(24451) Higher Past Papers 1
(24451) Higher Past Papers 1
(24451) Higher Past Papers 1
x E c (i) Find the equations of AD and BE. © i) Hence find the coordinates of M. @ [Turn over [2300/202} Page treeMork 3. "The fist four levels of stepped pyramid diagram. sa oquare fuse are shown in the Bach level is a square-based cuboid ‘with a height of 3m. The shaded parts indicate the steps which have @ “width” of tm, 4 metre Tehsie and sith otewmpaes ft meng comer are shovwn im this enlargement, 3 metre With coordinate axes ao shown and 1 unit representing 1 metre, the ‘coordinates of P and A are (12, 0,0) and (24,0, 0) (o) Find the coordinates of Q sad R. @ (6) Bind the size of angie QPR, a (2500/2023) Page fourMarks 4. (2) (a) =2e4 1, a2) =274 A, where his a comatint, @ Pind g(a) ® Gi) Find feta), @ (Show thatthe equation g(f())~ flag) = 0 simplifies to 2xtt4e—h=0. ® Gi) Determine the nature of the rots ofthis equation when k= 6. ® Gi) Find the value of for which 2x? + 4x~ =O hes equal roots. @ 5. An artist has designed a “bow” shape whieh he finds can be modelled by the shaded ares below, Caleulawe the area ofthis shape. © (urn over [2500/202} Page fiveMarks 6. Diagram 1 shows: + the point A(1, 2) + the straight ine Z passing through the origin-© and the point A, + the parabola p with a minimum turning point at O and passing through A, + and the circle ¢, eente O, passing through A. Diagram ¢ (@) Weite down the equations of the line, the parabola and the circle, ® (2800/202) Page sicBarks 6. (continued) "The following transformations are caried out; + the line is given a translation of 4 unite down Ge —# units in the direction of the s-axie), Diagram 2 shows the line €, the image of Tine f, after this transition + the parsbola is reflected in the w-axis, + the circle is given a translation of 2 unis to the right ie +2 units in the direction ofthe x-axis) Dingram 2 () Write down the equtions of F, p"he image of the parabola p) and * (che image af the ctl) o (6 Show thatthe line passes through the eentre ofthe ccele Oy Gi) Find the coordinates of the points where the line F intersects the parabola ® {Turn over [2500/202) Page seven‘Marks (@) Express f(x) in the form Reos ea) wherek>0 and00. 12, Two identical circles ouch athe point P (9,3) a shown in the diagram, One ofthe circles hes equation + y* 10x —4y'4 12 =O. POR isan equilateral triangle of side 2 units. PO=aPRebandORee Evaluate (6 +) and hence identiy to ‘ectors which are perpendicular,Merks MM. For what range of wale of dove the aqation 2 1 92 Gat ty ve=0 represent 16, a cirde? ® Teco fp th i rues o ‘The diagram shows @ sketch of part of the grph of y = f(0). ‘The graph hes 2 Doint of infection at (0, 6) und maxi- ‘mam turing point at 0 (0) Make « copy ofthis diagram and on it sketch the graph of a0) = 0) 41 (2) where a (®) One seperate digram, sketch the graph of y= F(). @ (©) Doveribe how the graph of y= 4") is related tothe graph of y="). oso97 17, Part of the graph of y= Slogy(2+ 10) is shown in the diegran. This graph ‘tosses the s-ansat the point A and the straight line y= atthe poi B. Find algebraically the eenordinates of A and B. ro} y=8 y= Slogg(2e-+ 10) 18. (2) Show thet 2e0r24°~ cose? =1 = 3sin' () Hence save the equation 2eos2e?~ core = 2sins in the interval 0 x < 360. 19, The diagram shows a sketch of p ofthe graph of ya, a> 1 (2) Tf (, 0) and (@, 1) ie on thi ceuve, write down the values of ¢ and. (© Make a copy ofthis diagram and on it sketch the graph of y= 0", (0, Find the coordinates ofthe point of intersection of y= a with the Tine x= te Mors wo 0Mark 28, Dagan show 5c ling pan nti on 4 rllescoer. Pest the llercoer rl fos te eve with gunn 9-8 Sor Diagram 2 shows an enlargement ofthe ltt car and its postion relative to suitable set of axes. "The floor of the ca lis parallel eo the tangent at P, the point of contac, CCaloulate the acute angle a berween the floor of the car and the horizontal when the car ie at the poine where, = ZZ, o [END OF QUESTION PAPER)Gettiniears or Tivew’ticem’ MATHEMATICS EDUCATION HIGHER GRADE Paper 1 All questions should be attempted AP" Diagram 1 shows circle with equation «+ 9? 