Lackof Parental Support 26
Lackof Parental Support 26
Lackof Parental Support 26
Leading to Progression
Dr. Radhika Kapur
In all communities, from the stage of early childhood, individuals have acquired an
efficient understanding of the factor that parents are the first and foremost individuals, who
would contribute significantly in promoting enrichment of overall living conditions. Hence, it
is of utmost significance for individuals, belonging to all communities, categories and socio-
economic backgrounds to form cordial and amiable terms and relationships with their
parents. The parents aspire to promote well-being of their children. When they are
wholeheartedly committed towards achievement of this goal, they make provision of useful
and valuable ideas and suggestions to their children. Furthermore, they make provision of
information to them, which would render an important contribution in augmenting their
knowledge, skills and abilities, achieving desired goals and objectives, and promoting
enrichment of their personality traits and overall quality of lives. On the other hand, it is
necessary for the children to listen to their parents. After listening and understanding, they
need to implement these in their lives. On the other hand, when individuals lack parental
support, they not only remain unaware in terms of various factors, but also are unable to
reinforce stability in their lives. As a consequence, there are occurrences of number of
impediments within the course of bringing about improvements in their overall standards of
living. Therefore, when the parental support is lacking, it has unfavourable effects within the
course of progression. The main concepts that are taken into account in this research paper
are, lack of parental support is unfavourable to individuals to a major extent, effects of lack of
parental support and measures to be implemented in strengthening parental support.
In India, more than 70 percent of the population resides in rural communities. In these
communities, in some households, the individuals give preference to male children and do
not appreciate the birth of girls. They form the viewpoint that male children will render an
important contribution in promoting well-being of their families and communities, provided
they are given the opportunities to do so. Hence, they make provision of all opportunities to
males, which would render an important contribution in honing their competencies and
abilities. The girls are regarded as liabilities (Lara and Saracostti, 2019). They are trained in
terms of household responsibilities and ways of taking care of needs and requirements of
family members. They are discouraged from getting enrolled in educational institutions and
acquiring education. The main reason being, the individuals form the viewpoint that girls
need to eventually get married and in their marital homes, they will not acquire the
opportunities to make use of their educational qualifications, skills and abilities in an
effective manner. Therefore, in this manner, they experience lack of parental support in terms
of acquisition of education.
The parents are regarded as the first and foremost teachers of their teachers. They
guide their children towards the right path. Furthermore, they make provision of information
to them, which would render an important contribution in augmenting their knowledge, skills
and abilities, achieving desired goals and objectives, and promoting enrichment of their
personality traits and overall quality of lives. On the other hand, when the children do not
have parental support, they suffer dire consequences. In other words, the lack of parental
support is detrimental (Parental Support to Learning, n.d.). As a consequence, the individuals
are unable to generate information in terms of essential traits, which would lead to their
progression. Furthermore, they are unable to implement the traits of morality, ethics,
truthfulness and honesty. They get misguided and get engaged in various tasks and activities,
which would prove to be unfavourable to them on a comprehensive basis. Therefore, it is of
utmost significance for the individuals to be well-equipped in terms of ways to form pleasant
relationships with parents.
The problems are regarded as an integral part of the personal and professional lives of
the individuals. The various factors in terms of which these take place are, job duties,
activities, procedures, methodologies, approaches, scarcity of financial, technical, material
and information resources, work pressure, unawareness in terms of various factors,
experiencing of various types of psychological problems of anger, stress, anxiety, frustration
and depression, and so forth. In the case of all types of dilemmas and challenging situations,
the individuals communicate with their parents. The parents acquire an efficient
understanding of the problems and make provision of useful ideas and suggestions. Hence, in
this manner, the individuals understand the significance of their parents in their lives. The
individuals need to respect their parents and listen to them in an effective manner. On the
other hand, when parental support is not available, it is disadvantageous to the individuals to
a major extent. Therefore, it is understood by the individuals, belonging to all occupations
and communities that lack of parental support is unfavourable to individuals to a major
In the lives of the individuals in both personal and professional spheres, they are
overwhelmed by various types of psychological problems of anger, stress, anxiety, frustration
and depression. These are experienced in a major or minor form. When these problems are
overwhelming and give rise to impediments within the course of achievement of desired
goals and objectives, the parents are the individuals that are consulted first and foremost.
