2002) recovered a ‘‘Glaucomys group’’ comprising the genera
indicator species. Indeed, insights gained from studies of G. Glaucomys, Eoglaucomys, Iomys, Petinomys, Hylopetes,
sabrinus have been instrumental in shaping our current and Petaurillus. Within this group, Glaucomys and Eoglauc-
understanding of the Pleistocene biogeography of the boreal omys occupied basal positions, suggesting that the North
forest biome of North America in general. To a lesser degree, I American and Asian flying squirrels diverged from one an-
also focus on the southern flying squirrel. Because this species other relatively early in the radiation. The Glaucomys group
is closely associated with the deciduous hardwood forests of recovered by Thorington et al. (2002) was identical to that
eastern North America and the highlands of Mesoamerica, it proposed by Thorington and Darrow (2000), but differed from
serves as a biogeographic indicator species for this forest type, those of McKenna (1962) and Mein (1970). Thorington et al.
necessitated a change in the traditional taxonomy for the family Together, the sister relationship of the Pteromyini with the
Sciuridae, which treated flying squirrels as a distinct subfamily New World tree squirrels (Sciurinae), the current geographic
(Pteromyinae) sister to all other living squirrels. Thorington distribution of the Pteromyini (which includes both Asia and
and Hoffmann (2005) recently revised the classification of North America), and the phylogenetic position of Glaucomys
squirrels accordingly; the 5 major lineages identified by Mercer (Fig. 1) relative to Asian forms, suggest that trans-Beringian
and Roth (2003) and Steppan et al. (2004) are now treated as dispersal has played an important role in shaping the evolu-
subfamilies (Ratufinae, Sciurillinae, Sciurinae, Xerinae, and tionary history of flying squirrels.
Callosciurinae) and the flying squirrels are now considered
a tribe (Pteromyini) within the subfamily Sciurinae (Fig. 1A).
The emerging synthesis of flying squirrel phylogeny there- SYSTEMATICS, BIOGEOGRAPHY, AND
fore indicates that flying squirrels are monophyletic and CONSERVATION GENETICS OF GLAUCOMYS
most closely related to the New World tree squirrels. Flying The 2 species of New World flying squirrels are morpho-
squirrels appear to have originated in the early to middle logically similar to one another in many respects (see Dolan
Miocene. The New World flying squirrels (Glaucomys) appear and Carter 1977; Wells-Gosling and Heaney 1984). However,
to have diverged from Asian flying squirrels relatively early G. sabrinus is considerably larger than G. volans (approxi-
in the history of the group, most likely in the late Miocene. mately 75–140 g for the former versus 46–85 g for the latter)
and males of the 2 species have highly differentiated bacula that G. sabrinus (a widespread Continental lineage and a Pacific
are considered diagnostic. In most cases, the 2 species also Coastal lineage) and at least 1 within G. volans (Figs. 2 and 3).
occupy different forest types; G. sabrinus tends to be closely These 3 lineages within Glaucomys appear to have diverged
associated with northern coniferous forests and adjacent from one another in the early to middle Pleistocene (Arbogast
ecotones, whereas G. volans is found primarily in deciduous 1999). This estimate is relatively recent given the late-Miocene
hardwood forests. As a result, the 2 species have largely non- date estimated for the divergence of Glaucomys and Asian
overlapping geographic distributions (Fig. 2). However, areas of flying squirrels (Mercer and Roth 2003). However, little is
sympatry do exist where northern coniferous and deciduous known about the evolution of North American flying squirrels
hardwood forest types come into contact, such as in northeastern in the intervening period because of a lack of pre-Pleistocene
North America and in the Appalachian Mountains. The geo- fossils that can be conclusively diagnosed as ancestral to
graphic distributions of both species are characterized by the Glaucomys (Wells-Gosling and Heaney 1984).
presence of multiple disjunct populations at the southern edge of The mitochondiral DNA (mtDNA) phylogeny of Glaucomys
their respective ranges. In the case of G. sabrinus, this includes (Fig. 3) reveals that the Continental and Pacific Coastal clades
several subspecies that are listed as endangered at the federal of G. sabrinus are not sister to one another. Rather, the former
or state level (e.g., G. s. californicus, G. s. fuscus, and G. s. appears to be sister to a clade comprising G. volans from the
coloratus; Fig. 2). In the case of G. volans, this includes 6 sub- eastern United States. Minimum levels of corrected pairwise
species that occur only in disjunct areas of high-elevation oak sequence divergence in the mtDNA cytochrome-b gene (Cytb)
and oak–pine habitat in Mesoamerica (Dolan and Carter 1977). between all 3 clades are similar (approximately 4%), suggest-
Systematics.— Over the last decade, several studies (e.g., ing that they diverged from one another within a relatively
Arbogast 1999; Arbogast et al. 2005; Bidlack and Cook 2001, short period of time in the early to middle Pleistocene
2002; Demboski et al. 1998a; Petersen and Stewart 2006) have (Arbogast 1999). Although examination of these data hints
used molecular genetic approaches to examine the evolutionary that G. sabrinus may comprise 2 cryptic species, subsequent
history, biogeography, and conservation genetics of Glauc- comparisons of bacular morphology (R. W. Thorington, Jr.,
omys. Together these analyses have revealed that Glaucomys and B. S. Arbogast, in litt.) and analysis of nuclear markers
is monophyletic relative to Asian flying squirrels and that (Arbogast et al. 2005) have failed to detect species-level
the genus comprises at least 3 distinct lineages: 2 within differences between the Continental and Pacific Coastal
mtDNA clades of this species. Therefore, recent or ongoing northern distributional limits of North American forests may
gene flow between these 2 clades seems likely, and they appear have approached those of today; however, the distributions of
to represent a single biological species despite their well- both coniferous and deciduous forest types would have been
differentiated mitochondrial genomes. In contrast, both nuclear pushed far to the south of their present ranges during glacial
and mtDNA markers clearly distinguish G. volans from both periods (J. M. Adams and H. Faure [eds.], QEN members, Oak
clades of G. sabrinus (Arbogast et al. 2005). Given that the 3 Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee, Review and atlas of
mtDNA clades of Glaucomys appear to have diverged from one palaeovegetation: preliminary land ecosystem maps of the
another relatively recently, and that nuclear markers support world since the last glacial maximum, http://www.esd.ornl.-
current taxonomy, the paraphyly of G. sabrinus observed in the gov/ern/qen/adams1.html). Examination of the mtDNA data
mtDNA gene tree (Fig. 3) may simply represent incomplete suggests that contemporary populations of Glaucomys are
lineage sorting (Arbogast 1999). derived from ancestral populations isolated in 3 separate
Biogeography.— The contemporary large-scale population forested refugia (1 corresponding to each of the 3 mtDNA
genetic structures of both G. sabrinus and G. volans appear to clades in Fig. 3). Based on a molecular clock estimated for
have been strongly influenced by historical changes in the Cytb of rodents, Arbogast (1999) proposed that these clades
distribution of North American forests throughout the Quater- initially diverged in the early- to middle-Pleistocene; if correct,
nary (Arbogast 1999). Over the past 2 million years, North this would implicate a pre-Wisconsinan vicariant event(s), such
America has experienced 20 or more glacial–interglacial cycles as one of the earlier glacial cycles of the Pleistocene, as the
(Cox and Moore 2005). During interglacial periods, the source of the initial diversification within Glaucomys.