4 10x— 2y — 14 = 0 and & straight lin, with equation y= 2x +1 "The line intersects the circle at A and B. Diagram 1 (2) Find the coordinates ofthe points A and B. () Diagram 2 shows 2 second line, hich pases through the centre of the sirle, C, and isa right angles to line, Diagram 2 (Write down the coordinates of C (G)_Bind the equation ofthe line fs oF2 Relative to the axes shown end with an appropriste sele, PC-1, 3,2) and (Q{5, 0, 5) represent points on a road. ‘The road is then extended to the point R such that PR=4P0, (©) Bind the coordinates of R (©) Rosds from P and R are built to meet a the point § (-2, 2,5), Celeulate ‘the ste of angle PSR. Sa, ‘The sum of £1000 is placed in an investment account on January Ist and, thereat, £100 js placed inthe aecount on the fist day ofeach month + Interest at the rate of 05% per month it credited to the acount onthe last dy ofeach month. + This interest ealeulated onthe amount inthe account on the ist day of the month, () Hlow much isin the account on June 20th? (©) On what dete does the acount first exceed £2000? (0) Finé a recurrence relation which devcribes the amount in the account, ‘explining our notation carefly, 6 Marks o oy‘A. ‘The dingram shows a shetch ofthe graph of y= (e+ 2a ~ 1-2). The raph cuts she wees a (2,0), (0, 4 ad the points F and W. (0) Write down the coordinate ofP and O. (@) Find the total shaded aren, ‘Morks5. Diagram 1 shows ¢ sketch of part of the raph of y =x) where fle) = (22) +E "The graph cuts the ynacs at A and has a ‘minimum tuning point +B (@) Wate down the coordinates of A and B (@) Diagram 2 shows the graphs of y= f(s) and y= is) where 2) =5 + 42— 9 Find the ares enclosed by the two (2s) can be writen in the form m+ J) where m and w ae contant ‘Write down the values of m and ® 6 (A shat of poe of the graph of y= is shown in the diagram, ‘The tangent at aa, 1) hasbeen drawn, Find the grodiene of thi engent, o (0) Hence show tat the eqnton of thi tengo isnt a © (©) This tangent cut the y-ars st B and the sans at C. (i) Caeaste the area of rangle OBC. ° (i) Comment on your anewert 0 o99 In certain topes in Mathematics, such at calculus, we often require to write ee es se epenion vc ae SEE in th frm seayt chy me called Partial Fractions for — Set! iis Bene) 2+ The worked example shows you how to find past fractions for the 6x42 ene Ty Ae Find partial factions for where 4 and B are contents = Ae, Boe) TeeDe-T* He Acx~3)4 B42) (er De=3) Hence 6:+2= Ale—3)+ Ble) forall values of A nd B canbe found as follows: Selecea valu of that maker the | Selecta valu ofthat make the first brecket 20 second bracket er0 Let ¢= 3 (hs eliminates) Let? (hs eliminates B) 1842 = AxD + BxS A104? = 4x5) + 8x0 20=5B “10=-54 A=2 ‘Monks8, Te radioactive element carbor-14 it sometimes used to estimate the age of organi remains such as bones, charcoal and seeds Carbon-t4 decays according to la of the form y = ype" where y isthe amount of radieactive nuclet presnt at time ¢ years and yy io the inital amount of radosetive nude. (2) The halflife of carbon-14, ie che tine taken for half the radioactive nue to decay, is $700 years. Find the value of the constant hy cone to 2 significant igure, () What percentage of the caroa-I4 in a sample of charcoal will rin steer 1000 yas? 9. The sketch represents part of the graph of a trigonometric function ofthe fou y= pins r)* +. Te rostes the axes at (0,1) and (t 0), aod has ‘turning pointe (50, 2) and (4). (2) Write down values for 9, g,7 aad x. (6) Find the vues for sand « 6 ® ° ” o1991 10. A cuboid is to be out out of «sight Ssquarecbaed pyramid. ‘The. pyramid Inns @ square base of side Sem and vertical height of 19m. (©) ‘The euboid has a square base of side Deer and a height of her. If the cuboid i oft nto the pyramid, use the iformaton shown in tvangle ABC, or