Chapter 4 Social Justice
Chapter 4 Social Justice
Chapter 4 Social Justice
social justice
Our society requires justice so that we are able to
have order and the wellbeing of all the people.
Now the question is what kind of justice. Rich
(Capitalist )people will argue that they want a
completely liberal society where market will rule
and state will function merely to maintain law and
order. This is justice for them.
Whereas socialists will say that justice is where
state will occupy all resources and there is equal
distribution of resources.
what is justice?
Justice involves the wellbeing of all people.
Immanuel Kant has argued that human beings
possess dignity. And if all persons are granted
dignity, then they will have equal opportunity to
develop their talents and pursue their chosen goals.
Justice means that we give equal consideration to
all individuals.
Meaning of justice
Justice means giving equal consideration to all
Unit-4: Justice Sub-Unit: ‘Different Dimensions of Justice’ Till now we have tried to understand what the
term justice means. After considering this, we need to know different dimensions of justice which may
help us in establishing a just society. Legal, social, political and economic justice are the key dimensions
of justice. Here, we will try to understand these dimensions in some details.
1. Legal Justice: It is a narrow concept of justice which is associated with the legal system and legal
procedure existing in a society. The court of law interprets the law and applies it after hearing the
partners involved in a dispute. Here, justice is what administered by the court of law and the
interpretation of the judge is considered to be an embodiment of justice.
2. Political Justice: In any democratic society political justice means providing equal political rights.
Political justice stands for a free and fair participation of people in the political sphere. Universal adult
franchise is the expression of political justice. Equality of opportunity in getting elected and in holding
public offices, freedom of expression and association are important pillars of political justice.
3. Social Justice: It means to end all types of social inequalities and to provide proper opportunity to
every citizen in every sphere of life, to develop her/his personality to ensure equality of law, prohibition
of discrimination, social security, provision of equal political rights, etc. The concept of social justice is
based on the belief that all human beings are equal and no discrimination should be made on the
ground of race, religion, caste, gender and place of birth.
4. Economic Justice: It means to provide equal opportunities to everyone to earn her/his livelihood. It
also means to help such people who are not able to work and earn their livelihood. The basic need of
every person such as food, cloth, shelter and education should be fulfilled. It stands for by assuring
adequate means of livelihood to all, by making provisions for equal pay for equal work, fair distribution
of resources, equal economic opportunityto all, etc. While the concept of political justice is closely
linked with the ideal of “liberty”, economic and legal justice with “equality” and social justice with
“fraternity”, a just combination of all these four dimensions will help in achieving justicein life.
chapter 6 judiciary
we all know judiciary is important for settling the
disputes between individuals and private parties.
but besides, sorting out disputes it also performs a
very vital political function. That is to protect rights
of individuals.
it interprets the provisions of constitution and
protects the rights of citizens.
(by interpreting it means that it explains the laws
in the constitution in such a way that it is in sync
with principles of constitution which is liberty,
justice etc. to make it more simple, a law has
different interpretations. To allow judiciary to carry
out its functions effectively and fearlessly, we need
an independent judiciary. and to make our
judiciary independent , constitution has made
certain provisions for it. )
Q1. Why do we need an independence of
a1. Independence of judiciary is required:
a. to settle disputes according to the rule of law.
b. to protect rule of law
c. ensure supremacy of law
d. safeguards rights of individuals
e. ensure that democracy does not give way to
individual or group dictatorship
Q2.what is the meaning of rule of law?
A2. rule of law means that all individuals whether
rich or poor, men or women, forward or backward
castes , they all are subjected to the same law.
Meaning of independence of judiciary
it means that
a. Other organs of government like executive and
legislature must not restrain the functioning of
judiciary that it (judiciary) is not able to do justice.
b. other organs should not interfere with decisions
of judiciary
c. Judge must be able to perform functions
without any fear.
But that does not mean that judiciary will do
whatever it wants. it does not mean taking
arbitrary decisions.
Unit- 5: Judiciary Sub-Unit: ‘Judicial Over reach’ When judiciary assumes the roles and functions of the
legislature and executive, thus diluting the concept of separation of powers, it becomes judicial
overreach. Unrestrained activism on the part of judiciary often leads to its overreach. We all know that
Article 142 and judicial review have been put to many constructive uses but some actions like declaring
the NJAC (National Judicial Appointment Commission) unconstitutional as it tried to apply checks on
judicial power highlight the need for judicial restraints in the exercise of judicial review.