Pico Prep Orange
Pico Prep Orange
Pico Prep Orange
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Symptoms of an allergic o impaired kidney Taking other medicines
reaction may include: function (the kidneys
cough, shortness of not working Tell your doctor, prescriber or
breath, wheezing or properly) pharmacist if you are taking any
difficulty breathing; o difficulty in other medicines, including any
swelling of the face, lips, swallowing or food that you buy without a
tongue, throat or other coming back after prescription from your pharmacy,
parts of the body; rash, eating supermarket or health food shop.
itching or hives on the o electrolyte
skin; fainting; or hay fever- disturbances Some medicines may interact with
like symptoms. o a heart condition PICOPREP ORANGE. These
If you think you are o diabetes include:
having an allergic Laxatives or other bowel
reaction, do not take any If you have any of the above, you cleansing preparations
more of the medicine and should discuss your condition with Medicines for heart
contact your doctor your doctor, prescriber or pharmacist conditions
immediately or go to the before taking PICOPREP ORANGE. Medicines for diabetes
Accident and Emergency Your doctor, prescriber or
department at the pharmacist may not want you to take
Other medicines that may
nearest hospital. PICOPREP ORANGE or may want
affect electrolyte balance
The expiry date (EXP) you to take special precautions or
Oral contraceptive pills (“the
printed on the pack has take it in another way.
The packaging is torn, Caution should be exercised in
shows signs of tampering “at risk” (See “Before you start Your doctor, prescriber and
or it does not look quite to take this medicine”) patients pharmacist may have more
right. such as the elderly who are information on medicines to be
more at risk of life-threatening careful with while taking PICOPREP
If you are not sure when you dehydration as electrolyte ORANGE.
should start taking PICOPREP depletion may occur.
ORANGE contact your doctor, If you have not told your doctor,
prescriber or pharmacist. Tell your doctor, prescriber or prescriber or pharmacist about
pharmacist if you are pregnant, any of the above, tell them before
intend to become pregnant or are you start taking PICOPREP
Before you start to take this ORANGE.
medicine PICOPREP ORANGE is not
generally recommended for use in How to take this
You must talk to your doctor,
pregnant women unless the benefits
prescriber or pharmacist about
outweigh the risk to the unborn baby. medicine
Your doctor, prescriber or
you are allergic to any pharmacist will discuss the benefits Follow all directions given to you
medicines, foods, dyes or and possible risks with you. by your doctor, prescriber or
preservatives; pharmacist carefully.
you are elderly; PICOPREP ORANGE should only They may differ from the information
you have or have had any be taken by adults and children 9 contained in this leaflet.
other health problems or years of age or over.
medical conditions, If you do not understand the
including: Tell your doctor, prescriber or instructions on the box or in this
o any stomach or pharmacist if you are diabetic. leaflet, contact your doctor,
bowel problems The liquid diet recommended with prescriber or pharmacist for help.
including severe this medication may affect your
ulcerative colitis blood glucose levels and PICOPREP ORANGE will produce
(ulcers in the large adjustment of your diabetic numerous bowel motions within a
bowel) medication may be required. short period of time. Ensure you
o kidney disease have toilet facilities within easy
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access from when you start to Slowly mix the entire contents of one second sachet of
take PICOPREP ORANGE. sachet in approximately 250 mL of PICOPREP ORANGE,
warm water (not boiling). Use a large following the same
Do not have any food after the container (approx. 500 mL) as the instructions as the first
first dose of PICOPREP ORANGE. solution will be effervescent (fizz and sachet. Drink the contents of
You must only consume the bubble). Stir gently until the the mug followed by a glass
Recommended Clear Fluids while effervescence ceases. The solution (250 mL) of water. Continue
taking PICOPREP ORANGE and will appear cloudy and may be hot. drinking Recommended
until after the procedure. Allow solution to cool before Clear Fluids, at least a glass
drinking. You also have the option of per hour, until bedtime.
Recommended Clear Fluids chilling the prepared PICOPREP
include water, soups (e.g. strained ORANGE mixture in the refrigerator No food or drink should be taken
chicken noodle soup), broth/bouillon, for up to 24 hours prior to drinking. for two (2) hours prior to the
pulp-free fruit juices (apple, pear, examination.
white grape), black tea or coffee (no
milk), electrolyte replacing drinks,
When to take this An example of a dosage regimen is
nutritional supplements, carbonated medicine detailed below if you have been
beverages, clear cordials prescribed THREE sachets:
(lemon/lime), plain jelly, sorbet, It is important that you follow the
boiled sweets, and gums/jubes. instructions specifically given by 1. One day prior to the
Sugar, salt, and sweetener can be your doctor, prescriber or examination
used. No red or purple colouring. pharmacist and that you drink (at approximately 1 pm or
Barley sugar may be sucked if plenty of Recommended Clear as advised by your doctor
required. Fluids. or prescriber), make up the
Your doctor, prescriber or PICOPREP ORANGE
Do not drink alcoholic beverages. pharmacist will have informed you of mixture as per the
the dose that you should take and instructions above OR take
If you are diabetic, discuss your when to take it. pre-made chilled PICOPREP
requirements, and your diet and ORANGE mixture from the
dosage program with your doctor, An example of a dosage regimen is refrigerator. Drink the
prescriber or pharmacist before detailed below if you have been contents of the mug followed
commencing. prescribed TWO sachets: by a glass of water. Continue
drinking Recommended
How much to take 1. One day prior to the Clear Fluids, at least a glass
examination per hour.
