English Class XII

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Time: 3 hours] [Max. Marks: 80

Note: (i) This question paper is divided into three sections-A,B,C.

(ii) All questions are compulsory. Marks are indicated against each question.
(iii) Separate instructions are given with each section and question, wherever
necessary. Read these instructions very carefully and follow them faithfully.
(iv) Do not exceed the prescribed word limit while answering the questions.

Section A (Reading)

1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow-

A. Too many parents these days can‟t say no. As a result, they find themselves raising
„children‟ who respond greedily to the advertisements aimed right at them. Even getting
what they want doesn‟t satisfy some kids; they only want more. Now, a growing
number of psychologists, educators and parents think it‟s time to stop the madness and
start teaching kids about what‟s really important: values like hard work, contentment,
honesty and compassion.
B. The struggle to set limits has never been tougher—and the stakes have never been
higher. One recent study of adults who were overindulged as children, paints a
discouraging picture of their future: when given too much too soon, they grow up to be
adults who have difficulty coping with life‟s disappointments. They also have distorted
sense of entitlement that gets in the way of success in the work place and in
C. Psychologists say that parents, who overindulge their kids, set them up to be more
vulnerable to future anxiety and depression. Today‟s parents themselves raised on
values of thrift and self-sacrifice, grew up in a culture where „no‟ was a household
word. Today‟s kids want much more, partly because there is so much more to want.
The oldest members of this generation were born in the late 1980s, just as PCs and
video games were making their assault‟ on the family room. They think of MP3 players
and flat screen TV as essential utilities, and they have developed strategies to get them.
One survey of teenagers found that when they crave for something new, most expect to
ask nine times before their parents give in. By every measure, parents are shelling out
record amounts. In the heat of this buying blitz, even parents who desperately need to
say no find themselves reaching for their credit cards.
D. Today‟s parents aren‟t equipped to deal with the problem. Many of them, raised in the
1960s and 70s swore they‟d act differently from their parents and have closer
relationships with their own children. Many even wear the same designer clothes as
their kids and listen to the same music. And they work more hours; at the end of a long
week, it‟s tempting to buy peace with „yes‟ and not mar precious family time with
conflict. Anxiety about the future is another factor. How do well intentioned parents say
no to all the sports gear and arts and language lessons they believe will help their kids
thrive in an increasingly competitive world? Experts agree: too much love won‟t spoil a
child. Too few limits will. What parents need to find, is a balance between the
advantages of an affluent society and the critical life lessons that come from waiting,
saving and working hard to achieve goals. That search for balance has to start early.
E. Children need limits on their behavior because they feel better and more secure when
they live within a secured structure. Older children learn self-control by watching how
others, especially parents act. Learning how to overcome challenges is essential to
becoming a successful adult. Few parents ask kids to do chores. They think their kids
are already overburdened by social and academic pressures. Every individual can be of
service to others, and life has meaning beyond one‟s own immediate happiness. That
means parents eager to teach values have to take a long, hard look at their own.

a) What do the psychologists, educators and parents want to teach the children? 2
b) What are the results of giving the children too much too soon? 2
c) Why do today‟s kids want more? 1
d) What is the balance which the parents need to have in today‟s world? 2
e) What is the necessity to set limits for children? 2
f) Choose the correct option and write in your answer book. 1X3=3

i. Find the word from Para A, which means the state of being happy and satisfied.
1. Greedily 2. Compassion 3. Honesty 4.Contentment

ii. Find the word from Para B, which is opposite of „courage‟.

1. Disappointments 2. Depression 3. Discourage 4. None of these

iii. What is essential to become a successful adult?

1. Learn not to overcome challenges
2. Learn how to overcome challenges
3. Nothing is essential
4. None of these

2. Read the following passage.

If you live in a rapidly urbanising India, especially in the North, and feel that things are
getting from bad to worse as far as civility, sensitivity and respect for law is concerned,
you are not alone.
I go out cycling almost every morning, at the crack of dawn. The total lawlessness that has
come to grip the society scares me. As early as 5 am, our cycling group notices people
huddled around their cars, drinking outside eateries or liquor joints, fighting, arguing
loudly, or simply passing lewd comments at the women riders in our group. The
comments do not vary from a Mercedes or a Maruti Swift. They are uniformly distasteful.
We often see police vehicles at these joints too, and they are certainly not there attending
to an SOS call.
Several of you would remember the horrific accident that took place in Gurgaon. Forty
seven year old Avinash Shah, driving his small car with his wife and daughter was hit by a
businessman test driving a powerful new Audi. Avinash died instantly and his wife and
daughter barely survived.
The gent, who rammed the big Audi into the small car, is out on bail. According to eye-
witnesses, soon after ramming into Avinash‟s car, this gent got out, made a few phone
calls using his mobile, and got picked up by his own driver in his car and vanished. The
police said they did not have his address for two days despite knowing that he was on a
test drive and had deposited his driving licence at the car showroom before taking the car
out. Two days later, this gent reappeared, with a lawyer in toe and surrendered, only to be
bailed out in a jiffy.
Why it is that thing are reaching such a pass? Sudden wealth, easy availability of „good
things‟ in life, general feeling that money can buy anything, or what else? Is it just a North
Indian phenomenon or nationwide? Why it is that uncouth, uncivil and insensitive
behaviour is all pervasive? Why is the society so willing to circumvent, indeed buy, law at
will? Do you think the media is responsible having abdicated its responsibilities by
concentrating on flashy things alone while bypassing the real issues that would positively
impact the society?
Whatever the answer to those questions is, the solution lies with us alone. We need to stop
accepting being pushed around. An individual cannot take on those who mock at our law,
but together we can do wonders. The choice is ours, whether to stare down the barrel of
the gun as lawlessness gains ground faster than these guys drive their fast cars, or start
coming together to challenge the perpetrators of these crimes. I have often heard the
argument that our economy is growing rapidly and this is just a brief side effect of such
growth. I would rather have a slower growth rate of economy, but a saner, civilised
society to live in.

