1806 - DSGE Models and The Lucas Critique (WP)
1806 - DSGE Models and The Lucas Critique (WP)
1806 - DSGE Models and The Lucas Critique (WP)
A Historical Appraisal.
Francesco Sergi
University of the West of England (UWE), Bristol
This contribution to the history of the economic thought aims at
describing how “Econometric Policy Evaluation: A Critique” (Lucas,
1976) has been interpreted through four decades of debates. This
historical appraisal clarifies how Lucas’s argument is currently under-
stood and discussed within the dynamic stochastic general equilibrium
(DSGE) approach.
The article illustrates how two opposite interpretations of the Lu-
cas Critique arose in the early 1980s. On the one hand, a “theoretical
interpretation” has been championed by the real business cycle (RBC)
approach; on the other hand, an “empirical interpretation” has been
advocated by Keynesians. Both interpretations can be understood as
addressing a common question: Do microfoundations imply parame-
ters’ stability? Following the RBC theoretical interpretation, micro-
foundations do imply stability; conversely, for Keynesians, parameters’
stability (or instability) should be supported by econometric evidence
rather than theoretical considerations.
Furthermore, the article argues that the DSGE approach represent
a fragile compromise between these two opposite interpretations of
Lucas (1976). This is especially true for the recent literature criticizing
the DSGE models for being vulnerable to the Lucas Critique.
Keywords: DSGE models, Lucas Critique, microfoundations
JEL codes: B22
University of the West of England Bristol. francesco.sergi@uwe.ac.uk.
According to a standard narrative on the history of macroeconomics,
“Econometric Policy Evaluation: A Critique” (Lucas, 1976) had two conse-
quences.1 Firstly, it provided an ultimate criticism of the macroeconomet-
ric models à la Klein and Goldberger (1955). As Robert Hall puts it, this
macroeconometric approach—which was dominant in the 1960s—has been
“devastated by the theoretical and empirical force of the [Lucas] critique”
(Hall, 1996, 38).2 Secondly, Lucas (1976) sets in motion a new research
program for macroeconometric modeling. In The Rational Expectations Rev-
olution, Preston Miller claims for instance that “the Lucas Critique was fatal
and new approaches had to be developed” (Miller, 1994, xv). The quest for
new approaches has been supposedly achieved by today’s “New Neoclassi-
cal Synthesis” models, i.e. dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE)
models (Smets and Wouters, 2005; Christiano et al., 2005). Such macroe-
conometric models are considered by most as not vulnerable anymore to the
Lucas Critique. This paper challenges this view, and emphasizes how the
debate on the interpretation and relevance of the Lucas Critique is still open
today. Besides, I argue that this should be understood as the historical result
of rival interpretations of Lucas’s original paper, and more specifically rival
understandings of the relation between the Lucas Critique and the idea of
Lucas (1976) addresses the following methodological question: How to
build macroeconometric models that provide reliable quantitative evaluation
of the effects of alternative rules for economic policy? Lucas’s answer is: in
order to provide a sound expertise, the model parameters must be “struc-
tural”, i.e their values must be “invariant” with respect to policy changes. In
short, parameters must be “stable”.4
The first claim of my paper is that most DSGE modelers consider that Lu-
cas (1976) describes stability of parameters as an inherent property of models
specifying aggregate relations as the result of optimizing, forward-looking in-
dividual agents—in short, microfounded models. In a nutshell, most DSGE
modelers consider that microfoundations of macroeconomic models imply pa-
A standard narrative is a widespread tale about the history of macroeconomics told by
practitioners in order to legitimize current standard approach to macroeconomics. For
a more comprehensive view see Sergi (2017b).
Goutsmedt et al. (2017) challenges this first claim of the standard narrative.
Section 1 clarifies that the word “microfoundations” should be understood in the very
specific sense of “Lucasian microfoundations”. For now, I will use the term microfoun-
dations generically, as it is current in the DSGE literature.
