Python Programming

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Chapter 3


Comments in Python

There are two types of comments in Python. single line comments and multi-line
Single line comments
These comments start with a hash symbol (#) and are useful to mention that the entire
line till the end should be treated as comment. for example,
#To find sum of two numbers
A= 10 #store 10 into variable a.
Here, the first line is starting with a # and hence the entire line is treated as a
comment. In the second line, a 10 is a statement. After this statement, # symbol starts
the comment describing that the value 10 is stored into variable 'a'. The part of this
line starting from # symbol to the end is treated as a comment.
Comments are non-executable statements. It means neither the Python compiler nor
the PVM will execute them. Comments are for the purpose of understanding human
beings and not for the compiler or PVM. Hence, they are called non-executable
Multi line comments
When we want to mark several lines as comment, then writing # symbol in the
beginning every line will be a tedious job. For example,
# This is a program to find net salary of an employee
#based on the basic salary, provident fund, house rent allowance,
#dearness allowance and income tax.
Instead of starting every line with # symbol, we can write the previous block of code
inside “”” (triple double quotes) or’’’ (triple single quotes) in the beginning and
ending of the block as:
‘’ ‘’ “
This is a program to find net salary of an employee based on the basic salary,
provident fund, house rent allowance, dearness allowance and income tax.

This is a program to find net salary of an employee based on the basic salary,
provident fund, house rent allowance. dearness allowance and income tax.
The triple double quotes (" ““) or triple single quotes (‘’’) are called 'multi line
comments' or block comments' They are used to enclose a block of lines as


In fact, Python supports only single line comments Multi line comments are not
available un Python. The triple double quotes or triple single quotes are actually not
multi line comments but they are regular strings with the exception that they can
span multiple lines. That means memory will be allocated to these strings internally
If these strings are not assigned to any variable, then they are removed from memory
by the garbage collector and hence these can be used as comments

So, using “”” are or ‘’’ not recommended for comments by Python people since they
internally occupy memory and would waste time of the interpreter since the
interpreter has to check them.

If we write strings inside or and if these strings are written as first statements in a
module, function class or a method, then these strings are called documentation
strings or docstrings. These docstrings are useful to create an API documentation
file from a Python program An API (Application Programming Interface)
documentation file is a text file or html file that contains description of all the
features of software, language or a product When a new software is created, it is the
duty of the developers to describe all the classes, modules, functions, etc. which are
written in that software so that the user will be able to understand the software and
use it in a proper way .These descriptions are provided in a separate file either as a
text file or an html file So, we can understand that the API documentation file is like
a help file for the end user.

Let's take an example to understand how to create an API documentation file. The
following Python program contains two simple functions. The first function is add
() function that takes two numbers and displays their sum. The second one is message
() function that displays a message "Welcome to Python" A function contains a

group of statements and intends perform a specific task. In Python, a function should
start with the def keyword. After that, we should write the function name along with
parentheses as def add ().

Observe that the add (x, y) function calls a print function that displays the sum of x
and y .But it also contains documentation strings inside a pair of “””.Similarly, the
message()) function which is the second function calls a print) function that displays
the message "Welcome to Python" .This function also contains documentation
strings written inside a pair of ‘’’. At the end of this program, we are calling these
two functions. While calling the first function, we are passing two values 10 and 25
and calling it as add (10. 25). While calling the second function, we are not passing
any value We are calling it as message () only Now, consider the following program

#program with two functions

def add (x, y):
This function takes two numbers and finds their sum It displays the sum as result
print ("Sum="(x+y))
def message ():
This function displays a message.
This is a welcome message to the user.
print ("welcome to Python")
#now call the functions.
add (10, 25)
message ()

After typing this program, save it as ex. py and then execute it as
Sum 35
welcome to Python

How Python Sees Variables

In programming languages like C, Java and many other languages, the concept of
variable is connected to memory location. In all languages, a variable is imagined as
a storage box which can store some value Suppose, we write a statement as Some
memory is allocated with the name 'a' and there the value '1' is stored Here, we can
imagine the memory as a box or container that stores the value, as shown in

The effect of a = 1

Datatypes in Python

A datatype represents the type of data stored into a variable or memory. The
datatypes which are already available in Python language are called Built-in
datatypes. The datatypes which can be created by the programmers are called User-
defined datatypes.

