Chaga (Inonotus Obliquus) : A Medical Marvel But A Conservation Dilemma?
Chaga (Inonotus Obliquus) : A Medical Marvel But A Conservation Dilemma?
Chaga (Inonotus Obliquus) : A Medical Marvel But A Conservation Dilemma?
University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA, UK
Mycorrhizal Systems Ltd, Lancashire, PR25 2SD, UK
National Research Centre, El Buhouth St., Dokki, 12311, Giza, Egypt
* e-mail:
Thomas P.W., Elkhateeb W.A. & Daba G.M. (2020) Chaga (Inonotus obliquus): a medical marvel becomes a conservation di-
lemma. – Sydowia 72: 123–130.
Fungi have a rich history of medicinal use within many cultures. In most cases it is the fruiting body that is harvested and
appreciated. Historical use of the species Inonotus obliquus is different, in that it is a conk-like structure of sterile mycelial mass
formed in a pre-sporulation phase, that is utilized. Analysis of 7,516 occurrence records shows a largely circumboreal distribution
and further investigation reveals an affinity for tree hosts in the Betula genus. The medicinal benefits of this sterile-mass, known
as ‘Chaga’ have recently been proven with potent anticancer, antioxidation, anti-inflammatory and antidiabetic activity having
been reported. However, the academic interest in this species has fuelled a boom in the commercial exploitation of a product that
is almost exclusively harvested from the wild. The huge harvesting of this organism in its pre-reproductive (pre-sporulation)
phase rises significant issues. The medicinal properties of this species are discussed along with the conservational concern. Pos-
sible alternatives, such as cultivation are discussed along with a call for urgent educational and legislative approaches to protect
a species with a rich pattern of use by cultures both contemporary and historically.
Keywords: medicinal mushrooms, traditional medicine, secondary metabolites, conservation, cultivation.
The species Inonotus obliquus, is a wood-rot fun- and they have a long history of use by local popula-
gus of living trees. The fungus enters through wounds tions, often the hard woody mass is boiled to make
within the tree and from there may develop for an a tea, which is drunk to treat a range of conditions,
estimated 10–80+ years causing decay and forming including cancers, viral and bacterial infections, and
a sterile mycelial mass (Lee et al. 2008). The sexual gastro-intestinal disorders (Spinosa 2006). For ex-
stage begins once the tree is killed and fruiting bod- ample, the Khanty people of western Siberia use this
ies are formed beneath the bark. However, it is the species to treat heart and liver disease as well as for
pre-sporulating sterile mycelia mass that is most general internal cleaning (Saar 1991). In recent years
often observed and occurs as a conk-like structure this species has enjoyed a renaissance with a wealth
or a black growth on the exterior of the tree (see of papers now published, dedicated to its medicinal
Fig. 1). The exact role of this sterile conk is still un- use and health benefits. These range from an anti-
known and although it contains chlamydospores, oxidant effect (Cui et al. 2005) to immune-stimulat-
infection is thought to arise from basidiospores pro- ing resulting in dramatic anti-cancer properties
duced by the fruiting bodies (Lee et al. 2008). Col- (Kim et al. 2006). Indeed, I. obliquus is now one of
lecting 7,516 geotagged records from the Global the most intensely researched of all medicinal fungi.
Biodiversity Database (, accessed Here, alongside a review of the current understand-
11am GMT 31st of January 2020), representing ten ing of the medicinal properties of this species, we
separate herbarium and occurrence databases, it is discuss the unfolding conservational conundrum
clear that this species has a largely circumboreal arising from overharvesting and suggest ways in
distribution (see Fig. 1). However, whether this dis- which this may be mitigated.
tribution of occurrence records represents one spe-
cies with a broad geographic range or multiple re-
Purported medicinal properties
lated species with some anatomical similarities, re-
mains to be elucidated. The sterile conks are referred Chaga has been found to contain a host of phar-
to by many names but the most common is ‘chaga’ macologically active compounds that beneficially
Fig. 1. The sterile conk-like mass of Inonotus obliquus (left), known as ‘Chaga’, growing on Betula pendula (phot. Paul W. Thomas,
near Pitlochry, Scotland, UK) and the circumboreal distribution of Chaga from 7,516 geotagged records from the Global Biodi-
versity Information Facility (right).
affect human health (Zjawiony 2004, De Silva et al. saccharides, which represent one of the main com-
2013). The biological activity of I. obliquus is mainly ponents of CE are capable of inhibiting alpha-glu-
due to the presence of several polysaccharides, con- cosidase, a carbohydrate-hydrolysing enzyme.
stituting the following sugars: rhamnose, arabinose, Hence, CE may act as a hypoglycemic agent by re-
xylose, mannose, glucose, and galactose (Hu et al. tarding glucose absorption in digestive organs and
2017). Additionally, in the last decade, several stud- thus preventing hyperglycemia following meals
ies have reported biological activities of I. obliquus (Chen et al. 2010, Lu et al. 2010, Wang et al. 2017).