Note that we consider, hereafter, stability as the invariance of the parameters values
across periods, and not across data sets or estimation methods.
rameters stability—and, consequently, that microfoundations imply a sound
quantitative policy evaluation. For instance, a consumption function describ-
ing intertemporal optimization and therefore relying on parameters describ-
ing preferences (e.g. subjective discount factor, elasticities of substitution,
etc.) should be considered a priori as a stable relationship; conversely, con-
sumption functions relying on non-microfounded parameters—such as the
Keynesian marginal propensity to consume—are to be considered by defini-
tion as relationships vulnerable to the Lucas Critique.
Michael Woodford, a key figure in the New Neoclassical Synthesis, en-
dorses very clearly this view in his introduction to Interest and Prices:
So it seems that, thanks to microfoundations, the “flaw” of old “Keyne-
sian” models has been eradicated once for all; nowadays, macroeconometric
DSGE models are robust to the Lucas Critique and reliable for quantitative
policy evaluation.
Yet, in a 2005 interview, Lucas himself argues, sibylline: “I think [the
Lucas Critique] has been tremendously important, but it is fading.” (Lucas
in Snowdon and Vane, 2005, 282). Does Lucas mean that his Critique is losing
importance either because all macroeconomists are aware of it, or, conversely,
because they forgot its importance? Charles Plosser—a key figure of the real
business cycle (RBC) approach in the 1980s—argues indeed that the current
DSGE approach forgot about the importance of the Lucas Critique:
(Plosser, 2012, 5)
A quick overview of the most recent articles in the DSGE literature mention-
ing Lucas (1976)—such as, for instance, Hurtado (2014); Lubik and Surico
(2010) or Chang et al. (2010)—confirms Plosser’s view: all these contribu-
tions claim that DSGE models are vulnerable to the Lucas Critique. Such
criticisms come from the inside of the DSGE approach, including the insti-
tutions using these models for policy analysis (for instance in the case of
Hurtado, 2014).
The very same existence of this debate within the DSGE approach is
surprising. How the “consensus” view on macroeconomics (the New Neo-
classical Synthesis) could still be in disagreement on such a crucial issue as
the soundness of policy evaluation with DSGE models? The purpose of this
article is to explain the reasons underlying this lasting and surprising dis-
agreement. My claim is that the current debate about DSGE models and
the Lucas Critique should be understood through a historical perspective—
namely, through the development, during the 1980s and 1990s, of two rival
interpretations of Lucas (1976). On the one hand, the RBC approach ad-
vocated for what I will call a “theoretical interpretation” of the Critique; on
the other hand, Keynesians championed what I will call an “empirical in-
terpretation” of the Critique. These interpretations were rival with respect
to their assessment of the following proposition: do microfoundations imply
parameters’ stability?5
This article scrutinizes a wide range of literature on the Lucas Critique, pertaining
RBC approach argues that microfoundations do imply parameters’ stabil-
ity. This implies that a macroeconomic model pertains forcefully (logically)
to one of the following cases:
Section 1 of this article shortly analyzes Lucas’s 1976 article and sub-
sequent works to illustrate how two possible interpretations of Lucas’s ar-
gument could arise from the original contribution. Section 2 analyzes the
theoretical and empirical interpretation of the Lucas Critique arising during
to different eras and approaches, aiming at illustrating the common ground of the
discussion and uncovering the points of contention. Therefore, note that the terminology
employed here constitute a reappraisal of the actual terms employed by different authors.
the 1980s. Section 3 illustrates how these two interpretations currently co-
exist within the DSGE approach, resulting in a fundamental disagreement
about the vulnerability of DSGE models to the Lucas Critique, and also a
disagreement about the potential solutions to this problem.
[the] micro-economic role for theory [to rationalize individual
econometric relationship] abdicates the task of describing the aggre-
gate behaviour of the system entirely to econometricians.
(ibid., 23)
Equation (1) describes the law of motion of the economic system (yt being
the endogenous variables, xt the exogenous variables and θ(λ) a vector of
individual decision rules for a given set of behavioral parameters). Equation
Such “Lucasian microfoundations” must be distinguished from other “microfoundational
programs” (see Hoover, 2012). Hereafter I will simply use the term “microfoundations”,
in short, instead of “Lucasian microfoundations”.
