Galvanic Corrosion of Aluminium-Copper Model Alloys
Galvanic Corrosion of Aluminium-Copper Model Alloys
Galvanic Corrosion of Aluminium-Copper Model Alloys
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To cite this version : Idrac, Jonathan and Mankowski, Georges and Thompson,
George and Skeldon, Peter and Kihn, Yolande and Blanc, Christine ( 2007)
Galvanic corrosion of aluminium–copper model alloys. Electrochimica Acta, vol.
52 (n° 27). pp. 7626-7633. ISSN 0013-4686
Galvanic coupling between different ␣ and phase-containing model Al–Cu alloys, deposited by magnetron sputtering, has revealed that the
anodic ␣ phase did not suffer corrosion and remained in the passive state in sulphate solution. Conversely, sulphate ions induced pitting of the cathodic
phase. Pitting susceptibility of the cathode increased when the difference between the copper content of the anode and cathode increased. Similar
observations were made for all the galvanic couples; further, the higher the copper content of a phase, then the greater its susceptibility to pitting.
2. Experimental
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +33 5 62 88 57 08; fax: +33 5 62 88 56 63.
E-mail address: (C. Blanc). Binary Al–Cu alloys, containing 0.2–100 at.% Cu, were
1 ISE member. deposited using an Atom Tech Ltd magnetron sputtering sys-
tem, using separate high purity aluminium (99.999%) and Table 1
copper (99.99%) targets. The alloys were deposited on sub- Theoretical and measured volume proportions of the different metallurgical
phases present in (␣ + ) and ( + 2 )-containing Al–Cu alloys
strates consisting of electropolished 99.99% aluminium foils.
The deposition chamber was first evacuated to 4 × 10−7 mbar, Alloy vol.%a % of diffraction patterns
with sputtering then carried out at 5 × 10−3 mbar in 99.998% ␣-Al 2 ␣-Al 2
argon at 300 K. The deposition rate was about 9 nm min−1 and
Al–0.2Cu 99.5 0.5 –
the total alloy layer thickness was in the approximate range of A1–1.8Cu 95.1 4.9 –
400–500 nm. Al–2.5Cu 93.2 6.8 –
Suitable electron transparent sections, prepared by ultra- Al–3Cu 91.8 8.2 –
microtomy, of freshly deposited alloys were examined by Al–7Cu 80.6 19.4 –
transmission electron microscopy (TEM) using a Tecnai Al–22Cu 35.7 64.3 – 30 70
Al–33Cu – 100 – 95 5
F30 G2 microscope, operating at an accelerating voltage of Al–35Cu – 87 13 90 10
300 kV. Al–42Cu – 44 56 50 50
Galvanic coupling tests consisted of recording the cur- a Calculated from the equilibrium phase diagram.
rent flow with time resulting from coupling of two
aluminium–copper alloys of different copper contents. The tests
were performed in 0.1 M Na2 SO4 solution at room temperature tion of the different metallurgical phases was approximately
for 2 h, using similar exposed surface areas for the two electrodes verified for four Al–Cu model alloys by examining at least
(2 cm2 ). 20 diffraction patterns from different locations on the spec-
The different alloys are termed “Al–xCu”, where x is the imen and by calculating the proportion of each phase. This
atomic percentage of copper. The galvanic couples are named proportion is representative of the volume percentage of the
as y/z where y and z are the atomic percentages of copper in the phases and is compared in Table 1 with the volume proportion
anode and cathode, respectively. determined from the equilibrium phase diagram using densi-
ties of 2.70, 4.33 and 4.46 for ␣-Al, -Al2 Cu and 2 -AlCu,
3. Results and discussion respectively. Good agreement is evident between the calculated
proportions and the proportions estimated from the diffraction
Fig. 1 shows a transmission electron micrograph of the patterns. Thus, the structure of the alloys deposited by mag-
Al–1.8 at.% Cu alloy. The deposited alloy has a relatively uni- netron sputtering is in good agreement with the equilibrium
form thickness, about 400 nm, and adheres to the substrate. The phase diagram.
