Bo - Project - Otyrdgfchvjk (1) Bio Project 12
Bo - Project - Otyrdgfchvjk (1) Bio Project 12
Bo - Project - Otyrdgfchvjk (1) Bio Project 12
These sequences are derived from DNA fragments of bacteriophages that had
previously infected the prokaryote. They are used to detect and destroy DNA
from similar bacteriophages during subsequent infections. Hence these
sequences play a key role in the antiviral (i.e. anti-phage) defense system of
prokaryotes and provide a form of acquired immunity.
CRISPR is found in approximately 50% of sequenced bacterial
genomes and nearly 90% of sequenced archaea.
CRISPR Cascade protein (cyan) bound to CRISPR RNA (green) and phage DNA (red)
The discovery of clustered DNA repeats took place independently in three parts of
the world. The first description of what would later be called CRISPR is from Osaka
University researcher Yoshizumi Ishino and his colleagues in 1987.
They accidentally cloned part of a CRISPR sequence together with the "iap"
gene (isozyme conversion of alkaline phosphatase) from the genome
of Escherichia coli which was their target. The organization of the repeats was
unusual. Repeated sequences are typically arranged consecutively, without
interspersing different sequences. They did not know the function of the
interrupted clustered repeats.
In 2001, Mojica and Ruud Jansen, who were searching for a additional
interrupted repeats, proposed the acronym CRISPR (Clustered Regularly
Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) to alleviate the confusion
stemming from the numerous acronyms used to describe the sequences in
the scientific literature.
In 2002, Tang, et al. showed evidence that CRISPR repeat regions from the
genome of Archaeoglobus fulgidus were transcribed into the long RNA
molecules that were subsequently processed into unit-length small RNAs,
plus some longer forms of 2, 3, or more spacer-repeat units.
Timeline of the Clustered Regularly Interspaced Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR)–Cas system with
important milestones
CRISPR-associated systems
A major addition to the understanding of CRISPR came with Jansen's observation
that the prokaryote repeat cluster was accompanied by a set of homologous
genes that make up CRISPR-associated systems or cas genes. Four cas genes
(cas 1–4) were initially recognized. The Cas proteins
showed helicase and nuclease motifs, suggesting a role in the dynamic structure
of the CRISPR loci .
In this publication, the acronym CRISPR was used as the universal name of this
pattern. However, the CRISPR function remained enigmatic.
In 2005, three independent research groups showed that some CRISPR spacers
are derived from phage DNA and extrachromosomal DNA such as plasmids.
In effect, the spacers are fragments of DNA gathered from viruses that previously
tried to attack the cell. The source of the spacers was a sign that the CRISPR-
cas system could have a role in adaptive immunity in bacteria.All three studies
proposing this idea were initially rejected by high-profile journals, but eventually
appeared in other journals
Moreover, it was found that Cascade, crRNA and a helicase/nuclease (Cas3) were
required to provide a bacterial host with immunity against infection by a DNA
Virus. By designing an anti-virus CRISPR, they demonstrated that two orientations
of the crRNA (sense/antisense) provided immunity, indicating that the crRNA
guides were targeting dsDNA.
That year Marraffini and Sontheimer confirmed that a CRISPR sequence
of S.epidermis targeted DNA and not RNA to prevent conjugation. This finding
was at odds with the proposed RNA-interference-like mechanism of CRISPR-Cas
immunity, although a CRISPR-Cas system that targets foreign RNA was later found
in Pyrococcus furiosus.
A 2010 study showed that CRISPR-Cas cuts both strands of phage and
plasmid DNA in S. thermophilus.
A simpler CRISPR system from Streptococcus pyogenes relies on the
protein Cas9. The Cas9 endonulclease is a four-component system that
includes two small molecules: crRNA and trans-activating CRISPR RNA
In 2015, the nuclease Cas12a (formerly known as Cpf1) was characterized in
the CRISPR-Cpf1 system of the bacterium Francisella novicida. Its original name,
from a TIGRFAMs protein family definition built in 2012, reflects the prevalence of
its CRISPR-Cas subtype in the Prevotella and Francisella lineages.
Cas12a showed several key differences from Cas9 including: causing a 'staggered'
cut in double stranded DNA as opposed to the 'blunt' cut produced by Cas9,
relying on a 'T rich' PAM (providing alternative targeting sites to Cas9), and
requiring only a CRISPR RNA (crRNA) for successful targeting. By contrast, Cas9
requires both crRNA and a transactivating crRNA (tracrRNA).