Built-in datatypes

The built-in datatypes are of five types.

✓ NoneType

✓ Numeric types

✓ Sequences

✓ Sets

✓ Mappings

The None Type

In Python, the 'None Type' datatype represents an object that does not contain any
value. To represent such an object, we use 'null' in languages like Java. But in

Python, we store 'None' to represent an empty object and its datatype is considered
as ‘None Type’.
In a Python program, maximum of only one 'None' object is provided. One of the
uses of None' is that it is used inside a function as a default value of the arguments.
When calling the function, if no value is passed, then the default value will be taken
as 'None'. If some value is passed to the function, then that value is used by the
function. In Boolean expressions, "None' value represents False".

Numeric Types
The numeric types represent numbers. There are three sub types

✓ int

✓ float

✓ complex

int Data type

The int Datatype The int datatype represents an integer number. An integer number
is a number without any decimal point or fraction part. For example, 200, -50, 0,
9888998700, etc. are treated as integer numbers. Now, let's store an integer number
-57 into a variable 'a'.
a = -57
Here 'a is called int type variable since it is storing -57 which is an integer value It
Python, there is no limit for the size of an int datatype It can store very large integer
numbers conveniently.

float Datatype

The float datatype represents floating point numbers. A floating-point number is

number that contains a decimal point. For example, 0.5, -3.4567, 290.08, 0.001 etc
are called floating point numbers. Let's store a float number into a variable 'num' as

num =5. 67998


Here num is called float type variable since it is storing floating point value Floating
point numbers can also be written in scientific notation where we use 'e' or 'E' t
represent the power of 10 Here 'e’or’E’ represents ‘exponentiation’. For example,
the number 2.5 *104 is written as 2.5E4. Such numbers are also treated as floating
point numbers. For example, x = 22 55e3
Here, the float value 22 55 10 is stored into the variable 'x'. The type of the variable
will be internally taken as float type. The convenience in scientific notation is that it
is possible to represent very big numbers using less memory.

Complex Datatype

A complex number is a number that is written in the form of a + bj or a + bJ Here, a

represents the real part of the number and b represents the imaginary part of the
number. The suffix j or ‘j’ after ‘ b' indicates the square root value of -1 The parts 'a'
and b may contain integers or floats. For example, 3+5), -1-5 5J, 02+10 5J are all
complex numbers. See the following statement.

Here, the complex number 1-5.5J is assigned to the variable 'c1’. Hence, Python
interpreter takes the datatype of the variable 'c1' as complex type.

We will write a Python program (Program 1) that adds two complex numbers and
displays their sum. In this program, we store a complex number in a variable el and
another complex number in another variable 'c2' and then add them. The result of
addition is stored into 'c3 which is another complex type variable and then the value
of 'c3' is displayed by the print () function.
Program 1: A Python program to display the sum of two complex numbers

#python program to add two complex numbers

c2= 3.0-0.53
c3 = c1+ c2
print ("Sum=", c3)

C:\>python add. py
Sum (5 5+2j)

Representing Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal Numbers

A binary number should be written by prefixing Ob (zero and b) or OB (zero and B)

before the value. For example, Ob110110, 0B101010011 are treated as binary
numbers. Hexadecimal numbers are written by prefixing Ox (zero and x) or OX
(zero and big X). before the value, as OxA180 or 0X11fb91 etc. Similarly, octal
numbers are indicated by prefixing O o (zero and small o) or 00 (zero and then O)
before the actual value. For example, 00145 or 00773 are octal values.

