124 THR C Meeting
124 THR C Meeting
124 THR C Meeting
Prof. Tarun Kant, Professor Emeritus, IIT Bombay
Lt. Gen. Suresh Sharma, AVSM, Former Engineer-in-Chief, MoD, ( Army) (on 2nd Dec. only)
Dr. I.K. Pateriya, Director (Projects- II), NRIDA
Dr. R.K. Bhandari, Former Director, CSIR-CBRI
Dr. N. Gopalakrishnan, Director, CSIR-CBRI (on 2nd Dec. only)
Prof. Santosh Kapuria, Director, CSIR-SERC
Prof. Satish Chandra, Director, CSIR-CRRI
Shree K. Sitaramanjaneyulu, Chief Scientist, CSIR-CRRI
Prof. Ranganathan Sundaravadivelu, Professor, IIT Madras
Shree A.K. Gupta, Former Member, UP-PSC
Shree R. K. Pandey, Member, NHAI
DG, CSIR attended part of the first session of RC Meeting on December 02, 2019.
Invitees (CSIR-CRRI)
All scientists attended the forenoon session of the first day of the Research Council meeting and the following
scientists attended remaining proceedings also.
Name Designation
Dr. Anuradha Shukla Chief Scientist
Dr. P.Lakhmy Chief Scientist
Shree U.K. Guruvittal Chief Scientist
Shree P.V. Pradeep Kumar Senior Principal Scientist
Shree M. N. Nagabushana Senior Principal Scientist
Dr. Devesh Tiwari Senior Principal Scientist
Dr. Pradeep Kumar Senior Principal Scientist
Dr. Rajeev Goel Senior Principal Scientist
Dr. Rakesh Kumer Senior Principal Scientist
Dr. Ravindra Kumar Senior Principal Scientist
Shree G.K. Sahu Senior Principal Scientist
Shree Binod Kumar Senior Principal Scientist
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Shree R.K. Srivastava Senior Principal Scientist
Shree S. S. Gaharwar Senior Principal Scientist
Shree Subhash Chand Senior Principal Scientist
Dr. Vasant G. Havangi Senior Principal Scientist
Dr. Ch. Ravi Sekhar Senior Principal Scientist
Dr. Nasim Akhtar Senior Principal Scientist
Dr. P.S Prasad Senior Principal Scientist
Dr. Neelam J Gupta Principal Scientist
Shree Ajay Kumar Jain Principal Scientist
Dr. Ambika Behl Principal Scientist
Dr. A.K. Sinha Principal Scientist
Shree Manoj Kumar Shukla Principal Scientist
Dr. Mukti Advani Principal Scientist
Shree Satish Pandey Senior Scientist
Dr. G. Bharath Scientist
Dr. Naveet Kaur Scientist
Mrs. Parvathi G.S Scientist
Shree Sampath Kumar Scientist
Shree Vivek Dubey Senior Technical Officer
Shree Pankaj Goel Senior Technical Officer
Prof. Satish Chandra, Director CSIR-CRRI welcomed the Director General, CSIR, the Chairman and the other
Members of RC and the scientists to the 124th Research Council Meeting. He expressed his gratitude to Director
General, CSIR for accepting the request to attend CSIR - CRRI RC meeting and give his valuable suggestions. He
mentioned that first session will be attended by all scientists where he is presenting the report of CSIR CRRI. He
requested the chairman to start the proceedings and for opening remarks.
Prof. Tarun Kant, Chairman RC, welcomed DG CSIR, Director CRRI, RC members and all scientists to the
124th RC meeting. He mentioned that the role of the RC is to look into research activities of the lab and help in
improving the performance of the laboratory.
He mentioned about the article he had sent to all RC Members regarding the quality of research within the country.
He reiterated that research at CRRI must be of high quality and scientists should publish only in standard peer-
reviewed journals. He suggested that all scientists must take a pledge that they will not publish their research work in
any predatory journal.
Shree K. Sitaramanjaneyulu, Secretary RC, informed that the minutes of 123rd RC Meeting held during 14-15 May
2019 were circulated to all RC members. When he proposed for the confirmation of the minutes, Dr. R.K. Bhandari,
expressed that the recommendations/suggestions conveyed through a letter dated 7th May 2019 before 123rd RC are
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not recorded and included in the Minutes of 123rd RC Meeting. After discussions, it was decided that the minutes of
123 rd RC meeting could be inclusive of the observation " Geotechnical Engineering area needs strengthening and
need to be focused considering the global requirements" in item no.6, 4th para.
