Project Report ON Investment Management in HDFC Standard Life Insurance

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction about company

ABOUT HDFC STANDARD LIFE INSURANCE HDFC Standard Life Insurance Compan y Ltd. is one of In dia's leading privateinsurance companies, which offers a range of individual and g r o u p i n s u r a n c e solutions. It is a joint venture between Housing Development Finance CorporationL i m i t e d ( H D F C L t d . ) , I n d i a ' s l e a d i n g h o u s i n g f i n a n c e i n s t i t u t i o n a n d a G r o u p Company of the Standard Life, UK. HDFC as on December 31, 2007 holds 72.38 per cent of equity in the joint venture. HDFC STANDARD LIFE INSURANCE PARENTAGE HDFC Limited. HDFC is India leading housing finance institution and has helped build morethan 23, 00,000 houses since its incorporation in 1977. In Financial Year 2003-04 its assets under management crossed Rs. 36,000 Cr. As at March 31, 2004, outstanding deposits stood at Rs. 7,840 crores. Thedepositor base now stands at around 1 million depositors. Rated AAA by CRISIL and ICRA for the 10th consecutive year Stable and experienced management High service standards Awarded The Economic Times Corporate Citizen of the year Award for itslong-standing commitment to community development. Presented the Dream Home award for the best housing finance provider in2004 at the third Annual Outlook Money Awards.

Standard Life

Group (Standard Life plc and its subsidiaries)

Standard Life Group (Standard Life plc and its subsidiaries) The Standard Life group has been looking after the f i n a n c i a l n e e d s o f customers for over 180 years It currently has a customer base of around 7 million people who rely on thecompany for their insurance, pension, investment, banking and health-careneeds Its investment manager currently administers 125 billion in assets It is a leading pensions provider in the UK, and is rated by Standard & Poor'sas 'strong' with a rating of A+ and as 'good' with a rating of A1 by Moody's Standard Life was awarded the 'Best Pension Provider' in 2004, 2005 and 2006at the Money Marketing Awards, and it was voted a 5 star life and pensions p r o v i d e r a t t h e F i n a n c i a l A d v i s e r S e r v i c e A w a r d s f o r t h e l a s t 1 0 ye a r s r u n n i n g . Th e ' 5 S t a r ' a c c o l a d e h a s a l s o b e e n a wa r d e d t o S t a n d a r d Li f e I n v e s t m e n t s f o r t h e l a s t 1 0 y e a r s , a n d t o S t a n d a r d L i f e B a n k s i n c e i t s inception in 1998. S t a n d a r d Li f e B a n k wa s a wa r d e d t h e ' B e s t F l e x i b l e Mortgage Lender' at the Mortgage Magazine Awards in 2006

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