They are the ones, who ensure that their children are not overwhelmed by any types of
problems and challenging situations within the course of achievement of desired goals and
objectives. On the other hand, lack of parental support enables the individuals to remain
unaware in terms of various factors. One of the most critical disadvantages is, the individuals
are unable to provide solutions to various types of problems in an efficient manner.
Furthermore, these may give rise to impediments within the course of putting into operation
various types of job duties and activities. Therefore, it is well-understood by the individuals
that lack of parental support is unfavourable to individuals to a major extent.
The research studies have indicated that individuals, belonging to all communities,
categories and socio-economic backgrounds are of the viewpoint that parents are valuable.
Within all households, in some cases, there are occurrences of conflicting situations and
disagreements among parents and children. These may be experienced in a major or minor
form. The individuals do provide solutions to these and develop mutual understanding with
parents, whereas, in other cases, when these are not solved, the relationships among parents
and children get impeded (How Poor Parental Support Affects Student Growth, 2019). As a
consequence, individuals are overwhelmed by the feelings of despondency and
downheartedness. Furthermore, they will not have support and assistance available from their
parents in the case of any matters and concerns. Effects of lack of parental support are
disadvantageous to the individuals on a comprehensive basis. These are stated as follows:
The lack of parental support is detrimental to the individuals, belonging to all age
groups, communities, categories and socio-economic backgrounds. As a consequence, the
students are unable to generate information in terms of essential traits, which would lead to
their progression. In other words, they remain unaware regarding various factors.
Furthermore, they are unable to implement the traits of morality, ethics, truthfulness and
honesty. They get misguided and get engaged in various types of tasks and activities, which
would prove to be unfavourable to them on a comprehensive basis. With advancements
taking place and with the advent of modernization and globalization, the individuals,
belonging to all occupations and fields are required to augment their knowledge and
understanding in terms of various types of modern, scientific and innovative methods and
materials. As a consequence of lack of parental support, individuals will remain unaware in
terms of these methods and materials. Hence, there are occurrences of dilemmas within the
course of putting into operation different types of tasks and activities successfully. Therefore,
remaining unaware regarding various factors is regarded as one of the critical effects of lack
of parental support.
The professional goals of the individuals are regarded as, acquisition of good-quality
education, getting engaged in employment opportunities and generating a source of income.
When the individuals are wholeheartedly committed towards achievement of professional
goals, they need to obtain support and assistance from their family members, particularly
parents. In all types of professional settings, the individuals need to obtain support from their
parents. The parental support is regarded as the instrument for all individuals, which enable
them to carry out all types of tasks and activities in a well-organized manner. Within
educational institutions of all levels and various types of employment settings, when the
individual are overwhelmed by any types of problems and challenging situations, they need
to obtain parental support. The parents make provision of useful ideas and suggestions, when
their children are experiencing any types of dilemmas. Furthermore, they aspire to promote
well-being and goodwill of their children. Hence, when parental support is not available, it is
unfavourable for individuals. Therefore, impediments in the achievement of professional
goals are one of the detrimental effects of lack of parental support.
The individuals learn from their parents the ways of putting into operation all types of
household responsibilities in an appropriate manner. The management of household
responsibilities is regarded as one of the essential tasks, which individuals need to pay
attention towards, belonging to all communities. The parents are vested with the authority
and responsibility of imparting information in terms of all the factors that would be
facilitating in management of household responsibilities in an effective manner. The various
types of household responsibilities are, manageable as well as complicated. These are put into
operation on one’s own as well as through taking support and assistance from other
individuals. The parents make provision of information in terms of domestic helpers and
service providers. In urban communities, these are hired to put into operation various types of
household responsibilities satisfactorily. The domestic helpers and service providers need to
possess the essential skills and abilities to carry out all types of job duties in a well-organized
and regimented manner. Hence, the parents and children need to work in co-ordination with
each other to manage the overall functioning of the households in an effective manner.
Therefore, problems in management of household responsibilities are an adverse effect of
lack of parental support.
Lack of parental support does not enable the individuals to hone their problem-solving
skills. The problems are regarded as an integral part of the lives of the individuals, within as
well as outside the homes. When the individuals are overwhelmed by various types of
problems, they can provide solutions to them on their own as well as through obtaining
support from others, i.e. family and community members. In the case of all types of dilemmas
and challenging situations, the individuals communicate with their parents. The parents
acquire an efficient understanding of the problems and make provision of useful ideas and
suggestions. When parents do not make provision of any suggestions, particularly when they
are unaware, in such cases, individuals obtain moral support to cope with different types of
problems in an efficacious manner. Hence, in this manner, the individuals understand the
significance of their parents in their lives. The individuals need to respect their parents and
listen to them in an effective manner. On the other hand, when parental support is not
available, it is disadvantageous to the individuals to a major extent. Therefore, inability to
hone problem-solving skills is an unfavourable effect of lack of parental support.
