Digital Twin Technology A Bird Eye View

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Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Inventive Research in Computing Applications (ICIRCA-2021)

IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP21N67-ART; ISBN: 978-0-7381-4627-0

Digital Twin Technology: A Bird Eye View

Prarthana V, Lavanya P, Namana J Jain, Nagaditya L P, Nagavishnu H, Dr. Bhargavi K
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumkur-572103, Karnataka, India,,,,,

Abstract: Digital Twin is a leading-edge technology used to programming. They created a replica of all the systems at
build a virtual prototype of products. Starting from the ground level to match the systems in space. An example of
design, a Digital Twin helps to analyse the data available, this is the twin of Apollo 13. Digital Twin uses several
2021 Third International Conference on Inventive Research in Computing Applications (ICIRCA) | 978-1-6654-3877-3/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICIRCA51532.2021.9545020

predicting the possible effects of the data on the model, existing technologies like: IoT, Machine Learning [1], Data
thereby improving the performance of a device or a Analysis [2], Artificial Intelligence [3], Virtual/Augmented
process. It uses technologies like: Internet of Things, Data Reality and many more.
Analysis, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Building a physical prototype could cost a lot of money and
Computer Vision, Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality, resources; on the other hand, a Digital Twin is cost-effective
Cloud Computing and others. This paper addresses the with IoT. A Digital Twin can learn from the past data, work
comparison of IoT and IIoT with Digital Twin. Our on the present data and predict the possible outcomes for the
research on this paper motivated us to develop a keen future [4]. This technology enhances efficiency, the rate of
interest towards this technology. This paper aims at production, and it reduces the risks concerning various factors.
discussing some real-time problems that can be solved by It helps in better collaboration of the team as it offers real-
using Digital Twin. In addition to this, our paper discusses time remote monitoring. The model helps in making improved
some real-time applications of Digital Twin and helps the financial decisions. The Digital Twin is implemented in
reader to find a Twin-model solution for a problem that he various domains such as construction, automotive, healthcare,
wants to address. Hence, our paper provides a complete retail, manufacturing, supply chain, and many more.
insight about this amazing technology to the reader. Discussing the need of Internet of Things (IoT) in Digital
Twin would be of its sensors. The primary role of IoT sensors
Keywords: Digital Twin, Evolution, Virtualization, IoT, is to collect and provide data to the virtual system. This data is
IIoT, Connectivity, Security, Flowmeter a need for the development of a Digital Twin. IoT provides
insights into the product lifecycle. Together, they offer better
I. INTRODUCTION maintenance and services.
Digital Twin can be shortly described in 5 phases as shown
The time booms up with very new technologies and in Figure 1. The first and most important step of the Digital
inventions often. The rapid growth of industries requires a Twin is the creation of a Digital Twin model. Digital Twin
more agile approach towards development. With the help of Model can be created by using various technologies like
modern technology, organizations can make clever business Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality. Also, there are some
plans. It is nostalgic that a product is always built physically simulation softwares that helps in creating a virtual model of a
and working with it is always possible only after the complete physical entity. A Digital Twin model is important as it gives
development of it. Errors and defects can only be identified a complete overview of the corresponding physical model.
once the product is built and worked in real life. This The next step is to analyse, integrate and visualise the
chronical way must be eliminated to overcome these problems historical data on to the created twin model. Historical data
by the introduction of a new technology which will provide refers to the data collected by the observation of the
work and simulate the product for various tests before it is previously existing physical model by IoT Sensors. The third
being built physically. One of the possible ways is to work step is the simulation of the model. In this phase, working of
with a virtual model of the product. This is where Digital the model will be checked for various inputs and conditions.
Twin comes into picture. In the next step, the twin is tested for various conditions.
A Digital Twin serves as a bridge between the physical and Based on these tests, in the last step, the behaviour of the
digital world, bringing data into both. Suppose a product model is studied and the same will be implemented in the
needs to be improved in case of failure. In that case, the twin physical model. However, these phases are iterative in nature
can provide feedback and become the site for testing to filter and can be applied any number of times for a model.
before making changes to the physical product, making The rest of the paper is organized as, Section II describes
troubleshooting more comfortable by safely working through the evolution of Digital Twin. Section III will list various
a problem in a test environment. differences between IoT and Digital Twin. Section IV
The concept of a Digital Twin is commonly known to be contains the comparison of IIoT and Digital Twin. Section V
developed in 2002, but it was in practice since the 1960s. brings out the advantages of Digital Twin over IoT. Section
NASA used basic twinning ideas during this period for space VI states several challenges in Digital Twin. In Section VII,
applications of Digital Twin are discussed. Section VIII has a

