Pankaj Dhansing Rajput

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“Banking services and customer delight now and then with HDFC Bank”









Student Name: - Pankaj Dhansing Rajput


BATCH 2022-2023
Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth’s


Sant Tukaram Nagar, Pune.


This is to certify that Mr./Ms- Pankaj Dhansing Rajput. PRN – 2105023217 has completed

his/her internship at Qollabb Education technique pvt Ltd. starting from 5th may to 15 July.

His / Her project work was a part of the MBA (ONLINE LEARNING) The project is on

Banking services and customer delight now and then with HDFC Bank Which includes research as

well as industry practices. He/ She was very sincere and committed in all tasks.

Course Coordinator Director

Prof. Ganesh Datere Sir Ms Gauri S. Kulkarni

Date –



To whomsoever it may concern

This is to certify that Mr./Ms Pankaj Dhansing Rajput PRN -2105023217 has

completed his/her internship at Qollabb starting from ……….to ……………..

His / Her project work was a part of the MBA (ONLINE LEARNING).

The project is on Banking services and customer delight now and then with HDFC Bank

Which includes research as well as industry practices. He/ She was very sincere and committed in

all tasks.

Which includes research as well as industry practices. He/ She was very sincere and committed in all


Signature & Seal of Industry Guide


This is to declare that I have carried out this project work myself in part fulfillment of the M.B.A

Program of Centre for Online Learning of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth’s, Pune –411018 The work

is original, has not been copied from anywhere else, and has not been submitted to any other

University / Institute for an award of any degree / diploma.

Date: - Signature: -

Place: mangaon ( Maharashtra ) Name: Pankaj Dhansing Rajput



we are standing on most difficult step of the dream of our life, we often remind about The Great
Godfor His blessings & kind help and he always helps us in tracking off the problems by some
means in ourlifetime. I feel great pleasure to present this project entitled” Bankingservices and
customer delight now and then “

I am grateful to those people who help me a lot in preparation of this project report. It is their
support and blessings, which has brought me to write this project report. I have a deep sense of
gratitude in my heartfor them

I am very thankful to my project guide Prof. Ms Gauri S Kulkarni For his whole-hearted
support and affectionate encouragement without which my successful project would not have been

I would like to thank our Prof. Ganesh Datere Sir for herconstant guidance and throughout
the journey and internship.p

Finally, I am very grateful to Mighty God and inspiring parents whose loving & caringsupport
contributed a major share in completion of my task.

Pankaj Dhansing Rajput

Table of content
Sr. Item Page No
1 Title Page 1
2 Institute Certificate 2
3 Company Certificate 3
4 Declaration by Student 4
5 Acknowledgement 5
6 INDEX 6-7
7 Executive Summary 8
8 Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1Indian Banking systemHDFC 9
Banking system in india

Role of banking in Indianeconomy

History of HDFC BankKey executive


HDFC Bank 24,25,

1.2 customer service inHDFC Bank 26

1.3 customer delight inHDFC Bank

focus on customer delightAdvantage of customer delight
Important of customerdelight
product and service provideHDFC Bank


1.4 Need for the study


1.5 Objective of the study

9 Chapter 2: Literature Review 56,57

01 Chapter 3: Research 59-61
11 Chapter 4: Data Analysis 62-74
12 Chapter 5: Findings, 75-76
suggestions, recommendation
13 Chapter 6: Conclusion 77

This report includes an organizational study on HDFC Bank.The title of the report is “

Banking services and customer delight now and then with HDFC Bank”. This report provides

general information about the banking sector and HDFC company profile. It also includes

information that customers know about HDFC Bank’s services and products. Through the

following study customer satisfaction at HDFC Bank was found.

A structured questionnaire was the methodology adopted in the study. In which different

people in and around HDFC Bank – were targeted. In this study, I took a sample of 100 people.

The data collected at sample size 100 is thoroughly analyzed and displayed in tabularand graphical

form. Business loans, credit cards, personal loans, debit cards, educational loans, fixed deposits,

savings accounts, gold loans, home loans, bank loan against property and car loans are someof the

popular products offered by HDFC Bank.


Indian Banking System

Without a sound and effective banking system in India it cannot have a healthy economy.

Thebanking system of India should not only be hassle free but it should be able to meet new

challenges posed by the technology and any other external and internal factors. For the past

three decades India’s banking system has several outstanding achievements to its credit. The

most striking is its extensive reach. It is no longer confined to only metropolitans or

cosmopolitans in India. In fact, Indian banking system has reached even to the remote corners

of the country. This is one of the main reasons of India’s growth process. The government’s

regular policy for Indian bank since 1969 has paid rich dividends with the nationalization of

14 major private banks of India Not long ago, an account holder had to wait for hours at the

bank counters for getting adraft or for withdrawing his own money. Today, he has a choice.

Gone are days when the most efficient bank transferred money from one branch to other in

two days. Now it is simple as instant messaging or dials a pizza. Money has become the order

of the day. The first bank in India, though conservative, was established in 1786. From 1786

till today, the journey of Indian Banking System can be segregated into three distinct phases.

They are as mentioned below.

 Early phase from 1786 to 1969 of Indian Banks
 Nationalization of Indian Banks and up to 1991 prior to Indian banking sector
 New phase of Indian Banking System with the advent of Indian Financial &Banking
Sector Reforms after 1991.

To make this write-up more explanatory, I prefix the scenario as Phase I, Phase IIand Phase

Phase I

The General Bank of India was set up in the year 1786. Next came Bank of Hindustan
andBengal Bank. The East India Company established HDFC Bank(1809), Bank of
Bombay (1840) and Bank of Madras (1843) as independent units and called it Presidency
These three banks were amalgamated in 1920 and Imperial Bank of India was established
which started as private shareholders banks, mostly Europeans shareholders. In 1865
Allahabad Bank was established and first time exclusively by Indians, Punjab National Bank
Ltd. Was set up in 1894 with headquarters at Lahore. Between 1906 and1913, Bank of India,
Central Bank of India, Bank of Baroda, Canara Bank, Indian Bank, and Bank of Mysore were
set up. Reserve Bank of India came in 1935.During the first phase the growth was very slow
and banks also experienced periodic failures between 1913 and 1948. There were
approximately 1100 banks, mostly small. To streamline the functioning and activities of
commercial banks, the Government of India came up with The Banking Companies Act,
1949 which was later changed to Banking Regulation Act 1949 as per amending Act of 1965
(Act No. 23 of 1965). Reserve Bank of India was vested with extensive powers for the
supervision of banking in India as the Central Banking Authority.

During those day’s public has lesser confidence in the banks. As an aftermath

Deposit mobilization was slow. Abreast of it the savings bank facility provided by the
Postaldepartment was comparatively safer. Moreover, funds were largely given to traders.

Phase II
Government took major steps in thisIndianBanking Sector Reform after independence. In
1955, it nationalized Imperial Bank of India with extensive banking facilities on a large scale
especially in rural and semi-urban areas. It formed State Bank of India to act’s the principal
agent of RBI and to handle banking transactions of the Union and State Governments all over
the country Seven banks forming subsidiary of State Bank of India was nationalized in 1960
on 19th July1969 major process of nationalization was carried was the effort of Prime Minister of India, Mrs. Indira Gandhi. 14
major commercial banks in the country were nationalized. Second phase of nationalization Indian Banking Sector Reform was carried out

in1980 with seven more banks. This step brought 80% of the banking segment in India under Government ownership. The following are the

steps taken by the government of India to regulate banking institutions in the country :

 1949: Enactment of Banking Regulation Act.

 1955: Nationalization of State Bank of India.
 1959: Nationalization of HDFC BANK subsidiaries.
 1961: Insurance cover extended to deposits.
 1969: Nationalization of 14 major banks.
 1971: Creation of credit guarantee corporation.
 1975: Creation of regional rural banks.
 1980: Nationalization of seven banks with deposits over 200 crores.

