Mayan Inca and Aztec Cultures CHART

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Geography & Cities They were located in the They were located in the Andes They were located in Central
Yucatan Peninsula, Medical Mountains of South America, that Mexican Basin
(Areas), Guatemala, Belize, now is Peru, Ecuador, Chile, and
Located where?
Hondurasand San salvador parts of Argentina. The capital was: Tenochtitlan

What was the

And the capital of the Mayans And the capital was:Cuzco and
capital city?
was: Tikal and Chichen Itza Machupichu

Fiscal distribution
Each city had a central plaza,
of the city
surrounded by temples,
pyramids and the palace.

Government There was not enpire They were warrior people,

(independent states and they They were ruled by and emperor
What type of were not politically ruled). who was considered to be the Ruled by emperors who have
government did They were governed by son of the Sun, he ruled with absolute power.
they have? powerful kings. absolute authority (ruled by (the emperor extracted tribute
Name of an bureaucracy) from the conquested people,
important ruler. THey had her own coin, army, in the form of gold, solver,
cloth, cacao beans and furs.)
k’inich Janaab Pakal (Pakal Atahualpa
the great) An important ruler was
Polytheistic (more than 160 THe core of Incas religion was They were polytheistic, but
Religion goods) THey made sacrifices. ancestor worship.(ancestor were most important god, was
Gods were temperamental and venerated, and the bodies amb Huitxulopochtl, (he need
had to be appeased through human blood to survive)
offerings of precious metals, tombs of the dead were treated
incense, and blood. as sacred objects)

Technology They understood the concept They used QUIPU system of They invented the Tlachtli:
What sort of of Zero. knots on a cord to record A vallagem that uses the
mathematical, important information, but it was rubber ball or heads of
scientific, or And they start to write not an writing system sacrificed victims.
architectural (hieroglyphics).
advances did And also, they created the Road
they make? The built pyramids upon which system They don’t have written
mayan priests would perform Language.
rituals. They created the calendar, and
aqueducts. They build massie temples
They did a new calendar and pyramids dedicated to
And the terrace farming their gods.
A new maths system,
aqueducts and medicines to
cure infections

They created islands with a

lot of water to land the
Disappeared late in the 8th There was a civil war. The Aztecs like the Inca fell
Decline century. A plague of smallpox to the Spanish Conquistadors
What happened And finally the Inca Empire came (Herdando Cortes)
during their decline? Cities were abandoned. to and end in 1532, when
What were possible conquered by Spanish
causes of the Perhaps their decline was in conquistadors: Pizarro
decline? part due to more and more
victims for sacrifice.

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