SmartNote What Is USP 71 Sterility Testing en LT2650A

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Notes on compliance:
Creating robust sterility testing processes
Sterility testing is a crucial part of pharmaceutical manufacturing,
and the consequences of non-compliance can be fatal. It is,
however, a time- and resource- hungry process, needing to
be carried out under aseptic conditions by specialized staff
according to detailed protocols.

Finished product samples must undergo a 14-day incubation The Centers for Disease Control was notified of more than
period before being cleared for release onto the market. 750 linked cases in 20 states. Tragically, 64 people died.
Anything less than a 100% pass rate can relegate an entire
batch unable to reach the people who depend on it. Cases like this demonstrate why parenteral products are so
strictly regulated by the health and regulatory authorities,
So, what can pharmaceutical laboratories do to mitigate including the United States, European and Japanese
the risk of costly contamination during the manufacturing pharmacopeias.
process? Building robust, validated protocols is the key to
reducing the risk of avoidable test failures and smoothing the When it comes to sterility the stakes are high, both in terms
road from component intake to product release. of protecting human health and keeping supply lines open.
Between 2004 and 2011, more than 75% of FDA recalls
Sterility – and why it matters involved sterile products. Of these, 80% were linked to a
“lack of sterility assurance”.
Patient safety is of the utmost importance in drug
development, but parenteral drug products bypass many Sterility testing failure, then, is not an option for organizations
of the body’s natural defenses. As such, they carry an that are committed to protecting both human and business
increased risk of infection. health.

In 2012, for example, a multi-state outbreak in the U.S.

of fungal meningitis and other infections was linked to
preservative-free MPA steroid injections distributed by
the New England Compounding Center in Framingham,
USP 71

USP 71, which relates to the sterility of all parenteral

medicines, has been harmonised with its regulatory
counterparts in Europe and Japan.

It requires drug manufacturers to ensure their end products

are completely free from objectionable organisms, such as
Staphylococcus aureus, Candida albicans, Pseudomonas
aeruginosa, Aspergillus brasiliensis, Eschericia coli,
Clostridium sporogenes, and Bacillus subtilis.

To comply to the simple presence / absence requirement,

samples must be incubated in both fluid thioglycollate
medium (FTM) and soya bean casein digest medium
(SCDM) or tryptic soy broth (TSB) for 14 days, to check for
the turbidity that may indicate the growth of colonies.

It is a statistical test that demands a 100% pass rate. In

batch sizes of less than 100 containers, laboratories must
test 10% or four containers, whichever is the largest figure.
When the batch size is larger than 500 containers, the
requirement is to test 2% or 20 containers, whichever figure
equates to the fewest.

It means that manufacturers can never be completely sure

that the whole batch is objectionable organism free, even if
the tests are all negative. Conversely, one positive test will
result in the whole batch being held back, sometimes for
months, or even destroyed.

With budgets built to reflect the typical batch release lead-

time of 20 to 28 days, each day of delay is considerably
expensive. More importantly, it can restrict people’s access
to the medications they need to get on with their lives.

To avoid this, laboratories must do everything in their

power to comply with USP 71 – and that includes ensuring
standard operating procedures (SOPs) do not contribute to
the problem. Building robust processes is the first step to
eradicating avoidable sterility testing failure.
Building the process Next, that medium itself must be incubated and assessed
for sterility. (Please refer to the workflow for Sterility Test:
Sterility testing may be based on producing a simple Method Suitability Study Design.)
presence/ absence result, but that is just the tip of the
iceberg. Laboratories must also perform validation, to ensure the test
sample will not inhibit the growth of the microorganisms in
Pharmaceutical laboratories first need to build and validate the selected media. The aim is to ensure the active
scientifically robust, product-specific protocols they can ingredients of the product are neutralized to allow the
rely on. It is a challenging process, but it is essential if microorganisms to grow, rather than inhibiting their growth.
laboratories want to be sure their methods do not introduce
risk. The way these tests are performed will depend on the
method of the final sterility testing, which will tend to be
Teams first need to carry out suitability, or growth promotion membrane filtration, for liquid pharmaceuticals, or direct
tests, and validation, or bacteriostasis and fungistasis transfer, for medical devices.
testing, to select the right tools for their SOP.

During suitability testing, laboratories must first find a growth

medium that supports the growth of viable objectionable
organisms within the product. It’s a process of trial and error
that requires access to media, the indicated organisms,
and a high level of technician knowledge and expertise.
Sterility Test: Method Suitability
Study Design
Membrane Filtration
Grow Cultures of

• B. subtilis
• P. aeruginosa
Filter appropriate number of
• S. aureus product containers through a filter
• C. albicans not greater than 0.45 μm
• A. brasiliensis
• C. sporogenes

From national stock cultures at

Filter two 100 mL volumes of
30–35 °C in Fluid Thioglycollate
diluent through 0.45 μm filter
Medium for 3 days or 20–25 °C in
Soybean-Casein Digest BrothΔ for
3 days (bacteria) or 5 days (yeast &
Add a 100 mL volume of diluent to
filtration apparatus. Inoculate to
<100 CFU

