Determinants of India's Foreign Policy
Determinants of India's Foreign Policy
Determinants of India's Foreign Policy
Factors Shaping
India's Foreign Policy
We have explained in Chapter I that geography, history, traditions, culture,
economic development, military strength and international environment are
important determinants of the foreign policy. These factors have played
important role in the formulation of India's foreign policy also. India has the
heritage of an ancient civilization and culture. The foreign policy that India
formulated after independence reflected our culture and political tradition. Our
foreign policy makers had before them the teachings of Kautilya, the realist,
who had recognized war as an important instrument of power and foreign
policy. They were also impressed by the Buddhist traditions of Ashoka, the
Great, who advocated peace, freedom and equality. Nehru opted for Ashoka's
tradition and incorporated even in the Directive Principles of State Policy, the
ideals of international peace, and pacific settlement of international disputes.
India's foreign policy is determined largely in accordance with the ideals of our
freedom struggle, Gandhian philosophy and the fundamental principle of Indian
tradition of Vasudhaiva Kutumbkam (the world as one family). The personality
of Nehru has had a direct impact. The domestic milieu reflecting communal,
caste, regional and linguistic differences continues to dominate the policy
making in the foreign office in South Block. Our neighbouring country is
constantly working to destabilize India. We have a large common frontier with
China with whom the long standing border dispute still exists. Cold War politics
was also an important determinant of India's policy.
India achieved independence on August 15, 1947. That immediately
necessitated foreign policy making by this country. India became a member of
international community comprising sovereign countries. India's independence
initiated the process of decolonization, and India decided to support all anti-
14 Forign Polhy of lai
colonial. anti-imperialist struggles. Yet, India's foreign policy
liey islargely
on her history and culture.
largely based
Speaking in the Lok Sabha, Prime Minister No
had said in March 1950: "It should not be supposed that we are
clean slate. It is a policy which flowed from our recent history, and on a
national movement and its development and from various ideals
We our
poclaimed." Even before the attainment of independence, India
was a
some voice in world affairs. This was done
(a) by the Brtish Governmeniven
behalf of India and (b) by the Indian National Congress by way of resolutionon
of resolution
adopted from time to time. The India Ofice in London spoke for
international developments. Indiaa on
Although a dependency of Britain, India was invited to become a Memhe.
of the
League of Nations. The views of India were, of course, not ber
Indian public reflective of
opinion. The Secretary of State for India (a member of
cabinet) decided the position to be taken by India. Later, India was British
at the San
Francisco Conference in 1945. and having signed the UN represented
became original member of the United
Indian National
Congress in 1892 criticized the Govemment for increasine
military expenditure for imperialist objectives. The
position on the Khilafat issue soon after the Congress took an anti-British
Congress evolved its foreign policy approach First World War. During 1920-27
thus: Indians would
freedom struggles of other
dependent peoples; India would cooperate support
with all
peace loving countries: India would racial discrimination and
India would oppose colonialism and oppose apartheid:
would oppose imperialist wars, and imperialism all over the world; and
would work for world peace. An
foreign affairs department was set up by the Congress under the independent
Jawaharlal Nehru. He led it Nehru represented the leadership
throughout. Congress at the
Conference (1927) against imperialism. He later visited the
Union also. The Congress Soviet
leadership opposed Japan for its aggression
Manchuria province of China. The against
Nazism. In 1936, a resolution Congress openly opposed Fascism and
with Abyssinia which had been attacked
by the Congress
expressed solidarity
and later conquered
Germany was criticized by the Congress in 1938 by Italy. Similarly,
Czechoslovakia. The Munich Agreement (1938) when she dismembered
that sealed the fate of
Czechoslovakia was condemned by the Congress.
representative of Indian nationalism had expressed theThus, the Congress as a
feelings of Indian
problems even before independence. people
on various international
independence the Congress in its 1948 session resolved that India's After
policy would be aimed at friendship with all the countries, and it wouldforeign
away from military alliances in the context keep
of the Cold War. Thus, the foreign
policy makers of India had clearly spelt out ideas and
them in their task. programmes that guided
Nehru and the Objectives of India's
Foreign Policy: Jawaharlal Nehru
was the Prime Minister and the Foreign Minister from 1947 till his déath in 1964.
