Materials Exam March 10 2007
Materials Exam March 10 2007
Materials Exam March 10 2007
6. The use of sea water in reinforced concrete may _____ 15. Sample for CBR test is soaked for ____ hrs. before subjecting to penetration test.
Ans. induce risk and corrosion to steel Ans. 96 hours
7. In item 104 – embankment, field density test is carried out for every_____ sq.m. 16. A field density result of 88% degree of compaction obtained on the sub-grade
Ans. 500 sq. m indicates_____
Ans. The sub – grade fails and needs additional compaction
8. What greatly influence the service of an asphalt pavement?
Ans. Grade and quantity of asphalt 17. What is the upper limit of the sand to be used in Alterberg limit test?
Ans. No 40 (0.425 mm)
9. A non-destructive portable equipment used to determine concrete strength,
presence of 18. In abrasion test using Los Angeles Abrasion Machine, How many cast iron
voids, cracks and other impurities. spheres are used
Ans. Pundit Ultrasonic Concrete Tester in grading B?
Ans. 11 spheres
19. Given: Wt. of dry agg. = 950 g, wt. of asphalt = 50 g. What is the % of asphalt by 29. What is the requirement for flexural strength of a concrete when tested by third
weight of point
total mix? loading?
Ans. 5% Ans. 3.80 MPa
20. The maximum compacted thickness of any one layer of aggregate sub-base coarse 30. What is the required mixing for mortar for stone masonry?
materials. Ans. 1 part cement to 2 parts sand with sufficient water
Ans. 150 mm
31. How many samples of bituminous cement (item 310) shall be taken for each full
21. The test on asphalt cement consisting of heating the asphalt in an open cup and day
passing a operation?
small test flame. Ans. At least 1 but not more than 3
Ans. Flash point
32. The apparatus used in determining the initial setting of hydraulic cement.
22. If the bulk volume of asphalt specimen is 500 cc and weight of dry specimen in Ans. Vicat Apparatus
air is 1200 g.
What is the bulk specific gravity of asphalt specimen? 33. The minimum weight of sample of cement for testing.
Ans. 2.40 Ans. 10 kg
23. In a penetration test, if the penetration is 9.0mm. What is the grade of the asphalt? 34. Which of the ff. factors does not affect the workability of bituminous mixes/
Ans. 85 - 100 a. Gradation of aggregates
b. Quality of Asphalt
24. Liquid limit is expressed as the moisture corresponding to how many no. of c. Temperature of Mix
blows? d. Shape and texture of aggregates
Ans. 25 blows
35. Which of the ff. does not affect the compressive strength of concrete core?
25. What is the required size of calibrated sand used for field density test? a. manner of drilling
Ans. Passing No. 10 and retained No.200 b. L-d ratio
c. diameter of core
26. How many samples should be taken for every 75 cu.m of fresh concrete? d. none of the above
Ans. 1 set consist of 3 cylinders
36. The smaller the fines modulus, the ______ the materials.
27. What is the rate of application of bituminous tack coat? Ans. The finer the materials
Ans. 0.2 – 0.7 L/m2
37. If there’s a necessity to add water to the concrete mix in order to increase its
28. If concrete cylinder is not available for a 300 pcs culverts, how many pipes shall workability
be subjected (provided that concrete does not exceed specified slump). How many minutes
to test? after the
Ans. 6 pipes initial time of mixing does adding of water be permitted?
Ans. 45 minutes
38. What is the latest state of the art equipment used in the measurement of moisture 47. The moisture density curve is different for each soil, which of the ff. statement is
content of true?
Ans. Nuclear Density Gauge 48. As construction work progresses, you’ve notice that the delivered matls are
different from the
39. Which part of the batch for fresh concrete should the sample be taken from a one tested and passed. If you are in doubt, what will you do?
stationary Ans. conduct immediate re - testing
Ans. Middle batch 49. Which of the ff. need not inspection report?
a. Water
40. Which of the ff. is considered unsuitable material for embankment? b. Top soil
a. Soil w/ LL of 50% c. Pavement Markings
b. Soil w/ density of 1200 kg/ cu.m d. Sodding
c. Organic soils
d. Soil w/ PL of 60% 50. The type of asphaltic material that is being referred to by penetration grade.
Ans. asphalt cement
41. Which of the ff. is considered suitable material for embankment?
a. Highly Organic Soils 51. If the length of the project is 1 km and the width is 10m, how many FDT should
b. Soil that cannot be compacted be
c. Soil w/ PL of 60% conducted for item 104?
d. None of the above Ans.
42. The minimum compaction trial for embankment. 52. As a materials engineer, you have found out that there is a 15% deficiency in
Ans. 500 sq. m strength of
concrete specimen and it is not feasible or not advisable to obtain cores from
43. Concrete sample shall be molded from the cylinder mold after ____ hrs, from the structure
mixing. due to structure considerations, what will you do?
Ans. 24 hours Ans. Recommend payment at an adjusted price
44. What should be the condition of soil before it is subject to compaction? 53. In asphalt cement, 60-70 refers to what?
Ans. At optimum moisture content Ans. Penetration grade
45. The net stability of a soil is 2400 Kpa and its dry stability is 3000 Kpa. What is its 54. The rate of loading in the determination of compressive strength of cylindrical
index concrete
retained strength? specimen is at a constant rate within the range of____
Ans. 80% Ans. 20psi – 50 psi
46. What is the sampling requirement for compaction of item 201? 55. What will be the condition of soil that can obtain 100% compaction?
Ans. 1 sample per 1500 cu.m Ans. At optimum moisture content
56. What is the penetration grade of sealing asphalt in PCCP?
Ans, 0 - 30
59. It is equally as important as testing, and the sampler shall use every
Ans. sampling
60. In Slump test, the aggregates are molded into _____ equal layers.
Ans. 3 equal layers
62. In the slip form method of paving, the allowable slump is_____.
Ans. Almost zero
64. An experienced materials engineer, what methods can you apply in easily
determining the
plasticity of soil?
Ans. Hand feel test