Converting the Datatypes Explicitly

Depending on the type of data, Python internally assumes the datatype for the
variable. But sometimes, the programmer wants to convert one datatype into another
type on his own This is called type conversion or coercion. This is possible by
mentioning the datatype with parentheses. For example, to convert a number into
integer type, we can write int[num). int(x) is used to convert the number x into int
type See the example:

X = 15.56
int(x) # will display 15

float(x) is used to convert x into float type. For example,

num =15
float (num) # will display 15.0
complex(x) is used to convert x into a complex number with real part x and
imaginary part zero. For example,
n = 10
complex (n) # will display (10+0j)

complex (x, y) is used to convert x and y into a complex number such that x will be
the real part and y will be the imaginary part. For example,
a = 10

complex (a, b) # will display (10-5j)


From the previous discussion, we can understand that int(x) is converting the
datatype of x into int type and producing decimal integer number. So, we can use
int(x) to convert a value from other number systems into our decimal number system.
This is what we are trying to do in Program 2 In this program, we are going to convert
binary, octal and hexadecimal numbers into decimal integers using type conversion.

Program 2: A program to convert numbers from octal, binary and hexadecimal

systems into decimal number system.

# python program to convert into decimal number system

n1 = 0017
n2 = 0B1110010
n3 = 0x1c2
n = int (1)
print ('Octal 17 = ', n)
n = int(n2)
print ('Binary 1110010’, n)
n = int(n3)
print ('Hexadecimal 1c2= ', n).


octal 17 = 15
Binary 1110010 - 114
Hexadecimal 1c2 = 450

There is a function in the form of int (string, base) that is useful to convert a string
into a decimal integer 'string' represents the string format of the number. It should
contain integer number in string format. base' represents the base of the number
system to be used for the string. For example, base 2 indicates binary number and
base 16 indicates hexadecimal number.
For example,
str = "1c2" #string str contains a hexadecimal number
n = int (str, 16) #hence base is 16. Convert str into int
print (n) # this will display 450

Program 3: In this program, we are going to rewrite Program 2 using into function
to convert numbers from different number systems into decimal number system.

python program to convert into decimal number system - v2.0

s1 ="17"

s2= "1110010"

s3= "1c2"

n =int (s1, 8)
print ('octal 17 - ', n)

n = int (s2, 2)
print ('Binary 1110010 = ‘, n)

n = int (s3, 16)

print ('Hexadecimal 1c2-=’, n).


Octal 17 15

Binary 1110010 = 114

Hexadecimal 1c2= 450

We can also use functions bin () for converting a number into binary number system.
The function oct() will convert a number into octal number system and the function
hex() will convert a number into hexadecimal number system. See the following
a = 10
b = bin(a)
print (b) # displays Ob1010

b = oct (a)
print (b) # displays 0012

b = hex(a)
print (b)# displays Oxa

bool Datatype

The bool datatype in Python represents Boolean values. There are only two Boolean
values. True or False that can be represented by this datatype Python internally.
represents True as 1 and False as 0 A blank string like is also represented as False
Conditions will be evaluated internally to either True or False For example,

a = 10 b=20
if(a<b): print ("Hello") # displays Hello.
In the previous code, the condition a<b which is written after if is evaluated to True
and hence it will execute print("Hello").
a = 10>5 # here 'a' is treated as bool type variable
print(a) # displays True

a = 5>10
print(a) # displays False

True + True will display 2 #True is 1 and false is 0

True-False will display 1

Sequences in Python

Generally, a sequence represents a group of elements or items. For example, a group

integer numbers will form a sequence There are six types of sequences in Python:

➢ str
➢ bytes
➢ byte array
➢ list
➢ tuple
➢ range

str Datatype

In Python, str represents string datatype. A string is represented by a group o

characters Strings are enclosed in single quotes or double quotes. Both are valid.
str= "welcome" # here str is name of string type variable
str 'welcome! #here str is name of string type variable We can also write strings
inside "”” (triple double quotes) or ‘’’ (triple single quotes) to span a group of lines
including spaces.

strl 1=”””his is a book on Python which discusses all the topics of Core Python in a
very lucid manner." “”

str2 = ‘’’This is a book on Python which discusses all the topics of Core Python in a
very lucid manner. ‘’’
The triple double quotes or triple single quotes are useful to embed a string Inside
another string as shown below:
str=" ““This is 'Core Python' book."""
print (str) # will display: This is 'Core Python' book.

str=’’’This is "Core Python" book,’’’

print(str) # will display: This is "Core Python" book.