such as anticancer, antioxidation, anti-inflammato- Sun et al. (2008) and Xu et al. (2010), reported that
ry, antidiabetic and enhancement of immunity polysaccharides of I. obliquus are capable of reduc-
(Choi et al. 2010). Remarkably, a number of studies ing glucose, triglycerides, fatty acids, and choles-
demonstrates little or no side effects during use in terol levels in blood.
disease treatment (Wasser 2002, Choi et al. 2010,
Elkhateeb et al. 2019). The biological activities of Anti-inflammatory activity
I. obliquus are discussed below. Causes of inflammation can range from wounds,
burns, infections, stress, free radicals, radiation and
Antioxidant activity allergies, to immune system disorders. Drugs reduc-
Various compounds extracted from Chaga have ing inflammation are called anti-inflammatories.
been reported to exhibit an antioxidant activity. Van et al. (2009) tested several different types of ex-
Nakajima et al. (2007) illustrated superiority of the tractions from Chaga, for their ability to reduce in-
antioxidant activity (both superoxide and hydroxyl flammation. All of those tested significantly inhib-
radicals scavenging activities) of a hot water ex- ited inflammation, including a water-based poly-
tract of Chaga in comparison with those of other saccharide extract and an ethanol-based extract.
medicinal fungi namely Agaricus blazei mycelia, Kim et al. (2007) and Choi et al. (2010) found similar
Ganoderma lucidum and Phellinus linteus. Further results with ethanol extracts.
determination of the antioxidant potential of the
isolated fruiting body (spore-generating mass) and Anticancer activity
Sclerotium (Chaga) revealed that an 80 % metha- The anticancer activity of CE is perhaps the
nolic extract of the fruiting body had a higher po- most widely reported health benefit and that which
tential than that of Chaga decoction. has received the most interest. The cytotoxic and/or
apoptotic effects of CE have been demonstrated in
Antidiabetic numerous in vitro studies in cancer cell lines, in-
Chaga extracts (CE) function as an antidiabetic cluding the human colon cancer cells and the hu-
through the lowering of blood glucose levels. Poly- man hepatoma HepG2 cells (Youn et al. 2008). Poly-
saccharides isolated from I. obliquus sclerotium this proves that I. obliquus can be developed as a
have a direct antitumor effect due to protein syn- promising medicine to treat colon cancer (Kang et
thesis inhibition in tumour cells. Also, polysaccha- al. 2015). Nakajima et al. (2009) show that phenolic
rides derived from the mycelium of I. obliquus func- compounds of methanolic I. obliquus extract dem-
tion by activating the immune system. Due to the onstrate a target toxicity against several lines of
limited toxicity of these substances, both extracts cancer cells and the absence of cytotoxic effects
as well as isolated and purified chemicals may be a against normal cells.
good alternative to current chemotherapy and have
potential for a role in cancer prevention (Stanisze-
Summary of identified medicinal compounds and
wska et al. 2017).
their action
Heteropolysaccharides and homoglucans isolat-
ed from the sterile conk as well as endopolysaccha- Over 200 compounds have been extracted and
rides present in the mycelium differ in the mecha- identified from I. obliquus (Rogers 2011). These
nism of antitumor activity; polysaccharides from compounds belong to various chemical groups such
sterile conks act directly on the tumour cells and as lipids, carbohydrates, polyphenols, and terpenes.
endo-polysaccharides act indirectly by activating The list of compounds extracted from I. obliquus in-
the immune system in a way similar to bacterial li- cludes but are not limited to β-sitosterol, fecosterol,
popolysaccharide (Kim et al. 2006). The triterpenoid episterol, β-glucans, xylogalactoglucose, phelligri-
inotodiol showed the strongest anti-proliferative dins D, 3,4-dihydroxybenzalacetone, inonoblins A,
effect on breast cancer Walker 256 cell line (Nakata vanillic acid, syringic acid, ferulic acid, trametenol-
et al. 2009). Kang et al. (2015) reported that ergos- ic acid, p-hydroxybenzoic acid, foscoperianol D.
terol peroxide acts as an antiproliferative agent and Some of the biologically active compounds extract-
also inhibits the colony formation ability of tumour ed from I. obliquus actually originate from the host
cells HCT116, HT-29, SW620 and DLD-1 cell lines tree itself and these include betulin, betulinic acid
of colon. The Ergosterol peroxide from I. obliquus and such compounds are absent in cultivated strains
exhibits anticancer activity by down-regulation of grown in the laboratory. Some of the biologically
the β-catenin pathway in colorectal cancer and it active compounds extracted from I. obliquus are
shows that it down-regulated β-catenin signalling; listed in Table 1.
Tab. 1. General compounds extracted from I. obliquus and their biological activities.