otherwise, to ahow eh 6) be10-Jo, ° (i) the volume, ¥, of the cuboid i given by = 40s? = 10 o (0) Hence, Sind the dimensions ofthe squce-bsed cabo with he ernest ‘volume which an beet from he pyramid CO)Marks AM, Two identical coins, radius 1 uni, are supportee by horizontal and vertical plates at Band C. Diagram 1 shows the Coins touching each other and the fine of centres is inclined tp radians tothe ‘vertical, Let dbe the length of BC. Diagrara 1 ©) @ Show that OB=1+2sinp, © (i) Write down a similar expression for OC and hence show that oe + Asinp. ® Express in the fori 6+ keow(p~ a). ” Hence, write down the exact maximum value of and he value «fp for which this occurs ® i Diagram 2 (Show that OB =14 and find the exac ength of BD. (8) Using your anewer to (6) (i), find the exace value of 642 ® [END OF QUESTION PAPER)scorrisn CERTIFICATE OF EDUCATION THURSDAY, 7 MAY $50 AN 1i.30-AM All questions should be attempted A triangle ABChhas vertices At, 3), 7 (6,1) and CE, ~3) 08 shown in the 0 and 05 2360, a determine the values of and (@) Hence fad the maximum and minim + atwhich they occur, where values offi) and the values of « lie in the interval 0 360, (2) Write down th minimum value of (2). foro, the wonder plant food". It in known that in a wen the sunt of plane foed in the toe falls by about 25% (2) The tees contain no Bioforce i Bioforce to each tee every Satu thers continuously more than 2g of iti dhe tee. Calculate how many ‘weekly feds willbe necessary before the Bioforce becomes effective. (8) Write down a recurrence relation forthe sour of plant food in the ‘ree immediately after feeding. (i) the level of Bioforce inthe tree exceeds 5g, it wil cause leaf burn, Is itsafe to continue feeding the tres a this rate indefinitely? Marks « « a @ a9. Diagram 1 shows the ares between the line y= land the x-axis rom x= eto #= 5, If thie arce rotated threugh 360° about the s-axe i form & slid shape (ecylinder) ax shown in Diagram 2 eo tht al cling inl fe Worked Example o 8 Diagram 1 Ding? (YE AF "The ares between y= 2 and the ans from ==1 tox=3 is rotated shout the sass. The volume ofthe solid is caleulate a follows: ya Fa 0satt [pra = afte oleey, sd 104 units Volume = 104 yl (Use thin mthod to find the volume of the solid formed when the area between y =a land the sais fom x= 1 t= 2 i rotated About the wax, () (Use this method to find the volume of ‘he solid formed when the area Between 92 16=2) and the sean foo (0 #=2is rotated about the sais. (8) Hence write down the volume of & sphere of radius 2. oy Marks ©10, A chil's drinking beaker isin the shape ofa eylindes with «hemispheric! id ands cular Pat base. ‘The radae of the cinder iv remy and the height ix hhem, ‘The volume ofthe eylinder is 400 em" © o ® Show dc href las (dl me he beri vents =a 8 Note: Tec sre se fa mip fia FFind the value of r which ensure that the wurace area of plant ie sinimised. ‘The variables x and y ary connected by a zlatinship of the form 9 = a* where a and 8 are contants, Show that there is s linear relationship between lg,» and » From un experiment some data was obssined. The table shows the data ‘which ies om the line of best it x) oH 3 “a 52 >| 21976 631 450392 | 11913076 ‘The variables nd yinthe above table are connected by a reationship of the form y= a2, Determine the values of and 6 [END OF QuESTION PAPER) Marks ® o ° ©2500/201 eeerivicare or Sinai cittsan MATHEMATICS Eoucation HIGHER GRADE 1998 Paper | Reed carey 1 Fuser 20 gven ony wnere the sotuton contans appropriate woking 2 Answers cbiaied by radngs rom sale drawings wil nat raceive any ere CON wateFORMULAE LIST The equation 2 + 3° 4 2ge + 2fy + €= 0 represents a circle centre Vas P=0. ‘The equation (x~a)'+ (yb). Scalar Produet: a. ‘Trigonometrc formulae: ‘Table of standard derivatives; ‘able of standard integrals: (200/201), nbs + a,b, + a,h, where a A) and radius 7 represents a circle centre (a, 8) and radius r |b] cos 6, where Bis the angle between eand b - fo, i m-G) sin(AB)=sin A cot Bi cos Ain B cos (A+B) = cot A cor BF sin Asin B cos 2A = cos! Asin? A 208? A=1 1 2sin? A sin 2A =2sin A.cos A Fle) fe) so rinse toe Loner one linmee Page tooAll questions should be attempted Marks 1. (@) Show that x= 2 isa r00t ofthe equation 2s? +3? 