The slice operator represents square brackets [and]to retrieve pieces of a string. For
example, the characters in a string are counted from 0 onwards. Hence, str [0]
indicates the 0 character or beginning character in the string. See the examples
S= ‘welcome to Core Python' # this is the original string

Welcome to Core Python

print (s [0]) # display 0 character from s

print (s [3:7]) # display from 3rd to 6th characters

print (s[11:1) display from 11th characters onwards till end


Core Python
print(s[-1]) # display first character from the end

The repetition operator is denoted by" symbol and useful to repeat the string for
several times. For example s*n repeats the string for n times See the example print

welcome to Core Python welcome to Core Python

bytes Datatype

The bytes datatype represents a group of byte numbers just like an array does. A byte
number any positive integer from 0 to 255 (inclusive) bytes array can store numbers
in the range from 0 to 255 and it cannot even store negative numbers. For example,
elements [10, 20, 0, 40, 15] # this is a list of byte numbers

x= bytes (elements) #convert the list into bytes array

print (x[0]) # display 0th element, i.e 10.

We cannot modify or edit any element in the bytes type array For example, x[0] =
55 gives an error Here we are trying to replace 0th element (ie 10) by 55 which is
not allowed Now, let's write a Python program (Program 4) to create a bytes type
array with a group of elements and then display the elements using a for loop. In this
program, we are using a for loop as

for i in x: print(i)

It means, if is found in the array 'x' then display i value using print () function.
Remember, we need not declare the datatypes of variables in Python. Hence, we
need not. tell which type of variable ‘i' is. In the above loop, 'i' stores each element
of the array 'x' and with every element, print(i) will be executed once Hence, print(i)
displays all elements of the array 'x' We will discuss for loop in detail in the next

Program 4: A Python program to create a byte type array, read and display the
elements of the array

# program to understand bytes type array: #create a list of byte numbers

elements = [10, 20, 0, 40, 15]

# convert the list into bytes type array.

x = bytes (elements)

list Datatype

Lists in Python are similar to arrays in C or Java. A list represents a group of

elements. The main difference between a list and an array is that a list can store
different types of elements but an array can store only one type of elements Also,
lists can grow dynamically in memory. But the size of arrays is fixed and they cannot
grow at runtime. Lists are represented using square brackets | and the elements are
written in [ ]. separated by commas. For example,

list = [10, -20, 15.5, 'Vijay", "Mary"]

will create a list with different types of elements. The slicing operation like (0 31
represents elements from 0th to 2nd positions,

tuple Datatype

A tuple is similar to a list A tuple contains a group of elements which can be of

different. types. The elements in the tuple are separated by commas and enclosed in
parentheses () Whereas the list elements can be modified, it is not possible to modify
the tuple. elements. That means a tuple can be treated as a read-only list. Let's create
a tuple as
tpl =(10, -20, 15.5, 'vijay", "Mary")

The individual elements of the tuple can be referenced using square braces as
tpl[0],tpl[1], tpl[2], Now, if we try to modify the 0th element as

tpl [0] =99



A set is an unordered collection of elements much like a set in Mathematics The

order of elements is not maintained in the sets It means the elements may not appear
in the same order as they are entered into the set Moreover, a set does not accept
duplicate elements. There are two sub types in sets:

✓ set datatype

✓ frozenset datatype

set Datatype

To create a set, we should enter the elements separated by commas inside curly
braces { }.

S= {10, 20, 30, 20, 50}print (S) # may display (50, 10, 20, 30)

Please observe that the set 's' is not maintaining the order of the elements. We entered
the elements in the order 10, 20, 30, 20 and 50. But it is showing another order. Also,
we repeated the element 20 in the set, but it has stored only one 20. We can use the
set () function to create a set as

Ch= set("Hello")

print(ch) # may display

{'H'. 'e', '1', 'o'} Here, a set 'ch' is created with the characters H, e,l,o. Since a set
does not store duplicate elements, it will not store the second ‘1' We can convert a
list into a set using the set () function as:

1st= [1,2,5,4,3]
print (s) # may display {1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