After the nationalization of banks, the branches of the public sector bank India rose to
approximately 800% in deposits and advances took a huge jump by 11,000%.Banking in the
sunshine of Government ownership gave the public implicit faith and immense confidence
about the sustainability of these institutions.

Phase III

This phase has introduced many more products and facilities in the banking sector inits
reforms measure. In 1991, under the chairmanship of M Norseman, a committee was set up
by his name which worked for the liberalizations of banking practices. The country is flooded
with foreign banks and their ATM stations. Efforts are being putto give a satisfactory service
to customers. Phone banking and net banking is introduced. The entire system became more
convenient and swift. Time is given more importance than money. The financial system
of India has shown a great deal of resilience. It is sheltered from any crisis triggered by any
external macroeconomics shock as other East Asian Countries suffered. This is all due to a
flexible exchange rate regime, the foreign reserves are high, the capital account is not yet
fully convertible, and banks and their customers have limited foreign exchange exposure


The RBI issued guidelines regarding the formation and functioning of private sector
banks inJanuary 1993. These guidelines are as follows:

The banks shall be governed by the provisions of The Reserve Bank of India Act,1934 The
Banking Regulations Act, and 1949 other relevant statuaries. Private sector banks are
required to be registered as public limited companies IN India.

The authority to a license lies with the RBI.

The shares of banks are required to be listed on stock exchanges.

Preference will be given to those banks whose headquarters are proposed to be located
in acenter that does not have headquarters of any other bank. Maximum voting rights of an
individual shareholder would be limited to 1% of total voting rights.

The new bank would not be allowed to have as its director any person who is already a
director in a banking company.

The bank will be subject to prudential norms in respect of banking operations,

accounting policies and other policies, as laid down by RBI. The bank will be required to
adhere to thefollowing: Minimum paid up share capital of Rs. 1 bln.
Promoters’ contribution as determined by the RBI Capital adequacy of 8% of the risk
weighted assets Single borrower and group borrower exposure limits in force Priority sector
lending Export credit Loan policy within overall policy guidelines laid down by the RBI

.The banks will be free to open branches anywhere once they satisfy the capital adequacy and
prudential accounting norms.

The banks would not be allowed to have investments in subsidiaries, mutual fund sand
portfolio investments in other companies in excess of 20% of the banks’ own paid up capital
and reserves.

The banks would be required to use modern infrastructural facilities in office equipment,
computer, telecommunications etc.
HDFC Bank:
HDFC Bank began operations in 1995 with a simple mission: to be a “World-class Indian
Bank”. They realized that only a single-minded focus on product quality and service
excellence would help them to get there.HDFC Bank is headquartered in Mumbai. The Bank
at present has an Enviable network of over 495 branches spread over 218 cities across India.
All branches are linked on an online real-time basis. Customers in over 120 locations are also
serviced through Telephone Banking. The Bank’s expansion plans take into account the nEed
to have a presence in all major industrial and commercial centers where its corporate
customers relocated as well as the need to build a strong retail customer base for both
deposits and loan products. Being a clearing/settlement bank to various leading stock
exchanges, the Bank has branches in the centers where the NSE/BSE have a strong and active
member base. The authorized capital of HDFC Bank is Rs.450 crore (Rs.4.5 billion). The
paid-up capital is Rs.309.9 crore (Rs.3.09 billion). The HDFC Group Holds 22.2% of the
bank’s Equity and about 19.5% of the equity is held by the ADS Depository. The Bank has
made substantial efforts and investments in acquiring the best technology available
internationally, to build the infrastructure for a world class bank.


The establishment of the HDFC Bank marked the advent of limited liability, joint-stock
banking in India. So was the associated innovation in banking, viz. the decision to allow the
HDFC Bank to issue notes, which would be accepted for payment of public revenues within a
restricted geographical area. This right of note issue was very valuable not only for the HDFC
Bank but also its two siblings, the Banks of Bombay and Madras. It mean tan accretion to the
capital of the banks, a capital on which the proprietors did not have to pay any interest. The
concept of deposit banking was also an innovation because the practice of accepting money
for safekeeping (and in some cases,even investment on behalf of the clients) by the
indigenous bankers had not spread as a general habit in most parts of India. But, for a long
time, and especially upto the time that the three presidency banks had a right of note issue,
bank notes and government balances made up the bulk of the investible resources of

Business Today “Best Bank in India” in 2003 and 2004. “Best Overall Local/Domestic Bank
India” in the Corporate Cash Management Poll conducted by

Asia money magazine. Selected by Business World as “one of India’s Most Respected
Companies” as part of The Business World Most Respected Company Awards 2004. In2004,
Forbes Global named HDFC Bank in its listing of Best under a Billion, 100 Best Smaller Size

Enterprises in Asia/Pacific and Europe. In 2004, HDFC Bank won the Award for
“Operational Excellence in Retail Financial Services” -India as part of the AsiaBanker
Awards 2003. In 2003, Forbes Global named HDFC Bank in its ranking of “Best Under a
Billion, 200 Best Small Companies for 2003”. The Financial Express named HDFC Bank the
“Best New Private Sector Bank 2003” in the FE-Ernst & Youngest Banks Survey 2003.

Outlook Money named HDFC Bank the “Best Bank in the Private Sector” for the year2003.
NASSCOM and have named HDFC Bank the ‘Best IT User in Banking’
at the IT Users Awards 2003.

Euro money magazine gave HDFC Bank the award for “Best Bank India” in 1999,“Best
Domestic Bank” in India in 2000, and “Best Bank in India” in 2001 and 2002.Asiamoney
magazine has named us “Best Commercial Bank in India 2002” For its use ofinformation
technology, HDFC Bank has been recognized as a “Computerworld HonorsLaureate” and aw
the 21st Century Achievement Award in 2002 for Finance,Insurance & Real Estate category
by Computerworld, Inc., USA. Its technology initiativehas been included as a case study in
their online global archives. Business India named HDFC Bank “India’s Best Bank” in 2000.
In 2000, Forbes Global named HDFC Bank inits list of “The 300 Best Small Companies” in
the world and as one of the “20 for 2001” Best small companies in the world.


The Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited (HDFC) was amongst the first to
receive an ‘in principle’ approval from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to setup a bank in the
private sector, as part of the RBI’s liberalization of the Indian Banking Industry in 1994. The
bank was incorporated in August 1994 in the name of ‘HDFC Bank Limited’, with its
registered office in Mumbai, India. HDFC Bank commenced operations as a Scheduled
Commercial Bank in January 1995.

Business focus

HDFC Bank’s mission is to be a World-Class Indian Bank. The objective is to build

sound customer franchises across distinct businesses so as to be the preferred provider of
banking services for target retail and wholesale customer segments, and to achieve healthy
growth inprofitability, consistent with the bank’s risk appetite. The banks committed to
maintain the highest level of ethical standards, professional integrity, Corporate governance.
HDFC Bankbusiness philosophy is base on four core values Operational excellence,
customer focus product leadership and people

Corporate details

The Housing Development Finance corporation Limited (HDFC) Was among the
first toreceive “in principle “approval from the reserve Bank of India (RBI) to set up a bank
in the private sector, as part of the RBI’s liberalization of the Indian banking industry in
1994.Incorporated in August 1994 as HDFC BANK LIMITED as of December 31,2006 a
bank had a Indian network Of 684 branches in 316cities in india and over 1663 ATM’s


HDFC Bank mainly provides three kinds banking Services

 Personal banking
 NRI banking
 Wholesale banking

The Following are the product and service provided by the HDFC Bank

 HDFC Bank provided loans like personal loan, Home loan, educational loan, two
wheeler loan,new car loan, use car loan, overdraft again car, express loan etc.
 HDFC Bank provided credit, Debit and prepaid card to help you meet financial
 HDFC Bank provided facilities like mutual fund, insurance, General and health
insurance, Boned, finical planning , knowledge centre, equities and
derivatives,mundra gold bar.