13 +6=0, a (8) Hence find the other roots, @ 2. and Bare the points (-3,1) and (5, 5). ” BG.3) Find the equation of, | (@) theline AB @ (©) the perpendicular bisector of AB. ® 0) AG) 3. The line PQ has equation y= 22 +4. (@ Find, without using calculus, the area of the shaded trapezium shown in the dingram. @ (@) Express the area of this trapezium as a definite integral ” (6) Evaluate this integral @ 4. Find the equation of the circle with centre (-3,4)and passing through the origin, @ [500/201] Page three [Tura overMarks 5. Givenflx)= 30(2x~ 1), find fC) @ 6. VABCD is a pyramid with rectangular base ABCD. ‘The vectors AB, AD and AV are given by AB 225428 AD=-2i+10j-2k and > és 3 AV=E+7j+7h DE Express GV in component form, o 7. Theline AB makes an angle of eadians with " the ass, as shown in the diagram. Find the B exact valu ofthe gradient of AB E @ 8 (Write down the condition for the equation ax? +b + ¢= Oto have equal ip Hence, oF otherwise, show tat the equation sfx +7) = 9 has equal root o 9. ‘The point P-L, 7) liek onthe curve with equation y= 5x! +2. Find the equation of the tangent othe carve a P o (2500/2017 Page fourMarks 10. Part of the graph of "= f(x) i shown in the diagram, On separate diagrams, sketch the graph of (@ y=fer1) @ ©) y=-3F) ® Indicate on each grapa the images of O, A, B, Cand D. FI y £064) 2 1 11. The graph of y-=,(s) passes through the poin (1,2) BaP sd], express yin terme of. Wee o 5}, exprewey . ® 12. Using triangle POR, as shown, find the FE exact value of cos 2 ® / wf re Q (25007201) Page Sve [Turn overMarks 3B. (rite @) (6) Hence write down the coordinates of the stationary point of y= (x) and ate ite nature, ® 14, The diagram shows part of the graph of yeasinis® and the line with equation y=Ba, Find the x-coordinates of A and B. o 15, The diagram shows part of the graph of y=log,(+ a), Determine the values of aand o 16, A curvebas equation y=2x? 43:7 4 44-5, Prove that this curve hes no stationary points, 6 lasv0/201) Page sie17. ‘The diagram shows two vector and b, with al ‘These vectors ate inclined at an angle of 45° to each other. (a) Evaluate (@) ae (i) bb Gi) ab (8) Another vector p is defined by p= 2a +38, Evaluate p.p and hence write down |p} 18, Two sequences are defined by the recurrence relations| 0-244), 4 =1 and outa, yal Ma Ir both sequences have the same limit, express pin terms of @ 19. Given f(2)=cos! x~sin*x, find (2). ant fhe and |b) = 242 Marks @ o @ @ ” [Turn over for Question 21 on Page eight (2500/201) Page seven21. A function fan be expressed as an infinite senies by (0) Write down the series for (2x) as far asthe term in ‘The derivative of fx) can be calculated ts follows. ey 20 1) «04129? Ae Se 50 FG) S041 EE D0 ees seo Tee ie £0) = 400) (©) Find //(2s) in terms of (28) fle) =14e+ [END OF QUESTION PAPER) [2300)201), Poge eight Marks o ®2500/202 scorrisi MONDAY, 10 MAY Sexriricate or looru-asorm MATHEMATICS EDUCATION HIGHER GRADE 1999. aT ead Cay 1 Fuller willbe given ony wher the sluton contains appropriate woking 2 Anewes cbialod by readings from seal drawings wil nt rceive any cet ImiFORMULAELIST "The equation a + 3? + 2pe + Yy + ¢.