Factors Shaping India's Foreign Policy 15
he foundations of India's foreign poliey were firmly laid by him. Like any
oregn policy maker, Nehru underlined India's national iterest as tne
asic guiding principle. But, even before he did that, Nehru, as head of the
loterim Government, had declared as carly
as September
objectives of India's foreign policy. In a broadcast 7, 1946
to the nation principal
he had saia:
we shalltake full part in international
conferences as a free nation with our
policy and not merely as a satellite of another nation. We hope to
develop close and direct contacts with other nations and to cooperate
with them in the
furtherance of world peace and freedom... We are
particularly interested in the emancipation of colonial and dependent
countries and peoples, and in the recognition in theory and practice of
equal oppotunities for all
In addition the objectives indicated in the
namely, an independent policy, above-mentioned speech,
promotion ofinternational peace, emancipation
colonial and dependent peoples, and promotion of racial equality, Nehru
had also emphasized in other
and the
speeches rapid economic development of India,
protection of legitimate interests of people of Indian origin living
aboard. Nehru's personality was a
major factor that shaped our foreign policy.
National Interest: India's national
interest was indeed the most important
governing principle of Nehru's foreign policy. He said in the Constituent
Assembly on December 4, 1947. "We may talk about peace and freedom and
earnestly mean what we say. But in the ultimate
analysis, agovernment functions
for the good of the country it governs and no government dare do anythjng
which in the shortorlongrun ismanitfested to thedisadvantage of the country."
But, Nehru was not arealist of Kautilya-Morganthau school (See below). He
was deeply impressedbyhis leader,Mahatma Gandhi who was an idealistand
insisted on application.ofmoral principlesin the conduct.ofallpolitics. Nehru,
therefore, did not find any incompatibility between India's national interest
and the legitimate interests of other nations. He believed that a nation's self-
interest may itself demand cooperation with other nations. He, therefore, told
the Constituent Assembly: "We propose to look after India's interests in the
context of world cooperation and world peace, insofar as world peace can be
and freedom struggle is clearly evident in the shaping ofIndia's foreign policy.
three-fold impact on
According to Appadorai, the British rule in India had a
India's foreign policy(Firstly,it gave a stimulus to the nationalmovement for
freedom which iaturn led to India's support for the freedom of dependent
peoples: secondly, facial inequality that existed during the British rule made
India realize the evils ofracial discrimination and, in turn, led to India's emphasis
on racial equality in her foreign policy; and thirdly, India voluntarily chose to
remain a member of the Commonwealth even afterbecoming a Republic. Nehru
secured change in the name of the Commonwealth and a re-definition of
relationship between Britain and other sovereign members of the
It is not intended to go into the ideals and achievements of India's national
movement in this work on foreign policy. Nevertheless, it will not be out of
Factors Shaping India's Foreign Policy
Place to recall that our freedom movement did not really begin with the
establishment of Indian National Congress. It is wrong to asSume na he
Ongress was set up to fight against the tyrannical rule of the British. To begin
n o t a protest movement. But, as the movement progressed from
Gokhale's moderate stand to Tilak and Lala Lajpatrai's active demand
rule and
reached its climax under Gandhi and Nehru, it turned out totorSC
be a
peaceful struggle for India's freedom based on the Mahatma's ideals of truth
and non-violence. Gandhi told Indian people not to hate the sinner but to hate
the sin. Most of the leaders
of freedom movement were educated in Britain
according to Western pattern of education. They valued liberty, equality andor
democracy. These ideals were valued by the foreign policy makers of lndia.
cooperating with liberal democratic countries, India did not oppose ne
sOcialist countries either. The
policy of non-alignment is not only an
of keeping aloof
from bloc politics, but also in accordance with the oufcome
ideals of freedom goals and
struggle cherished by our people.
Indian National
Congress, through its foreign policy department headed
by Nehru, had clearly opposed
had said in 1946: dictatorship and racial discrimination. Nehru
"Werepudiate utterly the Nazi doctrine of racialism wheresoever
and in whatever form it
may be practised."Therefore, he declared in 1949 1n the
Constituent Assembly, "One of the pillars of our
against racial discrimination" The idea of the above discussion policy
is to fight
the fact that traditional, values and is to underline
historical developments have had distinct
impact on India's foreign policy.
Economic and Military Factors: Most of
limited to Western countries, international trade of India was
of the Commonwealth countries
particularly Britain and the United States. Many
also hadintimate trade relations with India.
We depended on trade in food items
also on liberal democratic countries of the
west. It was natural for India to have
favourable and friendly foreign
towards these countries. But, even then policy
India did not join the Western bloc
during the Cold War. India did not even opt for
capitalist pattern of development.
