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December 3, 1896.


%ions of the times. OUR GENERAL AGENTS.

General Eastern Agency—Paciiie Press Pub. Co., 39 Bond
Quebec Tract Society—Dixville, P. Q., Canada.
Scandinavian Tract Society—Akersgaden 74, Christiania. Nor.
South Africa—Int. Tract Soc., 28 a Roeland St., Cape Town.
PUBLISHED WEEKLY, FOR THE St., N. Y. City, N. Y. Southern Tract Society-23 Early St., Chattanooga, Tenn.
General Central Agency—Pacific Press Pub. Co., 14-18 W. Switzerland—Imprimerie Polyglotte, 48 Wetherweg, BaseL
INTERNATIONAL TRACT SOCIETY, 5th Ft., Kansas City, Mo. Tennessee River—lutsJ Shelby Ave., Nashville, Tenn.
Argentine—SeSor N. Z. Town, Casilla del Correo, 481 Buenos Texas Tract Society—Keene. Johmon Co., Texas.
By Pacific Press Publishing Co. Ayres, Argentine Republic, S. A. ,
A rkansas Tract Society—Fayetteville, Ark. UpperColumbia Tract Soc.-312 S. Wash. St.. Spokane, Wash.
$1.00 PER YEAR (50 numbers). SIX flONTH.S, 50 CTS. Atlantic Tract Society-89 Bond St., New York City, N. Y. Utah Tract Society—Box 1058, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Three Months, 30 cts. To Foreign Countries, $1.50. Australia—Echo Publishing House, North Fitzroy, Victoria. Vancouver Island—B. Robb, 231 Pandora St., Victoria. B. (1.
California Tract Society-1059 Castro St., Oakland, Cal. Vermont Tract Society-190 N. Winooski Ave., Burlington, Vt.
.1 Special Terms in Clubs, and to Agents. -Int Virginia Tract Society-501 N. 25th St., Richmond, Vs.
Canada — Int. Tract Society, 268 Crawford St., Toronto, Ontario. West Virginia Tract Society—New burg. W. Va.
Address, SIGNS OF THE TIMES, China—A. La Rue, 22 Queen's Road, East Hongkong, China.
Wisconsin Tract Society—Milton Junction, Wis.
Colorado Tree t Society-1112 S. 11th St., Denver, Cola
Dakota Tract Society—VIlas, S. Dakota.
Instructions for Ordering. England—International Tract Society, 69 Paternoster Row
and 451 Holloway Road, London.
1. REMIT by Bank Draft, P. O. Money Order, or Express Order. Florida Tract Society—Box 508, Orlando, Florida. BATTLE CREFK, Mich., Nov. 9,1896.
2. If paper money is sent, register the letter. Germany—International Tract Soc., Grindelburg 15a, Hamburg. This is to certify that I have in use in m7
home one of the Cyclone Washers manufac-
8. Drafts should be made payable to the PACIFIC PRESS Pun. Illinois Tract Society-324 Dearborn St., Chicago, Illinois. tured by Coon Bros., of this, and it gives
JIBBING Co., on New 'York, Chicago, or San Francisco banks. Indiana Tract Society-175 Central Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. the best of satisfaction. M. E. KELLOGG.
Those written on other banks cost us exchange. International Tract Soc..-271 W. Main St., Battle Creek, Mich. Editor of the "Youth's instructor."
Iowa Tract Society-603 East 12th St., Des Moines, Iowa. Isom, Brooks Co., Ga., Oct. 5, 1896.
CHANGE OF ADDAX:N.—Subscribers desiring the address of Kansas Tract Society-821 West 5th St., Topeka, Kan. MESSRS. COON BROS., Battle Creek, Mich.—
their paper changed, will please state in their communication Maine Tract Society—North Deering, Me. Gentlemen: I received the machine ell right.
both the old and new address. Manitoba—W. H. Falconer, 284 Boyd Ave., Winnipeg. Manit. Have given it a trial, and like it splendidly.
POSTAGE STAMPS.—Please do not send postage stamps, as we Maritime Provinces Tract Society—Box 85, Moncton, N. B. I am now ready to take the agency. Yours truly,
have more now than we can use, and they often get stuck to. I. T. MERCH•NTS.
Michigan Tract Society-271 W. Main St., Battle Creek, Mich. Agents wanted everywhere. Address,
gather in the mails, and are useless when received. Canadian Minnesota Tract Society—Box 989, Minneapolis, Minn. Coon Bros., 18-20 Hanover St.,
and other foreign moneys can not be used by us. Missouri Tract Society-1418 E. 12th St., Kansas City, Mo. Battle Creek, MiCh.
RECEIPT.—The change of figures on the address labels will be Montana Tract Society-307 N. Warren St., Helena, Mont.
In all cases a sufficient receipt for money sent for the paper. If Nebraska Tract Society-1505 E St., Lincoln, Neb. "Angels of God." (Spanish.) A collection of five Bible
these changes do not appear in due time, and if books ordered Nevada—Cal. Tract Society, 1059 Castro St., Oakland, Cal. readings on the following subjects : 1. The Angels of God. 2.
by mail are not received promptly, please notify us. New England Tract Society—South Lancaster, Mass. Satan and His Work. 8. Christ the Resurrectioh and the Life.
New York Tract Society-317 West Bloomfield St., Rome, N. Y. 4. The Second Chapter of Daniel. 5. Signs of the Coming of
Sample copies of the SIGNS, receipt book, etc., sent postpaid to Christ. Two illustrations; paper; price, 6 cents. Address,
any one who will solicit subscriptions for the paper. Renewals New Zealand Tract Society-57 Tory St., Wellington, N. Z.
North Pacific Tract Society-190 E. 20th St.. Portland, Oregon. PACIFIC PRESS PUBLISHING CO., Oakland, Cal.
and new subscriptions one price to subscribers. Special terms
to agents. Ohio Tract Society-249 Cedar Ave., Cleveland, 0.
Oklahoma Tract Society-118 4th St., Oklahoma City. BAPTISM: Its Significance, Its Nature, and the Necessity
EXPIRATION OF SUBSCRIPTION.—All papers are discontinued at Ontario Tract Society-194 Brock Ave., Toronto, Ontario. for It. By E. J. Waggoner. Bible Students' Library, No. 79. Pa.
the expiration of the time paid for. The dale opposite your Pennsylvania Tract Society—Box 644, Williamsport, Penn. chic Press Pub. Co., Oakland, Cal.. 16 pp.; 2 cents.
name on the printed address label shows when the subscription
expires Please forward your money in ample time for renewal
if you desire unbroken files, as we cannot always furnish back
PLEASE Do NOT MIX BUSINESS.—When ordering or renewing
the SIGNS, if you wish to order some other paper, or some books,
tracts, or lesson pamphlets, or to ask any questions of the
editor, please write such orders or questions on separate sheets
of paper. All can be sent in one envelope, and the money all
sent in one order. It will save us much trouble if each kind of
business is written on a separate sheet. In this way each order
can be handed to the proper clerk and filled at once, and save Is the title of a sixteen-page
Religious Liberty
any delay. tract just issued as No. 41 of the
ATIONS. unite in teaching Christian principles of
g of English
Publications is now ready.
which PICTURE, POETRY, and PROSE freedom of conscience
Send stamp for it. ot 7 FINE HALF-TONE ILLUSTRATIONS 7 oe
OAKLAND, CAL. The pages shown below are reduced facsimiles of pages 6 and 7 of this tract
LANE AS CITY, Mo. N. Y. Crrv. N. Y.