In the lives of the individuals in both personal and professional spheres, they do
experience situations, which enable them to be overwhelmed by various types of
psychological problems of anger, stress, anxiety, frustration and depression. These are
experienced in a major or minor form. When these problems are overwhelming and give rise
to impediments within the course of achievement of desired goals and objectives, the parents
are the individuals that are consulted first and foremost. They are the ones, who ensure that
their children are not overwhelmed by any types of dilemmas and predicaments within the
course of achievement of desired goals and objectives. On the other hand, lack of parental
support enables the individuals to remain unaware in terms of various factors. One of the
most critical disadvantages is, the individuals are unable to provide solutions to various types
of problems in an efficient manner. Furthermore, these may give rise to impediments within
the course of putting into operation various types of job duties and activities. Therefore, being
overwhelmed by psychological problems is a severe effect of lack of parental support.
Within households, when the children are living with their parents and
communication processes does not take place among them in an effective manner, the
children will be overwhelmed by seclusion and loneliness. When the children are only and do
not have siblings, in such cases, lack of support from parents enable them to be overwhelmed
by seclusion and loneliness. These are regarded as unfavourable traits. Furthermore, these
have detrimental effects on the health and well-being of the individuals, physically as well as
psychologically. Hence, from the stage of early childhood, throughout the lives of the
individuals, they need to understand that seclusion and loneliness are chronic and distressful
conditions, which need to be curbed. Hence, apart from developing mutual understanding and
maintaining cordial and amiable terms and relationships with parents, one needs to put
emphasis on reinforcing their social circle. But when the individuals do not have support
from parents, they will not feel pleasurable in communicating with other individuals in a
satisfactory manner. Therefore, it is understood, by individuals, belonging to all age groups
that being overwhelmed by seclusion and loneliness is a disadvantageous effect of lack of
parental support.
The individuals, belonging to all age groups experience various types of health
problems and illnesses. These are experienced in a major or minor form. These can be cured
within homes or through making visits to medical and health care centres. The parents are the
ones, who render an important contribution in taking care of the health conditions of their
children. They give them meals, take them to medical and health care centres, get medicines,
make provision of information in terms of techniques that would be facilitating in promoting
a normal mind-set, make provision of financial resources and so forth. On the other hand,
lack of parental support would enable the individuals to remain unaware in terms of ways of
treating their health problems and illnesses. They are required to make visits to medical and
health care centres, when they do not have support available from parents. Furthermore, when
parents are not willing to maintain cordial and amiable terms and relationships with children,
the health conditions get affected, physically as well as psychologically. Therefore,
experiencing health problems and illnesses is an effect of lack of parental support, which is
recognised by individuals, belonging to all communities.
The marriage is the institution, which all individuals are required to enter. It is
difficult to find a good match. But when the individuals are wholeheartedly determined, they
will be able to carry out this task successfully. One of the important aspects that need to be
taken into account is, married lives of the individuals get successful, when they have obtained
good wishes and blessings from parents. On the other hand, forming stressful terms and
relationships with parents and when the individuals do not have support available from them,
they are overwhelmed by number of problems. One of the major concerns, they experience
are, dilemmas in finding a good match. When they browse websites or newspapers with
matrimonial advertisements, they do not have anybody to share their ideas and viewpoints
with. In addition, individuals are overwhelmed by unawareness regarding the requirements of
a good match. Hence, lack of parental support is adverse for the individuals on a
comprehensive basis. Therefore, problems in getting settled is an effect of lack of parental
support, which postpones the marriage of the individuals for even long-term time period.
The individuals are required to hone various types of skills and abilities throughout
their lives. The different types of skills are, communication skills, decision-making skills,
time-management skills, analytical skills, critical-thinking skills, problem-solving skills,
technical skills, creative skills, leadership skills, negotiation skills, personal skills,
professional skills and presentation skills. The abilities, which need to be honed are,
interaction, convincing, persuasion, management, administration, emotional intelligence,
systems thinking, abilities to work under stress and putting in efforts to one’s best abilities.