Indja,on the other hand, decided to follow liberal
socialism. India adopted Soviet pattern of planneddemocracy
and evolutionary
not Soviet type of
government. India welcomed aid and development but
the blocs as well as the World assistance from both
Bank, but without entangling alliances with
one.Apeaceful world order was desired by India, because in that any
could India hope for its only situation
rapid development.
Foreign aid is required by a developing country like India
forms. Firstly, capital is in at least two
also needs
needed to rapidly modernize its economy, for which it"
improved machinery. Secondly, the
technical know-how. A survey of the
developing countries need
World War revealed those pace development after the Second
"countries which hada well- built
foundation and
22 Foreign Policy of India
supply of specialized training and skilled manpower, were the first to catch u.
and accomplish accelerated rates of growth." A developing country could up pe
from the developed countries a number of experts who would impart get
training for development. Transfer of technology to tne inird World
was cleverly avoided
by most of the developed countries. In view of thie
situation, India tried to formulate her foreign policy in such a way that is
foreign economic aid without strings, that we get loans at reasonable ratesget
interest, that technology transfer was easily made possible and that we of
economic assistance both from the West and the East. But, received
America and ha
allies were in a far better position to provide assistance than the er
East. This factor also played its role in countries of
shaping lIndia's foreign policy. Initially
non-aligned India was said to be tilted towards the West. Such
were obliquely made by Soviet media.
But, once India demonstrated
of its will, and strength
independence of decision making during Korean and
crises, the Eastern bloc began Suez
appreciating our
imminent war with Pakistan in 1971 when Indo-Soviet position. In fact, in view
Treaty of
Cooperation was concluded, the West became critical of our Friendship and
and alleged pro-Soviet policy of India. non-alignment
For sometime after
independence, India was
armed forces followed British tradition militarily a weak nation. Our
and strategy. India's
personnel were trained in Britain and our naval ships as well as senior defence
mostly manufactured in Britain. India's weapons were
dependent on the West, particularly Britain. But, after the needs made us
India-China border war, Indian 1962 debacle in
foreign and defence
policy could
complacent. We decided to be on our own in matters of not remain
the scope of market to defence. India broadéned
buy weapons. Our defence
meet any situation from
any quarter. Within a short
personnel were trained to
defence forces, using tanks and period of time, India's
the Pakistan attack in planes made in India, successfully
American and other
1965. While Pakistani
armed forces were
weapons obtained from the US as mostly using
showed that its officers, men and
well as
China, India
challenge. India did not seek any weapons had the capacity to meet any
non-alignment as we became
military alliances, and followed the
energy, gave it an self-sufticient. India's decision to policy of
world that she couldopportunity to conduct a nuclear test in develop nuclear
After keeping its
soon become a
nuclear power, if she 1971, and tell the
chose to
finally conducted five nuclear option open (1974-98) for severai do so.
nuclear tests inin 1998.
India to be a nuclear wea ycars, India
years, India
ld s Prime Minicto
any more tests. weapon state, and also
committed India Vajpayee declared
Vajpayee Government's bold not to conduct
community, but India had decision surprised the
countries, including USA exercised its
sovereign right. international
a nuclear was Condemnation
India, whether or notshort-lived and world powers came to by many
counties formally recognised India as a terms with
India's Foreign
Policy 23
Factors Shaping
deal with India,
in 2005 on civilian nuclear
Weapon state. Even after agreeing "state with advanced nuclear technoiogy.
US continued to describe India as a
is generally influenced
Tdeological Factor: Shaping of foreign policies Hitler
commitment of the concerned leadership. For example,
and 1acological
tne Mussolini formulated their foreign policies, during inter-war perioa,
nationalism and ant
accordance with their commonideology for aggressive Germany
socialism. The formation ofa bloc ofthree 'Fascist Powers', i.e., Italy,
and Japan, or Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis, was preceded by the signing of Antl
Comintern Pact. Similarly, involvement of Germany and Italy in the Spanish
Civil War (1936-39) on the side ofGeneral Franco was aimed defeating
On the other hand,
pro-Soviet (pro-Communist) regime of President Azana.
This again
Azana and his Communist Prime Minister received Soviet support.
was done on basis." Earlier, Comintern had encouraged
formation of popular fronts in France and Spain. In the Cold War period foreign
ot US Bloc countries formulated on anti-communism, Just as
Soviet Bloc states shaped their policies on anti-capitalist ideology.