"AT his wrath the earth shall trenible, and the nations

"A shall not be able to abide his Indignation." &

For a nation to compel a subject to disobey the laws of a
foreign nation, when It knows it is powerless to protect him
In so doing, is but to murder its citizen in cold blood, and
merit international contempt.
Will the government attempt to protect its eitizens against

CALIFORNIA the wrath of an offended God ? Will it declare war on the

King of kings ? Can it marshal its hosts and hurl its serried
columns against the Eternal City ?
" WHEN they went from nation to nation, and from one

FAIRY" kingdom to another people; he suffered no man to do them

wrong: . . . saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my
prophets no harm." 7
If God had intended that his children should submit to
governments in matters of conscience, lie Would not have
Is the title of an elegant little brochure, relating in charming protected Daniel in the lions' den, the three Hebrews in the
allegorical language the splendors and delights of fiery furnace, nor have delivered Peter and John, Paul and
Silas, from their prison cells, where they were placed for
disobeying human enactments.

"Sunset Limited"
Exquisitely Illustrated.
"RENDER therefore unto Cresar the things that are
Cresar's ; and unto God the things that are God's." ,
The popular Sunset Route is also the subject of a finely God has ordained that governments should exist among
illustrated publication entitled Wilt thou rally thy legions to battle, men. To these governments he has commanded his people
And march on the City of Light, to render tribute, honor, and respect. He has commanded
Whence angels excelling in power them to be obedient to every ordinance of man, not for fear
"Through Storyland to Sunset Seas," Were hurled to the regions of night? of punishment, but for the Lord's sake. So long as a govern-
ment enforces ordinances of men, —such laws only as are
Wilt thou compass the city eternal, necessary for the protection of men in the enjoyment of their
especially interesting to one contemplating a trip over that Its towers and battlements raze, equal, natural rights,— they will not come in conflict with the
great Southern Route. And train thy batteries brazen Christian.
Both books are published by the Southern Pacific Com- On the throne of the Ancient of Days? 6 Jer. 10 :10. • Acts 5 : 29. i I Chiron. 11 : 20-22. 9 Matt. 22:21.
pany, and will be sent to any address by T. H. GOODMAN,
General Passenger Agent, on receipt of 25 cents postage, or
10 cents for the "Fairy" alone.
Something Printed on highly-finished paper
Neat Its attractiveness will insure perusal by the
New and Most prejudiced or indifferent reader
PILCRIM'S PROGRESS Novel Price 3c each
BY JOHN BUNYAN Usual discounts in quantities
A new, clear-type edition of convenient size. Neatly
bound in cloth, cover design in colors, Address your State Tract Society, or
pages, size 5x714 inches.
PrIceb, ISO Cants
Address . .
Pacific Press Publishing Company
43 BOND ST., New York. 18 W. 5th ST., Kansas City f
39 Bonu St., N. Y. OAKLAND. CAL. 18 W. 5th St., Kansas City, Mo.

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