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Authorized licensed use limited to: J.R.D. Tata Memorial Library Indian Institute of Science Bengaluru. Downloaded on August 19,2023 at 02:05:06 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Inventive Research in Computing Applications (ICIRCA-2021)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP21N67-ART; ISBN: 978-0-7381-4627-0

list of open issues and problem statements. The future trends wasting many resources used for the existing product.
in Digital Twin are discussed in Section IX. The conclusion is
presented in Section X.

Figure 1: Phases of Digital T win


Research paper [5] discusses various applications on IoT
such as medical, manufacturing, industrial, transportation, Figure 2: Evolution of Digital T win
education, and others. It also briefs about the blemishes of the
implementation of IoT and gives a few suggestions for This problem sometimes used to cause huge losses to the
improvement. This sheds light on the importance of having a industry, and those people were in need of a solution, which at
standard protocol for better global governance. It has also least reduces this problem, if it couldn’t be solved completely.
informed us about the definitions, characteristics, As a result, the concept of virtualizing things digitally before
architectures, and basic requirements of the Internet of Things. implementing them actually came into practice. The major
Research paper [6] has briefed about the digital twin in advantage with this approach is that, it could be possible to
industry. Beginning with the history of digital twin it visualize things in the virtual environment itself and thereby
discusses the current development in the industries such as adopt required changes so as to improve their performance
surveys infrastructure and data fusion. It also informs the and thereby conserving huge amounts of resources including
reader about the industrial applications of digital twins. It talks time. This was in practice since 1960. In 1980, the CAD
about the product life cycle, related patents, and applications model of paper design was considered as a virtual model of
by industry leaders and has a few observations and that paper design. Later, the concept of virtualizing things
recommendations about the same. emerged as Digital Twin in 2002. This was the actual start of
This inspired us to research more about the matter as it has the Digital Twin and this evolution is shown in Figure 2.
the potential to change the way businesses are being In 2003, for the first time, the word Digital Twin was
conducted. The digital twin technology can revolutionize the mentioned by a well-known scientist Michael Grieves in his
way of building products and give an optimal solution to a book Product Life Cycle Management. Rapid development of
problem statement. technology, IOT, Big Data Analytics helped in rising Digital
Twin from 2003 to 2011 and the first journal article related to
III. EVOLUTION OF DIGITAL TWIN DIGITAL TWIN was published in 2011, in which how Digital
Twin is useful in the present world is elaborated. NASA
Researches are being carried on new and challenging formalized the definition of Digital Twins in 2012 and applied
technologies in order to improve man’s comfortability by the same in its Aerospace industry. Then onwards, research
trying to overcome the demerits present in the existing related to Digital Twin started widely and in 2014, the first
technology. The problem with many of the sectors including white paper was published which mainly specified how one
manufacturing, developing, constructing is that, once the conceptual idea i.e., Digital Twin can be applied to many
product is designed and developed, it can’t be easily modified. practical applications. In 2017, Digital Twins were classified
In other words, a fully completed product is not flexible as one of the top ten most promising technological trends in
enough to make changes. If a change has to be made, the one the next decade [7]. Now, in 2021, the concept of Digital
and only possibility would be to re-manufacture the product Twin has been applied to many real-world applications and
once again, also, a wide number of researches are going on.

