Cafaro 2023 Cardiovascular Risk in Systemic Aut

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Cardiovascular risk in and 12 CVDs separately would be characterised by CVD risk four
preferable, accounting for relevant times higher than that of the
systemic autoimmune confounding factors for each situation. general population and almost
diseases SF received a grant from the Japan Society for the double the risk of rheumatoid
Promotion of Science (JSPS) KAKENHI (grant arthritis and Sjögren’s syndrome.
number JP 20K18964) and the Kyoto University
In a large population-based obser­ This result deserves cautious
School of Public Health Crossover Award in 2022.
vational study, Nathalie Conrad and YL received a grant from JSPS KAKENHI (grant interpretation and should account
colleagues1 showed the association number 22K21112). TY received a grant from JSPS for the different pathophysiology of
KAKENHI (grant number JP 21K17228). NN declares
between 19 autoimmune diseases and cardiovascular damage in systemic
no competing interests.
12 cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) with sclerosis, a disease characterised
data from about 22 000 000 people *Satoshi Funada, Yan Luo, by endothelial fibrotic injury with
in the UK. However, we are concerned Norihiro Nishioka, Takashi Yoshioka less prominent inflammation than
about the possibly confusing message other autoimmune diseases. 3,4
caused by treating several CVDs as a Department of Health Promotion and Human In this setting, the investigators
Behavior, Graduate School of Medicine, School of
composite outcome in this study. Public Health (SF, YL) and Department of Preventive
included a broad spectrum of CVDs
Although the association between Services (NN), Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8501, as a primary outcome, ranging from
autoimmune diseases and specific Japan; Department of Preventive Medicine and cardiac arrhythmias to ischaemic
Public Health, School of Medicine, Keio University,
CVDs, such as atherosclerotic diseases, Tokyo, Japan (SF, TY)
atherosclerotic disease. The excess
valve disorders, arrhythmias, and CVD shown in systemic sclerosis
1 Conrad N, Verbeke G, Molenberghs G, et al.
others were analysed separately, Autoimmune diseases and cardiovascular risk: might be the result of an increased
the main findings were based on a population-based study on 19 autoimmune prevalence of arrhythmic disease
diseases and 12 cardiovascular diseases in
a composite outcome combining 22 million individuals in the UK. Lancet 2022; induced by myocardial damage and
all these diseases. Because the 400: 733–43. conduction system fibrosis. 3 This
pathophysiology of each disease is 2 Mason JC, Libby P. Cardiovascular disease is reinforced by the demonstration
in patients with chronic inflammation:
different, the confounding factors mechanisms underlying premature that involvement of microcirculation
for each should be different. For cardiovascular events in rheumatologic and small arteries might be more
conditions. Eur Heart J 2015; 36: 482–9c.
example, blood pressure, smoking 3 Tschöpe C, Cooper LT, Torre-Amione G,
prominent in atherosclerotic damage
status, cholesterol, and BMI Van Linthout S. Management of Myocarditis- in systemic sclerosis in comparison
might be confounding factors for related cardiomyopathy in adults. Circ Res with rheumatoid arthritis or Sjögren’s
2019; 124: 1568–83.
atherosclerotic diseases, whereas 4 Wei L, MacDonald TM, Walker BR. Taking syndrome, in which the acceleration
they might not be for valve disorders, glucocorticoids by prescription is associated of atherosclerosis mainly relies on
with subsequent cardiovascular disease.
myocarditis, or pericarditis. Besides, Ann Intern Med 2004; 141: 764–70.
involvement of large arteries. 5,6
the risk and type of associated CVDs 5 Fanouriakis A, Kostopoulou M, Alunno A, et al. Therefore, a deeper analysis of
vary largely for each autoimmune 2019 update of the EULAR recommendations cardiovascular event type influencing
for the management of systemic lupus
disease.2 For example, steroids, non- erythematosus. Ann Rheum Dis 2019; adverse cardiovascular outcome in
steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, 78: 736–45. systemic sclerosis in comparison with
and biological drugs are used only other autoimmune diseases might
for particular autoimmune diseases, improve knowledge on long-term
and their dose and duration could In their impressive population- cardiovascular prognosis in these
affect the association between those based study, Nathalie Conrad and diseases.
