Shama Un Kabir 2011
Shama Un Kabir 2011
Shama Un Kabir 2011
Abstract: Electrical imaging or electrical tomography is a survey technique suitable for the investigation of areas of
shallow complex geology, where the use of other electrical and electromagnetic techniques is less effective. An electrical
image has been delineated at a site located in front of the Department of Geological Sciences, Jahangirnagar University,
Dhaka, Bangladesh. 16 soil samples were collected from two boreholes located on the image line and geotechnical
parameters such as unit weight, water content, grain size, plastic limit, liquid limit and plasticity index were measured in
the laboratory. These geotechnical parameters were compared with the measured electrical resistivity.
The Madhupur and the Barind Tracts represent a underlain and overlain by the Dupi Tila Formation and
tectonically uplifted surface. The reason for the uplift of the Alluvium Formation, respectively. The so-called Madhupur
red bed islands in the Bengal Basin was explained by Clay Formation has recently been named as the Madhupur
Fergusson (1963) and others. Fergusson (1963) believes Clay Residuum by Alam et al. (1990). However, an attempt
that the Madhupur region has been uplifted in very has been made to establish a generalized stratigraphic
recent time and he attributes it to the earthquake of 1762. succession according to Alam (1988) and Alam et al. (1990).
He suggests that the Madhupur Jungle occurs along the The lithology as well as the origin and age of the Madhupur
axis of the belt of “Volcano Action”, which extends in a Clay units are described in Table 1 (Hossain, 2000).
northwestern direction through Chittagong and Dhaka.
Fergusson (1963) considers numerous low lakes in the
Sylhet Basin to be caused by the subsidence of compensatory
to the elevation of the Madhupur Jungle. The resistivity imaging data were collected at a site
The highland of the Madhupur Tract in the Dhaka city located in front of the Department of Geological Sciences,
and Savar area represents the Madhupur Clay Formation, Jahangirnagar University Campus, Dhaka, during the
the oldest exposed rock of the area. It is unconformably month of October 2005 (Fig.2).
Table 1. Stratigraphic succession of the Madhupur tract in Dhaka region 25 electrodes spaced 1 m apart indicating a maximum depth
Thickness of 4 m. Measurements made using this arrangement, are
Age Formation Lithology
(m) less affected by near-surface resistivity variations compared
Low Land Alluvium with dipole-dipole arrangement, which distorts the signal.
River Bed Deposits grey sand Since the subsurface structure is not too complex, the
and silty sand, medium to fine variable
grained and unconsolidated
unprocessed images acquired using this array are relatively
simple in form and closely related spatially to the bodies
- - - - - - Local unconformity - - - - -
giving rise to them, i.e., this array is a satisfactory
Natural Levee and Interstream
deposits Fine sand, sandy silt,
configuration for imaging purposes. This array also has
Alluvium silt and clayey silt, grey, massive better vertical resolution in comparison to other arrays.
Dupi Tila well as coarse grained sands with 120 homogeneous ground. This plotting depth scales the vertical
intraformational clay beds and variations in measured apparent resistivity to approximate
contains large silicified wood
the actual resistivity changes with depth. The data can then
fragments and occasional gravels
at depth be contoured to produce an apparent resistivity depth section
or pseudosection considered as a smooth image from which
- - - - - - - - Base not seen - - - - - - - -
useful information can be obtained by visual inspection.
Fig.3. The measurement sequence used for preparing a pseudosection. Unit electrode spacing a = 1 m. C and P are current and potential
electrodes, respectively.
Fig.4. The results of electrical imaging at the study site. (a) Pseudosection of measured apparent resistivity. (b) Pseudosection of
calculated apparent resistivity. (c) Inverted model.
technique has proved to be markedly affective in eliminating underlying higher resistivity material is evident on this
electrode geometry effects so that the final processed image pseudosection. The processed image (Fig. 4c) provides a
provides a good representation of the subsurface geology. model of true bulk resistivity with a true depth scale from
The inversion approaches are explained in detail in the which the computed pseudosection of Fig. 4b is obtained.
Res2Dinv manual and the papers (Loke and Barker, 1995, As seen on the observed pseudosection, significant
1996). The apparent resistivity values measured first have heterogeneity is also evident on the true image (Fig. 4c).
been typed into a text file. The data are arranged in an ASCII This may be related with variation in lithology and in
delimited manner where blank space is used to separate moisture content. The electrical image (Fig. 4c) reveals
different numerical data items. The program requires the three very low resistivity patches (2-6 Ωm) at 2, 6 and
data to be arranged in a certain format. The l2 – norm 11.5 m distance along the line and a high resistivity patch
inversion method recommended for the case of a gradual (≈ 45 Ωm) at its right from 15-22 m distance.
change of subsurface resistivity has been used in this In order to investigate the subsurface model, the image
analysis. The results of electric imaging at the study site line was calibrated by bore hole data of BH-01 and BH-02
are presented in Fig. 4. The image line is 24 m long and which are separated from each other by 5.8 m. The BH-01
oriented from W to E. and BH-02 were 2 m and 2.5 m deep, respectively, and
The pseudosection of measured apparent resistivity samples were collected at 25 cm intervals.