If you need to deal with foreign currency and keep tabs on exchange rate every now and then,
transfer fund to India, make payment etc. HDFC Bank range of products and service that you
can choose from transact smoothly, efficiently and in a timely manner.

With HDFC Bank’s payment service, you can bid good bay to quest and paper work.
HDFC’s range of payment option make it easy to pay for a variety of utility and service

HDFC Bank has designed two programs to make banking easier for the customers and they

 HDFC Bank Preferred Programmed.

 HDFC Bank Classic Programmed.

HDFC Bank offers Private Banking services to high net worth individuals and institutions.
HDFC Bank offers you quick, economical and convenient options to remit and transfer funds
to India.

Corporate Banking reflects HDFC Bank ‘s strengths in providing our corporate clients IN
India, a wide array of commercial, transactional and electronic banking products. HDFCBank
acts as an active medium between the government and the customers by means of various
Banking system in India

The Indian banking can be broadly categorized into nationalized (government owned),
private banks and specialized banking institutions. The Reserve Bank of India acts
centralized body monitoring any discrepancies and shortcoming in the system. Since the
nationalization of banks in 1969, the public sector banks or the nationalized banks have
acquired a place of prominence and has since then seen tremendous progress. The need to
become highly customer focused has forced the slow-moving public sector banks to adopt a
fast track approach. The unleashing of products and services through the net has galvanized
players at all levels of the banking and financial institutions market grid to look anew at their
existing portfolio offering. Conservative banking practices allowed Indian banks to be
insulated partially from the Asian currency crisis. Indian banks are now quoting al higher
valuation when compared to banks in other Asian countries (viz. Hong Kong, Singapore,
Philippines etc.) that have major problems linked to huge Nonperforming Assets (NPAs) and
payment defaults. Co-operative banks are nimble footed In approach and armed with efficient
branch networks focus primarily on the ‘high revenue’ niche retail segments.

The Indian banking has finally worked up to the competitive dynamics of the ‘new
‘Indian market and is addressing the relevant issues to take on the multifarious challenges Of
globalization. Banks that employ IT solutions are perceived to be ‘futuristic’ and Proactive
players capable of meeting the multifarious requirements of the large customers base. Private
banks have been fast on the uptake and are reorienting their strategies using the internet as a
medium The Internet has emerged as the new and challenging frontier of marketing with the
conventional physical world tenets being just as applicable like in any other marketing

The Indian banking has come from a long way from being a sleepy business institution
toa highly proactive and dynamic entity. This transformation has been largely brought
about bythe large dose of liberalization and economic reforms that allowed banks to
explore new business opportunities rather than generating revenues from conventional
streams (i.e.
borrowing and lending). The banking in India is highly fragmented with 30 banking units
contributing to almost 50% of deposits and 60% of advances. Indian nationalized banks
(banks owned by the government) continue to be the major lenders in the economy due to
their sheer size and penetrative networks which assures them high deposit mobilization. The
Indian banking can be broadly categorized into nationalized, private banks and specialized
banking institutions.

The Reserve Bank of India act as a centralized body monitoring any discrepancies and
shortcoming in the system. It is the foremost monitoring body in the Indian financial sector.
The nationalized banks (i.e. government-owned banks) continue to dominate the Indian
banking arena. Industry estimates indicate that out of 274 commercial banks operating in
India,223 banks are in the public sector and 51 are in the private sector. The private sector
bank grid also includes 24 foreign banks that have started their operations here. Under the
ambit of the nationalized banks come the specialized banking institutions. These co-
operatives, rural banks focus on areas of agriculture, rural development etc., unlike
commercial banks these co-operative banks do not lend on the basis of a prime lending rate.
They also have various tax sops because of their holding pattern and lending structure and
hence have lower overheads. This enables them to give a marginally higher percentage on
savings deposits. Many of these cooperative banks diversified into specialized areas (catering
to the vast retail audience) linear finance, housing loans, truck finance etc. in order to keep
pace with their public sector and private counterparts, the co-operative banks too have
invested heavily in information technology to offer high-end computerized banking services
to its clients.
Role of Indian Banking in Economic

Indian banking plays a big role in the development of the economy of India. It is the
backbone of any country’s economy, and its well functioning is essential for nation-building.

The banking system of a country performs functions like:

Advancement of Credit: Indian banking sector is one of the most active sectors in
advancing loans to individuals and institutions. It plays an important role in providing funds
to different priority sectors like Agriculture, Small scale industries, trading enterprises, real
estate, etc.

Business Development: Indian banking sector helps a lot in business development by

developing strong ties with foreign countries through establishing branches. Indian banks also
facilitate trade and commerce by providing payment facilities to various local and
international business houses.

Financial Security: Indian banking system provides financial security to the people by
providing loans at competitive rates, paying reliable remittance services, etc. It helps people
save their money and invest it in different financial instruments like Government securities,
long-term bonds, etc.

Cash Management: Cash management plays a crucial role in the banking system. It
allowsbanks to provide quick cash and money transfer. It helps banks manage money
transfers carried out by various business houses and a large number of industrial units.

Financial stability: The Indian banking sector provides safe and secure financial services
through Money orders, Cash deposits, and cash card services
History of HDFC Bank

The HDFC Bank was incorporated on August 1994 by the name of ‘HDFC Bank
Limited’,with its registered office in Mumbai, India. HDFC Bank commenced operations
as a Scheduled Commercial Bank in January 1995. The Housing Development Finance
Corporation (HDFC) was amongst the first to receive an 'in principle' approval from the
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to set up a bank in the private sector, as part of the RBI’s
liberalization of the Indian Banking Industry in 1994.

HDFC Bank is headquartered in Mumbai. The Bank at present has an enviable network
of over 1416 branches spread over 550 cities across India. All branches are linked on an
onlinereal–time basis. Customers in over 500 locations are also serviced through Telephone
Banking. The Bank also has a network of about over 3382 networked ATMs across these

The promoter of the company HDFC was incepted in 1977 is India’s premier housing
financecompany and enjoys an impeccable track record in India as well as in international
markets. HDFC has developed significant expertise in retail mortgage loans to different
market segments and also has a large corporate client base for its housing related credit
With its experience in the financial markets, a strong market reputation, large
shareholder base and unique consumer franchise, HDFC was ideally positioned to promote
a bank in theIndian environment.

The shares are listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange Limited and The National Stock
Exchange of India Limited. The Bank’s American Depository Shares ( ADS ) are listed on
the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) under the symbol ‘HDB’ and the Bank’s Global
Depository Receipts (GDRs) are listed on Luxembourg Stock Exchange.
On May 23, 2008, the amalgamation of Centurion Bank of Punjab with HDFC Bank was
formally approved by Reserve Bank of India to complete the statutory and regulatory
approval process. As per the scheme of amalgamation, shareholders of Bop received 1 share
of HDFC Bank for every 29 shares of CBoP.

The merged entity now holds a strong deposit base of around Rs. 1,22,000 crore and net
advances of around Rs. 89,000 crore. The balance sheet size of the combined entity would be
over Rs. 1,63,000 crore. The amalgamation added significant value to HDFC Bank in terms
of increased branch network, geographic reach, and customer base, and a bigger pool of
skilled manpower.

In a milestone transaction in the Indian banking industry, Times Bank Limited (another
new private sector bank promoted by Bennett, Coleman & Co. / Times Group) was merged
with HDFC Bank Ltd., effective February 26, 2000. This was the first merger of two private
banksin the New Generation Private Sector Banks. As per the scheme of amalgamation
approved by the shareholders of both banks and the Reserve Bank of India, shareholders of
Times Bankreceived 1 share of HDFC Bank for every 5.75 shares of Times Bank.

