Gongfarmers Almanac 2021 Volume 3
Gongfarmers Almanac 2021 Volume 3
Gongfarmers Almanac 2021 Volume 3
A Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG Zine
Written, Illustrated, Edited and Produced by
the DCC RPG Community
Volume III
Creatures, a Character Class, a Patron,
and a Table of Random Items
This product is based on the Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game,
published by Goodman Games. Dungeon Crawl Classics and DCC RPG
are trademarks of GoodmanGames. All rights reserved. For additional
information, contact info@goodman-games.com.
Each article, art & associated material, belongs to their respective artists &
authors. If you would like to include, copy or use a derivative of the work,
please contact the original creator.
Volume III:
Funkyhedrons! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
A Patron
Krom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13
A Playable Class
The Aetherian Warcat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-16
Ian Dawes, Mica Fetz, Chris Marshall, and John Repogle
The DCC RPG Rocks! Community
The World Bubble of the
The World Bubble of the
Zocchi-Hedron is of all the
innumerable and unknowable
planes of existence
perhaps the most vital. In
a pseudosphere of space a
realm of great architects
floats through the dark of
the Void, tending to the
workings of the cosmos.
Beings of mathematics and
law, the Hedrons straddle
the line between concept polyhedrons in a strange
and creature. Each of their fusion of pure math and
limited race have an innate biology, and vary in shape
understanding of the and function.
underlying Endless Math of
the Universe, which defines There are seven
every aspect of creation, Hedron forms, and there
and they spend the eons have always been only
shaping and defining it. It seven.
is the eternal task of the
Hedrons to ensure that The First, the Prime
cosmic astrology runs on Hedron, and the One from
schedule, that the speed of which All Other Numbers
light remains constant, came, is the Zocchi-
and that roughly one in Hedron. It is unknowable,
twenty attempts at any task it’s mathematical
performed by a mortal go implications greater than
spectacularly wrong. any living mind could
possibly understand, but
They are devoted to it serves a clear function
the highest orders of in the society of the
mathematical law, but are Hedrons. It is the very
not concerned with the fabric of their world
warring of good and evil. bubble, which is a barrier
Neither angel nor demon, in the shape of a perfect
nor gold nor glory have polyhedron of one-hundred
sway over them. They know sides. No Hedron has ever
only absolute devotion to seen the barrier-wall of
their prime directive. the Zocchi-Hedron, but all
are derived from its law
They take geometric and represent a fragment of
form, their bodies perfect its being.
breathe, eat, sleep,
The lesser Hedrons drink, expel waste, or
are those exalted beings of breed. Hedrons do rely on
the World Bubble with external sensory organs to
biologies that most perceive the world through
resemble living creatures, sight and sound, but have
though each are still no mouths and communicate
remarkably alien. All via telepathy. Their hard
Hedrons feature a outer shells are highly
centralized body structure resistant to damage,
in the shape of a perfect though each Hedron suffers
polyhedron, but their form from the placement of a
varies remarkably. "weak spot" among their
faces. This weakness
Hedrons are unique extends to all Hedrons,
among creatures in that including the Zocchi-
they are a fusion of Hedron, a truth that could
biology and mathematics eventually lead to
beyond even the devastation.
deterministic nature of
chemistry and physics. TETRAHEDRONS
Hedrons control the The Tetra are the
expression of DNA, the lowest and the most
organization of the numerous. Slow moving and
Periodic Table of hard-shelled, they are
Elements, the rate of the quite similar to
passage of time, and the tortoises, hermit-crabs,
probability of chance, and and other shelled
their bodies are creatures of the infinite
constructed of the very worlds. They scuttle
math they curate. across the surface of their
Philosophers have often planet, endlessly
referred to prime beings of calculating and adjusting
perfect form from which all in tasks so complex that
other truths are derived. their vast intellects are
The Hedrons are these consumed by their work.
beings, yet they are not They crawl everywhere,
perfect. mindlessly it seems,
ignorant of all but the
All Hedrons focus greatest disturbances as
the vast majority of their they go about their work.
thought-power on the
calculations of the The Tetra-Hedrons
Endless Math which governs have 3 short crab-like legs
the Universe. Hedrons that function for auto-
require no sustenance and motion and are also used to
thus have few internal pry at cracks in the walls
organs. They do not and floors of the Temples of
Tetra-Hedron Action Table: D4
1. The Hedron retreats into its shell, gaining an
additional +1 bonus to AC, and making no attack
this round.