alloy is also uniform in composition and has a nano-crystalline Fig. 2 shows the influence of the copper content on the
structure. Other than for the layer thickness which was depen- open circuit potential (OCP) of the Al–Cu alloys obtained
dent on the copper content, although all the alloys were deposited after immersion for 1 h in sulphate solution. A significant and
for a similar time (50 min.), similar features were evident for all rapid increase of the OCP with increase of copper content was
the alloys. Concerning the effect of copper, the layer thickness observed in the 0–7 at.% Cu range, followed by a slower increase
increased slightly, from 400 to 500 nm, with increase of copper with increase of copper content from 7 to 33 at.% Cu; at 33 at.%
content from 0 to 50% and then more rapidly for higher cop- copper, only the phase is present in the alloy. For copper
per contents, reaching 900 nm for pure copper. This is explained contents in the 33–100 at.% Cu range, a fast increase of OCP
by the increased sputtering rate of copper compared with alu- over a narrow copper content range was followed by a slow
minium. increase of the OCP to that of pure copper. The variation of
According to the equilibrium phase diagram, different phases
can be present in Al–Cu alloys, namely (with increasing copper
content): ␣-Al, -Al2 Cu, 2 -AlCu, 2 -Al9 Cu12 , ␦, ␥2 -Al4 Cu9 ,
␣2 , ␣-Cu. In the selected samples, with copper contents in the
0–42 at.% Cu range (corresponding to the samples listed in
Table 1), only ␣, and 2 phases were detected. Monophased
or biphased (␣ + or + 2 ) alloys were evident. The propor-
Fig. 1. Transmission electron micrograph of the Al–1.8 at.% Cu alloy deposited Fig. 2. Influence of the copper content on the open circuit potential (OCP) of
by magnetron sputtering. Al–Cu alloys after immersion of 1 h in 0.1 M Na2 SO4 solution.
Fig. 3. Potentiodynamic polarization curves of different Al–Cu alloys in 0.1 M
Na2 SO4 solution (potential scan rate: 1 V/h). The number on each curve repre-
sents the atomic percentage of copper in the alloy.
The current density i0c () is a constant and the passive current
can also be considered to be constant since it is similar for all the
(␣ + )-containing alloys. Consequently, the corrosion potential
is dependent only on the proportion of the phase according to
the relation: Fig. 5. Variation of galvanic coupling current with time for the 3/33 couple in
0.1 M Na2 SO4 solution.
Ecorr = k − bc log[S ] (6)
it appears that for couples with an anode containing a high cop-
Finally, since the proportion of the phase varies with the atomic
per content (3–22 at.%) the curves have a similar shape to that
percentage of copper according to the approximate relation:
for couples with an anode of low copper content (0.2–2.5 at.%),
S = 3 at.% Cu (7) other than for the presence of a small peak in current which
is superimposed on the curve. This peak appeared at earlier
The corrosion potential varies logarithmically with the atomic immersion times when the copper content of the anode was
percentage of copper: increased.
In all the galvanic couples, both ␣ and phases are present in
Ecorr = k − bc log[3 at.% Cu] (8) the anode and cathode. It can be assumed that the ␣ phase reveals
Fig. 2 shows that the OCP varies according to such an expres- anodic behaviour both at the anode and cathode with similar
sion between 0 and 33 at.% Cu. anodic current densities, ia . Further, the phases in the anode and
Calculations were performed to determine the values of the cathode have cathodic behaviour (oxygen reduction) of similar
parameters of Eq. (8), leading to the best fit with the experimental cathodic current densities, ic . The surface areas of the ␣ phase
data. A value of −240 mV was obtained for the Tafel slope, and phase in both electrodes can be deduced from the volume
which is a plausible value for the oxygen reduction reaction on proportions given in Table 1. Using the notation indicated in
the phase. Fig. 7, the galvanic coupling current measured during the tests,
For ( + 2 )-containing alloys (between 33 and 50 at.% Cu), Imeas , is equal to (Ic2 −Ia2 ) or (Ia1 −Ic1 ). Then, the anodic current
a logarithmic variation of the OCP with the copper content was density ia equals:
also observed (Fig. 2). A similar explanation is also valid for
Sc1 + Sc2
these alloys since the kinetics of oxygen reduction on the 2 ia = Imeas (9)
Sa1 Sc2 − Sa2 Sc1
phase are much higher than on the phase (Fig. 4(b) and (c)).