HDFC Bank offers a wide range of commercial and transactional banking services and
treasury products to wholesale and retail customers. The bank has three key business

Wholesale Banking Services – The Bank’s target market ranges from large, blue–chip
manufacturing companies in the Indian corporate to small & mid–sized corporates and agri–
based businesses.

Retail Banking Services – The objective of the Retail Bank is to provide its target market
customers a full range of financial products and banking services, giving the customer a one–
stop window for all his/her banking requirements.

Treasury – Within this business, the bank has three main product areas – Foreign
Exchange and Derivatives, Local Currency Money Market & Debt Securities, and Equities.
The Treasury business is responsible for managing the returns and market risk on this

Sashidhar Jagdishan.

Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer.

Kaizad Bharucha.

Executive Director.

Anjani Rathor.

Chief Digital Officer.

Arup Rakshit.

Group Head – Treasury- Sales, analytics and overseas

Arvind Kapil. Group Head

– Retail Assets and SLI.

Arvind Vohra. Group Head

– Retail Branch Banking.

Ashima Bhat.

Group head- business finance & strategy, administration, infrastructure ,ESG&CSR

Ashish Parthasarthy .

Group head-Treasury,GIB,NRI, overseas and Teleservices channel

Bhejamin frank

Group head- wholesale credit

Bhavesh zaveri

Group head- operation, ATM and cash management products

Chakrpani venkatachari

Group head – Internal audit and Quality InItiative group

Jimmy Tata

Chief credit officer

Nirav shah

Group head – corporate banking and PSUs

Parag Rao

Group head – payment business, Digital & IT

Rahul shukla

Group head – commercial Banking and Rural business

Rakesh singh

Group head – Investment Banking, private Banking, Marketing and product

Ramesh Laxminarayanan
Chief information officer

Raveesh Bhatia

Group head – Emerging corporate group

Sampath kumar

Group head – NRI domestic and overseas business, third party product and Telesales and
service Relationship

Sanmony chakrabarti

Chief Risk officer

Smita Bhagat

Group head – Government and institutional business, partnership, Ecosystem,inclusive

Banking and start-up

Srinivasan Vaidyanathan

Chief financial officer

Vinay Razdan

Chief Human Resources officer


Personal Banking

Accounts & Deposits :-

 Saving a/c
 Current a/c
 Fixed deposit
 Demat a/c
 Safe deposit locker

Loan product :-

 Auto loan
 Loan against security
 Loan against property
 Personal loan
 Credit card
 2 wheeler loan
 Commercial vehicles loan
 Home loan
 Retail business banking
 Tractor loan
 Working capital finance
 Construction equipment finance
 Health care finance
 Education loan
 Gold loan

Card :-

 Credit card
 Debit card
 Prepaid card

Forex service:-

 Product and service

 Trade service
 Forex services branch locators
 RBI guidelines

Investments & Insurance :-

 Mutual fund
 Bonds
 Knowledge center
 Insurance
 General and health insurance
 Equity and derivatives
 Mudra gold bar
Payment service :-

 Netsafe
 Merchant
 Prepaid relief
 Bill payable
 Vise billpay
 Instapay
 Direct pay
 Visa money transfer
 E-monies electronic fund transfer
 Online payment of direct tax

Assess to Bank :-

 Net banking
 One view
 Insta altert mobile banking
 Phone banking
 Email statement
 Branch Network

NRI Banking

Accounts & Deposits :-

 Rupee saving a/c

 Rupee current a/c
 Rupee fixed deposit
 Foreign currency deposit
 Accounting for retaining Indian

Remittances :-
 North America
 UK
 Europe
 South East Aisa
 Middle East
 Africa
 Other
Quick remit
Indian link
Cheque lockbox
Telegraphic/ wire transfer
Fund transfer cheque / DDs/TCs

Investment and insurance :-

 Mutual fund
 Insurance
 Private Banking
 Portfolio investment scheme

Payment Services :-

 Netsafe
 Bill pay
 Instapay
 Direct pay
 Visa money
 Online donation

Assess To Bank :-

 Net banking
 One View
 Insta alert
 Phone banking
 Email statement
 Branch Network

Wholesale Banking

Corporate :-

 Fund service
 Non funded service
 Value added services
 Internet Banking

Small & Medium Enterprises :-

 Funded service
 Non funded service
 Specialized services
 Value added services
 Internet Banking

Financial Institutions & Trusts :-


 Cleaning- sub memberships

 RTGS -sub memberships
 Fund transfer
 ATM Tie-ups
 Corporate salary a/c
 Tax collection

Financial institutions

Mutual Fund
Stock Broker

Insurance Company

Commodity Business


Government Sector

Achievements/ recognition

HDFC Bank was the first bank in India to launch an International Debit Card in association
with VISA (VISA Electron) and issues the Master card Maestro debit card as well.


With services, an organization could add to customer’s delight. It provides enhanced

customer care, services And customer information management across organization to
improve customer satisfaction, Customer Delight And loyalty. With an end to end care and
service solution, organizations can achieve a full 360 degree View of their customer.

This translates into better response to customer’s needs, an ability to extend pro-active
Customer management programs as well as having the information at their disposal to
understand the customer Better.

Service applications also track all product defect information, which enables organizations
to proactively Manage customer issues, so that they are well informed and can also accurately
inform customers. The built-in Self-learning knowledge base enables companies to leverage
employee knowledge and achieve skill Transfer, increasing employee retention and reducing
customers to churn.

Additionally, service applications Enable the organization’s customers to

communicate with the company through many different venues like Webs, call centers and
directly with field representatives offering customers flexibility in interacting with the
This integrated customer contact capability ensures that the customers receive consistent
service and Information, thereby reducing his need to turn to one of the competitors for new
products or services.


Customer service With services, an organization could add to customer’s delight. It

provides lcustomer care, services and customer information management across organization
to improve customer satisfaction, Customer Delight and loyalty. With an end to end customer
care and service solution, organizations can achieve a full 360 degree view of their customer.

This translates into better response to customer’s needs, an ability to extend pro-active
customer management programs as well as having the information at their disposal to
understand the customer better. Service applications also track all product defect information,
which enables organizations to proactively manage customer issues, so that they are well
informed and can also accurately inform customers.

The built-in self-learning knowledge base enables companies to leverage employee

knowledge and achieve skill transfer, increasing employee retention and reducing customers
to churn. Additionally, service applications enable the organization’s customers to
communicate with the company through many different venues like webs, call centers and
directly with field representatives offering customers flexibility in interacting with the
company. This integrated customer contact capability ensures that the customers receive
consistent service and information, thereby reducing his need to turn to one of the competitors
for new products or services.

Customer Delight means exceeding customer’s expectations. Customer Delight is doing

whatthey haven’t even imagined and what will cause them to say “wow”. The job is to surprise
them. Every interaction with the customer has an opportunity to create delight. Customer
expectations are typically not very high. The challenge is to consistently maintain the delight
factor. Customer delight must be a way of life for everyone in the firm or organization. The
firm or entity know what they can do and not. According to Rust and Oliver Customer Delight
is a deep positive emotional state resulting from exceeding the consumer’s expectation
positively to a surprising degree.

Usually managers define delight pragmatically as “beyond satisfaction”. Researchers tend

to define delight in terms of “pleasant surprise”. The aforesaid dimensions are obvious. It is
against this Customer Delight means exceeding customer’s expectations. Customer Delight is
doing what they haven’t even Imagined and what will cause them to say “wow”. The job is to
surprise them. Every interaction with the Customer has an opportunity to create delight.
Customer expectations are typically not very high. The challenge Is to consistently maintain
the delight factor. Customer delight must be a way of life for everyone in the firm or
Organization. The firm or entity know what they can do and not. According to Rust and Oliver
Customer Delight is a deep positive emotional state resulting from exceeding the consumer’s
expectation positively to A surprising degree. Usually managers define delight pragmatically
as “beyond satisfaction”. Researchers tend To define delight in terms of “pleasant surprise”.
The aforesaid dimensions are obvious. It is against this background, that delight have a sound
theoretical foundation and integrating works from different perspectives Including
disconfirmation theory, the needs literature, the emotions literature and consumer studies.