Filter, then remove filter to Repeat, altering recovery

appropriate recovery medium conditions

Incubate for growth

• Fluid Thioglycollate Medium: C. sporogenes, P. aeruginosa, S. aureus at
30–35 °C for 3 days
• Soybean-Casein Digest AgarΔ: A. brasiliensis, B. subtilis, C. albicans at
20–25 °C for 3 days (bacteria) or 5 days (yeast & mold)

Do the media show evidence of



Pass Fail

Soybean-Casein Digest Broth = Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB)
Sterility Test: Method Suitability
Study Design
Direct Transfer

Grow Cultures of

• B. subtilis
• P. aeruginosa
• S. aureus Add correct amount of product to
achieve an appropriate product:
• C. albicans
recovery medium ratio
• A. brasiliensis
• C. sporogenes

From national stock cultures at

30-35 °C in Fluid Thioglycollate
Media for 3 days or 20-25 °C in
Soybean-Casein Digest BrothΔ for
3 days (bacteria) or 5 days (yeast &
Repeat, altering recovery
Inoculate to <100 CFU conditions

Incubate for growth

• Fluid Thioglycollate Medium: C. sporogenes, P. aeruginosa, S. aureus at
30–35 °C for 3 days
• Soybean-Casein Digest AgarΔ: A. brasiliensis, B. subtilis, C. albicans at
20–25 °C for 3 days (bacteria) or 5 days (yeast & mold)

Do the media show evidence of



Pass Fail

Soybean-Casein Digest Broth = Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB)
To reduce the risk of contamination during sterility testing,
the procedure should be carried out in a closed system
under aseptic conditions. Most organizations interpret this
as using an ISO-regulated laminar airflow cabinet within
an ISO-regulated clean room, or an isolator in a controlled

Samples must be prepared as per the detailed protocol and

incubated for 14 days. If a sample appears to indicate the
presence of pathogens within that period, incubation must
continue for the full two weeks before teams can take steps
to quantify the results or identify the microorganism.

If growth is confirmed, a re-test is only permitted if an

investigation finds cause to invalidate the results.

Sterility Test: Direct Transfer

Add validated amount of product to achieve an appropriate product:recovery medium ratio. Test all required units of
product in both Soybean-Casein Digest BrothΔ and Fluid Thioglycollate Medium

Incubate for growth 14 days

Fluid Thioglycollate Medium: 30–35 °C
Soybean-Casein Digest BrothΔ: 20–25 °C

Do the media show evidence of growth?


Fail Pass
Sterility Test: Membrane Filtration
Filter appropriate number of product containers through 0.45 μm filter

Validated volume of appropriate diluent through 0.45 μm filter

Filter, then remove filter to appropriate recovery medium

Incubate for growth for 14 days

Fluid Thioglycollate Media: 30–35 °C
Soybean-Casein Digest Agar ∆: 20–25 °C

Do the media show evidence of growth?


Fail Pass
Maximum stress test

Robust sterility testing protocols are essential to protecting patient

safety and keeping manufacturing on time and on budget.

To build effective strategies, pharmaceutical laboratories need

skilled staff, high manufacturing standards, and access to all a wide
range of media, rinses, and quality control microorganisms.

Thermo Scientific™ sterility testing workflow:

• T
 hermo Scientific™ Quanti-Cult Plus™ Quality Control
• Diluting and rinsing fluids*: Organisms
o Fluid A
- R112490 100mL serum bottle o Guaranteed to return <100 colony forming units
- BO0833M 100mL vial per 0.1ml

o Fluid D o Ease of use – simply rehydrate, mix and incubate,

- R112321 300mL serum bottle then inoculate

o Fluid K o 100 tests per kit

- R112332 100mL vial
o Strains derived from ATCC cultures:
• Growth Media*:
o Fluid Thioglycollate Medium R4717016 Staphylococcus aureus ATCC® 6538™
- BO0368M 100mL vial
- R112641 100mL vial R4711221 Bacillus subtilis ATCC® 6633™

o Fluid Thioglycollate Medium, Dehydrated R4715210 Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC® 9027™

- R453452 500g
R4711700 Clostridium sporogenes ATCC® 19404™
o Soy Casein Digestor Tryptic Soy, Dehydrated
- R455052 500g R4711503 Candida albicans ATCC® 10231™

o Tryptic Soy Broth R4711100 Aspergillus brasiliensis ATCC® 16404™

- BO0369M 100mL vial
- R112731 100mL vial

o Vegetable Peptone Broth, Dehydrated *Visit for a more complete portfolio of
related products which support USP 71
o V
 G0101B 500gCold Filterable Tryptic Soy Broth
for Sterile Media Fills
- BP1065C 10L

o C
 old Filterable Vegetable Peptone Broth for
Sterile Media FIlls
- BP0104C 10L





The ATCC Licensed Derivative Emblem, the ATCC Licensed

Derivative word mark and the ATCC catalog marks are trademarks
of ATCC. Remel Inc. is licensed to use these trademarks and to
sell products derived from ATCC ® cultures. The identity, purity,
and authenticity of the Licensed Products are exclusively the
responsibility of Remel Inc., and not ATCC.

Contact us at for a

confidential discussion on your sterility testing workflows, or
© 2021 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved. All trademarks are the property
of Thermo Fisher Scientific and its subsidiaries unless otherwise specified.

Contact information:
USA +1 800 255 6730
International +44 (0) 1256 841144

LT2650A May 2021

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