(2) represents the evolution of the exogenous variables, with λ a vector of pa-
rameters, including those describing policy rules (, η are i.i.d disturbances).
The Lucas Critique targeted models that use fixed behavioral parameters
θ, instead of using decision rules θ(λ), taking into account the evolution
of individual behavior in response to changes in the environment.8 For in-
stance, a model formalizing consumption behavior based on a fixed marginal
propensity to consume (agents consume a fixed share of their current in-
come) will ignore, according to Lucas, the fact that this marginal propensity
depends, for instance, on the preferences toward future consumption. There-
fore, marginal propensity to consume is not a “stable” parameter (or “deep
structural” in Lucas’s terminology)—while a subjective discounting factor is.
Lucas (1976) does not provide any empirical evidence to support its
claim—neither econometric tests nor statistical analysis of parameters’ in-
stability in Keynesian models.9 Thus, one could legitimately consider—and
the RBC approach will—that the Lucas Critique is a theoretical argument
of the kind “microfoundations imply parameters’ stability”.
However, if one takes a broader look at Lucas’s work, another interpreta-
tion of the Critique arises. Lucas and Thomas Sargent, in their famous “After
Keynesian Macroeconomics”, did emphasize very explicitly that the stability
of parameters should be “an empirical question, and not a theoretical one”:
Moreover, they admit that the Lucas Critique was an argument driven by
“theoretical reasons” or “theoretical objections”, and therefore it can possibly
be refuted empirically (even if they do not think this will be the case):
Note that, according to Lucas, only changes in policy rules can be addressed with this
approach: evaluating discretionary policies is still “beyond the capability not only of
the current-generation models, but of conceivable future models as well” (ibid., 41-42).
Note that Lucas disagrees with this assessment, arguing that the three analytical ex-
amples developed in section 5 of his paper are “empirical evidences” (Letter from Lucas
to Stanley Fischer, 17/11/1981; Lucas Archives, Box 5, Folder: 1982 1/2).
If macroeconometric models had compiled a record of parameter
stability, particularly in the face of breaks in the stochastic behavior
of the exogenous variables and disturbances, one would be skeptical as
to the importance of prior theoretical objections of the sort we have
This call for empirical work on the Lucas Critique has been indeed an-
swered by the new Classical macroeconometric approach (Lucas and Sargent,
1981). This approach aims indeed at implementing econometric procedures
for specification and identification of models that will abide by the theoretical
standards set by the Lucasian microfoundational program. More specifically,
as summarized by Lars Hansen and Sargent in their emblematic contribu-
tion, this line of work consists in “estimating agent’s decision rules jointly
with models for stochastic processes they face, subject to cross-equation re-
strictions implied by the hypothesis of rational expectations” (Hansen and
Sargent, 1981, 7-8). Using the above notation, the scope of new Classical
macroeconometrics is (i) to specify the decision rules θ(λ) (equation 1); (ii)
to identify the parameters λ that govern the exogenous process in the econ-
omy (equation 2); (iii) to identify the “deep” parameters of the decision rules;
and (iv) to run estimations for equations (1) and (2), with cross-equations
restrictions.10 The new Classical macroeconometric approach should be re-
garded as a consistent extension on empirical ground of the Lucas Critique
as a methodological prescription.
This section raised two crucial issues. Firstly, Lucas (1976) in itself is
presented as a theoretical argument; secondly, Lucas himself in later work
and, most prominently, the new Classical macroeconometric approach, tack-
led the issue raised by Lucas (1976) with empirical methods. This state of
affairs provides a background for the development of two rival interpretations
of the Critique during the 1980s.
For an extensive account about new Classical macroeconometrics see Sergi (2015) and
Sergi (2017a, Chap. 2).
2 Two rival interpretations of the Lucas Cri-
2.1 The theoretical interpretation of the Lucas Critique
by the RBC approach
The RBC approach championed what I will call a theoretical interpreta-
tion of the Lucas Critique. This is to say, that Kydland, Prescott and the
other RBC macroeconomists interpreted Lucas (1976)’s argument as “micro-
foundations imply empirical stability”.