2-3. The Hedron attacks with its pincers.
4. The Hedron attacks with its Geometric Adjustion
Octa-Hedron Action Table: D8
1. The Hedron presents a weak point! The next attack
against it, before its next turn, is treated as an
automatic critical: roll to hit as normal. Treat a
successful strike as a critical hit.
2-4. The Hedron spin attacks with a laser spear.
5-6. The Hedron attacks with both laser spears!
7. The Hedron calls for reinforcements, 1d4 Tetra-
Hedrons arrive in 1d4 rounds.
8. The Hedron spins like a top and attacks all
targets within 5 feet with a laser spear.
Deca-Hedron Action Table: D10
1. The Hedron forges a telepathic link with 1d10
Hedrons within 100 feet. Linked Hedrons can “see”
through each other's “eyes”, and add +1 to all rolls.
2-3. The Hedron takes aim with the Numerical
Scrambler Ray, gaining a +5 bonus to hit with its
next shot.
4-5. The Hedron fires its Numerical Scrambler Ray.
6-7. The Hedron calls for reinforcements, 1d6 Hexa-
Hedrons appear in 1d6 rounds.
8. The Hedron casts Choking Cloud with a spell result
of 20.*
9. The Hedron casts Magic Missile with a spell result
of 20.*
10. The Hedron casts Mirror Image with a spell result
of 15.*
* When both Deca-Hedrons are within 100 feet of each
other, each adds +4 to their spell result.
down to the nearest prime bodies in addition to being
number. This alters the living creatures.
PC’s stats, skill bonuses,
equipment, treasure, and The Dodeca-Hedrons
even their height and age! are limited in number and
DC 10 Will save to resist. while this number
The changes revert when hit fluctuates, there are never
with a Numerical Scrambler more than 12 Dodeca-
Hedrons. They are in many
ways similar to angels,
their twelve faces are
covered in ever-open eyes
and their vertices are
ribbed with small fiery
wings that allow them to
flutter through space. When
angered, they attack with
eye-beams that drain the
very math of creation from
the target.
The Icosa-Hedron is
solitary, and serves as the
planet upon which all of
Hedron society is built. It
Ray tuned to “descramble”. has twenty distinct sides,
The NSR cannot increase a each featuring a uniform
creature's stats, but the and distinct biome.
first PC willing to shoot
themselves with the The Zocchi-Hedron,
weapons descrambler mode also referred to as the
while not currently Zocchisphere, is the very
scrambled, gains a point of border of space inside
permanent Luck. which lay the Hedron’s
dimension. This world
bubble, in celestial
terms, is a massive one-
GREATER HEDRONS hundred sided figure, and
the most powerful
The Dodeca-Hedron computational mind in
are the first of the Greater existence. It is theorized
Hedrons, which consist of that the Hedrons
the Dodeca-Hedron, Icosa- themselves are simply
Hedron, and Zocchi-Hedron. parts of the
They are, for lack of a Zocchisphere’s great mind,
better term, celestial acting as neurons within a
brain of infinite with it, and none know of
complexity. While the its true form, or that it
Zocchisphere is said to shares the same inherent
dictate and determine all weakness as all Hedrons: a
math, none but the Deca- single vulnerable face
Hedrons have ever spoken among many.
A Patron for Dungeon Crawl Classics
Written by James M. Spahn
Krom is a god of the earth. He is cold and hard, apathetic to the plights of Man
- deaf to their pleas for aid, save in the rare instance that he judges a warrior to
be worthy. Even then, such a stalwart reaver is only likely to receive such aid
once in his life. It is said that Krom gifted Man with the mystery of steel and
strength of arms. He believes if that is not enough for them to survive then they
do not deserve to live.
Krom is unique in that he will only accept warriors who attempt to bond with
him as a patron. Dwarves have their own gods and people to call upon for aid,
thieves are vile double-talking deceivers, elves are fey dogs not to be trusted,
and wizards are the foulest of all - arrogant seekers of forbidden necromancy
and terrible incantations.
1–5 Patron Taint
Krom ignores the plea for help. Krom completely ignores the
6 – 31
pitiful mortal’s cries for help.
Krom bestows fury and prowess in battle on the warrior who
calls upon his aid. The warrior receives a +6 to Strength, +4 to
all saving throws, and +2d to their deed die. Their hit point
maximum is doubled for the remainder of combat and they
automatically heal to this amount. They become a swift and
terrible warrior, gaining an additional 1d16 action die each
round and add +4 to all critical hit table rolls for all attacks.