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Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Inventive Research in Computing Applications (ICIRCA-2021)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP21N67-ART; ISBN: 978-0-7381-4627-0

2. Lack of Robustness: As all the connections are physically

IV. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN IOT AND DIGITAL made, if a single connection is lost, the whole system gets
TWIN affected.
3. Time-consuming and expensive: Implementation of IoT is
Even though Digital Twin is said to be evolved based on very expensive and needs a lot of devices to implement a
IoT, many differences exist between them. A prominent system. Building and installing the system takes a lot of
difference can be seen in the name itself. Digital Twin is a time.
completely virtual connection of devices whereas IoT is the
physical connection of devices. Other differences along with Due to these cons, Digital Twin emerged in such a way that
the properties like interaction, security and many more are it overcomes all those by possessing some main advantages
which are pointed as:
1. Tracing of Digital Model: Helps in knowing the complete
DIFFERENCES BET WEEN DIGIT AL T WIN AND IOT overview of the model information from requirements to
testing and the actual behaviour of the model in the field.
addressed in Table 1. 2. Optimising Product Design: The Digital Model helps to
Prope rty IoT Digital Twin
understand its performance for real-world data and informs
simulation models, thereby helping to improve the quality
Interaction Physical Digital and development of designs.
Real-time Data Analysis Slow Analysis Fast Analysis 3. Usage-Based Requirements: This helps to know the most
Model Build-T ime T akes more time T akes less time frequently used features and functions of the model and
First-T ime-Fix Rate Less Efficient More Efficient thereby helps for the better fit of the model in the market
and enables value-added services.
Cost Costlier Less Costly
4. Integrating Operational Intelligence among different
Security T hreat Identification At Later Stages At Initial Stages devices: Digital Twin can combine, analyse and integrate
various types of devices that the model has in reality. This
helps in real-time visibility and operational performance of
V. IIoT VS. DIGITAL TWIN the model and better decision-making.
5. Quality Checking and Verification: Digital Twin helps
IIoT stands for Industrial Internet of Things. A lot of validate the physical model’s design and requirements by
confusion is seen among people between IIoT and Digital comparing it with the designed and configured Twin
Twin. The main reason for this is the software tools that we model.
use for the synchronization of a large number of machines that 6. Remote Access and Service: Digital Twin provides remote
are connected using IoT. But this is not the same when the access to the model to increase product uptime and reduce
picture of Digital Twin comes up. IIOT helps in monitoring site visits. As the system of the model is combined
the lighting, energy consumption, fire protection and others, digitally, the first-time fix rate of the model will be
whereas Digital Twin helps in data analysis and provides a efficient.
platform to check their performance before applying to the
physical world, thereby giving a solution to the problem. IIOT VII. CHALLENGES IN DIGITAL TWIN
is a combination of industrial things, cloud platforms,
connectivity, data, analytics dashboard but Digital Twin needs
Although Digital Twin has emerged largely over the years,
the data of an object to create a virtual model.
many organizations are yet to implement it in their production
In IIOT, connecting devices to a greater extent gives a way process. With its various advantages, there are a few concerns
for malicious actors who are continuously looking forward to
to be considered too. The following are some of the
trapping an organization. Internet connectivity plays an
challenges to look into:
important role in the success of twin technology. IIOT works 1. Affordable Infrastructure: The available technologies and
by connecting a large number of machines with the use of
the things that they are capable of are astonishing. The
softwares and IOTs whereas Digital Twin works by
developers may get carried away with building a more
considering the past, present and future data. accurate and high-performing model without considering
what it would cost when constructed physically. Therefore,
VI. ADVANTAGES OF DIGITAL TWIN OVER IOT the company and developers need to assess the
infrastructural requirements before building a Digital Twin
Though it is said that Digital Twin is developed from IoT as thoroughly [8].
its backbone, some disadvantages are still identified in IoT 2. Unstructured data: Data must be of high quality,
which are listed as: structured and continuous for the model to perform at its
1. Data Breach: Data must be protected at all costs. best. However, this is not always the case. The data
Protecting data might become difficult with IoT, as it available are stored in various locations; they are not
provides data in maximum detail, sometimes without the linked to a single database. Hence, it is not easy to
consent of the user.

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Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Inventive Research in Computing Applications (ICIRCA-2021)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP21N67-ART; ISBN: 978-0-7381-4627-0