Figs. 2–5. Different products containing Chaga. 2. Inonotus obliquus tablets supplement (,
3. I. obliquus supplement capsules (, 4. I. obliquus fermented (, 5. I. obliquus extract
Commercial exploitation and conservation One obvious remedy is to develop Chaga cultiva-
tion. Although I. obliquus is easily cultured, the
Commercial exploitation of Chaga-based products
products derived from mycelial growth are consid-
The intense medicinal interest has resulted in a ered inferior and do not contain the full suite of
rise in the awareness of Chaga within the wider bioactive compounds found within wild-harvested
population. For example, a Google Trend analysis sterile conk (Kukulyanskaya et al. 2002). Therefore,
reveals that the search-term ‘Chaga’ has increased a cultivation method is needed that would allow
in popularity, four-fold in the last 10 years (to 2019). harvesting of the sterile conk mass and this has pre-
Consequently, Chaga-based products are now wide- viously been reported (Silvan & Sarjala 2017).
ly available, primarily as dried and powdered wild- Silvan & Sarjala (2017) inoculated live and ma-
harvested sterile conk. A recent search for ‘Chaga ture trees with mycelium that had been grown in
health products’ returned 1,390,000 hits on google. culture and after 3 years harvestable Chaga had
com (accessed 11am BST 1st of October 2019) and been produced. Host specificity should be taken currently list over 4,000 products with into account in any cultivation attempt and al-
the keyword ‘Chaga’ (accessed 11.30am BST 1st of though this species is often found with trees in the
October 2019). The wide range of products, from Betula genus, there are other options. For example,
oral capsules to powdered ‘tea’ are presented as using the Mycology Collections data Portal (https://
having some form of heath or nutritional benefit, accessed 11am GMT 31st of January
and products derived from mycelial growth are con- 2020), a detailed database of records from across
sidered inferior to those of wild-harvested sterile
conk (Kukulyanskaya et al. 2002). Examples of such
products are displayed in Figs 2–5.
standard practices that would be used to aid culti- populations. Recent investigations have confirmed
vation, such as strain selection to develop rapid the medicinal properties and prevalence of poly-
maturation and aggressive growth, may pose anoth- phenolic composites of not just Chaga but also the
er unintended ecological threat. Releasing such an mycelium and fruiting bodies of I. obliquus. Ex-
enhanced strain of this parasitic fungus, optimised tracts from I. obliquus do indeed show much poten-
to rapidly infect mature standing trees, into the en- tial with significant properties that may have been
vironment runs the risk of threatening delicate appreciated historically, including: immune boost-
woodland habitats through rapid tree loss. Instead, ing, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic and antibacte-
perhaps, cultivation efforts should focus on novel rial. However, it is the anticancer properties that
indoor practices to produce sterile conks. Such are currently receiving the most interest with the
methods are commonly utilized for other edible and glucan and triterpenoid profile presenting the use
medicinal wood-rotting fungi (Stamets 2011). This of I. obliquus in some cases as a direct antitumor
way, strain selection would focus on traits that ben- agent. Clearly, further research and clinical trials
efit indoor cultivation on substrates other than ma- are needed to explore these medicinal properties
ture living trees. Further, developing systems to more fully.
produce sterile conks rather than mycelial extracts The recent medicinal interest in I. obliquus has,
may lead to better acceptance in the marketplace of however, come at a cost to this organism. With over
‘cultivated’ products. 4,000 products listed on Amazon alone, the scale of
the commercial exploitation is evident. Chaga prod-
A call for action ucts are almost exclusively produced from wild-
An understanding as to the threat posed by over- harvested pre-sporulation mycelial mass. The mass
harvesting of this species is urgently needed. In harvesting of this organism, in its pre-reproductive
2004 significant harvesting pressure was already stage rises serious concerns for the survival of the
noted (Pilz 2004) and no attempt has been made species. Where harvesting pressure has been ob-
since then to investigate the impact on wild popula- served elsewhere, such as with Cordyceps spp. there
tions. In addition to advances in cultivation a multi- has been a significant deleterious impact on the dis-
pronged approach is now needed to prevent damage tribution and size of the population. The relatively
to wild population of I. obliquus and interdepend- long life-cycle of I. obliquus increases this species
ent species. Firstly, an education programme within vulnerability.
areas where there is largescale and systematic har- Conservational action is now needed, and we
vesting, would be beneficial to highlight the unique suggest a multipronged approach of further re-
lifecycle of this species and its role within fragile search, an education programme within the har-
habitats. Secondly, far more research is essential to vesting areas, legislative support and a move to-
understand the current distribution of I. obliquus, wards more sustainable approaches such as cultiva-
the impact of Chaga harvesting on this species’ life- tion and development of products based on the cul-
cycle and any unintended secondary consequences tivated mycelium of this species rather than its
of harvesting practices. Thirdly, legislative support wild-harvested mycelial mass. By raising awareness
is necessary for the protection of I. obliquus until and international collaboration, we may be able to
such time as the impact of systematic and large- mitigate damage to populations of I. obliquus and
scale harvesting can be assessed. However, this final interdependent species.
point is not a small task considering the geographic
spread and consequently the numerous differently Acknowledgements
governed regions in which this species occurs. Nev-
ertheless, urgent action may be necessary. Harvest- We would like to thank Miss Savannah Knowles
ing during a pre-sporulation phase and the long for her help in collating data from national records
lifecycle combined with our lack of knowledge databases.
means that if we don’t act soon, there is the poten- References
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