This interpretation is rooted in Kydland and Prescott (1977)—thought
this work precedes the development of RBC models (Kydland and Prescott,
1982)—where the authors endorse Lucas’s criticism of “standard” macroe-
Standard practice is to estimate an econometric model and then, at
least informally, to use optimal-control-theory techniques to determine
policy. But as Lucas (1976) has argued, since optimal decision rules
vary systematically with changes in the structure of series relevant to
the decision maker, any change in policy will alter the structure of
these rules.
Moreover, Kydland and Prescott claim that models vulnerable to the Lu-
cas Critique (namely, macroeconometric models à la Klein and Goldberger,
1955) actually led to “bad” policy recommendations (namely, expansionary
monetary policy) and, finally, to “perverse” economic outcomes (namely, U.S.
1970s stagflation):11
[Thus, we found that] stabilization efforts have the perverse effect
of contributing to economic instability. [...] In effect the policymaker
is failing to take into account the effect of his policy rule upon the
optimal decison [sic] rules of the economic agents.
a tested theory12 of economic fluctuations [is] something which
is needed before policy evaluation is undertaken. The implication of
[our] analysis is that, until we have such a [tested] theory [of economic
fluctuations], active stabilization may very well be dangerous and it is
best that it not be attempted.
(ibid., 487)
The important claim made here by Kydland and Prescott is that building
models for policy analysis is a two-step procedure: first, one must provide a
“tested” model of the business cycle; then, one can use this “tested” model for
policy evaluation. This distinction constitutes a crucial turn in the further
development of the RBC assessment of the Lucas Critique.13
The first step (“testing”) consists in building a model whose simulated
dynamic would correspond with observed time series of main aggregates.
Kydland and Prescott’s purpose in their 1982 seminal article is to complete
this first step, namely to build “a general equilibrium model” that would “fit
the U.S. quarterly data for the post-war period” (Kydland and Prescott, 1982,
1345). Consistently with the idea of a two-step work, Kydland and Prescott
original RBC model did not include any policy consideration: indeed, policy
and policy-makers are simply not formalized. Moreover, the same remark
applies to the two other seminal contributions of the RBC approach, namely
to Long and Plosser (1983) and to Black (1982).
However, as long as the model fits data, it is supposed to have been
“tested”: thus, it could be used in the second step of macroeconomic analysis,
i.e. policy analysis. Despite not having specified or tested any decision rule
linking individual private agents behavior to the policymaker choice (as did
the new Classical macroeconometric approach) Kydland and Prescott argue
very clearly that their 1982 model without policy is viable for policy analysis:
The following argument supports their claim:
and Prescott interpret the Lucas Critique as a theoretical proposition of the
kind “microfoundations imply stability”.
In a nutshell, the Kydland and Prescott (1982)’s interpretation of the
Lucas Critique relies on the two-step procedure which they had formulated
in their 1977 paper: (1) indirectly corroborating the policy-invariance of mi-
crofounded parameters (those characterizing preferences and technology, e.g.
elasticities), in a framework without policy; (2) using a model with these very
same parameters for policy analysis. Policy evaluation exercises in further
RBC literature follow this procedure. Contributions like Cooley and Hansen
(1989) and Greenwood and Huffman (1991) provide two illustrations.17 Coo-
ley and Hansen (1989) try to evaluate the effects on welfare of different levels
of inflation volatility (corresponding to different monetary policy), using a
calibrated RBC model with cash-in-advance transaction functions. Green-
wood and Huffman (1991) run a similar welfare analysis for different fiscal
policies. The most complete synthesis of this line of work is Chari et al.
(1995), addressing directly the question of optimal monetary policy rules.
All these authors addressed the policy evaluation following the Kydland and
Prescott assessment of the Lucas Critique: specifying microfoundations, i.e.
specifying preferences and technology, is a sufficient condition for escaping
the Lucas Critique. Therefore, models are built assuming that preferences
and technology are characterized by policy-invariant parameters, and their
values are calibrated using values of previous RBC models.
In extenso:
Keynesians argued that the Lucas Critique was not a relevant argument,
so far that Lucas and new Classical did not show econometric evidence of
the instability of parameters in non-microfounded macroeconometric models.