Indiais no exception.However our leadership was never committedto
any extreme ideology. Nehru, the founder of
India's foreign policy,
was deeply
he was
impressed by liberal democratic ideology of the Western countries, yet
wanted to
also influenced by the Soviet Union's economic policies. Nehru
and the
incorporate a synthesis of the virtues of Western liberal democracy
Soviet socialism. He wanted to keep away from the evils of both. He, therefore,
decided not to blindly follow the principles of foreign policy of either of the
two. Nehru was deeply impressed by British LabourParty leaderand a professor
of Political Science HJ. Laski. Laski'sideology was asynthesis of ILiberalism
and Marxism. Nehru tried to follow Laski, and often gave indications of
contradictions. Indirectly, the policy.ofnon-alignmentwas alsoa result of the
synthesisof Liberalism and Marxism.
But, it may be an oversimplification to believe that India's policy was only
influenced by Nehru's ideology. It was also influenced by Indian philosophy
of humanism and universal brotherhood. It is this ideology which must get
credit for India's attempts at friendship with both the power blocs during the
Cold War days.
As mentioned earlier, Gandhiji's ideals oftruth and non-violence were also
sought to be incorporated by Nehru while shaping India's foreign policy.
Charisma of Jawaharlal Nehru: The foregoing discussion on factors
shaping India's foreign-poliey leads to the conclusion that, besides many
otherdeterminants,the personality of Nehru had a deep impact on ourforeign
policy. As the basic tenets of our foreign policy have generally remained
unchanged during the last sixty years, the charisma of Nehru is all the more
Significant. What is charisma? It is defined as "the aggregate of those special
gifts of mind and character which are the source of exceptional personal power,
24 Foreign Policyof ndia exe.
the allegiance
of, and
J a w a h a r l a l Nehru
Nehru was
and upon which depends the capacity was
of people.""
decisive authority large masses
over, the darling
naian masses and
was not only
eader of unusual stature who Foreign Allairs Departme
head of ment
but also
chosen heir of
Mahatma Gandhi,
of patriotism and
and of Gandhianideal.
He was
of Indian
National Congress. lism
and liberal democrgcy, in the twentie
intermationalism, ofsocialism wrote:Few
realismMichael Brecher Nehru. As the pre-emi ninent
and Churchill's stature of
attained the witn Roosevel and
have comparison
century he bears
lndia's era of
and guided
figure in who towered
abOve their colleagues
and Mao, men was said to have
Churchill, Lenin national crisis.Nehru
peoples through
a period of of the times. Nehru h
their lead the trend
and form and power for
foreseen, helped to shape integrily who wanted
charm. He was man of "Hlere isa
great courage and described him thus:
himself. Even Winston Churchill ot him much before
causeno for Gandhi had
and withoutfear"
man wjthout malice truthful beyond suspicion
he is '
independence: "He is as pure as crystal;
is safe in his hands."l6
The nation both on domestic policy and
left its impact
Jawaharlal Nehru's leadership and administration, he buil
while in internal policy
on foreign policy. But, the British rule, in
on an existing system
that had evolved during
essentially formulate its basic principles
the foundation and
foreign policy he had to lay service, formulated
states, created a foreign
He built up contacts with sovereign
the United Nations and the
relations with
evolved India's
toreign policy and
Commonwealth of Nations. Hecooperated with
thepeoples ofthecountries of
Asia and Africa who were stillunder colonial
was the shaping
of a foreign policy,
An outstanding contribution of Nehru
"national policy." Its
has grown into the
above party considerations, which
the parties and
basic outlines had the approval
and support of almost all
N.G. Ranga, the Swatantra Party leader,
indeed of thinking masses. In 1958, almost complete
fortunate position that there is
wrote: "India is today in a
over its foreign policy.
The Panchsheel
unity among all its political parties all." The basic principles
international affairs is accepted by
approach towards have been supported by the
anti-colonialism and non-alignment
of peace.
entire country.
in the Cold War context was
Non-alignment with power-blocs and within
international relations. Nehru originated it,
distinctive contribution to
His second contribution,
well over 100 states to this policy.
years attracted without
should carve out its own destiny
Panchsheel, meant that each country
of India's foreign
others. These and several other principles
intervening with in detail in the
Nehru era, will be analysed
policy, essentially evolved during
next chapter.
Factors Shaping India's Foreign Policy