Shree K. Sitaramanajaneyulu, Secretary RC, presented the 'Action Taken Report (ATR)' of general comments and
on completed projects with regard to the suggestions/observations made by the Council in its 123rd Meeting. He
mentioned that, as per the suggestion of the RC, all continuing projects would be presented in every RC meeting till
completion and action taken on the suggestions given for those projects would also be presented by the respective
Prof. Satish Chandra, Director CSIR-CRRI presented the progress of the institute since last RC meeting. It included
meetings with Minister of Urban Development and Housing, Government of Madhya Pradesh, Sh. A. K. Singh, Police
Commissioner- Ahmedabad City, Cabinet Minister of MSME, Minister for Public Works Department, Government of
Kerala and other activities. He also presented the details of agreements signed/technology transferred, major
projects taken up, awards received by CRRI and Scientists of CRRI at various platforms, training programs
organized, lectures delivered by CRRI Scientists, deputations of scientists, visit of foreign delegates, projects
handled, details of publications, patents filed, external cash flow, etc.
He also informed about other developments in CRRI like Rajbhasha activities, Special day celebrations such as Anti-
Terrorism day, World Environmental Day, International Yoga day, CRRI Foundation Day, Independence day, CSIR-
Foundation day, CSIR in media, Jigyasa, a scientist- student connect program. The new recruitments made in the
institute were also highlighted in the presentation. The Council expressed its satisfaction on the work done by CRRI
since the last RC Meeting.
Item 6 – Remarks by DG, CSIR & Secretary, DSIR and Research Council (RC) Members
Dr. Shekhar C Mande, DG, CSIR and Secretary, DSIR thanked all members of the council and expressed his
satisfaction on the achievements of institute in last six months. He said that many new cities and habitats are coming
up around, but entire civic planning was never paid attention during the planning for the city and it has now resulted
in traffic congestion in all cities. He mentioned that it is an opportunity for CRRI where it can make real contribution
like framing some guidelines for the planning and architecture for new habitats/colonies with proper initial studies and
simulation. As the number of accidents in the country is increasing day by day, CRRI should be persuasive with the
government and implementation agencies to implement all the safety measures required to decrease the number of
accidents happening every year.
He suggested that other areas like road safety audit, pavement management, traffic management, idea of testing out
electric bus etc. should be pursued vigorously. He mentioned that instead of giving up the project on landslide
management due to lack of expertise, CRRI should tie up with institute like NGRI and CBRI and develop a
comprehensive research proposal. He was glad to know that there were no predatory and substandard publication
from CRRI and told to continue the same by committing to the scientific ethics. He informed that CSIR was drafting
the scientific ethical guidelines and will be notifying soon which all the CSIR scientists will be bound to follow. He
wished more contributions from CRRI in its scientific field.
Dr. R.K Bhandari said he was impressed about the cash inflow and mentioned that CRRI should work on landslide
management considering all hazards like earthquakes, floods, extreme weather conditions etc. He underscored that
our greatest objective should be to look at the total safety in any given situation. He suggested that in areas like
municipal solid waste and C&D waste, geotechnical group should look at the observational method of design and
construction which was a well-established method. As enormous amount of construction and demolition waste is
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created and scientists should work on utilization of this waste in multiple applications. He opined that institutes like
CRRI should take lead in training program in areas like Climate change, disaster risk reduction and infrastructure
projects, as there is limited knowledge available in the country in these fields.
Dr. R. Gopalkrishnan also appreciated the progress of the institute since last RC. He mentioned that common
characteristic of all civil engineering labs is to get lot of services & consultancies which improve the expertise in an
area. He suggested for a model where scientists can train technical officers and make them capable of carrying out
the routine type of services/consultancy projects and scientists can concentrate more on science. All scientists must
cross the boundaries by being interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary so that they will keep their knowledge up to date.
He mentioned that it is always better to look for projects which are likely to come because of the developments
happening around. Energy storage is one area he suggested where CRRI can work. He desired to collaborate with
CRRI in areas of tunnel engineering and high speed rail corridors. He also said that CBRI and CRRI share common
areas like waste utilization and geo-technical areas and the two labs can work together.
Prof. Santosh Kapuria congratulated the Director for phenomenal progress made by CRRI since last RC particularly
in getting many projects and cash flow. He also congratulated Director CRRI, Prof. Satish Chandra for being elected
as a fellow of the NASI (National Academy of Sciences, India) and mentioned that this distinction to a civil engineer,
is very tough to get. He mentioned that all scientists must give high priority to science. In spite of the fact that CRRI is
doing extraordinarily well, it must do much better in terms of research and publications. He said that scientists’
papers are getting rejected as they are not updating themselves to the cutting edge technologies and this gap cannot
be filled until and unless one brings the new ideas to research. He said that most difficult aspect of pavement
engineering is designing of airport pavements and CRRI should work in this area. Getting a CSIR project with good
peer review on competitive basis is positive aspect where CRRI got some projects. It should also think in
collaborating with other laboratories as it was done in the mission mode project on “Mass Housing”.