The new age customers are very different. Their expectation has increased and they are
moreknowledgeable. They are aware of multiple options to satisfy their needs. They easily
switch over to newer brands for better value for their Money. Both in the domestic and
international market competitors are increasing offering high value based Innovative
products and process.Although achieving customer satisfaction has long been identified as
the heart Of the entire marketing concept, most companies pay greater attention to their
market share than to their
Customer’s satisfaction.

Although meeting customer expectation can satisfy customers, the emotional response, Such
as an element of surprise, can delight the customers. Even satisfied customers can indulge in
brand Switching. Thus, not just satisfaction, but the emotional response to satisfaction is
whatcustomer delight is all About. All companies need to monitor and improve their level of
satisfaction, as satisfied customers truly Constitute the company’s relationship capital. Hence,
it is important to note that customer satisfaction is a Necessary but not sufficient goal.

Customer satisfaction only remotely predicts customer retention in highly competitive

markets because Companies regularly lose some percentage of their satisfied customers. Thus,
companies should aim to delight The customers, not simply to satisfaction Customerswho
experience To the business and also more likely to recommend the business to those they
know. For that reason many business Are focusing their attention on how they can generate
delight in their customers.

It is not a new concept. With overwhelming choice, product and price information readily
available, customer delight is now being Reintroduced. The sustainable strategy for business
success and growth strategies for marketing campaigns, Pricing, acquisitions, product
innovation might have a short term effect. However, if these do not result in customer Delight
growth will not last. The point to note here is that customer delight does not necessarily mean
to raise the Expectations of the customers to a never ending level. A close relationship does
exist between customer loyalty and high levels of Customer satisfaction become customer
delight, customer retention and loyalty increase. A delighted customer (as Compared to a
merely satisfied customer) is more likely to remain loyal in spite of attractive competitive
offerings and a small Negative experience will be covered up by an extremely positive one


The following are the advantages of delighting a customer: If the organization or firm cares
about each and Every customer.

 96% of unhappy customers disappear.

 54% -70% of complaints will return if their complaints are resolved.
 Costs 5-10 times, to find new customers than it does to retain present ones.
 Firms with better services charge 9% more and grow by 6% a year.

The whole banking sector rests primarily on its customers. So the challenge for banking
sector is to maintain a Strong customer base and for that it’s not about attracting the new
customers only but also retaining the existing Customers. For maintaining and retaining
customers it is very important to understand what customers exactly Want, when they want it
and then satisfy them accordingly, thus making customers loyal. In today’s fast Changing and
competitive world, maintaining customer’s loyalty is the key to gain success in banking sector.

Delighting customers bring them back again and again; apart from bring in new customers. If
customers are Delighted they will be loyal. Customer delight is one of the major factors that
play a significant role in deciding On whether to do a business with a certain bank or not.
Customer delight is giving customers the right Experience and yielding the right return.
Delighted customer’s posses’ customer loyalty and are the life time Assets of the bank.
Banking sector has a lot of competition so satisfying customers gives one bank a competitive
Edge on other and helps in its survival and growth. Further it also helps the banks in generating
more profits forThem.

Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it. Banks
have been trying hard To delight customers because delighted customers are the main reason
for their existence in this competitive Industry. For delighting customers, banks are not only
focusing on providing quality services, speedy financial Services and a complete financial
solution to the problems of customers but in a way that matters to a customers And gives them
inconceivable experience.

Getting the things done right at the right time makes customer happy and contended.
Extraordinary striking Environment, gratuitous support and favor, helpful and optimistic
gestures, finding a way around the lengthyand extensive documentation procedures, timely
feedback, bigwig treatment, helpful and willing to guide staff And caring behavior of
employees towards the customers are all the ways that can delight customers. Customers Have
certain expectations from the banks and the services it provides. If customers excel the
expectation level, Customers are delighted else not. Banks
should be responsive in foreseeing the needs of the customers and should solve their problems
timely and Accurately. Involving customers in business delight them. This does notmean that
you ask your customer to do Your task but you take into account their views aboutthe design
of products and services. Being proactive it Delights the customers. For delighting customers
banks need to maintain the relationship with customers from Informal to a more personal
relationship of loyalty.

Customers play a key role in the existence of the banking sector in any country. Creating
newcustomers and Retaining the existing customers add to the sustainable growth of the banks
inthis sector. Customer delight has An effect on the way a business is conducted in banking
sector on daily basis. It also ensures that customers are Provided with services that enhance
their experience and give them satisfaction above their expected level. Delighting the customers
will make them loyal and thus will improve their perceptions towards banking Products and

HDFC Bank is considered to be one of the leading banks in India. Headquartered in Mumbai,
HDFC Bank was incorporated in August 1994 and has 5,130 branches and 13,395 ATMs in
2,764 cities/towns (as of June 30, 2019). The bank offers a wide range of banking and
financial services as mentioned below.

Deposit Account

Savings account
HDFC Bank offers as many as 14 different types of savings accounts including a basic salary
account to savings max, women’s special account, BSBDA, senior citizen special account &
more. On this page, you can check and compare the latest HDFC Bank savings account
interest rates applicable in 2023 while knowing how to open HDFC savings account online,
the documents required to open a savings account and more.

HDFC Savings Account Interest Rates 2023

Bank balance Interest Rate (% p.a)

Less than Rs.50 lakh 3.00

Of and above RS 50 lakh 3.50

Types of HDFC Bank Savings Accounts

1. HDFC regular saving 2. HDFC woman saving

account account
3. HDFC savings max 4. HDFC special Gold and
account special platinum

5. HDFC Digi save youth 6. HDFC senior citizens

account account

7. HDFC kind advantage 8. HDFC basic Saving bank

account deposit account

9. HDFC super kind saving 10. HDFC instant savings

account account online

Current account

HDFC Bank offers 18 types of current accounts to serve the needs of different businesses.
Current accounts largely deal with liquid deposits does not limit the number of transactions in
a day and easily allows for the withdrawal of funds

There are five different types of HDFC Current Accounts.

Premium Current Account

Standard Current Account

Packaged Current Account

Foreign Currency Account

Single Column Cash Book

Home loan

HDFC Bank Limited offers home loans @ 8.50% p.a. onwards for tenures up to 30 years and
for loan amount of up to Rs 10 crore. The lender also offers home loan balance transfer
facility to existing home loan borrowers of other banks and HFCs. HDFC Bank offers HDFC
Bank Reach Home Loans for micro entrepreneurs and salaried individuals, who may or may
not have sufficient income documents. Its Rural Housing Loan scheme is aimed at
agriculturists, planters, horticulturists, dairy farmers, etc. residing in the rural and urban areas
and self-employed/salaried applicants wishing to construct/purchase homes in their home
towns and villages.

HDFC Bank Home Loan Highlights

Interest Rate 8.50% p.a. onwards

Loan Amount (LTV Ratio Up to 90% of property cost

Tenure Up to 30 years

Processing Fee  For Salaried/Self-

employed Professionals:
Up to 0.50% of loan
amount or Rs 3,000,
whichever is higher
 For Self-employed Non-
Professionals: Up to
1.50% of loan amount or
Rs 4,500, whichever is

Personal loan

HDFC Personal Loan is available @ 10.50% p.a. onwards for loan amount of up to Rs 40
lakh and for tenures of up to 6 years. Existing personal loan borrowers of other banks and
NBFCs can also avail HDFC Bank Personal Loan to transfer their outstanding personal loan
to HDFC Bank at lower interest rates. HDFC Bank offers Golden Edge Personal Loan, a
special personal loan scheme for individuals having minimum monthly income of Rs 75,000
and loan amount requirements ranging between Rs 10 lakh and Rs 40 lakh.The bank also
offers pre-approved personal loans to its select existing customers with instant loan disbursal
in just 10 seconds.

