2.critical Flow BB
2.critical Flow BB
2.critical Flow BB
possible (real) depths of flow, and that transition from one depth to the
These two depths represented on the two different limbs of the E-y curve
Here the flow is in a critical condition, poised between two alternative flow
regimes, and indeed the word “critical " is used to describe this state of flow;
for a given q.
Criterion for a Critical Flow
• The Froude number is equal to unity.
• The specific energy and specific force are minimum for the given
Critical section
Critical Slope
Critical Depth
• The condition of minimum specific energy is known as the critical flow condition
and the corresponding depth is known as Critical depth (yc ).
• Therefore
• Triangular
• Trapezoidal
Example 3.1.
Compute the critical depth the channel with its cross
section presented in the figure below and carrying a
discharge of 45m3/sec
First Hydraulic Exponent (M)
• In many computations involving a wide range of depths in
channel, such as in the GVF computations, it is convenient to
express the variation of Z with y in an exponential form.
• In this equation
– C1= a coefficient and
a) Rectangular channel
• Choking
Wave Propagation
• C is the wave propagation velocity (celerity) on a flowing water with
velocity V1.
• If we take the celerity C equal but opposite to the flow velocity V1, then
the wave stays still and the steady state conditions may be applied.
This Equ. is valid for shallow waters. Generally Δy/y may be taken as zero. The
celerity equation is then
• Wave Propagation ….
Froude number for rectangular or wide channels is,
• Since celerity,
• Subcritical
• The generated wave will be seen in the entire flow surface. That is
why subcritical flows is also called downstream controlled flows.
• Supercritical Flows
It is convenient to analyze
the flow in terms of the
discharge intensity q = Q/B.
At section 1, q1 = Q/B1 and
At section 2, q2 = Q/B2
……Change in Width
Subcritical in Width
since B2 < B1, since B2 < B1,
q2 > q1 and y1 > y2 q2 > q1 and y’1 < y’2
• Thus all cases with ΔZ > ΔZmax or B2 < B2min are known as choked conditions .