He called upon the scientists to come out of the comfort zone and work on new areas phase by phase, so that over
a period of time institute will develop expertise in state of art areas.
Lt. Gen. Suresh Sharma suggested four areas for R&D. He cited example of landslides in Kerala state after the
recent floods and proposed that a project which is completely dedicated to hill road stabilization can be taken up as
this area needed to be revisited. The second area is regarding the drainage problems, a project which is dedicated to
sub soil drainage could be taken up to work as enough competence is not existing today in this area. Climate resilient
infrastructure is the third area where CRRI can work on roads and airfields infrastructure. He also mentioned the NITI
AAYOG document on development of island territories like Andaman Islands and stated that the topography, local
materials and sustainability in these areas is very different from conventional areas. He also proposed research work
in the area of development of roads and airfields in island territories as it is very relevant to present day requirement.
He further suggested that CRRI should initiate the research work in the area of tunneling and offered to help the
scientists in this endeavor. He complimented Director CRRI for qualitative and quantitative improvement in
performance of the institute. He appreciated the role of RC in improvement of institute.
Prof. Tarun Kant, Chairman RC desired that all comments from RC members should be noted and proper action be
taken. He mentioned that level and number of publications have to be improved and CRRI needs strengthening in
analytics and computational analysis and requested the Director to make an expert group in this area.
7.1 Development of Automatic Vehicle The training part of Deep Learning Technique for
Counting and Classification Software Indian vehicle images for better classification and
Using Deep Learning Techniques counting is to be focused.
7.3 Development of Guidelines for Using Findings of the project are satisfactory and need to
Construction & Demolition Waste (CDW) be disseminated properly through quality
in Structural Applications publications in SCI Journals including Indian
Concrete Journal.
Presented by Shree S.S. Gaharwar The Guidelines should also discuss the role of
Interfacial Transition Zone in influencing the
properties of RCA.
The Guidelines should also briefly discuss the
methods for removing the adhered layer of cement
mortar on RCA.
Utilization of waste materials on account of
landslides & seismic activities in hilly areas in road
construction may be explored as a new project.
7.4 Water Harvesting Using Porous Flexible RC appreciated the concept and hoped that findings
Pavements of the project will be properly published
The test track construction can be taken up to study
Presented by Shree Sampath Kumar the performance of the porous pavements as phase
II project.
7.5 A Comprehensive Performance Study RC appreciated the work done under the research
on Hybrid Fibre Reinforced Concrete for project and suggested to publish good research
Concrete Pavement publications.
The PL should work on modeling of the data
Presented by Shree Pankaj Goel generated through lab studies to predict the behavior
of material without actually going for testing.
7.6 Ground Improvement of Sub-Soil Below RC appreciated the work carried out under this project
Existing Structures Using Fibre and suggested to initiate the process for patent and
Reinforced Grouting publications in SCI Journals
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Development of Half Warm Mix
8.3 RC appreciated the project and hoped that all efforts will
Technology for Construction and
be taken to complete the project in time.
Maintenance of Bituminous Surfacing
Presented by Shree Satish Pandey
9.2 Sustainable Road Pavements in High Monitoring of the performance should be based on all
Altitude Regions Using Geosynthetics the indicators rather than on strength parameter alone
Sponsored by NMHS, G.B. Pant National done.
Institute of Himalayan Environment and RC suggested to explore the possibility of
Sustainable Development, Uttarakhand. instrumentation to measure the real time data on the
test sections in the prevailing conditions.
Presented by Dr. G. Bharat
9.3 Creation of Complete Range of RC enquired about the testing facilities of expansion
Independent Testing Facilities for joints in other countries and hoped that all efforts will
Expansion Joints be taken to complete the project in time.
Sponsored by MoRTH, Government of
India, New Delhi.
Presented by Dr. P. Lakshmy
9.4 Development of Road Maintenance Recent disaster in Kerala caused severe damage to
Management System (RMMS) for Public roads, so team should look into this aspect also while
Works Department Govt. of Kerala suggesting the different maintenance treatments.
Sponsored by Public Works Department,
9.5 Safe Road Connectivity for Tripura State RC appreciated the huge database being prepared on
of North East Region of India GIS platform
Sponsored by NMHS, G.B. Pant National
Institute of Himalayan Environment and Data from GSI, DST and Publications in respect of
Sustainable Development, Uttarakhand. landslides may also be explored if possible
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Item 10. Presentation of Sponsored Consultancy Projects
10.3 Noise & Vibration Study for Ahmedabad RC suggested not to entirely rely on borehole data to
Metro study the soil properties and see other data like
anisotrophy and minor geological details etc.
Sponsored by Gujarat Metro Rail Corporation
Ltd – Ahmadabad
Presented by Dr. Nasim Akthar
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