It is important that you follow the (at approximately 3 pm or
instructions specifically given by as advised by your doctor 2. In the evening of the same
your doctor, prescriber or or prescriber), make up the day (at approximately 5 pm
pharmacist and ensure that you PICOPREP ORANGE or as advised by your
drink plenty of Recommended mixture as per the doctor or prescriber), make
Clear Fluids. instructions above OR take up the PICOPREP ORANGE
Your doctor, prescriber or pre-made chilled PICOPREP mixture as per the
pharmacist will have informed you of ORANGE mixture from the instructions above OR take
the dose that you should take and refrigerator. Drink the pre-made chilled PICOPREP
when to take it. contents of the mug followed ORANGE mixture from the
by a glass of water. Continue refrigerator. Drink the
Usually, a total of TWO sachets will drinking Recommended contents of the mug followed
be required for the procedure. Clear Fluids, at least a glass by a glass of water. Continue
For some patients, THREE sachets per hour. drinking Recommended
will be required for the procedure. Clear Fluids, at least a glass
2. In the evening of the same per hour.
How to prepare this day (at approximately 9 pm
or as advised by your 3. In the evening of the same
medicine doctor or prescriber), mix day (at approximately 9pm
the entire contents of the or as advised by your
doctor or prescriber), mix
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the entire contents of the severe headache, and a fast or
second sachet of irregular heartbeat. If you are not Things to be careful of
PICOPREP ORANGE, sure what to do, contact your
following the same doctor, prescriber or pharmacist. Because of the watery bowel motion
instructions as the first caused by PICOPREP ORANGE
sachet. Drink the contents of
the mug followed by a glass
While you are using this you should not plan any other
activities until after the examination.
(250 mL) of water. Continue medicine
drinking Recommended It is most important that you take
Clear Fluids, at least a glass Things you must do adequate fluids whilst using
per hour, until bedtime. PICOPREP ORANGE.
No food or drink should be taken life-threatening dehydration and
for two (2) hours prior to the electrolyte disturbances. You Possible side effects
examination. must ensure that you drink the
recommended amount of liquid to Tell your doctor, prescriber or
REMEMBER you need to be close replace the fluid that may be lost pharmacist as soon as possible if
to toilet facilities whilst you are during bowel emptying. you do not feel well while you are
taking PICOPREP ORANGE. Ask your doctor, prescriber or taking PICOPREP ORANGE.
Bowel movements may continue for pharmacist to answer any questions
several hours after the last dose of you may have. All medicines can have side effects.
taken. If you are taking any other unwanted side effects in some
medicines, whether they require a people. Sometimes they are serious,
If you forget to take it prescription or not, talk to your most of the time they are not. You
doctor, prescriber or pharmacist may need medical treatment if you
It is important for you to take before taking PICOPREP ORANGE. get some of the side effects.
prescribed. If you forget to take a Tell all doctors, prescribers and Ask your doctor, prescriber or
dose, contact your doctor or pharmacists who are treating you pharmacist any questions you
prescriber as soon as possible as that you are going to take may have.
the time of the examination may PICOPREP ORANGE.
need to be changed. Life threatening dehydration
Tell your doctor or prescriber if, for and/or electrolyte disturbances
If you take too much any reason, you have not taken may occur in some people.
PICOPREP ORANGE exactly as Tell your doctor or prescriber if
(overdose) you notice any of the following
and they worry you:
Immediately telephone your
You must drink the entire solution Nausea (feeling sick)
doctor, prescriber, pharmacist or
the Poisons Information Centre prepared from the PICOPREP Vomiting
(telephone 13 11 26 in Australia or ORANGE pack. Do not stop taking Stomach pain
0800 764 766 in New Zealand) for PICOPREP ORANGE or lower the Stomach Bloating
advice or go to the Accident and dose, unless your doctor or Anal irritation
Emergency department (Casualty) prescriber tells you to do so.
at your nearest hospital if you Do not be alarmed by this list of
think you may have taken too Things you must not do: possible side effects. You may not
much PICOPREP ORANGE, even experience any of them.
if there are no signs of discomfort Do not give PICOPREP ORANGE to
or poisoning. You may need anyone else, even if they have the If the effects are severe, you may
urgent medical attention. Keep same procedure as you. need medical treatment.
telephone numbers for these
services handy. Do not take any additional bowel However, these side effects usually
preparation or laxative products disappear when treatment with
If you take too much PICOPREP unless otherwise stated by your PICOPREP ORANGE is finished.
ORANGE you may experience a doctor.
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If you get any side effects, do not
Product Description
without first talking to your
doctor, prescriber or pharmacist. What it looks like
A sachet containing 20 g of white to
Other side effects not listed may also creamy yellow powder with an odour
occur in some patients. Tell your characteristic of oranges. It is
doctor, prescriber or pharmacist if available in a carton containing two
you notice anything else that is or three sachets.
making you feel unwell.
Each sachet contains sodium
Storage and disposal picosulfate, magnesium carbonate
hydrate and citric acid, as the active
ingredients. It also contains natural
Storage orange flavour and natural Stevia
cool, dry place where the This medicine does not contain
temperature stays below 25ºC. lactose, sucrose, gluten, tartrazine,
any azo dyes or sulfites.
If you prefer to have your bowel
preparation chilled, cover the
mixture and place in a refrigerator
prior to drinking for no more than
Fresenius Kabi New Zealand Limited
24 hours.
c/o GNZCC,
HSBC Tower, Level 14, 188 Quay
or any other medicines, in a
Auckland 1010,
bathroom or near a sink.
New Zealand.
Freecall: 0800 144 892
Do not leave it on a window sill or
in the car on hot days.
This leaflet was prepared in January
Heat and dampness can destroy
some medicines.
If your doctor, prescriber or
pharmacist tells you to stop
taking PICOPREP ORANGE, or it
has passed the expiry date, ask
your pharmacist what to do with
any medicine that is left over.
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