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"Sunset Limited"
Exquisitely Illustrated.
"RENDER therefore unto Cresar the things that are
Cresar's ; and unto God the things that are God's." ,
The popular Sunset Route is also the subject of a finely God has ordained that governments should exist among
illustrated publication entitled Wilt thou rally thy legions to battle, men. To these governments he has commanded his people
And march on the City of Light, to render tribute, honor, and respect. He has commanded
Whence angels excelling in power them to be obedient to every ordinance of man, not for fear
"Through Storyland to Sunset Seas," Were hurled to the regions of night? of punishment, but for the Lord's sake. So long as a govern-
ment enforces ordinances of men, —such laws only as are
Wilt thou compass the city eternal, necessary for the protection of men in the enjoyment of their
especially interesting to one contemplating a trip over that Its towers and battlements raze, equal, natural rights,— they will not come in conflict with the
great Southern Route. And train thy batteries brazen Christian.
Both books are published by the Southern Pacific Com- On the throne of the Ancient of Days? 6 Jer. 10 :10. • Acts 5 : 29. i I Chiron. 11 : 20-22. 9 Matt. 22:21.
pany, and will be sent to any address by T. H. GOODMAN,
General Passenger Agent, on receipt of 25 cents postage, or
10 cents for the "Fairy" alone.
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PILCRIM'S PROGRESS Novel Price 3c each
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A new, clear-type edition of convenient size. Neatly
bound in cloth, cover design in colors, Address your State Tract Society, or
pages, size 5x714 inches.
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