HDFC Bank Personal Loan Highlights

Interest Rate 10.50% p.a. onwards

Loan Amount Up to 40 lakh

Tenure Up to 6 years

Minimum Monthly Salary Rs 25000

Processing Fee Up to Rs 4,999

Pre-approved instant personal Offered to select customers of

loan HDFC Bank with loan disbursal
in 10 seconds
Pre-closure Charges Allowed if borrower has paid at
least 12 EMIs.
For salaried:

 4% of principal
outstanding (13-24 months)
 3% of principal
outstanding (25-36 months)
 2% of principal
outstanding (After 36
Part-payment Fees Allowed if borrower has paid at
least 12 EMIs.
For salaried:

 4% of principal
outstanding (13-24 months)
 3% of principal
outstanding (25-36 months)
 2% of principal
outstanding (After 36
Documentation  Proof of Identity
 Proof of Address
 Bank statements (last 3
 Salary slips (latest)
Loan against property

HDFC offers Loan Against Property @ 8.95% p.a. onwards for loan amounts of up to 60%
ofproperty value and for tenures of up to 15 years. The loan is offered to both salaried and self-
employed applicants for personal or business purposes.

Car loan

HDFC Bank helps to finance the dream of buying a new car for its customers with up to
100% funding. Customers can opt for 3 types of car loans as per their requirement with 7 year
loan tenure, quick disbursal, and processing. Interest rates 8.25% - 14.26% (Avg 9.40%)

Education loan

Education has emerged as the cornerstone of human society and as the demand for education
in order to gain a competitive advantage has increased, so has the cost of education both
within India and overseas. With the view of providing today’s and future generations with the
means of pursuing higher studies so that they can achieve their dreams, HDFC Bank has
introduced its range of educational loans. HDFC Education Loan aims to satisfy the
requirements of every type of young individual who desires to pursue further studies.
Gold loan

HDFC Bank offers Gold Loan for loan amounts starting from Rs 25,000 and for tenures of
upto 2 years. The minimum gold loan amount offered by the bank in rural areas is Rs 10,000.
HDFC Bank claims to disburse Gold Loans within 45 minutes and a triple layer security for
the gold pledged as collateral. The bank offers overdraft facility, EMI based loan repayment
facility and bullet-repayment facility to its Gold Loan borrowers.
Business loan

HDFC Bank offers both secured and unsecured business loans to self-employed
individuals and business enterprises. Some of the business loan products offered by HDFC
Bank includescash credit, bank guarantees, letter of credit, bill discounting, dropline
overdraft facility, overdraft, pre shipment finance, import credit, export bill collections, etc.
The business loan schemes offered by the lender include HDFC Bank Business Loans for
manufacturers, HDFCBank Business Loans for traders, HDFC Bank Business Loans for
chartered accountants, HDFC Bank Business Loans for doctors, HDFC Bank Business Loan
for professionals, HDFC Bank Term Loan, HDFC Bank Working Capital Loans for small
businesses, HDFC Bank Working Capital Loans for contractors, etc.


Fixed deposit

HDFC Bank offers FD interest rates of 3.00-7.25% p.a. to the general public and 3.50-7.75%
p.a. to senior citizens on tenures ranging from 7 days to 10 years. The interest rate on HDFC
Bank Tax Saving FDs is 7.00% p.a. for the general public and 7.50% p.a. for senior citizen
depositors for tenures of 5 years. The bank also offers various fixed deposit products for
NRIs, such as NRO, NRE, RFC and FCNR fixed deposits. HDFC Bank accepts FCNR fixed
deposits in US Dollars (USD), British Pound Sterling (GBP), Euro, Japanese Yen (JPY),
Canadian Dollar (CAD), and Australian Dollar (AUD). The bank accepts RFC fixed deposits
in USD, GBP, Euro and JPY.

Recurring deposit

HDFC Bank offers a recurring deposit with a minimum deposit as small as Rs. 1,000 or up to
Rs. 14.99 per month and with a minimum tenure of 6 months up to a maximum tenure of 10

The following are the different types of HDFC Fixed Deposits

Regular Fixed Deposit

Foreign Currency Fixed Deposit

Tax Saver Fixed Deposit

There are two schemes under HDFC Recurring Deposit

Regular Recurring Deposit

NRE Recurring Deposit


Credit card

HDFC credit cards come with benefits across multiple categories. Using the right card, you
can save a substantial amount when you shop, travel or dine. From entry-level cards like
Money back and Millennia to premium options like Infinia and Diners Club Black, HDFC
Bank has credit cards suiting everyone’s needs.

Top 10 HDFC Credit Cards for July 2023

You can find HDFC credit cards with varied features and benefits; each card focusing mainly
on one or more spending categories. Some HDFC cards offer reward points while others offer
cashback, some are co-branded with popular airlines like Indigo while other are launched in
association with lifestyle brands like Tata Neu. To help you choose and apply for the best
HDFC credit card as per your needs and preferences, here is the list of the most popular

HDFC credit cards for 2023.

Debit Card

You can use your HDFC Debit Card to withdraw cash from ATMS, shop, pay bills, etc.
Additionally, you can earn cashback and rewards on your purchases, along with benefits like
lounge access, insurance cover, dining discounts etc. Read on to check the types of debit
cards offered by HDFC Bank, along with other details such as charges, application process
and features and benefits

HDFC Debit Cards add convenience to your life by saving you from the hassle of
carrying physical money. The best thing, however, is that apart from the regular benefits of
a debit card, you can avail benefits similar to that of HDFC credit cards, such as cashback,
reward points, welcome benefits, and EMI facility among others. HDFC Bank Debit Card is
offeredwhen you open a savings or current account with the bank, however, you can
upgrade to a
better card by choosing the right card as per your spending habits and patterns, from a wide
range of cards offered by the bank. Here, we have listed down the top HDFC Debit Cards.


Balance inquiry

HDFC Bank is one of the major operating banks in India. It provides various ways
such asSMS, missed call, net banking, internet banking, etc. to make banking more
These services have given easy solutions to one of the most important banking queries i.e.
how to check account balance in HDFC account. Let us learn more about the multiple ways
to check HDFC account balance:

HDFC Bank accountholders get the facility to check their balance through multiple
methods and stay updated with their banking details 24×7. HDFC balance check number is
toll-free and provides easy access to all accountholders who have registered their mobile
number withtheir HDFC Bank savings accounts. This allows them to prevent any banking
fraud at the earliest. This page helps users find various ways to check HDFC Bank account
Mini Statement

HDFC Bank provides its customers with all the banking services round the clock. With
the help of digital banking, HDFC Bank customers can access their bank account on the tips
of their hands thus saving a lot of time. Account-holders can avail services like balance
enquiry,mini statement, fund transfer and much more on-the-go. Customers can easily
generate bank account statement and HDFC Bank Mini Statement using the missed call
facility, SMS Banking, HDFC net banking, mobile banking facility provided by the bank.

What is HDFC mini Statement

HDFC Bank Mini Statement is a service provided by the bank using which account
holderscan check the last 3 debits/credits made to the account. Account holders can avail
HDFC Bank Mini Statement using –

Toll-free Number

SMS Banking

Mobile Banking

But, before availing HDFC Bank Mini Statement, account holders will be required to register
for the same.

Net Banking

HDFC Net banking is a digital banking platform that enables customers to access their
HDFC Bank savings account, transfer funds online and avail banking services using the
HDFC Bank net banking customers need to login to their net banking account to use
featureslike balance enquiry, fund transfer, etc.