The phylogeographic structures of G. sabrinus and G. volans consequence of the Laurentide ice sheet of eastern North
suggest that the most recent (Wisconsinan) glaciation also had America retreating earlier or more quickly than the Cordilleran
important impacts on the biogeographic histories of these ice sheet of western North America (Cox and Moore 2005).
species. For example, today most of northern North America is Today, the Continental and Pacific Coastal clades of G.
occupied by the Continental mtDNA clade of G. sabrinus sabrinus, although largely nonoverlapping geographically, do
(Figs. 2 and 3). Within this clade, haplotypes from the come into contact in a narrow region of the Pacific Northwest
Appalachian Mountains are basal and there is a general of North America (Fig. 2A). Specifically, the 2 clades appear
southeast-to-northwest geographic structuring of haplotypes. to meet (and even overlap) in the Puget Sound region of
This pattern is consistent with a northward and westward post- northwestern Washington and in the southern Okanogan
Wisconsinan range expansion from a southeastern refugium. Highlands of southwestern British Columbia, Canada (B. S.
Allozyme data also support this scenario (Arbogast et al. 2005); Arbogast, in litt.). This area of the Pacific Northwest of North
listed as endangered at the federal level (Demboski et al. the region include provisions to maintain healthy and viable
1998b; Weigl 2007). Analysis of allozyme variation has populations of this unique subspecies of flying squirrel.
revealed that these 2 subspecies possess several private alleles, Several additional subspecies of G. sabrinus are of con-
making them genetically distinct and important contributors to servation concern. One subspecies, G. s. californicus, is
the overall genetic variability of the species (Arbogast et al. considered a federal C2 candidate taxon and a species of
2005). Analysis of mtDNA variation indicates that these special concern in the state of California; this subspecies is
populations contain some haplotypes that are unique and some found only in the San Bernardino and San Jacinto mountains
that also occur outside the Appalachian region (e.g., Michigan; (and possibly the San Gabriel Mountains) of southern California
Fig 3). Based on this combined information, Arbogast et al. (Demboski et al. 1998b). The current population status and
(2005) argued that the endangered southern Appalachian levels of genetic variability of these high-elevation populations
populations of G. sabrinus should be considered distinct is unknown, but their small and fragmented distribution makes
are considered to be one of the most highly threatened habitats isolates of G. sabrinus (e.g., those in the San Bernardino and
in the world (World Wildlife Fund, 2006, WWF Global 200: San Jacinto mountains of southern California, the Black Hills of
a science-based global ranking of the Earth’s most biologi- South Dakota, and Rocky Mountains of southern Utah) are not
cally outstanding terrestrial, freshwater and marine habitats, well documented and should be investigated. Finally, in terms
http://www.panda.org/about_wwf/where_we_work/ecoregions/ of their phylogenetic position and biogeographic history, the
about/index.cfm), and it is likely that populations of flying Mesoamerican populations of Glaucomys remain enigmatic.
squirrels have gone locally extinct in some formerly occupied These populations are considered to represent subspecies of G.
areas. However, given the paucity of specimens and distribu- volans, and morphological analyses tend to support this view
tional data for G. volans in Mesoamerica, it seems likely that (Braun 1988). However, several recent genetic studies of small
this species may occur in a number of areas where it has not mammals from the highlands of Mesoamerica have revealed
yet been documented (Dolan and Carter 1977). Clearly, of all a surprising number of cryptic species. Examples include mice
study. B. Blake, J. Cook, L. Heaney, and fellow participants in this DEMBOSKI, J. R., K. D. STONE, AND J. A. COOK. 1999. Further
symposium (W. Smith, J. Scheibe, R. Thorington, and P. Weigl) perspectives on the Haida Gwaii glacial refugium. Evolution
provided many valuable comments that helped improve the manu- 53:2008–2012.
script and A. Schwandt-Arbogast provided assistance with preparation DOLAN, P. G., AND D. C. CARTER. 1977. Glaucomys volans.
of figures. Mammalian Species 78:1–6.
ELLERMAN, J. R. 1940. The families and genera of living rodents.
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