diseases ans some CVDs. Steroids can colleagues1 found that people with We declare no competing interests.
treat inflammation-related CVDs such systemic autoimmune disease
Giacomo Cafaro, Carlo Perricone,
as myocarditis3 but can also be a risk have a significantly higher risk of *Roberto Gerli, Elena Bartoloni
factor for atherosclerotic diseases.4 developing cardiovascular disease
Additionally, people with systemic (CVD) in comparison with the general
Rheumatology Unit, Department of Medicine and
lupus erythematosus are at risk of population, to an extent similar to Surgery, University of Perugia, Perugia 06129, Italy
various CVDs but, depending on the diabetes.1 Excess risk was particularly 1 Conrad N, Verbeke G, Molenberghs G, et al.
mechanisms, the prevention and high in people younger than 4 years Autoimmune diseases and cardiovascular risk:
treatment strategy could be totally and independent of traditional CVD a population-based study on 19 autoimmune
diseases and 12 cardiovascular diseases in
different.5 Therefore, to clarify the risk risk factors, which are shown to 22 million individuals in the UK. Lancet 2022;
of CVDs in autoimmune diseases and strongly contribute to cardiovascular 400: 733–43. Submissions should be
2 Bartoloni E, Alunno A, Gerli R. Hypertension as made via our electronic
send practical messages to clinical events in these patients.2 a cardiovascular risk factor in autoimmune submission system at
practice, examining the association Among the autoimmune diseases rheumatic diseases. Nat Rev Cardiol 2018;
between the 19 autoimmune diseases included, 1 systemic sclerosis was 15: 33–44. thelancet/ Vol 401 January 7, 2023 21


3 Cannarile F, Valentini V, Mirabelli G, et al. a clear and consistent association thresholds were used to define
Cardiovascular disease in systemic sclerosis.
Ann Transl Med 2015; 3: 8.
with a broad range of cardiovascular an elevated cardiac troponin. The
4 Bartoloni E, Alunno A, Cafaro G, et al. outcomes, accepting that more detail Universal Definition of Myocardial
Subclinical atherosclerosis in primary about individual diseases and specific Infarction recommends the use of
Sjögren’s syndrome: does inflammation
matter? Front Immunol 2019; 10: 817. outcomes would be welcome and a sex-specific 99th percentile as
5 Bartoloni E, Pucci G, Cannarile F, et al. hopefully will come from the future the diagnostic threshold. For most
Central hemodynamics and arterial stiffness in investigations of other populations. high-sensitivity cardiac troponin
systemic sclerosis. Hypertension 2016;
68: 1504–11. JJVM reports personal fees for lectures from Abbott, assays, the 99th percentile is
6 Atzeni F, Gozza F, Cafaro G, Perricone C, Alkem Metabolics, Eris Lifesciences, Hikma, Lupin, two times lower in women than
Bartoloni E. Cardiovascular involvement in Sun Pharmaceuticals, Medscape/Heart, ProAdWise
Sjögren’s syndrome. Front Immunol 2022; Communications, Radcliffe Cardiology, Servier,
men. 2 The implementation of sex-
13: 879516. and the Corpus; and fees paid to their university for specific thresholds has increased
steering committees and advisory board the identification of women with
Authors’ reply membership, trial planning, being principal
myocardial injury and infarction in
investigator or co-principal investigator for trials,
We agree with Giacomo Cafaro and consulting and advising, and travel expenses from practice.3,4 We seek clarification as to
colleagues that comparing different Cytokinetics, Amgen, AstraZeneca, Theracos, Ionis whether an elevated cardiac troponin
types of cardiovascular outcomes Pharmaceuticals, DalCor, Cardurion, Novartis, GSK, was defined using the recommended
Bayer, KBP Biosciences, Boehringer Ingelheim, and
occurring in people with systemic Bristol-Myers Squibb. NC declares no competing sex-specific diagnostic threshold.