integrate the live data into a single module. The resulting Creating a twin model of an organ would help the
source of data should be in a form that is understandable surgeons study the organ’s defect more efficiently. The
by the twin model [9]. twin Model also helps the surgeons to test the organ for
3. Connectivity: As the Digital Twin is an entirely virtual various surgeries to study the success percentage of the
product, developers should be able to access it from any surgeries. Further, this study would help them to operate
part of the world. This is still not possible as connectivity the patient with a higher success rate. Digital Twin Model
around the globe is not the same everywhere. Data is a would help the pharmaceutical companies study the model
necessity for the model. The quality and number of IoT for various purposes such as, to study the new genome
signals used will determine the condition of the data. Any code and study the patients’ lifestyle to prepare unique
compromise in the connectivity could result in loss of data, drugs for each patient.
or unstructured data might be delivered due to the exact 2. Manufacturing Sector: Digital Twin gives an efficient
cause. This results in an unstable model. Hence, approach in the manufacturing industry as implementation
connectivity must be considered while building a model. cost, time, performance check of any product in physical
4. Privacy and security: Privacy and security is an essential form would be saved by creating Digital Twins. Twins
factor that has to be ensured. As data accumulation is a help in product development by reducing the risk of a
behaviour of the Digital Twin, the values of the product by testing it before making it a feasible release.
organization must be protected at all costs. A solution for Digital Twins help in the maintenance by providing the
this could be the implementation of advanced security downtimes of the machine and thereby help the
regulations in data analytics and IoT [10]. technicians take action before a failure occurs.
Twins help in the booming Aerospace sector, as already
VIII. APPLICATIONS OF DIGITAL TWIN discussed in the introduction context with an example of
twin for Apollo 13 developed by NASA. In addition to
Before talking about the applications of Digital Twin, this, Digital Twins also help in the Automotive sector.
working of Digital Twin in the physical world along with a Building a car and developing it, in reality, would be very
conceptual idea (can be referred to as Digital World) need to costly. Hence, developing a car would be done virtually
be discussed and can be easily studied in Figure 3. The where Digital Twins can be used most of the time. An
physical world can be combined with the digital world by the astonishing fact is that the Digital Twin model helps in
main 5 phases that have been already addressed in Section I. self-driving car development by simulating and visualizing
These phases become an integral part of the physical and data from various sensors.
digital world and thereby helping to solve many of the 3. Construction: Digital Twins provide a replica of the actual
problems in various sectors [11-12]. physical assets. Twin helps to know a better overview of
the entire building. Hence, this helps to optimize
efficiency and increase the performance of a building.
Thus, data collected can be used in the planning and well-
designing of the upcoming buildings.
4. Logistic Industry: Digital Twins are very useful in logistic
industries as it contributes from packaging phase till
shipment phase. A product can be packed virtually and can
be tested for errors. It gives us information about the
material of the product. Logistic companies can analyse
and plan warehouse layout to build efficient warehouses
and analyse shipment environments using Digital Twins.

Figure 3: Interaction of Physical and Digital world by means of Digital T win


After gaining the idea of how Digital Twin will integrate There might be many differences between virtual and real-
the conceptual idea in the physical world, many applications world implementations. After doing all the necessary
modifications, the performance obtained in Digital Twin
of Digital Twin were discovered which can be used in almost
every industry for various purposes. Some of them can be implementation might not be the same as when it is
pointed along with their sectors as: implemented, performance may reduce when it is
implemented. Virtual implementation of any real-world
1. Health care: Digital Twin in the healthcare industry would
significantly benefit hospital management, patients, and scenario must require a high-end special kind of software that
many more health sectors. This gives a virtualized might not be available everywhere.
Excellent knowledge and experience must analyse things
healthcare experience that would help us optimize patient
care, treatment fare, and overall performance as it reduces virtually and decide the required modifications to achieve
the time required to test in humans. higher performance. Few of the functions in a system may not
be implemented virtually, and even if it is implemented, it

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Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Inventive Research in Computing Applications (ICIRCA-2021)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP21N67-ART; ISBN: 978-0-7381-4627-0

