FM - Applications Toulon - UTM
FM - Applications Toulon - UTM
FM - Applications Toulon - UTM
Financial Mathematics
François Lacroux
Application #1: simple interest
1.1 What will be the future value of 1000$ with an annual rate (simple interest) of 10% in 5 years?
1.2 What will be the interests of 2000$ with an annual rate (simple interest) of 10% in 10 years?
1.4 How long does it take to have 15,000$ from an initial deposit of 10,000$ (annual rate: 5%)
1.5 How long does it take to double your initial deposit with a 5% rate?
1.7 What must be the rate if I want to have 10,000$ in 5 years with an initial investment of 8,000$?
1.8 How much do I have to invest if I want to get 12,000$ in 3 years with an interest rate of 6.5%?
1.9 My current balance is 5,000$. How much more do I have to invest to get 10,000 in 5 years with a 8% interest
1.10 I want a future balance of 4,000$. My current balance is 1,000$. How much will I be able to with draw if I invest
2,000$ for 3 years with an interest rate of 7.5%?
1.11 I make a deposit of 6000$. What must be my interest rate if I want to withdraw 7,000$ in 3 years?
1.13 With an interest rate of 8%, how long do I have to keep my money saved to get if I want my balance to grow by
1.14 Is it more interesting to make a deposit of 10,000 for 5 years or 8000$ for 8 years?
1.15 When do the following investments become equivalent: deposit of 10,000$, interest rate: 5%; deposit
of 12,000$, interest rate: 3%
2.1 What will be the future value of 1000$ with an annual rate (compound interest) of 10% in 5 years?
2.2 What will be the interests of 2000$ with an annual rate (compound interest) of 10% in 10 years?
2.4 How long does it take to have 15,000$ from an initial deposit of 10,000$ (annual rate: 5%)
2.5 How long does it take to double your initial deposit with a 5% rate?
2.7 What must be the rate if I want to have 10,000$ in 5 years with an initial investment of 8,000$?
2.8 How much do I have to invest if I want to get 12,000$ in 3 years with an interest rate of 6.5%?
2.9 My current balance is 5,000$. How much more do I have to invest to get 10,000 in 5 years with a 8% interest
2.10 I want a future balance of 4,000$. My current balance is 1,000$. How much will I be able to with draw if I invest
2,000$ for 3 years with an interest rate of 7.5%?
2.11 I make a deposit of 6000$. What must be my interest rate if I want to withdraw 7,000$ in 3 years?
2.13 With an interest rate of 8%, how long do I have to keep my money saved to get if I want my balance to grow by
2.14 Is it more interesting to make a deposit of 10,000 for 5 years or 8000$ for 8 years?
2.15 When do the following investments become equivalent: deposit of 10,000$, interest rate: 5%; deposit
of 12,000$, interest rate: 3%
Cn = C0 *(1+r)^n
Cn = ... => interest = Cn-C0
2.3. đề bài không có tính theo cgi thì chọn simple 12%*0,25=0,03
Còn nếu tính theo equivalent => (1+12%)^(1/4) -1 = 0,0287
2.4. n = ln(Cn/C0) /ln(1+r) = 8,31 => 0,31*360=111,6 => 8 years and 111 days
2.14. giải phương trình tính future value cho interest rate là ẩn => tìm rate rồi chia case
=> r = 0,77 = 7,7%.
2.15. giải phương trình tính future value cho duration là ẩn => tìm duration rồi chia case
=> n = 9,48 => 0,48*360=172,8 => 9 years and 172 days.
Application #3: multiple flows
3.1 What will be my balance if I make a yearly deposit of 1,000$ during 15 years with an interest rate of 7.5%?
3.2 What must be my deposit today if I want to get a 2,000$ income every year during 8 years with an interest rate
of 9%?
3.3 What must be my discount rate if I want to pay 2,000$ instead of 2,200$ in 9 months instead of 18?
3.4 What must be my deposit today if I want to get a 5,000$ income every quarter during 10 years with an interest
rate of 6%?
3.5 How much will I get every year during 10 years if I make an initial deposit of 30,000$ with an annual interest rate
of 6.5%?
3.6 How much do I have to deposit every month during 30 years if I want to have 60,000$ at the end with an annual
interest rate of 5.5%?
3.7 My current balance is 5,000$. How much more do I have to invest every month to get 15,000 in 5 years with a 8%
interest rate?
3.8 I want a future balance of 4,000$. My current balance is 1,000$. How much will I be able to withdraw if I invest
200$ every month for 3 years with an interest rate of 7.5%?
3.9 I make an initial deposit of 6000$, and 300$ per quarter for 3 years. What must be my interest rate if I want to
withdraw 20,000$ in 3 years?
3.10 Do you prefer to make a deposit of 1,000$ for 2 years or a deposit of 1,200 for 18 months ?
3.11 How long does it take to get 30,000$ with an interest rate of 6% and a monthly deposit of 250$ (annuity due)
3.12 With an interest rate of 8%, and a monthly deposit of 1% of my initial capital, how long do I have to keep my
money saved to get if I want my balance to grow by 20%?
3.13 How long does it take to get 30,000$ if you deposit 200$ /month with an interest rate of 7%?
3.14 When is it more interesting to pay an annuity of 1,000$: with an interest rate of 5.5% and ten years or with an
interest rate of 8% and 8 years?