In this case, the best fit between the experimental data and the The anodic current density, ia , is thus proportional to the mea-
model was obtained with a value of −95 mV for the Tafel slope sured galvanic coupling current. The proportionality factor
for the oxygen reduction reaction on 2 phase. depends on the volume fractions of the ␣ and phases in the
For (2 + 2 ) or (2 + ␦)-containing alloys, the previously anode and cathode. Fig. 8 shows the variation of anodic current
established behaviour was not observed since the OCP increased density with time for different couples. The greater the copper
slightly between 50 and 100 at.% Cu. This observation results content of the anode, i.e. the greater the proportion of the phase,
from the similar rate of oxygen reduction on the highest Cu- the faster the initial increase of the anodic current and the higher
containing phases (2 , 2 , ␦, ␥2 ,. . .) (Fig. 3).
the galvanic coupling tests has then the same value for all the
couples and equals 1.5 A cm−2 . This value is close to that of
the oxygen reduction plateau observed on the potentiodynamic
polarization curve of the Al–33 at.% Cu alloy (containing only
the phase) in a similar solution.
For the galvanic coupling tests, the specimens were not
treated after magnetron sputtering. Thus, an air-formed oxide
film is present at the surface of the alloys. When the couple
was immersed in sulphate solution, this film provided a good
protection since the coupling current was initially zero. The
current then increased showing that the film grown on the ␣
phase was not stable in sulphate solution. Dissolution at air-
formed film/electrolyte interface occurred followed by oxide
Fig. 8. Variation of anodic current density, ia , with time for galvanic couples of
Al–Cu alloys with copper content from 0.2 to 33 at.% Cu. film growth at the alloy/film interface. There was transformation
of the air-formed film to a passive film, which was more stable
due to the inhibitive effect of sulphate ions towards the ␣ phase.
the value imax
a of the maximum of ia (independent of the small
This phenomenon can be partially explained by the galvanic
coupling between ␣ and phases. The kinetics of the oxidation
Fig. 9 shows that the maximum current density, imax a , is pro- reaction increased when the /␣ ratio increased. The increase
portional to Sc /Sa , where Sc = Sc1 + Sc2 and Sa = Sa1 + Sa2 . Since
of ia was accompanied by an increase of ic . However, when ic
ia = ic (Sc /Sa ), then the slope of the regression line corresponds
reached the plateau value of 1.5 A cm−2 , i.e. the limiting dif-
to the cathodic current density ic . The cathodic current density
fusion current for the cathodic reduction on phase, the kinetics
corresponding to the maximum of the current measured during
of oxidation were at a maximum. For increased times, the trans-
formation of air-formed film to passive film led to an improved
protection, shown by the decrease of the current. The current val-
ues measured after immersion for 2 h are slightly lower than that
observed for the passivity plateau on the potentiodynamic polar-
ization curves of the individual model alloys. This showed that
galvanic coupling led to an increase of the protective properties
of the passive film formed on the ␣ phase.
