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Academic Writing

Javier Valdes 27.20.2022

Institut für Angewandte Informatik - IAI

Academic Writing
Lecture materials
Version: October 2022

Prof. Dr. Javier Valdes

Institute for Applied Informatics IAI

Technische Hochschule Deggendorf

Technologie Campus Freyung

Grafenauer Str. 22
94078 Freyung
Scientific Methods

Plan of the Lecture

- Last week assigment

- Scientific Methods
- Scientific Methods & Computer Science
- Exercice: Types of scientific literature
Currently at least 1886 with Impact Factor
Assigment: Types (scientific) literature

Analyze and discuss one of the articles provided. Draw on the following criteria:
• Who is the author/authors and who are the addressed readers?
• How current do you think the insights conveyed are, or how does the work fit into
our model of insights (concentric circles)?
• How is citation used in the elaboration?
• Can you understand how the author arrived at the findings?
• How do you assess the scientific quality?
• What would you recommend regarding the citation of this work in a scientific
• Then present the work and your findings on the above points.

Time: 2-3 min (per person) presentation in groups of 5

Scientific Literature and University
Stufen der Recherche

Overview research
• What is available on the topic?
• Who has published on this topic?
• What are important technical terms (German/English)?
• What are current trends/currents/research directions?
-> Wikipedia (DE/EN),,,, University-Bib
Specific research
• Important publications on the topic (IF)
• Understand core topics
• Identify approaches, theories and models
-> Publisher databases,, metadatabases
In-depth research
• Deepen topics and follow important paths
-> Evaluate bibliographies
-> Relevant journals
-> Relevant authors
Scientific Methods

Scientific Methods and Computer

Reserach Rethink and try

problem again

Reserach In-deep
question reserach

Is the experiment
Hypothesis testing

Analysis of results

Support the Reject the

hypothesis hypothesis

Write a report

Matthias Splieth. Research Methods in Business Informatics

AUFGABE: Methods in Computer science: Business informatics

Becker, J., Holton, R., Knackstedt, R., Niehaves, B.:

Forschungsmethodische Positionierung in der Wirtschaftsinformatik. epistemologische, ontologische und linguistische Leitfragen (2003)
Exercice: Types of scientific literature &

Reserach Rethink and try

problem again

Reserach In-deep
question reserach

Is the experiment
Hypothesis testing

Analysis of results

Support the Reject the

hypothesis hypothesis

Write a report
Examples on Methods
The CRoss Industry Standard Process for Data Mining (CRISP-DM)

1.What does the business need?

2.What data do we have / need? Is it clean?
3.How do we organize the data for modeling?
4.What modeling techniques should we apply?
5.Which model best meets the business
6.How do stakeholders access the results?
Everything is data’: towards one big data ecosystem using multiple sources of data on higher education in Indonesia
Assigment: Types (scientific) literature and methods

Analyze the general research framework of one of the following articles:

• Deep learning for component fault detection in electricity transmission lines

• Transfer learning: a friendly introduction
• Estimating the carbon content of oceans using satellite sensor data

• Generate a figure that describes the research approach, it should include:

• Different steps
• Inputs – Outputs of each step
• Rationale behind the method
• Critic (positive/negative)

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