Final Ayush
Final Ayush
Final Ayush
_______________ _______________
Teacher in Charge External Examiner
I would like to extend my sincere ad heartfelt
obligation towards all those who have helped me
in making this project .Without their active-
guidance, help, co-operation and encouragement, I
would not have been able to make this project on
Topic Page
1)Biotechnology – Introduction 1
3)Application in Medicine 3
5) Biotechnology Regulations 8
6)Conclusions 10
7)Bibliography 11
Application in
The recombinant DNA technological processes have made
immense impact in the area of healthcare by enabling mass
production of safe and more effective therapeutic drugs. Further,
the recombinant therapeutics do not induce unwanted
immunological responses as is common in case of similar
products isolated from non-human sources. At present, about 30
recombinant therapeutics have been approved for human-use
the world over.
Fig:-Steps for making Genetically Engineered
Insulin, synthesized by the β(beta) cells of the Islets of
Langerhans in the pancreas, controls the level of glucose in the
blood. An insulin deficiency manifests itself as diabetes mellitus.
Insulin hormone used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus was
earlier extracted from pancreas of slaughtered pigs and cattle.
The animal insulin was found to produce some immunological
response or allergy in certain diabetic patients. The first insulin
was obtained from genetically engineered E.Coli in 1983 by an
American company Eli Lily. It was named humulin. DNA
sequences for chains A and B .These chains were joined through
disulphide bonds to form human insulin and removing a C-
peptide segment.
If a person is born with a hereditary disease, can a corrective
therapy be taken for such a disease? Gene therapy is an attempt
to do this. Gene therapy is a collection of methods that allows
correction of a gene defect that has been diagnosed in a
child/embryo. Here genes are inserted into a person’s cells and
tissues to treat a disease. Correction of a genetic defect involves
delivery of a normal gene into the individual or embryo to take
over the function of and compensate for the non-functional gene.
Fig:-Steps for Gene Therapy
Gene Therapy for ADA Disease:-
The first successful attempt of gene therapy was carried out in
1990 in a 4-years old suffering from adenosine deaminase
deficiency (ADA). ADA cases Severe Combined Immuno
Deficiency (SCID) Disease. It is a rare genetic disorder of immune
system.The disease is fatal if not treated regularly.
Fig:-ELISA Technique
Molecular Diagnosis:-
Molecular diagnosis helps in the early detection of a disease or
predisposition for a disease. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
,Recombinant DNA Technologies(RDT) and Enzyme Linked
Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) are the techniques for early
(i) Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
• Biotechnology has improved medical treatments,drugs and
diagnosis significantly human health
• Biotechnology helps in managing waste.
• Biotechnology also helps in lowering the rate of infection in
a population.
• Biotechnology results in crop yields with minimum pesticide
usage and high nutritional quality .
• Biotechnology also servesindustrial benefits such as goats
that produce spider silk for materials production.
• Use of animals in biotechnology causes great suffering to
• Introduction of a transgene from one species violates the
‘integrity of species’.
• Biotechnology is disrespectful to living beings and only
exploits them for the benefit of human beings.
• Biotechnology may pose unforeseen risks to the
environment including risk to biodiversity.
Bioethics are a set of moral principles and standards to
regulate human perception as to exploitation of living
organisms for human interest. It includes rules of conduct
to be used to regulate human and biotechnological activities
in relation to biological world. The manipulation of living
organisms cannot go uncontrolled. Some ethical standards
are needed to evaluate the morality of all biotechnological
activities. Some of them are discussed below:-
1. Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) has emphasized
the need to balance the risk and benefits of modern
biotechnological products.
2.The United Nations Environment Programme(UNEP) and
Global Environment Facility(GEF) have developed a
biosafety project.
3.In India, a three tier mechanism of Institutional Biosafety
Committees (IBC) has been set up. These are:-
(i)The Review Committee on Genetic Manipulation.
(ii)The Genetic Engineering Approval Committee
(iii)The State Level Coordination Committee
These committees make decisions and coordinate research
regarding the validity of GM research and safety of
introducing GM organisms for public services . The Indian
Parliament has recently cleared the second amendment of
the Indian Patent Bill that takes such issues into