These bonuses remain for the remainder of the battle, though
the warrior is obligated to inflict at least 100 points of damage
during the combat, or they automatically suffer patron taint.
Patron Taint
Krom is an apathetic master who has little mercy and no tolerance for those
who cannot hold their own against the brutality of the world. When patron
taint is indicated, roll 1d6 and consult the following table.
Krom scorns the warrior for being so weak as to call on aid. They
are less likely to gain aid from Krom in the future and suffer a -2
penalty to all future attempts to Invoke Patron. This effect is
1 permanent and cumulative if this patron taint result is rolled more
than once. In addition, the warrior feels their fierceness diminish in
their soul and suffers a -1d penalty to all Mighty Deed rolls for the
next 1d7 days.
True warriors act with silent certainty. Krom punishes the warrior
2 who has called upon his aid by permanently making their voice
thickly accented to the point of near unintelligibility.
Krom deems the warrior unworthy of the gifts that come from
understanding the mystery of steel. Whenever the warrior wields a
metal weapon (such as a sword, axe, or dagger), they suffer a -1d
penalty to their mighty deed die. This penalty remains in effect until
the warrior makes a critical hit with a metal weapon. Warriors who
do not have a mighty deed die suffer a -2 penalty to all attack rolls
when wielding metal weapons until they make a critical hit while
wielding one.
An icy chill now runs through the warrior’s body as they are filled
with the frozen darkness of the caverns deep beneath the earth that
Krom calls home. Their muscles weaken and their eyes turn a
shocking, unnatural icy blue. They lose two points of Strength and
the sunlight burns their eyes. Their Strength will return to their body
if they can somehow craft a weapon worthy of the mystery of steel
in an underground forge and then wield it in battle against a worthy
The warrior is not worthy to wield weapons of steel, whose
knowledge was given by Krom. The next time they roll a critical hit
in melee combat, the weapon (including magical weapons) they are
wielding shatters into rusted shards and is permanently destroyed.
The slivers of broken, rusted steel embed themselves in their hand
and they suffer a -2 to all attack rolls for the next 2d14 days.
Krom is insulted by the warrior’s puny claims of valor and bloody
prowess. How dare they think themselves worthy of even his notice,
let alone his aid! He strips from their mind some of the knowledge
6 of the mystery of steel. Their threat range is permanently reduced
by -1. This effect is permanent and cumulative. If the warrior's
threat range is reduced to 20, they are no longer capable of rolling
critical hits .
Patron Spells: Krom
Krom has no need for the foul and puny magic of sorcerers and enchanters. He
grants no spells.
Spellburn: Krom
Krom only accepts blood and sacrifice from warriors who offer it in the heat of
battle. Blood for its own sake is a waste of vitality and honorably earned
carnage - Warriors may not Spellburn to gain bonuses when attempting to
invoke Krom.
which must belong to a class tools. Special weapons may be
that uses a physical deed die crafted to eliminate this to-hit
(such as a warrior or dwarf), and penalty, but they are exotic
only bonded riders may ride the designs and will need to be
War Cat into battle. The War Cat custom built for the purpose.
may sacrifice their lowest action
die to share their deed die result Occupation: All War Cats have
as a bonus to their rider’s attack the occupation of “cat,” can
and damage modifiers for their make skill checks for anything a
next action. War Cats may carry cat would be skilled at, and start
their rider at a speed of 5’ less play with a cat toy as their
than their normal movement starting equipment.
rate, and bonded riders do not
need to make riding checks Armor penalty: War Cats can
except in extreme wear typical salvaged armor as
circumstances. Bonding lasts normal, but suffer an additional
until the War Cat’s or the rider’s fumble die shift when doing so,
death. If the War Cat’s rider dies, due to the awkward nature of the
they immediately lose ⅓ of the protective gear (their fumble die
experience levels of their fallen is one die greater than their
rider (rounding down), but are armor die, and any check
then free to select another rider. penalty modifier from armor is
increased by 1). Aetherian War
Natural weapons: War Cats Cat barding may be custom built
may make claw (1d4) and bite at a cost of 5GP per armor die
(1d6) attacks, and can use other shift; fumble die and penalty
common weapons at a -1 die check are calculated normally
shift to hit as per other hand for this custom built barding.