HDFC Net Banking Service In order to provide convenience to all its account holders,
HDFCBank introduced the net banking facility for all its account holders. With HDFC Net
banking, account holders can avail various banking services from the convenience of their
home or
workplace. Customers will only be required to HDFC net banking registration and then login
with their credentials.

Customer care

Customers of HDFC Bank having their savings accounts, current accounts, loans, credit
cardsand other financial instruments in the bank can avail customer service through phone,
email, SMS or by visiting the branch. HDFC Bank customer care provides solutions to all
queries and issues faced by customers. One can also reach out to HDFC customer care for
grievance redressed.

HDFC customer care number

HDFC Bank customers can call the following toll free number to get all queries answered or
resolve all grievances:

1800 202 6161

Customers who are traveling abroad can reach the bank on the below mentioned number.
Please note that charges may apply as per your traffic plan with your service provider.

+9122 61606160
For HDFC Bank credit card mis-selling, the customer can write to or call at 1800258383



 Right strategy for the right product.

 Superior customer service vs competitor.

 Great brand image.

 Product have required accreditation.

 High degree of customer satisfaction.

 Good place to work.

 Lower response time with efficient and effective services.

 Dedicated work force aiming at making long term careers in the field.


 Some gap in range for certain sector.

 Customer service staff need training.

 Processes and systems etc.

 Management cover inefficient.

 Sectoral Growth Is constrained by low unemployment levels and competitors for staff.


 Profit margin will be good.

 Could extend to overseas broadly.

 Fast -track career development opportunities on an industry-wide basis.

 An applied research center to create opportunities for development technique to

provide added value service.


 Legislation cloud impact.

 Great risk involved.

 Very high competition prevailing in the industry .

 Valenerable to reactive attract by measures competitors.

 Lack of infrastructure in Rural areas could constrained investment.

 High volume / low cost market Is intensely Competitive.


As the banking industry continues to evolve and become more complex, it is important to
understand various Investment products and banking services offered by HDFC. It helps the
customers to understand the features and Benefits of these products. And with changing
customer needs and wants, studying customer satisfaction in banking Services and investment
products is crucial in order to retain existing customers and attract new ones, gain competitive
Advantage to increase their market share in the industry, to improve service quality and to
enhance their brand image.


 To identify the range of services and products offered by HDFC and assess their
suitability in meeting Customer needs.

 To determine the level of customer awareness and perception of HDFC investment

product and banking Services.

 To measure customer satisfaction levels and gather feedback on organizational

performance to drive Continuous improvement in service quality.

 To identify areas of improvement in HDFC’s offerings and service delivery processes

based on customer Feedback.

 To gain insights into customer preferences and develop new products and services
that meet changing Customer needs and preferences.

 To enhance HDFC’s brand image and reputation in the market through positive
customer experiences And recommendations.
 To gain a competitive advantage in the industry by offering superior customer service
and meeting Customer needs better than competitors

Literature and review

Investment products and banking services are two key areas of financial services that have
grown in popularity in recent Years. Investment products are financial instruments that provide
a return on investment, such as mutual funds, Insurance products, and savings schemes.
Banking services, on the other hand, are financial services that provide Support for everyday
financial transactions, such as loans, credit cards, and account types. HDFC has a wide range
of Investment products and banking services that cater to the diverse needs of its customers,
easily accessible and the Affordability vary depending upon the product or service and the
income of the customer, according to the research.

Several research have looked at this problem from various angles. A few of the publications
on this topic are reviewed.

Jindal and Hasrat’s empirical study titled “Customer Awareness and Preferences for HDFC
Bank’s Digital Banking” Highlights how changing consumer habits and a competitive market
are compelling banks to upgrade their technology On a daily basis to maintain profitability.
As a result, the banking industry is increasingly focused on rapidly upgrading Its products and
services to keep up with market transformations. While banks are not typically known fortheir
agility, The industry has introduced innovative methods of banking to make it as hassle-free as
possible and stay competitive. (Hasrat, 2016).

In their case study titled “Assessing Customer Satisfaction in the Banking Sector: A Study of
HDFC Bank Ltd.”, Raj And Bansal highlight the significant impact of product and service
evaluation on customer satisfaction. Within the Banking industry, customers evaluate service
features such as pricing, personnel friendliness, and product/service
Customization. As service is the primary product offered by service providers such as HDFC
Bank Ltd., the quality of Service is often judged based on price. However, this may not
necessarily be an accurate representation of service Quality within the sector, particularly as
price is just one aspect of the overall product and service offering. (Bansal, January 10, 2019).

In their 2011 study, Naveen Kumar and V.K. Gangal investigated the satisfaction of
customers in new-generation banks And highlighted the fast-growing expectations of
customers in the Indian banking industry. New customers demand the Best services at
reasonable prices. The study found that most Indian banks have limited diversity in the
products and Services they offer. Consequently, in a competitive industry, banks must focus
on implementing strategic measures to Satisfy customers and retain as many of them as

In 2008, Rueangthanakiet Pairot provided a definition of customer satisfaction as being

the ability of a company to Meet the business, emotional, and psychological requirements of
itscustomers. Nevertheless, due to differences in Attitudes and experiences, customers may
Have varying levels of satisfaction with the company. The importance attributed by customers
to different aspects of The product or service also influences their level of satisfaction.
Measuring customer satisfaction enables an Organization to identify the criticalfactors that
contribute to satisfaction or dissatisfaction and gain insight into what Drives customer
satisfaction during a service encounter.

In 2011, Desta conducted a study that involved evaluating and gauging the perception of
banking service quality among Customers of an SBI branch. The study also investigated the
correlation between service quality, customer satisfaction, And positive word-of-mouth. The
findings revealed that the bank customers’ expectations were not adequately met, and The
most significant discrepancy was observed in the reliability aspect.

In 2012, Maya Basant Lohani conducted a study that investigated service quality in several
banks, utilizing the SERVQUAL scale developed by Parasuraman et al. (1988) to measure
service quality across five dimensions. The Findings indicated that there was a minor
perceptual gap between the banks in terms of overall service quality. The Study also observed
that banks tend to prioritize tangible factors such as computerization and physical facilities to
Attract customers.
In their 2016 study, Rajgopal Subashini and Velmurugan Gopalasamy elucidated the notion of
customer satisfaction Within the banking industry. With private and public banks playing a
pivotal role in providing a plethora of intermediate Banking services to both rural and urban
customers, maintaining customer loyalty and retention has become crucial. However, the study
observed that some banks neglect the significance of their clients.


A literature review revealed that there have been several studies on the subject customer
satisfaction in a particular HDFC service such as E-banking service, ATM, etc. This study’s
exclusive emphasis was on investment product and Banking services of HDFC BANK.
Because earlier studies had focused on the service quality, its impact on customer
Satisfaction, but had not given the investment product enough attention.

Research is a careful investigation or inquiry especially through search for new facts in
branch of knowledge: market research specifies the information. Required to address these
issues: designs the method for collecting information: manage and implements the data
collection process analyses the results and communicates the finding and their implications.

Research problem is the one which requires a researcher to find out the best solution for the
given problem that is to find out the course of action, the action the objectives can be obtained
optimally in the context of a given environment.


A framework or blueprint for conducting the research project. It specifies the details of

the procedures necessary for obtaining the information needed to structure and/or

solveresearchproblems. A good research design lays the foundation for conducting the

project.A good research design will ensure that the research project is conducted effectively

andefficiently.Typically, a research design involves the following components, or tasks:

 Define the information needed.

 Design the research.

 Specify the measurement and scaling procedures.

 Construct and present a questionnaire or an appropriate form for data collection.

 Specify the sampling process and sampling size.

 Develop a plan of data analysis.


This study utilizes both internal and external sources of data. The researchers collected
rawmaterials, including data From company records and documents, which constitute
internal data, while other data are external.

