النوتة الحسابية

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Project Summary

 The building Consists of:

 Basement Floor of (3.00) m height
 Ground Floor of (3.30) m height
 first Floor of (3.15) m height
 second Floor of (3.15) m height
 third Floor of (3.15) m height
 fourth Floor of (3.15) m height

|P age 1
 Material Properties Used
 Reinforced Concrete
The reinforced concrete calculation will consider the following material Properties:
 Compressive characteristic strength at 28 day FC28 = 250 kg / cm2
 Young’s modulus E=4400 𝑓𝑐𝑢 = 4400√250 x 100= 2200000 t/m2
E=2200000 t/m2

 Steel Reinforcement
High grade steel (Y) FY = 3600 kg / cm2 FU = 5200 kg / cm2
Normal mild steel (R) FY = 2400 kg / cm2 FU = 3500 kg / cm2

 Loads Used
 Dead Load: Self Weight According to Chosen Sec ons in Addi on to The
Finishing Works Loads and Wall Loads.
 Live Load.

 Design Code
 ECP 203-2007-2020 for concrete design
 ECP 201-2012-2019 for load

 The Programs Used: -

 Analysis, Design and Checks of Sections Done by Using (SAFE 2016
16.0.2), (ETABS 16.2.1), And Excel Sheets.


Statical System

|P age 4
Structural plans
(Basement floor)

Ground floor

|P age 6
|P age 7
Design of slaps
Ground Floor (Solid Slab&Hollow block)

 Load Calculations:

Slab Loads Beam Loads Height

L.L F.C L.L Wall Load
D.L D.L m
(t/m2) (t/m2) (t/m’) (t/m’)
Wwall = bw * Hw *γw
= .25*(3.3) *1.8 =1.305
Wwall = bw * Hw *γw
ground O. W 0.20-0.30 0.15 O. W - = .12*(3.3) *1.8 =0.63 3.30

 Loads on Slab and Beams

|P age 8
 Deformed Shape (Deflection)

Allowable Deformed Shape (∆𝑎 𝑙 𝑙 ) = = .026𝑚 = 2.6 cm

|P age 9
Actual Deformed Shape (∆𝑎 𝑐 𝑡 ) = 0.005632m = 0.5632 cm
∆𝑎 𝑙 𝑙 > ∆𝑎 𝑐 𝑡 ( Safe Deflection )

| P a g e 10

M2-2– y-Direction

Safe in y-Direction M2-2

| P a g e 12
 Design Beams

- Moment

| P a g e 13
typical Floor (Solid slab&Hollow block )

 Load Calculations:

Slab Loads Beam Loads Height

Loads L.L Wall
L.L F.C Walls
D.L D.L Load m
(t/m2) (t/m2) (t/m2)
(t/m’) (t/m’)
typical O. W 0.20 0.15 0 O. W - 0.6048 3.15

 Loads on Slab

| P a g e 14
 Loads on Beams

| P a g e 15
 Solid Slab & Hollow block R.F.T

- M1-1 – X-Direction

safe (5D10)

M2-2 – Y-Direction

| P a g e 16
 Design Beams(transmitted beam)

| P a g e 17
| P a g e 18
moment for beams

| P a g e 19
Stairs (Egyption code )
 Design

 R.f.t
 For M1-1 (Landing R.F.T)

| P a g e 20
 For M1-1 ( Flight R.f.t )

Max Moment = 9.7 t.m , d= 220-20=200 = C1

C1=7.016 , J = .826

As = = = 1631.01 mm2
. . ∗. ∗
. .
Asmin = ∗ 𝐴𝐶 = ∗ (200 ∗ 1000 ) =270 mm2
As > As min
Use 7T 16 /m`

 For M2-2

Max Moment = 4.7 t.m , d= 220-20=200 = C1 ∗

C1=5.05 , J = .826

As = . .
= ∗. ∗
= 1294.7 mm2
. .
Asmin = = ) =270 mm2
As > As min
Use 5 T 12 /m`

| P a g e 21
Design of Columns

 Colmne Reactions

| P a g e 22
Col Reactions

Total Reactions

| P a g e 23
Design Footing (Using Excel)
 Choose Foundation Type
 B/C = 1.5 Kg/cm2

Ratio =

∗ .

Fz for Working Loads=summation of all colmne reactions

Fz= 2838 ton

qact= 17.3∗26.7 = 7.06 t/m2

qallow = 15 t/m2
Ratio = * 100 = 47.06 % < 75%


| P a g e 24
 Isolate Footing Model

 Isolate Footing Model 1

isolated Footing Model 2

| P a g e 25
Isolate Footing Model 2

Isolate Footing Model 3

| P a g e 26

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