(Fig. 4a) reveals that the resistivity changes both horizontally The basic geotechnical properties of the collected
and vertically in a complicated way, although a general samples were measured using Standard methods, e.g.
increase in resistivity with depth is apparent. A very irregular American Society of Testing Material (ASTM, 1974). The
topography between the top heterogeneous ground and the grain size distributions were measured in the Soil Research
Development Institute (SRDI), Dhaka, Bangladesh and the bottle and dry soil, M3 = Mass of density bottle, soil and
other properties like moisture content (Wn), liquid limit water, and M4 = Mass of density bottle when full of water.
(WL), plastic limit (WP), plasticity index (WPI), specific The liquid limit of different samples was determined
gravity(J) were measured in the Engineering Geology using Cassagrande apparatus where the plastic limit was
Laboratory, Department of Geological Sciences, Jahangir- determined by the rolling thread method. The plastic limit
nagar University. is the lowest water content at which the soil remains in a
Natural moisture content has been calculated using the plastic state. The plastic limit depends on the amount and
following formula: type of clay present in the soil. The plasticity index is the
difference between the liquid limit and plastic limit. It is the
M1 — M3 range of moisture content in which a soil is plastic. When a
Wr = x 100
M3 — M1 plastic limit is equal or greater than the liquid limit, the
plasticity index is recorded as zero. The plasticity index
Where M1 = Mass of container, M2 = Mass of container was determined using the following formula:
and wet soil, and M3 = Mass of container and dry soil.
The specific gravity of the samples was determined by
the density bottle (Pycnometer) using following equation: Where WPI = Plasticity index, WL = Liquid limit, and
WP = Plastic limit.
(M2 — M1) The geotechnical properties of the collected samples
γ =
(M4 — M1) (M1 — M2) measured and generalized soil profiles of BH-01 and BH-
02 are shown in Figs.5 and 6, respectively. The soil
Where M1 = Mass of density bottle, M2 = Mass of density parameters presented in Figs. 5 and 6 include unit weight
(J), grain size (%), natural water content (W n), liquid limit graphical representation of Wn, WP, WPI and WL (Fig. 6)
(WL), plastic limit (WP), and plasticity index (WPI). shows that the values gradually decrease from top to bottom.
The top and bottom zones of BH-01 are more sandy In both cases of BH-01 and BH-02, the unit weight appears
than the middle one, which has got increased clay and silt to decrease with a decrease in moisture content.
percentage (Fig. 5). The natural water content of the middle The near sub-surface soils in the study area are well
zone is, accordingly, higher than the top and bottom ones. mapped by electrical imaging survey. Although, a small unit
This might cause the decrease in resistivity to about 6 :m. electrode spacing used in imaging resulted in a better
The WP is higher in the top zone and slightly increases resolution, the depth of investigation became small. The later
towards the bottom. The WPI and WL are higher for the amounted to about 3 m, i.e., three-eighths of the maximum
anomalous zone in comparison to those of zones above and possible measurement separation.
below it. The electrical resistivity parameter of Madhupur clay
Borehole BH-02 is characterized by a remarkable was correlated with some other geotechnical parameters such
increase in sand content with depth as well as a as water content, plasticity index, unit weight and depth of
corresponding decrease in moisture content (Fig. 6). This sample collection (Fig. 7). Among these parameters, water
appears to be consistent with an anomalously high resistivity content and sample depth appear to be correlated with
(>40 :m) in the inverse model section (Fig. 4c). The electrical resistivity.
a b
BH-01 BH-02 BH -01 BH -02
100 100
10 10
Resi sti vi ty
1 1
0. 1
10 100 1000 1 10 100
Water content, Wn (%) Pl asti ci ty, W PL (%)
c d
BH-01 BH-02 BH-01 BH-02
100 100
10 10
1 1
0.1 0.1
0.1 1 10 10 100 1000
weight (gm/cm3)
(gm/cm3) Depth (cm)
Fig.7. Approximate relationship between the electric resistivity and other geotechnical parameters for Madhupur Clays, i.e. (a) water
content, (b) platicity, (c) unit weight and (d) depth of sampling.
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