The data collection process involves two types: primary and secondary

Primary data – The data for this study was obtained by using a questionnaire to gather
information. The questionnaire Was completed by existing users of HDFC BANK.

Secondary data – The data is collected from various sources, such as standard books,
internalsources, newspapers, And magazines. Additionally, data is collected from external
and internal sources, such as the company’s annual reports, Additional profiles, and website.


For this study, a convenient method of random sampling was employed to determine the
appropriate sample size.

I choose a sample size of 52 of which 50 responded through online survey.


 Young individuals are less inclined towards fixed deposits as they seek substantial
returns on their investments Within a short period. Hence, they prefer to allocate
their funds towards equities in the stock market.

 Individuals aged between 31 and 40 display a certain level of interest in saving

money for their future, Individuals aged between 41 and 50 prioritize investing
their funds in low-risk areas, with little or no inclination Towards equity and share

 The majority of customers were satisfied by the services provided by the bank like
after sale services before Sale services token system. The number of satisfied
customers is much more than the unsatisfied customer.
 The person aged 20 to 30 are investing more in recurring deposits, the people aged
31 to 40 invest less in Recurring deposits, The people aged 41 to 50 invest very

 The number of customers interested in fixed deposits is more than Recurring

Deposits and saving A/C. because People want to invest there money in one go
instead of investing there money per month.

 Majority of customers find HDFC investment products and banking services

easily accessible in urban areas, Whereas it was difficult for people in rural areas
because of lack of education and financial literacy.

The demographic findings through this survey are -

1. Gender

The table below show gender profile of respondents

GENDER No.of responsdents Percentage

Male 24 53.8%
Female 26 46.2%
Total 50 100%
 The primary data collection 50 responded
 53.8% of the respondents are male
 46.2% of respondents are female

2. Age an distribution Of male and female customer delight with HDFC

AGE GROUP No.of respondents Percentage
Less than 25 11 21.2%
25-35 23 48.1%
35-45 9 17.3%
45-55 7 13.5%

55 and above 0 0%
Total 50 100%
50 respones

1. The primary data collection 50 responses
2. 21.2% Respondents belong to less than 25 age category
3. 48.1% respondents belong to 25-35 age category
4. 17.3% respondents belongs to 35-45 age category
5. 13.5% respondents belongs to 45-55 age category

3. Occupation of the customer of bank

Occupation No.of respondents Precentage

Self employed 20 40%
Businessman 10 20%
Salaries 15 30%
Professional 4 8%
Retired 1 12%
Total 50 100%

 The primary data collection 50 responses

 40% of the customer are self Employed
 20% of the customer are businessman
 30% of the customer are salaries
 8% of the customer are professional
 12% of the customer are retired
3. What are the reason that attract you to be a customer of bank?
Responses No.of respondents Percentage
Image 6 11.8%
Extra service 9 17.6%
Services 19 37.3%
All above 17 33.3%
Total 50 100%

 The primary data collection 50 responses
 11.8% customer response to image
 17.6% customer response to extra service
 37.3% customer response to service
 33.3% customer response to all above

4. Do you know about these following services of the bank.

Responses No.of respondents Percentage

Saving account 26 53.8%
Fixed deposit 3 4.7%
Current account 4 7.7%
Demat account 7 13.5%
Credit card 5 9.6%
Mutual fund 1 3%
Loan 4 7.7%
Total 50 100%

 The primary Data collection is 50 responses
 53.8% respondents are a customer of saving account
 4.7% respondents are a customer of fixed deposit
 7.7% respondents are a customer of current account
 13.5% respondents are a customer of demat account
 9.6% respondents are a customer of credit card
 3% respondents are a customer of mutual fund
 7.7% respondents are a customer of loan
5. Do you know about the Extra services being provided by the HDFC BANK
Responses No.of respondey Percentage
Yes 32 65.4%
No 13 25%
May be 5 9.6%
Total 50 100%


 The primary Data collection is 50 responses

 65.4% customer response are yes
 25% responses are No
 9.6% responses are maybe

6. What is your preparation about the service of the HDFC Bank

Responses No.of respondents Percentage
Good 34 69.2%
Average 14 26.9%
Poor 2 3.9%
Total 50 100%


 The primary Data collection is 50 responses

 69.2% customer response are good
 26.9% customer response are Average
 3.9% customer response are poor

7. Any problem you are facing regarding the bank.

Responses No.of respondents Percentage
Timelines 13 25.5%
Customer relationship 15 31.4%
Infrastructure 6 11.8
Other 16 31.4%
Total 50 100%


 The primary data collection is 50 responses

 25.5% responses of customer is Timelines
 31.4% respones of customer is customer relationship
 11.8% responses of customer is infrastructure
 31.4% responses of customer is other
8. No.of year customer delight with HDFC Bank .

Responses No.of respondents Percentage

Less than 1 year 15 32.7%
1 & 2 year 13 25%
3 & 5 yers 10 19.2%
More than 5 yers 12 23.1%
Total 50 100 %

 The primary Data collection is 50 responses
 32.7% respondents has been customer of bank for less than 1year
 25% respondents has been customer of bank for 1&2 year
 19.2% respondents has been customer of bank for 3&5year
 23.1% respondents has been customer of bank for more than 5year
9. Reason for topically visiting the bank branch

Responses No.of respondents Percentage

To make payment 15 28.8%
To get advice investment 13 25%
To inquiry about balance 7 13.5%
To withdraw cash 15 32.7%
Total 50 100%


 The primary data collection is 50 responses

 28.8% respondent of customer is to make payment
 25% respondents Of customer is to get advice investment options
 13.9% respondents of customer is to inquiry about balance
 32.7% respondents of customer is to withdraw cash
10. If you are provided with better services by optional Bank would to more to other
Responses No.of respondents Percentage
Yes 40 80.8%
No 10 19.2%
Total 50 100%


 The primary Data collection is 50 responses

 80.8% respondents of customer is yes.
 19.2% Respondents of customer is N

 Majority Of the customer are Services with HDFC Bank

 Majority of the customer are award of service and Extra service offered by
HDFC Bank .But not all the service .

 The majority of the customer found service of the bank are avarage.

 Majority of the respondents are found the bank is avarage in maintaining the
good customer relationship .

 Majority of the respondents Said that they are facing the problem of timeliness
and rest are facing problem of customer relationship and infrastructure.

 The perception of the majority of the customer regarding the bank is good
because majority of the customer are satisfied with the bank they also
recommend the product of the bank.

 The most preferable extra service is ATMs and less preferable service are bill
payment ,net banking and phone banking.

 Majority of the customer are more interested in FDs,mutual fund, saving


 The majority of the customer are satisfied with dealing of the official of
some extent

 Main factor that attract the customer to word bank is the service of the

 Services that are most used by the customer are saving account ,FDs,
current account,loan

As it is said, there’s always room for improvement keeping this in mind customer satisfaction
could be increased at HDFC Bank by focusing on the following:

 Empowering the employees.

 Providing great self – service support.
 Segment the client base and create personalized customer experiences.
 Staying consistent across all touch points.
 Educating the customers on financial literacy.
 Improving financial technology.
 Not just being a lender, but also being an advisor for small businesses.

HDFC Bank provides a range of investment products and banking services to its
customers,catering to their various Financial needs. The bank offers attractive interest rates,
flexible tenure options, and various features to its customers.

Recent research has shown that age plays a vital role in choosing the products and service
as financial literacy has Evolved over years and people from different age groups think
differently because of various factors.

HDFC’s investment products and banking services have a high level of customer
satisfaction. The study identified the Key factors that influence customer satisfaction in
HDFC’s investment products and banking services, which can help HDFC to improve its
services further. The study recommends that HDFC should focus on improving the quality of
its Investment products and banking services, customer service, and convenience to maintain
and increase customer Satisfaction. By doing so, HDFC can retain its existing customers and
attract new ones in the highly competitive banking And investment industry

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