Since sets are unordered, we cannot retrieve the elements using indexing or slicing
operations. For example, the following statements will give error messages:

print (s [0]) # indexing, display 0h element

print (s [0: 2]) #slicing, display from 0 to 1st elements

The update () method is used to add elements to a set as

s. update ([50,60])

print(s)# may display {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 50, 60}

On the other hand, the remove () method is used to remove any particular element
from set as: S.remove(50)

print(s)# may display {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 60}

frozenset Datatype

The frozenset datatype is same as the set datatype. The main difference is that the
elements in the set datatype can be modified, whereas, the elements of frozenset
cannot be modified. We can create a frozenset by passing a set to frozenset ()
function as:

print (s) #may display (80, 90, 50, 60, 70)

fs= frozenset(s) # create frozenset fs

print (fs) #may display frozenset ([80, 90, 50, 60, 70))
Another way of creating a frozenset is by passing a string (a group of characters) to
the frozenset () function as

fs =frozen set ("abcdefg")

print (fs) #may display frozenset ({'e'. 'g'. 'f'. 'd', 'a', 'c'. 'b'})

However, update () and remove () methods will not work on frozen sets since they
cannot be modified or updated.

Mapping Types

A map represents a group of elements in the form of key value pairs so that when
the key is given, we can retrieve the value associated with it. The dict datatype is an
example for a map. The 'dict’ represents a 'dictionary' that contains pairs of elements
such that the first element represents the key and the next one becomes its value. The
key and its value should be separated by a colon (:) and every pair should be
separated by al comma. All the elements should be enclosed inside curly brackets
{}. We can create a dictionary by typing the roll numbers and names of students.
Here, roll numbers are keys and names will become values. We write these key value
pairs inside curly braces as

d= {10: ‘Kamal', 11: 'Pranav’, 12: 'Hasini', 13:'Anup', 14: ‘Reethu')

Here, d is the name of the dictionary 10 is the key and its associated value is 'Kamal.
The next key is 11 and its value is 'Pranav' Similarly 12 is the key and 'Hasini' is it
value 13 is the key and 'Anup' is the value and 14 is the key and Reethu' is the value.
We can create an empty dictionary without any elements as
D= {}
Later, we can store the key and values into d as

d [10] =” Kamal “
d [11] =” Pranav”
In the preceding statements, 10 represents the key and Kamal' is its value Similarly
11 represents the key and its value is 'Pranav'.
Now, if we write print (d)

It will display the dictionary as {10:’ Kamal’, 11: 'Pranav'}

We can perform various operations on dictionaries. To retrieve value upon giving

the key. We can simply mention d[key]. To retrieve only keys from the dictionary,
we can use the method keys () and to get only values, we can use the method values
() We can update the value of a key, as d[key] new value We can delete a key and
corresponding value, using del module.

Literals in Python

A literal is a constant value that is stored into a variable in a program Observe the
following statement,
a = 15

Here, 'a' is the variable into which the constant value '15' is stored Hence, the value
15 is called "literal' Since 15 indicates integer value, it is called integer literal' The
following are different types of literals in Python.

1. Numeric literals.

2. Boolean literals

3. String literals

Numeric Literals

These literals represent numbers. Please observe the different types of numeric
literals available in Python.
450, -15 -Integer literal

3 14286, -10.6, 1 25E4-Float literal

0557-octal literal

OB110101-Binary literal

18+3J-Complex literal

Boolean Literals

Boolean literals are the True or False values stored into a bool type variable.

String Literals

A group of characters is called a string literal These string literals are enclosed in
single quotes () or double quotes (") or triple quotes (" or). In Python, there is no
difference between single quoted strings and double quoted strings. Single or double
quoted strings should end in the same line as
SI ‘This is first Indian book'
S2 "Core Python"

When a string literal extends beyond a single line, we should go for triple quotes as:
s1 =’’’This is first Indian book on
Core Python exploring all important and useful features’’’

s2 =””” This is first Indian book on

Core Python exploring all important and useful features" “”

Determining the Datatype of a Variable

To know the datatype of a variable or object, we can use the type () function. For
example, type(a) displays the datatype of the variable 'a'.
a = 15

print (type(a))
<class 'int'>

Since we are storing an integer number 15 into variable 'a', the type of 'a' is assumed
by the Python interpreter as 'int' Observe the last line It shows class int' It means the
variable 'a' is an object of the class int' It means int' is treated as a class. Every
datatype is treated as an object internally by Python.


