Week7Q2 RLAS Science6 Final
Week7Q2 RLAS Science6 Final
Week7Q2 RLAS Science6 Final
Quarter 2: Week 7
Learning Activity Sheets
Science 6
Coral reefs are the natural habitats for many sea animals like sponges, mollusks,
crustaceans, and echinoderms (Constante-Padpad 2017) thus, providing rich sources of
marine food. They also serve as barriers to tidal waves and break the big waves into small
ones. (Pablo 2016)
Mangroves serve as breeding or nesting grounds for different species. The roots of
mangroves provide shelter for many oceanic and freshwater animals. They use the
mangroves as breeding and nursing grounds before heading to the open ocean. (Constante-
Padpad 2017) Like the trees in the rainforests, mangroves are also good sources of timber
for construction, firewood, and charcoal. Mangroves act as natural barriers and flood defense.
They protect the coastlines against storm surge or the sudden rise in water level, usually
caused by storm. Mangroves trap and filter sediments and poisonous materials that flow
farther to deep waters. They provide food and areas for nesting, nursing, and breeding for
many vertebrates. (Pablo 2016)
Illegal methods of fishing such as cyanide fishing, muro-ami fishing and dynamite
fishing can destroy the coral reefs. Cyanide fishing is a method in which fishermen dive into
the sea and spray sodium cyanide, a poisonous compound, which results in the killing of
many fishes including smaller ones. Muro-ami fishing is a method that uses an encircling net
and a pounding device, which is usually made of big stones fitted on a rope. This device is
used to pound and destroy the coral reefs to drive away the fish and other animals, which
they caught using the net. Dynamite fishing, which is another method of illegal fishing, uses
explosive materials called dynamite. When dynamites are thrown into the water, the corals
are destroyed and many fishes are killed, including the small or recently hatched ones that
are not yet mature enough for consumption. (Pablo, Protecting and Conservation of Tropical
Rainforest 2016).
Mangroves are cleared for property development, for commercial fish farming and
often used as dumping grounds for wastes.
As stewards of God’s creation, it is our duty to protect these wonders. Here are some
practices on how we can protect and conserve tropical rainforests, coral reefs, and mangrove
• Prevent illegal animal hunting and plant collection.
• Help promote reforestation and practice planting more trees.
• Prevent illegal fishing.
• Dispose trashes properly. Do not leave wastes anywhere especially near the
• Volunteer for cleanup projects for coral reefs, mangrove swamps and
• Follow laws protecting mangroves, corals, and forests strictly.
Learning Competency with code
Explain the need to protect and conserve tropical rainforests, coral reefs, and
mangrove swamps. (S6MT-IIi-j-6)
Science Vocabulary Words
Here are some words that you will encounter in this Learning Activity Sheet and their
meanings for you to be able to understand the words well.
Activity 1 – Who am I?
Directions: Guess the name of the animal or plant in the drawing and fill in the missing letters
to complete the name, then answer the question that follows.
What will happen if the habitats of these plants and animals are destroyed?
Activity 2 – I am Important!
Directions: Complete the diagram. Write the importance of tropical rainforests, coral reefs,
and mangrove swamps inside the box.
Activity 3– Protect Me!
Directions: Put a check mark () on the line if the sentence tells a way of conserving or
protecting tropical rainforests, coral reefs, or mangrove swamps. Put a cross mark (x) if it
does not.
________1. Cut mangrove branches to make Christmas trees.
________2. Walk, ride a bike, or commute through public transport to lessen the number or
running vehicles on the road.
________3. Cut down trees for timber.
________4. Leave your trashes on the shore after eating your favorite snacks.
________5. Support illegal fishing.
________6. Help our ecosystem through reforestation.
________7. Create a man-made fish sanctuary.
________8. Use dynamite in fishing.
________9. Support programs of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources.
________10. Hunt endangered animals.
Performance Task No. 4 – Poster Making
Directions: Make a poster showing people protecting and conserving any of the following
ecosystems: tropical rainforest, coral reef, or mangrove swamp. Be guided by the rubrics
provided below.
Rubrics for Poster Making
Criteria 10 7 4 1
Visuals are related Visuals are There are few Visuals do not
to the topic and related to the topic related visuals relate to the
very easy to and are easy to to the topic. topic.
understand. understand.
Visuals are neatly Visuals are neat Followed layout Work is
designed, layout and easy to sample, disorganized.
compliments understand. somewhat
content. disorganized.
Uses unique Contains some Contains some No evidence
design elements, unique or good, although of creativity.
visuals that make imaginative not entirely
the poster stand elements. original
out. elements.
Answer Key:
Activity 2 – I am Important! (Answer may vary)
Activity 1 – Who am I?
4. TAMARAW Tropical Mangrove
Coral Reefs
5. STAR FISH Rainforests Swamps
Plants and animals • provide habitat • provide rich • serve as
will die because their for animals and sources of breeding or
plants marine food nesting grounds
habitat is destroyed.
• help in the • serve as of different
prevention of soil barriers to species
Activity 3 – Protect Me! erosion and floods tidal waves • good sources of
• main suppliers of and break the timber and
1. X oxygen big waves into construction
2. • provide materials small ones materials
3. X for construction • Crushed • act as natural
4. X • Some of the herbal corals are barriers and
5. X medicines that sometimes flood defense
some people use used in • trap and filter
6. to cure illnesses building roads sediments and
7. come from plants and highways. poisonous
8. X that are found in • They are also materials that
9. the rainforests used for flow farther to
10. X decorations at deep waters
Master Teacher I - Writer
Atioc – Dela Paz ES
Teacher III - Illustrator
Yabutan ES
Teacher I – Layout Artist
Sapang Tagalog ES