3.15 When is it longer to get 20,000$? With an annuity of 2,000$ and an interest rate of 5% or with an annuity of
1,900$ and an interest rate of 6% (annuity due for the 2nd, ordinary annuity for the 1st)
= 1000*( (((1+7,5%)^15)-1)/7,5%)=26118,3647
A là số tiền bỏ thêm vào sau khi đáo hạn 1 kì, Tìm Cn khi bài hỏi tổng số tiền nhận được sau 15 năm gửi tiền
nếu mỗi năm đều gửi thêm 1000
2000*((1-((1+9%)^(-8))/9%) =. 1069,63
Tìm C0 khi bài hỏi tìm số tiền ban đầu để có thể nhận được 2000 mỗi năm trong 8 năm
Phương trình discount rate cho 1 năm (ko nói full year, nói 18 months chỉ đơn giản là hạn nộp tiền nhưng vẫn
phải tính theo full year): 2000 = 2200 *(1-d*9/12) => d = 12,12%
Number payments per year: 4
N: 4*10=40
I/PV: 6 => real interest rate: tính theo propotional = 6/4=1,5
PV: ?
PMT: +5000
FV: 0
Number payments per year: 1
N: 10
I/PV: 6,5
PV: -30000
PMT: ? => 4173,14
Number payments per year: 12
N: 12*30=360
I/PV: 5,5
PV: 0
PMT: ? -65,67
FV +60000
Number payments per year: 12
N: 5*12=60
I/PV: 8
PV: -5000
PMT: ? -102.76
FV: +15000
Number payments per year: 4
N 3*4=12
I/PV: ? => 5.68
PV -6000
PMT -300
FV +20000 (hoặc đổi thành 11000 giống đề mới)
I1 = I2
1000*((1+r)^24 -1)/r) = 1200*((1+r)^18-1)/r) => không tính được rate
=> cần dùng table, hoặc excel
Nếu I/Y = 0 => CN1 = 24000; CN2 = 21600 số 1 hấp dẫn hơn
Sử dụng table đưa hai công thức CN1 và CN2 và so sánh => khoảng cách giữa hai giá trị càng ngày càng cao
khi interest tăng
Number payments per year: 12
N: ? => 93,86=> 7 years 10 months and ... days
I/PV: 6
PV 0
PMT -250
FV +30000
Beg/End: Beg
Number payments per year: 12
N ? 108, 8 months = 9,01 year
I/PV: 7
PV 0
PMT -200
FV 30000
Application #4: loans
4.1 Calculate the 4 first rows of a constant amortization loan with C=50,000$, I = 8%, duration: 10 years (monthly
4.2 Calculate the 4 first rows of an interest only loan with C=50,000$, I = 8%, duration: 10 years (monthly payments)
4.3 Calculate the 4 first rows of a constant annuity loan with C=50,000$, I = 8%, duration: 10 years (monthly
4.4 Recalculate the annuities of an ARM (C=50,000$, I = 8%, duration: 10 years; monthly payments) if the rate is
increasing by 10% in year 4 and 10% more in year 8?
4.5 Calculate the 4 first rows of a constant annuity loan with C=40,000$, I = 8%, duration: 10 years (monthly
payments), insurance fee (yearly): 300$, application fee: 500$
4.8 What will be my future annuity if a renegotiate a loan of 50,000$ (10 years, I= 7.5%, exit fee = 500$, constant
annuity) after 5 years with a rate of 5%?
4.9 With the same data than 4.8, how long do I still have to pay, if I want to keep the same annuity ?
4.10 What will be my annuity if I make a loan of 50,000$ (10 years, I= 7.5%, exit fee = 500$, constant annuity) if I
want to start paying only after 3 months?
4.11 Compare the costs of the loan of question 4.10 if you want to start paying at the beginning and 3 months later?
4.12 With the loan of question 4.3, what is the extra cost of a loan with an insurance fee (yearly): 500$, application
fee: 500$, and an exit fee of 1% of the remaining capital if I want to exit after 5 years?
4.13 What is the total cost of a loan of 100,000$, I=7%, duration : 12 years, insurance fee : 1% of the capital at the
beginning of the year (divided in 12 payments/year)?
(Chapter 5 required)
4.15 What is the EAPR of a loan of 100,000$, I=7%, duration : 12 years, insurance fee : 1% of the capital at the
beginning of the year (divided in 12 payments?
Application #5: ROI
Discounting rate : 4%
I0 $ -100 000,00 $ 10 000,00 $ 20 000,00 $ -5 000,00 $ 20 000,00 $ 20 000,00 $ 20 000,00 $ 20 000,00 $ 20 000,00
I1 $ -50 000,00 $ 15 000,00 $ 15 000,00 $ 18 000,00 $ 17 000,00
I2 $ -40 000,00 $ -20 000,00 $ -10 000,00 $ 20 000,00 $ 20 000,00 $ 20 000,00 $ 20 000,00 $ 20 000,00 $ 20 000,00
I3 $ -35 000,00 $ 5 000,00 $ 5 000,00 $ 5 000,00 $ 4 000,00 $ 6 000,00 $ 7 000,00 $ 5 000,00 $ 5 000,00