However, old Keynesians did not directly engaged in empirical work about
the Lucas Critique, considering that the burden of proof rested on new Clas-
sical macroeconomists. Still, it is much clear that they interpret the Critique
as an empirical question.
The younger Keynesian generation shared with the old Keynesians the
same interpretation of the Lucas Critique as an argument that lacked of
empirical support. Alain Blinder is quite representative of this view when he
All you have to do in this country [...] right now is scream mind-
lessly, “Lucas critique!” and the conversation ends. That is a terrible
attitude. The Lucas critique may be correct, but I have seen no persua-
sive evidence in any sphere to indicate that it is empirically important.
The empirical case is yet to be made.
curve: thus, the Lucas Critique is empirically relevant to the former, but not
to the latter.
Thus, Blanchard (1984)’s result suggests that, in some cases (e.g. the
term structure), the absence of microfoundations implies parameters insta-
bility. This kind of evidence provided an additional rationale for a Keynesian
line of work embracing Lucas’s microfoundations. This line of work is com-
monly labeled “new Keynesian economics” (Mankiw and Romer, 1991), and
it covers a wider range of modeling practices, all inspired from very different
seminal contributions.
A common ground to new Keynesians is that they accepted indeed to for-
mulate their models under the form of optimizing, forward-looking behavior
of the economic agents—abiding by Lucas’s principle of microfoundations.
Moreover, new Keynesians referred to the Lucas Critique as a justification
for their use of microfoundations. Early contributions to the new Keyne-
sian literature illustrate this view. Michael Parkin, the first author to label
his own work as “new Keynesian” (according to Gordon, 1990, 1115, fn. 2)
suggests that Lucas Critique is an important standard for assessing his work:
Ben Bernanke, another key figure in the new Keynesian approach, supports
that a “virtue” of a model consists in its robustness to the Lucas Critique:
Lucas Critique could not be hold as relevant a priori: the stability of parame-
ters must be investigated empirically; microfoundations cannot be considered
as implying stability. More specifically, Sims raised two objections against
the Lucas Critique: (i) changes in rules represent a very negligible aspect of
actual policy-making, so that the scope of the Critique is a very narrow one;
(ii) traditional macroeconometric models still perform very well for econo-
metric policy evaluation, and Lucas did not bring any empirical evidence
against them. LSE econometric tradition led by Denis Sagan and David
Hendry later developed Sims’s view about the Lucas Critique.21 Similarly to
the younger Keynesian generation, LSE econometricians directly engaged in
empirical investigation about the stability of parameters. Their works (see
especially Ericsson and Irons, 1995) rejected as well the relevance of Lucas’s
argument and developed an alternative, statistical definition of stability—
the notion of “superexogeneity” (Engle et al., 1983). This line of work is still
active today and criticizing the DSGE approach on the same ground, arguing
My claim is that this two rival interpretations are still the underlying
framework of the current debate about the Lucas Critique within the DSGE
approach. In my introduction (cf. infra), I have already mentioned a num-
ber of contributions to this literature that are evidently consistent with the
theoretical interpretation of the Critique—as for instance, Argov et al. (2012,
5) arguing that “being microfounded [...] DSGE models are immune to the
Lucas Critique”. I will not comment further on this kind of argument.22
Conversely, the purpose of this section is to scrutinize the DSGE literature
emphasizing the vulnerability of these models to the Lucas Critique.
The current debate about DSGE models and the Lucas Critique is fre-
quently reviewed with different categories: Hurtado (2014) for instance
classifies the arguments into “theoretical” and “empirical” critiques; Inoue
and Rossi (2008) distinguish between “specification” and “identification” cri-
tiques. My paper already provided a historical perspective on these classifi-
cations, explaining how “theoretical” (“specification”) and “empirical” (“iden-
tification”) criticisms arose from two past interpretations of Lucas (1976).
