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Dr.S.Elavenil*, B. Vijaya**
*Professor in Civil Engg, S.R.M.UNIVERSITY,
Scarcity of good quality Natural River sand due to depletion of resources and restriction due
to environmental consideration has made concrete manufactures to look for suitable
alternative fine aggregate. One such alternative is “Manufactured sand”. Though
manufactured sand has been in use in concrete manufacturing in India, the percentage of its
contribution is still very negligible in many parts of the country. Except in Kerala and in
some pockets in Southern and Western India, real processed manufacture sand is not
available and this makes manufacturing of good quality of concrete very difficult. The
application of concrete meeting the specification is of paramount importance, to ensure
construction of durable R.C.C. structure. Hence durable concrete covers and bears the
responsibility of sustaining the entire R.C.C. structure throughout it service life. A well
processed manufactured sand as partial or full replacement to river sand is the need of the
hour as a long term solution in Indian concrete industry until other suitable alternative fine
aggregate are developed.
Key words: manufactured sand, fine aggregate, concrete, compressive strength, workability
With the world wide decline in the availability of construction sands along with the
environmental pressures to reduce extraction of sand from rivers, the use of manufactured
sand as a replacement is increasing. With the ban on sand mining implemented by different
states, and with the increasing demand for river sand for construction works, many civil
engineers have expressed the need to promote use of manufactured sand in the construction
industry. As per reports, manufactured sand is widely used all around the world and
technicians of major projects around the world insist on the compulsory use of manufactured
sand because of its consistent gradation and zero impurity.
International Journal of Civil Engineering Research and Development (IJCERD), ISSN2248- 9428 (Print),
ISSN- 2248-9436 (Online) Volume 3, Number 1, Jan-March (2013)
There is a need for ‘clean sand’ in the construction from the point of view of
durability of structures. Indiscriminate mining and quarrying is posing threat to the
environment. As the demand for Natural River sand is surpassing the availability, has
resulted in fast depletion of natural sand sources. Manufactured sand is the answer for this
problem especially when some states have already banned the use of river sand for
construction. This sand has been defined well in IS 383-1970, under clause 2.0.
some of the study’s findings from Dr. C.S. Viswanatha, Chief Executive, Torsteel
Research foundation in India has concluded that compared to concrete made from natural
sand, high-fines concrete generally had higher flexural strength, improved abrasion
resistance, and higher unit weight and lower permeability due to filling the pores with
Researchers concluded that, compared to concrete made from natural sand, high fines
concrete generally had higher flexural strength, improved abrasion resistance, and higher unit
weight and lower permeability due to filling the pores with micro fines. There is no
appreciable difference in dry shrinkage in concrete made with manufactured sand as
compared to river sand.
Manufactured sand is more angular and has rougher surface texture than naturally
weathered sand particles. Aggregate that is more angular will have more water demands
compared to river sand. Increase in water demand has to be compensated by the increasing
cement content to maintain the same water cement ratio. Their particle size distribution helps
in higher packing density which enhances the durability of the concrete.
Mr. Vijay K. Kosaraju. Executive Director of Robo Silicon limited concluded that
manufactured sand is anytime better than river sand. The particle shape is cubical, which is
almost closer to rounded river sand. The gradation what we get generally won’t be available
in any river sand. It is also a proven fact, that the compressive strength of any grade of
concrete is much more than the concrete where river sand is used.
The sand from river due to natural process of attrition tends to possess smoother
surface texture and better shape. It also carries moisture that is trapped in between the
particles. These characters make concrete workability better. However, silt and clay carried
by river sand can be harmful to the concrete. Another issue associated with river sand is that
International Journal of Civil Engineering Research and Development (IJCERD), ISSN2248- 9428 (Print),
ISSN- 2248-9436 (Online) Volume 3, Number 1, Jan-March (2013)
of obtaining required grading with a fineness modulus of 2.4 to 3.1.It has been verified and
found, at various locations across south India, that it has become increasingly difficult to get
river sand of consistent quality in terms of grading requirements and limited silt / clay
content. It is because we do not have any control over the natural process.
In case of manufactured sand, the process of attrition through VSI and washing makes
the crushed stone sand particles good enough to be compared shape and surface texture of
natural sand. With well-designed screening system the required grading (Zone II) and
fineness modulus (2.4 to 3.1) can also be achieved consistently in the case of manufactured
sand. It must be noted that properly processed manufactured sand can improve both
compressive strength and flexural strength through better bond compared to river sand.