= 0 represents a circle centre (-g, ~f) and radius Ve +P=0. ‘The equation (x— a)*-+ (y— b) represents a circle centre (a, 6) and radius. Sealar Product: a.b=[a)|b| cos 8, where is the angle between a and or 4 a= a)h,+ a,b,+ a, wherea=| a, |and b =| by 2s Cs ‘Trigonometric formulae: sin (A B)=sin A.cos B eos A sin B cos (AEB) =00% A cos B Fain A sin B ‘Table of standard derivatives: fs) '(s) Table ofstandard integral: fs) ff) de (2s00/203) covax Linge + Poge twoAll questions should be attempted Marks 1. Acrimgle ABC has vertices a AG4 1),B (12,3) and C0, -7) ACAD: (©) Find the squation of the median CM @ (Find the equation ofthe altitude AD. ‘an ® Find the coordinates of the point of intersection of CM and AD. ® 2. (@) The diagram shows a circle, centre P, ‘vith equation 2+ y"+6x+4y+8=0. Find the equation ofthe tangent at the point A (-1, -1) on the cite. ® (©) The tangent crosses the y-axis at B, Find the coordinates of B. a (0 Another circle, centre P, is drawn passing through B. The tangent at A ‘meets the second circle at the point C, a shown in the diagram, down the coordinates of C. ® (@) Find the equation of the circle with BCas ® (Turn over 2s00;202) Page threeMarks 3. ABCDBFGHis a cuboid. K lies two thirds ofthe way along HG, (je HICKG Lilies one quarter ofthe way along FG, (ie FL:LG: AB, AD and AB can be represented by the vectors 3) (-8) t 6|,| 4{ana | respectivety ala) Ly (@) Calculate the components of AK. ® (©) Calculate the components of AL. ® (0) Calculate the size of angls KAL. © 4. The parabola shown in the diagram has equation 9 = 48 ~ 2 and intersects the eax at the origin and P. (@) Find the coordinates ofthe point P. @ (@ Ris the point (0,2). Find the equation of PR. @ (©) ‘Theline and the parabola also intersect at Q. Find the coordinates of Q. (4) {25007202}, Page four5. Azookeeper wants to fence off six individual animal pens. ly metres (©) (Express the total length of fencing in terms of x and. Marks queuyeut Each pen is « rectangle measuring = metres by:y metres, as shown in the diagram, (ii) Given that the total length of fencing ie 360m, show that the total area, Am’, of the six pans tien by Aa) = 206 o (@) Find the values of = and y which give the maximum area and write down ‘this maximum ares. 6. Functions fend g are defined on the set of real numbers by fe=a-1 aaa (@) Find formulae for @ 4) 6) Aft). (®) The function his defined by A(x) = fla) + e(/(2). Show that M(s)=2x? —2x and sketch the graph of h (©) Find the srea enclosed between this graph and the s-axis, (2s00p202) Page fine © @ ” [Turn over7. The intensity J, of light i educed asi pases through after according tothe lave [, = Joe where Jy i the ‘nial intensity and J, i8 te intensity after passing through a filter of thickness fem. his a constant, (@) A filter of thickness 4m reduces the intensity from 120 candle-power to 90 candle-power. Find the value off. ©) Light is pasved through a filter of thickness 10cm. Find the percentage ecucton in its intensity. 8. The digcam shows a ccs of rads 1 unis Ptr eae eee Peng a one i (@) Show that P isthe point (cosa®, sina*). (@) 1EPOQ=45%, deduce the coordinates of Qin terms of a (© HEPOR=48°, deduce the coordinates of Rin terms of a (@ Hence find an expression for the ‘gradient of QR init simplest form. (© Show that the tangent to the circle at Pis parallel to QR. Sin the interval 0 = Determine the value of a and evalurte the limit 5 AG, For what range of values of h does the equation x? + 3? + 4x ~ 2ky = A—2=0 represent a circle? 5 [END OF SECTION A) Candidates should now attempt EITHER Section B (Mathematics 3) on Page six OR Section C (Staisties) on Pages seven and eight [Turn over [056/301] Pow foeSECTION B (Mathematics 3) Marks ONLY candidates doing the course Mathematics 1, 2 and 3 ‘should attempt this Section. B7. VABCD is « pyramid with a rectangular base ABCD. Relative o some appropriate sxes, , VA represents “74 13)— 11k AB represents 61+ 6/— 6% = 4 5 AD represents 8/—4j+4%, K divides BC in the ratio 1:3, K Find Vin component foro “ a 3 BB, The graph of y=) pases through the point (1) IF J"(s)=sin@), express yin terms of x 4 189. Evaluate log, 2+ log, 50 ~log,4. 3 B10. Find the maximum value of cos e— sin and the valie of for which it occurs inthe interval 0 Sx $27, 6 [END OF SECTION B| (p8030/301), Page sixSECTION € (Statistics) Marks ONLY candidates doing the course Mathematics 1, 2 and Statisties should attempt this Section. 