Mighty Base
Level Crit Die Action Dice Ref Fort Will
Deed Movement
1 +d2 1d10/III 1d20+1d8 +1 +1 +0 45’
2 +d3 1d10/III 1d20+1d10 +1 +1 +0 45‘
3 +d3 1d12/III 1d20+1d12 +2 +1 +1 50‘
4 +d4 1d12/III 1d20+1d14 +2 +1 +1 50‘
5 +d5 1d14/III 1d20+1d16 +3 +2 +1 55‘
6 +d6 1d14/IV 1d20+1d20 +3 +2 +2 55‘
7 +d7 1d16/IV +4 +2 +2 60‘
8 +d8 1d16/IV +4 +3 +2 60‘
9 +d10 1d20/IV +5 +3 +3 65‘
10 +d10+1 1d24/IV +6 +4 +3 65‘
Items Found in a Gunslinger’s Pockets
by Keith Nelson
The strange and eldritch trails of Weird Frontiers have many surprises in store
for those who travel them. When checking through the pockets or saddlebags
of a fallen foe, you may find any number of items - some benign, some
mysterious, some useful, but money is the least of what might be found.
% Item
26 Remington No. 95 derringer
Small Bedlamite wondrous contraption – DC 13 gear check to figure
out activation (2 uses, shoots fire 20’ for 2d6 damage)
28 Set of lockpicks
29 Magnifying glass
30 Binoculars
31 Collapsible telescope
32 Pocket microscope
33 Small notebook and pencil stub
34 Holy book (Bible, Koran, Book of Mormon, etc.)
35 Deck of cards with 6 aces
Deck of cards missing king and queen of hearts (if those cards are
36 found or recreated exactly, give +1 to effects for Gambler using Dead
Man’s Hand)
37 Set of ivory dominoes
38 5 bone dice (2 are weighted to come up 6’s)
39 Vial of flowery perfume (Mmmm, smells like grandma!)
40 Pouch of reddish salt
Jerked meat - if sampled...so delicious...DC10 Will save to not eat it
41 all and then suffer -2 to actions for next day until the gaseous
rumblings subside
42 Small sack of parched corn (food for 2 days)
43 Small sack of pemmican (food for 4 days)
Pouch of gold dust and rolled up map to a claim in a remote area
several days ride away
Grizzly claw (1/day scratch self with claw, get +2 melee attack/
45 damage for 2d4 rounds (DC12 Fort save when scratching self or take
1hp damage)
Corn cob pipe and Tobacco pouch filled with mixture of tobacco and
46 jimson weed (DC14 Fort Save when smoked or experience
hallucinations for d4 hours)
Walnut burl pipe and tobacco in a pouch made of albino buffalo skin.
Tobacco has a fruity and slightly briny flavor when smoked (Smoke
draws the attention of spirits, Luck check to see if the spirit is
malevolent (Hex) or benign (Boon)).
Book of Shakespearean sonnets. Embedded in one sonnet in the
48 middle of the book is an encoded (DC14 Intelligence check to
investigate) Occultist spell determined by judge
Silver-inlaid, rune-inscribed 24”-long giant rattlesnake rattle. If
vigorously rattled, can drive away animals in 50’ radius but if
character fails a DC16 Will save.there is a 25% chance to encounter a
giant rattlesnake the next day.
% Item
50 Handful of small sea-shells strung on cord.
Seemingly ancient, knotted cords tangled in a ball. DC18 Intelligence
51 check to untangle and discover that the cords provide rough directions
to Incan gold
Fragmentary page of blasphemous occult tome. DC13 Grit check if
Small pouch containing 13 gold teeth of different sizes and shapes.
The body you found this on is missing only one tooth.
54 Scrimshawed hippo’s tusk with scenes of hippo “ranching”
55 10’ of fuse and a stick of dynamite.
64 Riding crop made out of strange finely scaled leather (Snakeman skin).
Buffalo coat with single, large gold, freshly minted, Spanish doubloon
72 in watch pocket. On the inside lining of the coat is a faint, barely
legible map to a small island in the Gulf of Mexico.
Woven cord necklace with a flat bronze medallion on it. The medallion
73 is worn, with a barely recognizable image of a grinning, 3-eyed round
face with tusks.
Blackened, serially indented, coiled metal bracelet with bright silver
74 showing at one end where it has been cut. Hacksilver bracelet, worth
$20 for silver or $100 to a collector.
Red cotton string with 1d4 bronze coins strung on it through square
central holes. Coins are ancient and worn, but embossed with Chinese
ideograms. They feel “lucky” to an Occultist or Gambler. Coins can
be spent for +1 Luck per coin. Then blink from existence.