Thus, for Al–Cu alloys in sulphate solution, the galvanic cou-
pling between the ␣ phase and the phase is not found to be
detrimental for the anodic ␣ phase which remains in the passive
state. The measured coupling current results from the transfor-
mation of the oxide film formed in air into an oxide film in
sulphate solution. Fig. 10(a) confirms that the anode of a 1.8/21
couple is not attacked. Conversely, Fig. 10(b) and (c) reveals
pits on the cathode. The pits are small holes at the centre of a
a ) with the to ␣
Fig. 9. Variation of the maximum anodic current density (imax
surface area ratio. large halo (30 m in diameter in Fig. 10(c)) resulting probably
Fig. 11. Variation of galvanic coupling current with time for couples of Al–Cu
alloys with high copper content.
ode. The pits cannot propagate in depth more than 400 nm since
they are stopped when they reach the substrate due to passiva-
tion of pure aluminium in sulphate solutions. They cannot also
propagate laterally because of the columnar structure of grains
(Fig. 1). In these conditions, the anodic current generated by pit-
ting is very low and has negligible influence on the net measured
These results are in good correlation with those observed in
commercial alloys for which copper-rich particles (Al2 Cu, i.e.
phase or Al2 CuMg, i.e. S phase) are known to be preferen-
tial sites for pitting and can also be helpful to understand the
corrosion behaviour of coated alloys [15].
Fig. 11 shows the galvanic coupling current with time for cou-
ples of Al–Cu alloys with high copper contents. Curves similar
to those for low copper content alloys were observed, although
the maximum current is obtained at reduced times for all the
couples. The measured currents are low and, after 2 h of cou-
pling, their values are once more in the passive range. For high
copper content alloys, the galvanic coupling does not promote
corrosion of the more anodic phases.
Fig. 10. Optical micrographs of the surface of (a) the Al–1.8Cu alloy and (b and Calculations were performed for the 22/42 couple to under-
c) the Al–22Cu alloy after galvanic coupling for 2 h in 0.1 M Na2 SO4 solution. stand further the corrosion behaviour of the phase. For this
couple, the anode (Al–22Cu alloy) is composed of 35.7 vol.% ␣
of some corrosion products. Sulphate ions are known as aggres- and 64.3 vol.% , while the cathode (Al–42Cu alloy) is com-
sive species (more than chloride ions) towards copper and copper posed of 56 vol.% 2 and 44 vol.% . For this couple, it is
alloys and induce such pits on these materials [9,10]. The pits assumed that the ␣ phase reveals anodic behaviour while 2
formed on the Cu-rich phase of the Al–21Cu sample, and were has cathodic behaviour. For phase, it is more difficult to select
absent on the Al–1.8Cu alloy because of the very low propor- between anodic or cathodic behaviour.
tion of the phase. Further pits were more numerous when the For a first hypothesis, it is assumed that the phase reveals
Al–33Cu alloy was coupled to an anode of lower copper con- anodic behaviour on both the anode and the cathode. Then, the
tent. Similarly, pits were more numerous on the Al–33Cu alloy following relations can be considered, taking into account the
than on the Al–22Cu alloy coupled to the same anode. These notations given in Fig. 12(a):
observations result from the pitting sites being more numerous Imeas = Ic (2 ) − Ia2 () = Ia (␣) + Ia1 ()
on the cathode when the difference in copper contents between
the anode and the cathode is more significant. Here, the Cu-rich
phase is more susceptible to pitting when present at the cath- Imeas = S2 ic (2 ) − S2 ia () = S␣ ia (␣) + S1 ia ()
Fig. 12. Schematic representation of the electrochemical reactions occurring on a galvanic couple composed of a (␣ + )-containing alloy and a ( + 2 )-containing
alloy (a) in the case of anodic behaviour of the phase and (b) in the case of cathodic behaviour of the phase.
For the maximum current measured for the couple 22/42, i.e. of the couple must be higher than −0.2 V/SCE. In this potential
10 A (Fig. 11), and for a given value of ic (2 ), it is possi- range, the behaviour of the phase is predominantly anodic and
ble to calculate the value of the anodic current densities on the then in opposition to the hypothesis.