sclerosis to those occurring in patients interests. NC and JJVM contributed equally. If sex-specific thresholds were not
with other autoimmune diseases Nathalie Conrad, *John J V McMurray used, it would be informative to
would be of interest. However, compare discrimination using a
our study1 included relatively few sex-specific and overall troponin
Department of Public Health and Primary Care,
participants with systemic sclerosis Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium threshold separately. Furthermore,
and even fewer cardiovascular events, (NC); Institute of Cardiovascular and Medical the mechanisms of myocardial
precluding a meaningful analysis of Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8TA, infarction differ between women
individual outcomes.1 and men, with women more likely
1 Conrad N, Verbeke G, Molenberghs G, et al.
Satoshi Funada and colleagues Autoimmune diseases and cardiovascular risk: to have type 2 myocardial infarction
also highlight potential differences a population-based study on 19 autoimmune due to coronary artery dissection
diseases and 12 cardiovascular diseases in
in types of cardiovascular outcomes 22 million individuals in the UK. Lancet 2022;
or vasospasm. Given that previous
across the range of autoimmune 400: 733–43. studies have shown that the GRACE
diseases studied. Again, although we 2.0 score does not perform as well
agree in principle, in practice because in type 2 myocardial infarction as it
we investigated 19 autoimmune Application of a sex- does in type 1 myocardial infarction,5
diseases and 12 cardiovascular it would be important to report
outcomes, this created 228 individual
specific GRACE score in performance stratified by the subtype
result permutations (456 when one practice of myocardial infarction or to publish
considers adjusted and non-adjusted the prediction model code to enable
analyses). Reporting all of these We w i s h t o c o n g r a t u l a t e further external validation.
individual findings was simply not Florian A Wenzl and colleagues 1 for NLM has acted as a consultant for Abbott
practical. However, when preparing our their important analysis and update Diagnostics, Siemens Healthineers, Roche, and
LumiraDx. DMK declares no competing interests.
manuscript, we did examine individual of the Global Registry of Acute
disease associations and did not Coronary Events (GRACE) score to Dorien M Kimenai, *Nicholas L Mills
identify major heterogeneity across address observed differences in the
the range of autoimmune diseases and prediction of in-hospital mortality British Heart Foundation Centre for Cardiovascular
cardiovascular outcomes examined. following non-ST-segment elevation Science (DMK, NLM) and Usher Institute (NLM),
University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh EH16 4SA, UK
As explained for systemic sclerosis, acute coronary syndromes between
1 Wenzl FA, Kraler S, Ambler G, et al. Sex-specific
the smaller sample sizes and numbers women and men. If this state-of-the- evaluation and redevelopment of the GRACE
of events included in any individual art prediction model is to reduce sex score in non-ST-segment elevation acute
analysis made resultant findings less inequalities in care, then additional coronary syndromes in populations from the
UK and Switzerland: a multinational analysis
statistically robust than the results information is needed to ensure with external cohort validation. Lancet 2022;
from the combined analyses across all the GRACE 3.0 score is consistently 400: 744–56.
2 Kimenai DM, Janssen EBNJ, Eggers KM, et al.
cardiovascular diseases. The goal of our applied in practice. Sex-specific versus overall clinical decision
analysis was to harness the strength In the prediction model cardiac limits for cardiac troponin I and T for the
of the large overall cohort of patients troponin is incorporated as a binary diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction:
a systematic review. Clin Chem 2018;
with autoimmune diseases to show feature, but it was not clear what 64: 1034–43.

22 Vol 401 January 7, 2023

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