The lack of parental support gives rise to number of problems and challenging situations
within the course of honing of skills and abilities. The main reason being, the individuals
experience problems in augmenting their knowledge and understanding in terms of different
factors. Furthermore, they will not have anybody to guide them towards the right direction.
Hence, the individuals will experience number of dilemmas within the course of up-gradation
of different types of skills and abilities. Therefore, impediments in honing skills and abilities
are an effect of lack of parental support, which gives rise to barriers within the course of
achievement of desired goals and objectives.
When the individuals form the viewpoint that the information, which their parents are
imparting will contribute efficiently in promoting their well-being and goodwill, they will
pay attention towards honing listening skills. The individuals need to hone listening skills,
when their parents are making provision of any information to them (Children Lacking
Parental Care, n.d.). In the case of honing these skills, the individuals need to maintain eye
contact and nod periodically. When the individuals have to say anything, they need to wait
until their parents have completed their viewpoints and perspectives. At the end of the
conversation, the individuals need to assure their parents that they will follow the norms and
values throughout their lives in both personal and professional spheres. This will incur the
feelings of pleasure and contentment among parents that their hard work has paid off.
Therefore, honing listening skills is regarded as one of the indispensable measures to be
implemented in strengthening parental support.
The individuals need to depict the traits of helpfulness and co-operation towards their
parents. From the stage of early childhood, the individuals are imparted information in terms
of meaning and significance of these traits. When there are certain job duties and
responsibilities, related to number of factors, which parents cannot put into operation on their
own, hence, they are required to obtain help from their children. The children need to help
and co-operate with their parents in the management of the household responsibilities. In this
manner, the parents feel satisfied with their children and support them in promoting their
well-being and goodwill. As a consequence, the parents and children will develop mutual
understanding and form cordial and amiable terms and relationships with each other.
Therefore, depicting the traits of helpfulness and co-operation is one of the significant
measures to be implemented in strengthening parental support.
The parents during the childhood stage impart information among their children in
terms of the traits of morality and ethics. Hence, they need to acquire an efficient
understanding of these traits and put them into operation in a satisfactory manner. These traits
are facilitating to the individuals in reinforcing efficiency, honesty and truthfulness in
communicating and working with others and in putting into practice various tasks and
activities. As a consequence of acknowledging and implementing these traits, the individuals
are rendering an important contribution in meeting the expectations of the parents. In this
manner, the parents feel pleasurable and contented regarding their children and make
provision of support and assistance to them. Therefore, it is understood on a comprehensive
basis that inculcating the traits of morality and ethics is a meaningful measure to be
implemented in strengthening parental support.
The individuals need to treat their parents with respect and courtesy. When the
children are young, parents take care of all needs and requirements of their children. Hence,
during the childhood stage as well, children need to ensure, they do not pressurise their
parents. On the other hand, in old age, children need to take care of all needs and
requirements of their parents. Health is an important concern. In old age, individuals do
experience various types of health problems and illnesses, hence, children are vested with the
responsibility of taking care of the health care needs and requirements of their parents. Even
when individuals are occupied with number of job duties in their professional and personal
lives, still they need to ensure, they take out time to interact with their parents. Therefore,
treating them with respect and courtesy is a noteworthy measure to be implemented in
strengthening parental support.
The individuals need to understand that lack of parental support would prove to be
favourable to them on a comprehensive basis. Effects of lack of parental support are,
remaining unaware regarding various factors, impediments in the achievement of
professional goals, problems in management of household responsibilities, inability to hone
problem-solving skills, being overwhelmed by psychological problems, being overwhelmed
by seclusion and loneliness, experiencing health problems and illnesses, problems in getting
settled, impediments in honing skills and abilities, problems in forming an effective social
circle, barriers within the course of up-gradation of personality traits and obstacles in
promoting enrichment of overall living conditions. Measures to be implemented in
strengthening parental support are, honing listening skills; depicting the traits of helpfulness
and co-operation; inculcating the traits of morality and ethics and treating them with respect
and courtesy. Finally, it can be stated, lack of parental support is unfavourable and one needs
to form cordial relationships with parents.
Children Lacking Parental Care. (n.d.). UNICEF. Retrieved January 31, 2023 from
How Poor Parental Support Affects Student Growth and Achievement. (2019). Retrieved
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Parental Support to Learning. (n.d.). Learning Portal. Retrieved January 31, 2023 from