Moreover, the decisive point made by this section is about the research per-
spectives which will be associated with two different kind of criticism. My
claim is that DSGE modelers sharing a theoretical interpretation of the Cri-
tique will support a “not-enough-microfoundations” perspective: providing
“more microfoundations” to DSGE models will solve the problem of their
vulnerability to the Lucas Critique. Conversely, DSGE modelers endorsing
the empirical interpretation of the Critique will back a “microfoundations-are-
not-enough” perspective: pragmatical, empirical choice of parameters and al-
ternative microfoundations—meaning “non Lucasian microfoundations”—are
the only viable solution to the problem. Thus, these different perspectives
would eventually develop divergent research paths for DSGE models, intro-
ducing a breakthrough in the “New Neoclassical Synthesis”.
not reflect the incentives faced by economic actors in actual economies,
these models violate the Lucas critique’s policy invariance dictum, and
thus, the policy advice these models offer must be interpreted with
(Plosser, 2012, 5)
on this proposition, Lubik and Surico argue that DSGE models equally fail
in escaping the Lucas Critique because they lack of microfoundations, as they
rely on “ad hoc” monetary policy rules:
A deeper issue is whether DSGE models that are used for policy
analysis are not themselves subject to the Lucas critique. Implicitly,
Lucas’s argument rests on the notion that the information set of eco-
nomic agents and their decision problems were not fully specified in
traditional macroeconometric models. Yet, with the use of ad hoc
monetary policy rules, that very issue surely comes up in DSGE mod-
els that do not include optimizing policy makers.
(ibid., 32)
In a nutshell, the vulnerability of the DSGE models to the Lucas Critique is,
according to the authors, a consequence of the lack of microfoundations of
the price-setting behavior à la Calvo (1983), which specify no endogenous de-
cision about timing of price change. Indeed, the pricing mechanism described
by Calvo and universally used in modern DSGE models does consider that
economic agents are allowed to change their prices with a given, fixed proba-
bility β. According to Fernández-Villaverde and Rubio-Ramirez (2007), this
mechanism does not abide by the microfoundations standards à la Lucas,
as β does not results from an optimization process. In further comments,
Fernández-Villaverde and Rubio-Ramirez (2007, 33) also target (like Lubik
and Surico, 2010), the monetary policy reaction function à la Taylor (1993),
as not derived from an explicit optimizing problem of the monetary author-
ity. Thus, the Taylor rule (and its variations used in the DSGE literature)
relies on ad hoc sensibility parameters.
This explanation of the vulnerability to the Lucas Critique as a con-
sequence of the lack of microfoundations leads, logically, to support “more
microfoundations” for the DSGE models. As summarized by Inoue and Rossi
(2008), “the [unstable parameters] are the potentially misspecified features
that require further theoretical modeling efforts” (Inoue and Rossi, 2008,
2). Fernández-Villaverde and Rubio-Ramirez (2007) for instance argue that
state-dependent decision rules on price adjustment à la Caplin and Spulber
(1987) should be preferred over the Calvo pricing. Similarly, an explicit de-
cision rule for central banks, grounded on optimization under constraint of
some policy-target function should be developed as an alternative to Taylor
rules (ibid.).
“New Keynesian Models: Not Yet Useful for Policy Analysis” (Chari et al.,
2008) illustrates this view eve more explicitly than Fernández-Villaverde and
Rubio-Ramirez (2007) and in Lubik and Surico (2010). Chari and co-authors
engage in a full-range attack against the full set of market imperfections and
rigidities that are distinctive of the DSGE approach. Their empirical strategy
consist in showing observational equivalence between different specifications
of the most important shocks and parameters on wages, prices and mark-ups.
This demonstration aims at concluding that these features are reduced-forms
and not “structural”—as a consequence, the related parameters are likely to
be unstable across policy regimes.
Shocks on wage-markup for instance are reduced forms and not structural
to the extent there is any way of distinguish between two possible causes: a
change in the value of leisure or a change in the bargaining power of workers.
Hence, according to the authors, the lack of information about the optimiza-
tion problem underlying markups is responsible for the vulnerability of DSGE
to the Lucas Critique. The more general conclusion is that DSGE models
are currently flawed because of the incautious addition of new Keynesian
Most of our disagreement stems from our different preferred tra-
ditions of model building and assessment. [...] The urge to improve
the macro fit leads researchers in the [new Keynesian] tradition to add
many shocks and other features to their models and then to use the
same old aggregate data to estimate the associated new parameters.