may not be possible to visualize the things going on. Digital most promising technologies. These digital replicas enable us
Twin Technology can be applied to many fields. Some of to visualize what can optimize process performance, reduce
them are: physical effort, and cost-effectively make it possible to use in
1. Virtual Commission for Discrete Manufacturing: Instead fields like Construction, Manufacturing, Agriculture,
of working in a manufacturing unit, in the beginning, Automotive and Transport, Health care, Energy, and utilities,
during the design phase, we can save time and much of and other areas. The massive rate of data generated every day
the other resources by simulating a duplicate factory seems to be the enormous growth potential of twin
environment in the virtual 4-D realm. All technical and technology. The graph is assumed to go up drastically in the
other issues can be solved by including automation in the next few years, as shown in Figure 4; as the research is going
simulated model. Approximately 25% of the total on in the R&D sector, the fruitful results of Digital Twin
manufacturing time can be saved. inspire other fields to adopt this technology in their business.
2. Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Equipment: Mapping of physical to virtual entities enables industries and
Manufacturing medicines in the pharmaceutical industry companies to make predictions before building an actual
require massive equipment and involve lots of model and allows checking the correctness and the
installation processes. If any change is to be made, that performance in the real world makes the work easy. This will
equipment must be reinstalled again, which requires a help us to avoid costly mistakes (like spending time and
huge amount of energy and time. Instead, we could money) on actual test runs and prototypes. Digital Twin
install Digital Twin Modelling Interface onto the existing allows companies to optimize their production performance
equipment. Running the program in the digital world and and customer service, achieve better business res ults and
testing it thoroughly, helps in making changes if needed, explore new business opportunities. Let's give a glimpse of
thereby, making the implementation in the real world examples to get an idea of how Digital Twin will rule in the
more effective. next generation.
3. Electromagnetic Flowmeter Digital Twin: Electro- ● Digital Twin in Communication: In the field of
magnetic flow meters detect flow by using Faraday’s communication, research is going on the invention of
Law of Induction. They consist of a coil that generates a 6G(sixth-generation), a wireless network that has features
magnetic field, and electrodes capture voltage (emf). If it like fast data transfer, low latency, high reliability, low
is designed in the real world and any changes are to be energy consumption; these things are not physically
made, it would be challenging since most construction developed yet; thanks for the Digital Twin, that plays a
will be completed already. Digital Twin in this scenario critical role by creating a virtual workspace to test the
helps design the flowmeter virtually, and performance planned model before implementing it [13].
could be predicted under certain field conditions, and ● Digital Twin in Automobile Industry: Global warming is a
measures could be taken to improve its performance. threat for humans, and burning fossil fuels is one reason
Once the design is finished with all modifications, it for this threat. On the other hand depletion of non-
could be implemented in the real world, whose renewable resources, all these situations make us switch to
performance will be much higher than the one with electric vehicles as an alternative which has low 0%
direct implementation. emission of harmful gasses that reduces pollution [14].
4. 3D-modeling of vessels in steel industries: Vessels are Self-driving cars and Flying cars are fascinating words
manufactured in the steel industry on a vast scale. The nowadays; these thoughts are possible only because of the
weight of the vessel, amount of the metal to be used, facilities given by Digital Twin to imagine and build a
size, and the vessel’s capacity - all these factors are to be future model virtually.
estimated for a particular vessel before its manufacturing ● Digital Twin in Healthcare Sector: For humans, health is
process begins. Later, if any of these values need to be the most crucial thing in life; that's why the proverb health
changed, it is somewhat impossible or possible with is wealth was composed to tell its importance. The
enormous wastage of resources. Digital Twin helps advancement of technologies in Artificial intelligence,
handle and manage this problem efficiently by running a Blockchain, Virtual reality, chatbots made it easy to treat
virtual copy of the system on a server and making it age patients. With this technology, doctors can explore the
according to the vessel operating at sea. It also plays a patient's body and detect the problem and the future
crucial role in monitoring critical equipment and control transformation in the body. The replication of human body
systems. parts makes students and surgeons study the organs well
and research the disease. One example is Lung Cancer
X. FUTURE TRENDS OF DIGITAL TWIN [15]. Again, the Digital Twin comes into the picture here:
it's starting from examining the patient, giving treatment,
Innovation is an endless journey; technologies are emerging and the reaction of drugs in his body. All these steps can
with ground-breaking innovation to tackle world issues. The be viewed virtually by making use of twin.
concept of making a duplicate or twin of a physical entity into ● Digital Twin in Agriculture: Agriculture is an essential
a virtual prototype in real-time is such a unique thought that source of livelihood; growing grains in the farmland is not
makes a Digital Twin stand on the list of future trending and such an easy task. It needs techniques, methods, and steps
to process from seeding plants to a finished crop. Farmers

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Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Inventive Research in Computing Applications (ICIRCA-2021)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP21N67-ART; ISBN: 978-0-7381-4627-0

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