M Abdullah Javed (4330)
M Abdullah Javed (4330)
M Abdullah Javed (4330)
(GCU) Lahore
Submitted To:
Dr. Saqib
Submitted By:
Muhammad Abdullah Javed
Roll No: 4330-BS-PS-21
o Criticism of far right politics on social media and cultural grounds
o Economic critiques
o Black lives matter
o Never Trump movement
Reflection on the far-right politics in Trump’s era
Consideration of ongoing political dynamics
This summary offers a short description of a number of studies examining the complexity of
the influence of far-right politics on American governmental and economic leadership. The
ideology behind the rise of far-right movements is explored further, taking a close look at
how they have been gaining traction in American politics. A special focus is placed on the
influence of far-right ideologies on the internal arrangement of administration bodies, as well
as their effects on economic policies and governance. The research employs multidisciplinary
methods of political science, sociology and economic theory on extreme right’s outlook on
matters such as immigration, trade and welfare. The paper also examines how far-right actors
might contribute to a shift in the power balance and the undermining of democracy. The
research applies case studies and empirical analysis to identify specific instances where far-
right ideologies have shaped political and economic governance, detailing the consequences,
short-term politics and long-term institutional changes.
Far right politics means political views to ultra-conservatism, loyalty and often time
authoritarianism. There are some typical tendencies followed by the adherents such as strong
centralized management, proper social order and many times negative feelings towards the
immigrants. Globalization, multiculturalism, and the promotion of traditional values could
serve as arguments in far-right motions. Mostly these beliefs are expressed as populist
phraseology and leaders saying to show the real interests of the country with its government
against internal or external cautions. The far right groups can be as different as the extreme
right, depending on radical person who loves his / her country parties to more strife
accompanying bias parts and intolerance.
Salvador Santino F. Regilme, The decline of American power and Donald Trump: Reflections on
human rights, neoliberalism, and the world order, Geoforum, (102), 157-166,
Factors contributing to the rise of far right politics in USA
Various factors can explain why far-right politics is emerging in the United States. These
factors include both classic streams and contemporary waves. With economic anxieties
combined with the cultural shifts and governmental dissemination, there is an environment
that fosters the spread of far-right beliefs.
Dissatisfaction with the economy is one useful aspect. Globalization and other concerns has
transformed the economic landscape, better than job relocation and wage stagnation some
portion of the population. Such people rely on such far-right development that will protect
local business and provide jobs for rural population. The ensuing financial risk could be ideal
grounds for wayward civil servants who would exploit such concerns to benefit their political
Change in Culture
To some extent, cultural changes, math shifts and discussions on correspondence government
also follow suit. The increasing diversity of the American people has caused concerns among
some who perceive such changes as threats to their average intelligence and traditional
values. The far-right frequently capitalizes on these anxieties, advocating for nativism as well
as the belief in antagonistic aliens as a means of preserving the facade of enlightened unity.
Political dissemination
This has also fueled the rise of far-right government, through political dissemination and
erosion of trust in state organizations. This has led to increased distribution of dissemination
middle from two point’s governmental bodies in the modern period 2. Consequently, it has
created an environment where the extreme beliefs can brush themselves up, with a situation
leaning towards more radical positions that act as a form of governmental protest or
rebel. People could be prompted towards far-right campaigns that present themselves as
outside of the established order when discontent is linked to ongoing campaigning.
This rise of friendly Television has enabled the propagation of far right-wing ideologies at the
speed of thought and they are getting a wide spectrum of audience. Extreme views are
exacerbated and intensified by online echo chambers as virtual societies that endorse and
radicalize people. It contributes to the dissemination of misconceptions about sense through
these forums. These misconceptions, in turn, are used by rightwing extremists for inciting
other wrongheaded beliefs.
Criticism of far right politics on social media and cultural grounds
Far-right campaigning was put under scrutiny, on public news and enlightening fronts, while
Trump’s tenure lasted. Critics believed that this flow enabled dissenting rhetoric in support of
a reverse organization. There were apprehensions about the emergence of intense dedication
to a belief or a nation since it can undermine integration and pluralism. In battlefields of
ideologies, social publishing principles heightened charges of distortion and amplified echo
chambers of fanatics’ opinions. The evolution of far-right parties likewise is accused of cases
of hate talk and intolerance within the far-right circles contributing to the hostile climate.
Economic critiques
Critics of Donald Trump’s commercial approaches say that tax reductions favored the rich
too much and irritated salary inequality. For example, the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was
seen as a spoiling of corporations and top earners, with limited trickle-below effects. Critics
claimed that the trade wars initiated by Trump 6, specifically those involving China, resulted
into increased excises and damaged numerous supply chains across different industries. The
ballooning national debt concerns likewise stood about from talkative monetary policies.
Short, N. (2017). On the Subject of Far-Right-Wing Politics. Critical Sociology, 43(4-5), 763-777
Far-right politics made a great impact in the Trump era, and shaped US political and
economic governance that is still felt today through its government’s policy. Far-right
ideologies rise erect an important podium in the formulation of discourse and policies for the
Trump presidency. This can be observed in areas relating to emigration, patriotism,
nationality, and approaches to public issues. Emigration techniques were one significant area
where far-right influence was depicted. The state pursued a belligerent line, calling for
rigorous border regimens and strict immigration policies. Nothing resistance strategy, which
was used during the process of separating children, drew a huge volume of
criticism. Although there were a few advocates who celebrated these measures as a necessary
step toward freedom of the country, there were also critics who pointed out that they were a
sign of deviation from America’s commitment to grace and inclusion.
Far-right government, as incorporated Trump administration’s agenda, centered on economic
liberalism and tax reduction. The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, one of the notable milestones
of law making endeavors, intended to boost the frugality through decreasing the corporate
and individual tax rates. Supporters claimed that this gave birth to task creation and supported
trades before the universal economic cancer. Nevertheless, experts maintained that the
economic procedures unduly favored the rich and worsened the issue of disparity in
remuneration. These issues, however, remained a concern as concerns grew regarding
services and tangible protections despite the importance on deregulation. Trade wars started
with each presidency especially involving China led to higher taxes and logistical delays with
the resultant uncertainties.