I-B Cas8b
I-C Cas8c
I-G[Note 1] GSU0054
III-D Csx10
IV — Csf1
V-G Cas12g
V-H Cas12h
V-I Cas12i
VI-B Cas13b
VI-C Cas13c
VI-D Cas13d
The cas genes in the adaptor and effector modules of the CRISPR-Cas system are
believed to have evolved from two different ancestral modules. A transposon-like
element called casposon encoding the Cas1-like integrase and potentially other
components of the adaptation module was inserted next to the ancestral effector
module, which likely functioned as an independent innate immune system. The
highly conserved cas1 and cas2 genes of the adaptor module evolved from the
ancestral module while a variety of class 1 effector cas genes evolved from the
ancestral effector module. The evolution of these various class 1 effector module
cas genes was guided by various mechanisms, such as duplication events. On the
other hand, each type of class 2 effector module arose from subsequent
independent insertions of mobile genetic elements. These mobile genetic
elements took the place of the multiple gene effector modules to create single
gene effector modules that produce large proteins which perform all the
necessary tasks of the effector module. The spacer regions of CRISPR-Cas systems
are taken directly from foreign mobile genetic elements and thus their long term
evolution is hard to trace. The non-random evolution of these spacer regions has
been found to be highly dependent on the environment and the particular foreign
mobile genetic elements it contains.
CRISPR-Cas can immunize bacteria against certain phages and thus halt
transmission. For this reason, Koonin described CRISPR-Cas as
a Lamarckian inheritance mechanism.[ However, this was disputed by a critic who
noted, "We should remember [Lamarck] for the good he contributed to science,
not for things that resemble his theory only superficially. Indeed, thinking of
CRISPR and other phenomena as Lamarckian only obscures the simple and
elegant way evolution really works". But as more recent studies have been
conducted, it has become apparent that the acquired spacer regions of CRISPR-
Cas systems are indeed a form of Lamarckian evolution because they are genetic
mutations that are acquired and then passed on. On the other hand, the
evolution of the Cas gene machinery that facilitates the system evolves through
classic Darwinian evolution.
Analysis of CRISPR sequences revealed coevolution of host and viral genomes.
Cas9 proteins are highly enriched in pathogenic and commensal bacteria. CRISPR-
Cas-mediated gene regulation may contribute to the regulation of endogenous
bacterial genes, particularly during interaction with eukaryotic hosts. For
example, Francisella novicida uses a unique, small, CRISPR-Cas-associated RNA
(scaRNA) to repress an endogenous transcript encoding a
bacterial lipoprotein that is critical for F. novicida to dampen host response and
promote virulence.
The basic model of CRISPR evolution is newly incorporated spacers driving phages
to mutate their genomes to avoid the bacterial immune response, creating
diversity in both the phage and host populations. To resist a phage infection, the
sequence of the CRISPR spacer must correspond perfectly to the sequence of the
target phage gene. Phages can continue to infect their hosts' given point
mutations in the spacer.Similar stringency is required in PAM or the bacterial
strain remains phage sensitive.
CRISPR gene editing
CRISPR technology has been applied in the food and farming industries to
engineer probiotic cultures and to immunize industrial cultures (for yogurt, for
instance) against infections. It is also being used in crops to enhance yield,
drought tolerance and nutritional value.
By the end of 2014, some 1000 research papers had been published that
mentioned CRISPR. The technology had been used to functionally inactivate
genes in human cell lines and cells, to study Candida albicans, to
modify yeasts used to make biofuels, and genetically modify
crop strains. Hsu and his colleagues state that the ability to manipulate the
genetic sequences allows for reverse engineering that can positively affect
biofuel production. CRISPR can also be used to change mosquitoes so they
cannot transmit diseases such as malaria.] CRISPR-based approaches
utilizing Cas12a have recently been utilized in the successful modification of
a broad number of plant species.
In July 2019, CRISPR was used to experimentally treat a patient with a
genetic disorder. The patient was a 34-year-old woman with sickle cell
In February 2020, progress was made on HIV treatments with 60–80% of
the integrated viral DNA removed in mice and some being completely free
from the virus after edits involving both LASER ART, a new anti-retroviral
therapy, and CRISPR.
In March 2020, CRISPR-modified virus was injected into a patient's eye in an
attempt to treat Leber congenital amaurosis.
In the future, CRISPR gene editing could potentially be used to create new species
or revive extinct species from closely related ones.
CRISPR-based re-evaluations of claims for gene-disease relationships have led to
the discovery of potentially important anomalies.
In July 2021, CRISPR gene editing of hiPSC's was used to study the role of
MBNL proteins associated with DM1.
The CRISPR technique has a positive response in working towards different
disorders like Nervous system, Circulatory system, Stem cells, blood disorders,
muscular degeneration. This tool has made advanced approaches in both
therapeutic and biomedical systems and some of the applications are discussed
1.1 β-Hemoglobinopathies
This disease comes under genetic disorders which are caused by mutation
occurring in the structure of hemoglobin or due to substitution of different
amino acids in globin chains. Due to this, the red blood cells (RBC) cause a
string of obstacles such as failure of heart, hindrance of blood vessels,
defects in growth and optical problems. To rehabilitate β-
hemoglobinopathies, the patient's multipotent cells are transferred in a
mice model to study the rate of gene therapy in ex-vivo which results in
expression of mRNA and the gene being rectified. Intriguingly RBC half-life
was also increased.
1.2 Hemophilia
It is a loss of function in blood where clotting factors do not work properly.
There are two types, Hemophilia A and Hemophilia B. By using CRISPR-
Cas9, a vector is inserted into bacteria. The vector used is Adenoviral vector
which helps in correction of genes. Doubtlessly, CRISPR has given hope for
the treatment of hemophilia by setting right the genes.