7. The random variable X represents the number of faulty componenss in a cirouit hoard, has the following probability distribution: [fict—x) forx=0,1,2,3 MX =a)=]4 otherwise where Rs a constant, (q) Find the value of & 2 (0) Find the expected value and variance of X. 3 C8. A class of 31 students estimated the length of a line which was 88 millimetres Jong. ‘The distribution of male and ferale estimates is recorded in the tuck-to- back stem-and-leaf diagram below Male (n= 13) s|6 a 6 +]o]i 3 4 4 7 9 a) rho 2 33377 slit ol7 9. | 7 means 97 millimetres (a) Write down the median value and the semi-interquarile range for the distribution of female estimates (©) (Determine any possible outliers within the female distribution, (8) Draw a boxplot to ilustrate the distribution of the female estimates. 1 (The distribution of the male estimates has « median value of 70mm and a semi-incerquartile range of Smm. Compare the distributions of the male and female estimates, 2 [Turn over for Question C9 on Page eight [056/301] Page sevenMarks ©9. A trial consists of tossing two unbiased coins, Let the random variable X represent the ruber of heads obtained. (@) Tabulate the probability istribution of ¥after one tra 2 () A calculator was used to produce thelist of random numbers below. 0667 0013 06000277 OIL 0921 0835 02850725 0247 401-731 0222 05% O80 0934 0492009504020. 646 Use these random numbers to simulate 10 wials of this random experiment Explain your working. 2 (END OF SECTION ©) [END OF QUESTION PAPER) [x056/301), Page eight[cose/saP202] NETNS rions TIRE EHOW P mine MATHEMATICS HIGHER Specimen Question Paper Units 1, 2 and 3 (based on the 2000 Question Paper) Paper 2 Read Caretuly| 1 Cateultors may be used inthis paper. 2. Fulleredt wilde cve ony where the soliton conan propia working, 3. Anewets obtained by eacngs rom sal sawing will eceve any cred snapFORMULAELIST Gite Theequaon sy! otgzefy ce sen acréecnee 4) andres YFToPPoe Tre equation (2-4) +(y-1) = represent decent (8) nd ads Scalar Product “igonometsc formulae: ‘Table of standard Table of andar Integr ‘ab=|olPicos0, where 9\stheange between aand b 2s, 2 cae{AB) = cos AconB Fain AB sin2A=2sin AcosA [ | fee siner |—Leosarse Lanerse Papewo[Al questions shouldbe attempted Marks 1. Thediagamstowsaskechotthe gupholy=2—32 422. @) Find the equation ofthe tngen to his cure at the pint wherex=1 ( Thetangmtat he point 2, 0) hae aquason y=25-4 Find he coordinates ofthe point where ths tangent meets the curve again, yp 2 Rewtabeateetevane “(5 oa {i} pert : yer 3.) Find the equation of AB, the perpendiub sector ofthe ne lsing the eins P31) and QO, 9 (@)Clethecenteofa cele passing though and (Given that QCie paral to he ys determine the ssuatonof the ce (@)ThetangentsxtPand Qintrsct at Wit down (©) theequatn ofthe tngentatQ Gi thecoordnates of, 2 4 fip=3-sandg@ie}, xv. (2) Find pl where pe= gt). A 3 (tite 2, 12. fins spo, Page teeGiven that f(2) = (Sx-4}4,evalante /°(8). [A cutoid measuring Tam by Semby Zeme placed centrally ontop of another boil measuring Vem by San by Bem. Coordinate es a8 taken a shown, ne (@)Tepoint A has coordinates 0,9, 8) and Chas coordinates (7, 0,8) Wine down the coordinates of 8 (0) Calcite the sie of ange ABC, a fot [a ‘A goldsmith as built up solid which const of tangular fretted ime wah apa eneiosechond ‘The sree anes, A, of the sli igen by aa25(2 18 ote 3) where isthe length of each edge ofthe etadron, Frdthe ale of which the glsmith shud sew mininse N77 the amount of god plating ruled wo coverthe so age our18 n “The parabola shown crosses the sais at (0) an, se has maxim at, 4) ‘The shaded area is bourded bythe paral, the sans the ines x= 2and: @) Find the equation ofthe parabola. (®) —Hlncr shove that the shaded aren, A, is given by Aspe 1p Sone the equation 3c0s2* cosa» nthe lnervalO $< 36 5 “The resus ofan experiment geist the graph shown. Pt (@) Write down the equationof the nein terms of Pad Q, 2 3 IeigiventhatP = loge and Q = loge @) Show that pand qsatisty a eationship of the form p =a, stating the values of and 4 (END OF QUESTION PAPER) Page Foe[BLANK PAGE}056/301 NATIONAL THURSDAY, 17 MAY QUALIFICATIONS 9.00 AM-= 10.10 AM 2001 oad Caretuly 1 alouators may HOT be used in this paper MATHEMATICS HIGHER Units 1, 2 and 3 Paper 1 (Non-calculator) 2 Fulloreit wil begivon only Wher th soliton contains appropriate werkng 38 Aneworsobainet by readings fm scale drawings wil nt receive any cre wi sory >A couauicaionsFORMULAELIST Circle: ‘The equation a? + y? + 2g + 2fy +.