76 Silver-bladed folding fruit knife with mother-of-pearl handle. Fancy.
Mustache wax and comb. +1 to Personality for d12 hours if showing
Folding knife with bone handle and bone blade. 3 pins hold it
together at the pivot point, 1 silver, one gold, and one of jet black
78 metal. Knife only serves as a weapon in the Near, doing 3d4 damage
to malevolent spirits, but causing wielder to lose one point of Grit for
each successful attack.
79 Silk, paisley neckerchief
% Item
Turquoise and silver ring depicting a stylized bird – protects wearer
80 from falling damage if falling more than 20’, but attracts lightning
(Take maximal damage from all electrical attacks)
83 Fist-sized, black stone ball with white veins lacing through it.
Rolled up bundle tied with a red ribbon. When unrolled, it reveals a
thin sheet of pale leather that proves to be the skin of a 2’ tall, red-
haired humanoid tattooed with blue triskelion, spiral, and crude
animal pictoglyphs.
Small leather bag containing 13 bluish flint arrowheads. If attached
85 to fletched arrows, will put humans to sleep for d4 hours when hit
(DC13 Will save to avoid).
Small leather bag containing 7 crude, hammered iron barbed
arrowheads. If attached to fletched arrows, will banish creatures not
of this world to the other side of Veil when hit (DC13 Will save to
avoid banishment).
87 Fist-sized, blue stone scarab beetle.
% Item
Long-stemmed pipe with small jade bowl and silk-wrapped black lump
of opium
Black veil set with jet beads. Donning it allows you to see across the
Veil, while wearing it but also has a chance of attracting a malevolent
force (Luck check to avoid) that will haunt the wearer, giving them 1d2
91 Tin of bear grease.
Brandy soaked fruitcake wrapped in oilcloth. Weighs approximately 7
93 Small bottle of grayish dust. Labeled “Powdered Mummy”.
Shrunken head with long, matted gray hair. Upon closer examination,
the head is one-eyed.
95 Paper sack of horehound candy.
Silk drawstring bag covered with pseudo-magical sigils and full of
small rocks. The rocks are interesting, with varied shapes and colors,
but otherwise seem to be normal. The drawstring is tied in an
intricate knot.
Stiff mask of delicate silver filigree. Has a perpetual feeling of
coldness to it, coupled with a faint scent of perfume and rot.
Dove gray, velvet, domino mask sewn with small pearls. If worn, gain
+4 on stealth checks, but must make a Luck check or, 1d3 minutes
later, be drawn into the Near by a spirit (50% chance malevolent, 25%
neutral, 25% benign)
Single playing card bearing the worn image of a child on it and a red
heart on the opposed side. There are circular wear patterns around
the image of the child. If rubbed, the card emits a greyish smoke,
revealing a small being with a large round head, greenish snake eyes,
and a mouth lined with needle teeth. It gazes at you and says
“Mama?” in a high-pitched voice. It will follow you around for the
next 1d3 days, appearing at inopportune times and begging for
sustenance. If offered blood or flesh from a recently killed human, it
will bond more closely and over time become a familiar, sapping blood
from the PC in return for power determined by the judge
% Item
100 Leather Sap (weighted end contains gold and silver coins worth $50)
Glittering motes of dust in a small tightly sealed tin box. 1d3 uses of
Pixie dust. See Weird Frontier Core Rule Book for effects.
Tin containing flint, steel, and 2d4 uses of charcloth. Fires lit with this
103 will resist going out, even in the worst weather, and provide heat with
only meager fuel.
Yithian Lightning Gun crystal. Purplish, prismatic, crystal with
flickering white lines of arcing electricity trapped within it. Worth
$500 to the right Bedlamite, but also sought by Yithian-worshiping
105 Jorogumo ashes. See Weird Frontier Core Rule Book for effects.
Ruby container holding wine of the Men of Lyeung. DC15 Fort save
106 after drinking or fall asleep for 1d5 hours. See Weird Frontier Core
Rule Book for effects.
Wooden box containing a small glass globe nestled in straw. Within
the globe is a greenish-brown, viscous liquid. This is a Skunk Ape
107 gland stink bomb. If broken, all within 20' must make a DC 14
Fortitude save or be at -2 to all actions and saves for 1d6+2 rounds
from nausea.
Small, bone box containing a greenish ointment. If smeared on body,
108 treat as the Mountebank’s Ointment of Galvanic Agitation at a 19 spell