13 Skodock Hoses Mounting Instr GB

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Heinrich Nordhoff Ring 2

30 826 Garbsen SKODOCK

Instruction for use flexopneu hoses

To DGRL 97/23 property engineer practice, article 3 paragraph (3)
- products are without CE indications -

The using of metal hose lines is based on the indication and knowledge of dominant operating
conditions like pressure, installation situation and fluid.
On this basis the metal hose DGRL 97/23 EG is classified in the category “ Good practice of
engineers” .
This classification is a result of a low potential of risks concerning to the operating conditions in
opposite of the potential higher classifications in this categories I, II, III or IV for DGRL 97/23. The
dimensioning is based on the calculating instructions of the national AD 2000-regulator or of the
corresponding interpretation from DIN EN² 134458-part 3.
Such planned metal hose lines are controlled and checked in production process whereas a named
location is responsible for the controlling of the quality-management from DGRL 97/23 / AD 2000.
Following details have to be considered for the constructive configuration and the handling to reach
the planned product life of the delivered metal hose to working conditions.

1. Configuration and elements of metal hose lines

Metal hose lines are versatile applicable compression apparatuses, which are enable to pipe fluids
and at the same time absorb movements as a result of high flexible properties.
Due to these properties the using is widespread in industry, technique and household and as a result
the constructive variants are very extensive.
Basically the construction of corrugated metal hoses adjust to the guidelines of the international norm
EN ISO 4 10380.
The compression apparatus metal hose line is in its basic configuration always the same, so that the
fundament for the flexible, high elastic balancing of relative movements is granted and the using of
metal hoses as an all-purpose construction part.
The metal hose with parallel convolutions builds the basic element of the flexible (repeated folding)
behaviour of metal hose line.

Sketch 1 : Basic structure of flexopneu hose

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Heinrich Nordhoff Ring 2
30 826 Garbsen SKODOCK

Sketch 2 : Example installation situation as 180° - Elbow/ Designations

Reconciliation relative motions

At the endings the different connections like pipe ends or fittings to user specifications are welded,
brazed or completed as clambed joint.
Compared with flat pipes the metal hoses show higher flow resistances due to its
parallel convolutions.
Recommendations to the ideal flow rate amounts and flow tempo subject to fluid and temperature can
be seen in the chapter “ Flow rate and pressure loss”(product catalogue or soon on the homepage
Basically the metal hoses are dimensioned for 100 000 stress cycles in product life and proved by
experimental researches but only if the recommended bending radius (laying to 180° bend) is
Is that not possible, in the chapter can be seen the adjustment factor and a reduction calculation gives
information about the expected product life depending on compression, temperature and bending

1.1 Materials

The metal hose is mostly produced in high-grade steel (austenitic steel) and according to the
requirements it can be in bronze, copper or a nickel alloy.
We deliver the ideal solution for your ordered application concerning the compression strength. fatigue
strength and corrosion resistance.
Further detail information to corrosion resistance are listed in the product catalogue metal hoses or
soon on our homepage www.skodock.de.
The separate chapter materials and resistance includes tips to the corrosion behaviour in dependence
of the adopted fluid.
Only materials are used, which give harmonised European standards and authorised by the national
If the temperature is higher than 20° degrees (information of the purchaser), the metal hose
construction was reduced in its strength according to the European temperature –reduction factors 4.

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Heinrich Nordhoff Ring 2
30 826 Garbsen SKODOCK

1.2. The completed versions of constructions

The enterprise is based on validated analysis from AD B 13; (DIN EN 13445- part 3²) and its own
experimental tests of bursting pressure and of useful economic life of the metal hoses, which are
made in regular intervals for the inspection of the manufacturing process like rolling, GD –process or
the hydraulic forming.
For every specific metal hose line are deposited material lists, drawings and also working- and
inspection plans, which make possible a traceability and identification of the commodity. In the
maximum working pressure PS, that is specified by the purchaser/user, must have been contained a
potential pressure slug in the engine or equipment.

1. Identification
Each manufactured metal hose in the company is provided with an identification-sign
which enables the identification and traceability in the production for the performance parameters
given by the purchaser.
Manufacturing period: month/year
Pressure step: PN
Ident. No. : assigned to the construction
Nominal bore: DN

2. Installation

Only professional trained employees are allowed to make the installations or inspections of the various
forms of the delivered metal hose lines in various forms.
The delivery limit is on the connecting parts, therefore our instructions are only valid for the actual
metal hose body.
The corrugation profile must not be damaged by transporting or repositioning.
Sharp breaking has to be avoided when handling because it could cause exceeding plastic
deformations which could reduce the product life.
For welding works in the surroundings have to be make covers, so that the smelt fluid
pellets cause no surface damages.
Screwing has to be assembled with the necessary torque.
When screwing in the installation there is no twist around the metal hose –longitudinal axis (torsion)
allowed, because it would cause a reduction of the product life. The minimal radius for positioning the
metal hoses has to be complied with our specifications and in depending of the temperature.
(Specifications in product catalogue metal hoses or soon on our homepage www. skodock.de)

3. Initiation
Before accelerating the installation it has to be checked the leak tightness of the
welding connection or rather the screwing.
The allowed working pressure and the allowed working temperature must not exceed.
The user has to make sure that no pressure surges which are greater than the specified working
pressure affect the metal hoses.

4. Using
The user has to make sure that the whole metal hose line is only constructed for the specific working
conditions. The basic parameter like fluid, working temperature TS, working pressure PS, movements
and vibrations have to conform to the stress limit.
The user has to make extra coverage, if there is a risk of outside injuries of the meshwork.

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Heinrich Nordhoff Ring 2
30 826 Garbsen SKODOCK

- The flowing speed must not exceed the allowed values.

- The allowed working temperature has to be kept.
- If there is a 180° bend, the allowed radii and the movements have to be considered
- An overstepping of the allowed movements has to be avoided as per catalogue details. Plastic
deformations and reduction of product life would be the consequences.

5. Servicing and inspection

Regular inspection is necessary for the user for visual tests of the condition of the metal hose, if there
is potential medium emission.
If an outside mechanic stress causes an injury of the meshwork it can strain the metal hose inside and
that can cause a leakage.

- if an exceedance of the allowed working pressure or of the test pressure, the metal hose has
to be checked for the tightness and plastic deformations and when necessary the hose line
has complete to be changed.
- All details to the pressure resistance and tightness refer to conceived and agreed cycles-to-
failure. After reaching the cycle number it can be assumed a material tiredness in hose field or
the meshwork.
- If there is a potential lack in the hose line or in the connection parts, welding works are not
allowed to do on these parts.
- Metal hoses with injured meshwork have always to be changed.
- The installation of bandages on potential parts of lacks or a re-welding is not allowed

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