¢=0 represents a circle centre (-g,~/) and radius 4g? + /? =e. "The equation (x a)'+ (9~bj!= 7 represents a circle centre (a b) and radius . SealarProduct @.b=| ||| cos 8, where 88 the angle herween a and a oy aby + ab, a,b, where a=| a, |and b = |b 25, by, ‘Trigonometric formulae: ‘Table of standard derivatives: fea | Fo) Table of standard integrals: ro Be tat | dewa¥c coor | drinaesc (956/301) Page twoALL questions should be attempted. Marks 1, Find the equation of the straight line whichis parallel to the line with equation 2e+3y=5 and which passes through the point (2,~1) 3 2, For what value of k does the equation x7 Ss-+ (h-+6)=Ohave equal roots? 3 3. (@) Roadmakers look along the tops of a set of Terods te ensure that straight sections of read are being. created. Relative to suitable axes the top left comers of the T-rods are the points ACS, 10, —2), B(-2,-1, 1) and C(6,11, 5) Determine whether or not the ection of road ABC has been buile ina straight line (A further Terod is placed such that D has coordinates (1,4, 4). ‘Show that DB is perpendicular to AB, 4. Given fe) 27 + 2—8, express f(s) in the form (x-+ a)? ~>, 2 [urn over Px056/3011 Page threMarke O inthe interval 0 x's 180. 4 5. (a) Solve the equation sin 2x° ~c08 x () The digram shows parts of two trigonometric graphs, y = sin 2x° and y=cos.x° Use your solutions in (a) to write down the coordinates of the point P 6. A.company spends x thousand pounds year on advertising and this results in a profit of P thousand pounds. A ‘mathematical model, illustrated in the diagram, suggests that P and x are related by P= 120? =* for 0x 12. Find the value of x which gives the 0] (2,0) = ‘maximum profit, 5 Functions f(x) = sin x, (x)= cos xand h(2)= *+ are defined on a suits sot of real numbers, (0) Find expressions for: © Micon: Gath. 2 ©) @ Show that {0(9) = Fpsinaet reas (ii) Find a similar expression for g(h(3)) and hence solve the equation h(a) ~g(hCo) = 1 for OSes 2m, 5 8. Find vif 410g, 6~2 log, 4= 3 [x050/301), Page fourMarks 9. The diagram shows the graphs of two ‘quadratic functions y = fs) and y = g(s). Both graphs have a minimum turning point at (3,2). Sketch the graph of y = /"G) and on the same diagram sketch the graph of y=) 2 10, ‘The diagram shows a sketch of part of the graph of » = lows). (a) State the values of and, 1 (@) Sketch the graph of y~logate 4 1) 3. 3 11. Circle P has equation x? + y*— 8x ~ 10) +9=0. Circle Q hes centre (-2,—1) and radius 22, (@ (i) Show that the radius of cirele Pis 443. (i) Hence show that circles P and Q touch. 4 (0) Find the equation of the tangent to circle Q at the point (4,1) 3 (0) The tangent in 2) intersects circle P in two points. Find the s-coordinates of the points of intersection, expressing your answers inthe form a5V3. 3 [END OF QUESTION PAPER) £x056/3011, Page five[BLANK PAGE][BLANK PAGEI[BLANK PAGE]X056/303 NATIONAL THURSDAY, 17 MAY QUALIFICATIONS To30.aM™ iZe0 Noon MATHEMATICS: ay HIGHER Units 1, 2 and 3 Paper 2 ead caret 1 Galeulators may be used in this paper. 2. Fullee wil be given only where the sluon contain appropiate wot. {Answers obtalned by readings fom scale drawings wil not recive any crest. (quauirieationsFORMULAE LIST Circte: ‘The equation 2+ y'+2gx-+2fy +e=0 represents a circle centre (-g, and radius fa? + P=. "The equation (x a)'+ (yb? = 7 represents a circle centre (a, 8) and radius ScalarProduct a.b=| | cos 8 where 8's the angle between a and B Cs cs or ab=ab+a,b,+ a,b, where a=| a, andd =|, 25, oy, sin (A4B) =sin A cos B+ cos A sin B 05 (A+B) =cos A cos Bin A sin B sin A cos A 08! Asin? A. 08? A= sin! A Table of standard derivatives: wey | Fe ‘Table of standard intograls: fo) | frac sinay | ~Leorar-+C coax | dsinax+C 056/303] Page neoALL questions should be attempted. Marks 1. (@) Given that x #2 na factor of e+ 24+ ha+2, find the value of (®) Hence solve th: equation 2x? + x7 + ke -+2=0 when k takes this value. 