Reserved words are the words that are already reserved for some particular purpose
in the Python language. The names of these reserved words should not be used as
identifier. The following are the reserved words available in Python.

And del elif else except from global nonlocal try as not while assert break if or pass with

Yield False class import exec in print continue def finally is raise for lambda True return

Naming Conventions in Python

Python developers made some suggestions to the programmers regarding how to

write names in the programs. The rules related to writing names of packages,
modules, classes, variables, etc are called naming conventions. The following
naming conventions should be followed

Package names should be written in all lower case letters When multiple words are
used for a name, we should separate them using an underscore ( _).
Modules: Modules names should be written in all lower-case letters When multiple
words are used for a name, we should separate them using an underscore (__).

Classes: Each word of a class name should start with a capital letter This rule is
applicable for the classes created by us Python's built-in class names use all
lowercase words When a class represents exception, then its name should end with
at word 'Error'.
Global variables or Module-level variables: Global variables names should be all
lower-case letters When multiple words are used for a name, we should separate
them using an underscore (_).
Instance variables: Instance variables names should be all lower-case letters. When.
Multiple words are used for a name, we should separate them using an underscore
(_). Non-public instance variable name should begin with an underscore.

Functions: Function names should be all lower-case letters When multiple words
are used for a name, we should separate them using an underscore (_)

Methods: Method names should be all lower-case letters When multiple words are
used for a name, we should separate them using an underscore (_)

Method arguments: In case of instance methods, their first argument name should
be 'self ‘In case of class methods, their first argument name should be 'cls'.

Constants: Constants names should be written in all capital letters. If a constant has
several words, then each word should be separated by an underscore (_).
Non-accessible entities Some variables, functions and methods are not accessible
outside and they should be used as they are in the program Such entities names are
written with two double quotes before and two double quotes after for example,
_init_(self) is a function used in a class to initialize variables

Points to Remember

✓ A variable represents a memory location where some data can be stored.

✓ Python has only single line comments starting with a hash symbol (#)

✓ Triple single quotes ("") or triple doubles quotes ("") can be used to create
multi line comments.

✓ Docstrings are the strings written inside triple single quotes or triple double
quotes and as first statements in a function, class or a method. These
docstrings are useful to create API documentation file that contains the
description of all features of a program or software

✓ A datatype represents the type of data stored into a variable. The data stored
into the variable is called literal

✓ There are four built-in datatypes in Python They are numeric types, sequences,
sets and mappings A binary literal is represented using Ob or OB in the
beginning of a number.

✓ An octal literal is represented using Oo or 00 in the beginning of a number.

✓ If a number starts with ox or OX, then it is considered as a hexadecimal

number. The "bool' datatype represents either True or False True is
represented by 1 and False is represented by 0.

✓ A string literal can be enclosed in single quotes or double quotes. When a

string spans more than single line, then we need to enclose it inside triple
single quotes (or triple double quotes (""").

✓ A list is a dynamically growing array that can store different types of elements.
Lists are written using square brackets [1 A tuple is similar to a list but its
elements cannot be modified A tuple uses parentheses () to enclose its

✓ The 'range' datatype represents sequence of numbers and is generally used to

repeat is a for loop.

✓ A set is an unordered collection of elements. A set uses curly braces to enclose

its elements.

✓ A frozenset is similar to a set but its elements cannot be modified A dict'

datatype represents a group of elements written in the form of several key
value pairs such that when the key is given, its corresponding value can be

✓ We can use the type () function to determine the datatype of a variable.

✓ Python does not have a datatype to represent single character

✓ A constant represents a fixed value that cannot be changed. Defining constants

is not possible in Python.

✓ An identifier is a name that is given to a variable, function, class, etc.

✓ The rules related to writing names for packages, modules, classes, functions,
variables, etc., are called naming conventions.

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