a. Advanced
b. Basic
c. Hybrid
d. New
a. Part of a document that offers the printer a small amount of space to account for design
c. After being trimmed, the bleed ensures that no unprinted edges occur in the final trimmed
3. Which of the following is the method by which Adobe Illustrator creates images?
A. Raster
B. Encryption
C. Extrapolation
D. Vector
4. New Document dialog box shows default color mode for print as?
C. Illustrator can be adapted by selecting from several preset workspaces or by creating one as
per the requirements.
D. None of these
6. Which screen mode displays artwork in a standard window, with menu bar at the top and scroll
bars on the sides?
A. Presentation Mode
A. 8 GB
B. 4 GB
C. 2 GB
D. 10 GB
8. Which of the following is the simplest path drawn with a pen tool consisting of two anchor
a. Slanting Line
b. Curved Line
c. Straight Line
9. Which of the following statements is true regarding decay for a spiral tool?
b. In order to check the speed of spiral curving inward, decay is multiplied by the radius.
A. Pan Tool
B. Curvature Tool
11. What type of value should be entered in Arc Segment Taor Options dialog box to get concave or
inward stope?
A. Positive
B. Negative
D. All of these
12. Which of the following statements is not true regarding polar grid tool?
A. It helps in creating concentric circles of certain size with certain number of dividers.
B. It cannot be accessed through a list which appears after selecting the Line Segment Toor.
C. The mouse pointer is dragged from the point where the Grid needs to start and released at a
point where a specified size of grid is obtained.
D. None of these
13. What does the placing of reshape cursor over the focal points, alter it to?
D. None of these
A. Retrospective Distortion
B. Perspective Distortion
D. None of these
a. It allows to adjust physical point where there will be 60% of first color
b. It allows to adjust physical point where there will be 50% of each color.
c. It allows to adjust physical point where there will be 60% of second color.
d. It allows to adjust physical point where there will be 60% of first and 40% of second color
a. Solid Colors
b. Gradients
c. Patterns
A. Freeform
B. Radial
C. Linear
D. None of these
A. Swatch Libraries
B. Tools Panol
C. Color panel
D. None of these
19. What are the multiple lines that crisscross the object and provide a way to easily manipulate
color transitions on object when a Mesh object is created?
A. Swatch Lines
B. Meshes
C. Mesh Lines
D. Bezier Handles
A. Middle of object
B. Outline of object
C. Inside of object
D. Top of object.
(A) Swatches are user-defined samples of fill data that can be applied to the artwork created in
(C) Swatches that are in the document appear in the Swatches Panel.
22. Which tool is used to select the text object for altering the style of fonts?
d. None of these
a. The object to be used as a bounding area is created or selected from the tools panel using any
one tool from the Type Tool, the Vertical Type Tool, the Area Type tool, or the Vertical Area Type
b. Any area in the path of the selected object is clicked to make it a bounding area.
c. Any stroke or fill feature of an object does not get removed by the Illustrator after the
bounding area is set.
24. Which of the following is used to add new fonts to the Illustrator?
A. Type-Path
B. Text Object
C. Typekit
D. None of these
25. It allows to type unlimited amount of text within the given area.
A. Area Type
C. Point Type
D. Bounding Area
B. The content that makes up one layer can be worked upon without affecting the other layers.
C. To hide any layer, select the icon in the shape of an 'Eye', click again to unhide.
D. All of these
27. The color box which helps to move content from one layer to another is called:
A. Bounding Area
B. Layers Panel
C. Selection Indicator
D. All of these
C. The text gets resized when the path is resized using the Direct Selection Tool.
c. The effects in the Appearance panel cannot be edited, moved, duplicated, or saved as graphics
for later use.
30. Which of the following are the editing options for the clipping path?
a. The clipping path can be moved by dragging the central reference point of the object with the
Direct Selection tool.
c. None of these
A. Revolving
B. Optimization
C. Rotation
D. Extrusion
32. Which of the following are the editing options for the Blending Objects?
A. Specified Steps
B. Smooth Color
D. None of these
33. Which of the following statement is not true regarding clipping path?
A. A clipping path has to be on the top of the object to be clipped.
B. There can only be one clipping path, and it can be used to clip one or more objects.
D. None of these
34. What do Web graphics use to warrant that the files are displayed properly on the Web?
D. None of these
35. Which tool is used for dragging the anchor points and path segments to alter the shape of the
A. Selection Tool
D. Area Tool