2 16 2 Acurvehasequatiny=x—16, x>0. 7 ve Find the equation ofthe tangent tthe point where ‘ 3. On the fire day of March «bank lune a man £2500 ata fixe rate of interest Of 15% per month This interest sade on ne last ay of ech month nd i Calculated onthe arount dic on the frst day ofthe month. He agrees to make repayments on the frst day of each subsequent month Each repayment i {£300 excep forthe smaller Final amount which wl ey off the lan, (@) The amount tat he owes atthe sart ofeach month is taken to be the amount til ovig just after the monthly repayment as been mae. Let uy and represent the amounts that he owes st the starts of two niccesne months Wite down a recurrence relation involving yy and tp (0) Find the date and the amount of the final payment, 4 4. A bos in the shape of a cuboid ix designed with citeles of diferent fizeson each face. ‘The digam shows three of the cicclen, where the origin represents done ofthe comers cf the cuboid. ‘The entes of the cteles are AC, 0, 7), BG, 5, and CEs, 5,0, Find the nize of angle ABC. 7 (Turn over (056/303) Page threeMarke 5, Express Scosx*~6sinx® in the form Reos(x ta)? where k>Oand d, ‘Trigonometric formulae: sin (A+B) =sin A.cos Btcos A sin B 08 (A+B) =cos A cos Bsin Asin B sin 2A = 2sin A cos A 08 2A =cos! A~sin? A 20s! A=1 ~2sin! A BR fy | fe) ‘Table of standard integrals: | roe | sinax | —Sooear+c eked) dat [109/203] Page too1 ix ALL questions should be attempted. ‘Triangle ABC has vertices ACI, 6), B(-3, -2) and C15, 2). Find (a) the equation of the line p, the median from C of triangle ABC. (8) the equation of the line @, the perpendicular bisector of BC. (0) the coordinates of the point of intersection of the lines p and g. ‘The diagram shows « square-based pyramid of height 8 units, Square OABC has a side length of 6 units. ‘The coordinates of A and D are (6, 0, 0) and 6,3, 8). C lies on the y-axis (2) Write down the coordinates of BL (6) Dstermine the components of DA snd DB. (©) Calculate the size of angle ADB. ‘The diagram shows pert ofthe graph of the curve with equation y= 20? =7e'¢ 4-44. (©) Find the s-coordinate of the maximum ‘uming point. (0) Factorise 2° =7324 d+ 4 (6) State the coordinates ofthe point A and hence find the values of « for which 2x Tale de $< 0. 1303) Page three ‘Marks 3 4 1 D13,3,8) 7 Lr 46,0,0) * 2 ‘ % yaya Ae = [5 eo = 2 (Turn over4. A-man decides to plant a number of fast-growing trees as a boundary between his property and the property of his next door neighbour. He has been ‘warned, however, by the local garden centre that, during any vear, the trees are expected to increase in height by 05 metres. In response to this warning he decides to trim 20% off the height of the tres at the star of any yetr. (@) It he adopts the “20% pruning policy”, to what height will he expsct the ‘trees to grow in the long run? (6) His neighbour is concerned thatthe trees are growing at an alarming rate land wants assurances that the treet will grow no taller than 2. metre. What is the minimum percentage that the trees will need to be trimmed ‘each year so as to meet this condition? 5. Calculate the shaded area ‘enclosed between the parabolas swith equations y= 1+ 10x~ 2? and y= +See ee emetic mem iecerereca ees 7. Find the x-coordinave of the point where the graph of the curve with equation y= logy (8 2)-+ 1 intersect the sania, 8. A point moves in a straight line such thar its acceleration « is given by a= 24~0)},01<4. [Pit starts at rest, find an expression for the velocity © where a= # 9. Show that the equation (1 ~ 24)x? ~ Skx ~ 2 values of thas real roots for all integer ps100/303), Page four Marke