This tradition does not include the discipline of microeconomic evi-
dence; so free parameters commonly abound in New Keynesian mod-
Consequently, Chari and his co-authors suggest that the solution to the prob-
lem is to provide “more” microfoundations to the DSGE models, by going
back to a more rigorous theoretical justification of DSGE specification, in
obedience of the Lucasian microfoundational program (ibid., 24).
(Ireland, 2004, 1215)
By comparing two periods (before and after the Volcker deflation), Ireland
illustrates that there is indeed a change in the value of different parameters
of his DSGE models, including those characterizing the preferences and the
technologies (Ireland, 2004, 1215-1216).
As in the previous sub-section, I will comment on four examples (Cogley
and Yagihashi, 2010; Estrella and Fuhrer, 2003; Hurtado, 2014 and Chang
et al., 2010) illustrating how this view is currently adopted in the debate
about the DSGE models and the Lucas Critique.
relevant argument. But it rejects the idea that this argument can provide
any evidence that microfounded models are robust to the Critique:
(ibid., 95)
The aim of the article is then to provide an empirical test of the Lucas
Critique, as in the Keynesian literature analyzed in sub-section 2.2. However,
this empirical test will not concern non-microfounded models, but DSGE
models, supposed to be firmly microfounded:24
The authors claim that their results lead to the conclusion that microfounded
DSGE models shows instability of parameters, to the extent the parameters
values are drifting along with changes in policy regimes. In one word, DSGE
models behave just as the traditional macroeconometric models criticized by
Lucas (1976).
Similar conclusions are suggested in “DSGE Models and the Lucas Cri-
tique” (Hurtado, 2014). Hurtado provides evidences that most of the pa-
rameters in a benchmark DSGE model (Smets and Wouters, 2005), includ-
ing those characterizing preferences and technologies, are actually not stable
across time. To illustrate more clearly that this implies DSGE vulnerabil-
ity to the Lucas Critique, Hurtado assess the DSGE performance in policy
evaluation compared with traditional macroeconometric approach: do the
Smets-Wouters model give a better policy advice than an “old-style” Phillips
Curve? The test is run with 1970s’ data, a persuasive manner to compare the
claim about an “econometric failure on a grand scale” (Lucas and Sargent,
“By uncovering the structural parameters that characterize these fundamental behav-
iors, and by explicitly modeling expectations (usually assuming rational expectations),
one may capture the (presumed) dependence of agents’ behavior on the functions de-
scribing policy” (ibid., 94).
1979, 6) with the claim about DSGE robustness to the Lucas Critique.25
The result of this comparison confirms that microfounded DSGE and tradi-
tional macroeconometric models display the same weakness in terms of policy
This articles addressed the surprising disagreement within the “New Neo-
classical Synthesis” about the vulnerability of DSGE models to the Lucas
Critique. All the DSGE modelers involved in this debate claim that their
contributions are not a pledge for abandoning DSGE models, but rather an
encouragement to developing them: “We do not want our work to be inter-
preted as a sweeping criticism of the estimation of DSGE models, because
it is not. [...] We ourselves have been engaged in this research agenda and
plan to continue doing so.” (Fernández-Villaverde and Rubio-Ramirez, 2007,
34); “Trying to perfect DSGE models [...] should be a top priority for the
profession” (Hurtado, 2014, 20-21). However, when considered from our his-
torical perspective, such good intentions are not likely to be a sufficient basis
for actually solving the issue. Indeed, this article showed how the contem-
porary debate inherited from the rival interpretations of the methodological
prescription presented in Lucas (1976). These divergent interpretations bring
inevitably to two divergent solutions for building models for policy evalua-
tion: on the one hand, those following the theoretical interpretation of the
Critique put emphasis on developing “more” microfounded DSGE models; on
the other side, microfoundations of DSGE models will not be enough for those
endorsing the empirical interpretation of the Critique. DSGE models seem to
be, for the moment, stuck in the middle of these conflicting methodological
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