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Equipment Arrangement and Maintenance Schedule TEM Maintenance Schedule Table 2|[6-8DK-28 1-2 Maintenance Schedule Table This table covers the periodic disassembly and maintenance items of the engine. For the items related with foutine maintenance and inspection, refer to a separate volume. ( ({T.]]: "Operation") (©: Periodical inspection, 4: The 1st inspection after the initial operation, and after overhaul and jeplacement,) Baas Won [vetted and aiteranceporod() J ratenarca Work contns TRI [1000] 200 | see col re | Beis pan “ys (seta ome ope | “fe Gander aad Choa and wigheoraofiaerteatzart sarazs || «| | © a vets teytnertandceptale) | xen. Oo} fat ( Chine foad nepeton anccoanng | #tit6 ° 3 Inako anc exhaust av deassonty, | vtx20 ° oe inca te ee al fo 3 abo ptngendconrtepeaton | 1x05 al fo 32 o Siang vale dsm and inspection) 1.0 3 os 2 Rockor am deassombiy and os |, wt¥.0 ° o onder agent vaedsasenny | 8 ° 35 Exhaust ol ang woo oe] a en © Jacket opening for removal of scale AX1.0, fe} ot aon ln eerie (beng comectog od | 2x8 5 - Perera Pion tapi shrgandmenranant | 1.05 - 4“ eee Se whos : “4 “ oFlton ps rapotonandmeaswenent | #1025 a “4 oO eFixonah bush pecion whos : a [rooaton sna [wasn poston doa nina] #028 ole] +s ‘Connecting rod | Connecting od eit inspection andredgtening | ¥2x1.0 alo 45 | snd'beanngstel repecemen | “ATS leedatt © Crankpin inepection and measurement | #1x0.5 | ° ars) is eeeaiaotoeoedd seeuceoss | Geo blo led a Cylinder liner ‘Cylinder liner Inner surface inspection and | *1x1.0 ° 53 eee . inde ner exacton Ae | ss clpodionen kat rdratacenent | etx. oro] 5s sea creat fre ova ad repo” #1025 oro] 5s ‘O-ring replacement | Tan teatng [Wain beet iattgnngaiear | waa P| 3 ea Dsasaqty arnpecioncr nan | 2x20 ole | os Le per ay 6+ 8DK-28 Z 00-12 DAIHAT.

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