a) On the basis of your reading of the passage, make notes on it, using headings and sub-
headings. Use recognizable abbreviations, wherever necessary. Give the passage a
suitable title. 5

b) Write a summary of the notes prepared, in not more than 60 words. 3

Section B (Advanced Writing Skills)

3. While walking in a park in your neighbourhood you found a small plastic bag
containing some documents and some cash. Write a notice in about 50 words to be put
on the park notice board asking the owner to identify and collect it from you. You are
Amar/Amrita 9876543210. 4

You are Hem/Hema. Your father, Shri Aman Rawat of Nainital wants you to draft an
invitation to be sent to friends and relatives on the occasion of your elder sister‟s
marriage. Prepare the invitation giving necessary details in not more than 50 words.

4. You are the Sports Captain of your school. The annual sports were conducted last
month. Write a report in 100-125 words on the conduct of the same. You are Manish/
Manisha of GGIC Ramnagar. 6

You have been a witness to an incident of chain snatching in your area. Give a short
description of the same in about 125 words.

5. Write a letter to M/s. Samsung Galaxy Corporation New Delhi, complaining that the
smart wristwatch you recently bought from them does not function properly and ask for
a replacement. You are Dinesh/ DayaRawat, 450, Khan Market, New Delhi. 8


People have adapted to wearing face mask as „new normal‟. But most of them do not
know how to dispose of them properly. Spread awareness regarding the disposal of face
masks by writing a letter to the editor of a local newspaper. You are Anita/Arun of GIC

6. Write an article in 150-200 words on how we can make India a carefree and enjoyable
place for women when they can go wherever they like to without any fear of being
stared at, molested or discriminated against. You are Chetan/Chetnaof GIC Kanda.

Write an article in 150-200 words on emerging need of population control in India. You
are Priya/Prem of GIC Ramnagar.

Section C (Literature)
7. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follows-

Far far from gusty waves these children‟s faces.

Like rootless weeds, their hair torn round their pallor:
The tall girl with her weighted-down head.
The paper seeming boy, with rat‟s eyes.

a) Name the poem and the poet. 1

b) What do the images “rootless weeds” and “hair torn round their pallor” suggest? 1
c) What do you understand by “The paper seeming boy, with rat‟s eyes”? 1


When Aunt is dead, her terrified hands will lie

Still ringed with ordeals she was mastered by
The tigers in the panel that she made
Will go on prancing, proud and unafraid

a) Who is the aunt mentioned here? 1

b) Why is she “ringed with ordeals”? 1
c) What is the difference between her and the tigers? 1

8. Answer any three of the following questions in 30-40 words each 2x3=6

a) What do the parting words of the poet and her smile signify?
b) What will counting up to twelve and keeping still help us achieve?
c) What makes human beings love life in spite of troubles and sufferings?
d) What was the plea of the folk who had put up the roadside stand?

9. Answer the following questions in 30-40 words each. 2x4=8

a) How did Franz‟s feelings about M. Hamel and school change?

b) Why was the crofter so talkative and friendly with peddler?
c) What did Gandhiji do about the social and cultural upliftment of the Champaran
d) How does Eco find the time to write so much?

10.Answer the following question in 125-150 words. 7

Describe the difficulties the bangle makers of Firozabad have to face in their lives.

How did Douglas overcome his fear of water?

11. Answer the following question in 125-150 words.

Why Antarctica is the place to go to understand the Earth‟s present, past and future? 4


It may take a long time for oppression to be resisted, but the seeds of rebellion are
sowed early in life. Do you agree that injustice in any form cannot escape being noticed
even by children?

12. Answer the following questions in 30-40 words each. 2x4=8

a) What does third level refer to?

b) Who is the Tiger king? Why does he get that name?
c) Who was Dr Sadao? Where was his house?
d) What is the moral issue that the story “Should Wizard Hit Mommy” raises?

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