Concrete mix proportions chosen should be such that the concrete is of adequate
workability for the placing condition of the concrete and we can properly be compacted with
the means available. In hardened state concrete shall have required strength, durability and
surface finish Fine aggregate is one of the important constituents of concrete. As natural sand
deposits becomes depleted near some areas of metropolitan growth, the use of manufactured
sands as a replacement fine aggregate in concrete receiving increased attention. Designers,
specifiers, contractors and material suppliers need to understand the effects of manufactured
sand characteristics on concrete water demand and concrete durability. IS 383 – 1970
(reaffirmed 2007) recognize manufacture sand as ‘Crushed stone sand’ under clause 2.
Typical properties of manufactured sand shown in table 1.
International Journal of Civil Engineering Research and Development (IJCERD), ISSN2248- 9428 (Print),
ISSN- 2248-9436 (Online) Volume 3, Number 1, Jan-March (2013)
Admixture used is CONPLAST SP 430, manufacturer M/s Fosroc Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd
(In case of M 55 & M 60 grades dosage of admixture is to be considered as per bag of
cementitious material.).
The test results from the Institute for Construction Material and Technologies PVT LTD
(ICOMAT) is shown in table.2, table.3, table.4 and table.5
International Journal of Civil Engineering Research and Development (IJCERD), ISSN2248- 9428 (Print),
ISSN- 2248-9436 (Online) Volume 3, Number 1, Jan-March (2013)
• Soundness test is conducted to verify the ability of aggregate to with stand long term
effect of alternate wetting & drying and or freezing & thawing.
Both river sand and manufactured sand are found to be free of organic impurities.
Both river sand and manufactured sand showed much lower expansion compared to the limit
of 0.1% that qualifies them as innocuous material.
International Journal of Civil Engineering Research and Development (IJCERD), ISSN2248- 9428 (Print),
ISSN- 2248-9436 (Online) Volume 3, Number 1, Jan-March (2013)
The shape of river sand tends to be good. However, manufactured sand particles match the
shape of river sand very closely. The shape verification test was done by sieving respective
fine aggregate particle through 4.75 mm sieve and retained at 2.36 mm sieve. The particle
between the size 4.36 mm and 2.36 mm are verified visually for their shape. This method
considered suitable especially on field, as it is quick and easy. The same method can be used
to verify the shape of the particle between 2.38 mm 1.18 mm, too.
1) The mix with Ms Sand as 100% fine aggregate gives initial workability of 170mm,
which is much higher than that of the mixes with 100% river sand (RS) and crusher
2) Higher fineness modulus, particles grading, shape, texture and control of microfines
have contributed to better workability of manufactured sand. The good physical
properties of manufactured sand has enabled in reduction of free water as well.
3) The river sand particles have better shape and texture, lower fineness modulus and silt
content have contributed to the reduced workability of just 100mm, which is much
lower than that of the standard mix with 100% MS.
1) The standard mix with 100% manufactured sand has exhibited much higher
compressive strength 53 MPa.
2) The standard mix with 100% of river sand has exhibited compressive strength of
49MPa, 7.5% lower than that of manufactured sand.
1. Proportioning the concrete mix for type of job in hand is an essential part of any
quality assurance plan. This can be done effectively with proper understanding of
properties of constituent material of concrete.
3. The bulk specific gravity (BSG) and absorption capacity are the physical properties
that are required to make the calculation of a mix design and can also be used to
evaluate the consistency of a source of material.
4. The effect on the use of manufactured sand on early age and long term volumetric
properties, such as shrinkage and creep respectively, are not available and should be
International Journal of Civil Engineering Research and Development (IJCERD), ISSN2248- 9428 (Print),
ISSN- 2248-9436 (Online) Volume 3, Number 1, Jan-March (2013)
5. Further research work is needed to explore the effect of manufactured sand on high
performance concrete.
6. The fresh properties of concrete are certainly affected by the use of manufactured
sand, but the hardened properties such as flexural strength & compressive strength do
not seem to be greatly affected by the gradation.
7. Their particle size distribution helps in higher packing density which enhances the
durability of the concrete.
8. Research findings concluded that, compared to concrete made from river sand, high
fines concrete generally had higher flexural strength, improved abrasion resistance,
and higher unit weight & lower permeability due to fillings the pores with micro
3. Guide to the specification and use of manufactured sand in concrete CCAA – T60
(Cement Concrete and Aggregates AUSTRLIA).
5. Nichols, F.P (Manufactured sand and crushed sand in Portland cement concrete
INTERNATIONAL, NO. 8, PP 56-63, 1982).