␣ and phases, i.e. ia (␣) and ia (). Fig. 4(c) shows that the As a conclusion, it appears that in galvanic couple containing
maximum value of ic (2 ), i.e. the diffusion plateau value of the the three phases ␣, and 2 , only the 2 phase has cathodic
current density for the oxygen reduction on the 2 phase was behaviour and the potential of the couple is close to the potential
about 200 A cm−2 . Using this value for ic (2 ), calculation led of the 2 phase. This is in agreement with Fig. 2 showing that
to values of 243 A cm−2 and −424 A cm−2 for respectively when two phases are in presence, the potential of the couple is
ia () and ia (␣). A negative value for ia (␣) signifies that the ␣ close to the potential of the Cu-richer phase. This is also true
phase should have a cathodic behaviour which is opposite to the when three phases are coupled.
hypothesis. Further calculations showed that positive values can For the alloys with a very high copper content, there were
be obtained simultaneously for ia () and ia (␣) only if the value of not significant differences between the OCP values (Fig. 2), and
ic (2 ) is in a narrow range (between 0.9 and 1.5 × 10−5 A cm−2 ). this led to very low galvanic currents during coupling of such
In this case, the corresponding ranges for ia () and ia (␣) are alloys.
7.7–0.09 mA cm−2 and 0.09–13.8 mA cm−2 , respectively. All Fig. 13 shows optical micrographs of the anode and cath-
these current ranges are compatible with a potential of the gal- ode of a 33/42 couple. Similar observations to those for couples
vanic couple close to the corrosion potential of the Al–42Cu of low copper content can be made: the Al–33Cu anode shows
alloy. only a few pits, whereas the Al–42Cu cathode is highly pit-
The second hypothesis assumed that the phase reveals ted. Even if the Al–33Cu alloy is composed exclusively of
cathodic behaviour on both the anode and the cathode. Then, the susceptible phase, the pits are less numerous than in
the following relations can be considered, taking into account the case where this alloy is coupled to a low copper content
the notations given in Fig. 12(b): alloy. The Al–42Cu alloy is composed of 56 vol.% 2 and
44 vol.% . The surface of the 33/42 couple is then composed
Imeas = Ic2 () + Ic (2 ) = Ia (␣) − Ic1 () of about 3/4 of and 1/4 of 2 . The 2 phase appears to be
much more susceptible to pitting than the phase. This shows
Imeas = S2 ic () + S2 ic (2 ) = S␣ ia (␣) − S1 ic () that the pitting susceptibility of the different phases in sul-
phate solutions greatly increases with copper content. Pitting
If Imeas is equal to 10 A, then ic (2 ) cannot be higher than of copper-rich phases led to the protection of phases containing
Imeas /S , i.e. 11.4 A cm−2 . According to Fig. 4, the potential less copper. This can be related to the behaviour of commer-
cial alloys [6]. In a first step, pits form on or S phases while
the matrix (␣ phase) remains passive. Pitting of the phase
leads to the generation of copper species that can then form
deposits of pure copper on the intermetallics and on the sur-
rounding matrix. In a second step, pits form on the copper
deposits due to galvanic coupling between pure copper and
both ␣ and phases: the phase stops dissolving while copper
deposits on the matrix are corroded. Since the copper deposits
correspond to thin films of copper on the matrix, pits rapidly
cease to propagate; the matrix is exposed again to the elec-
trolyte, but repassivates due to the inhibitive effect of sulphate
ions towards the matrix. Thus, only micropits were observed
on the copper deposits [3]. Then, the phase acts alternatively
as an anode and as a cathode since it is alternatively cou-
pled with the matrix (␣ phase) and with pure copper (copper
4. Conclusions
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Fig. 13. Optical micrographs of the surface of (a and b) the Al–33Cu alloy and
(c and d) the Al–42Cu alloy after galvanic coupling for 2 h in 0.1 M Na2 SO4