Smith Detection Proposal
Smith Detection Proposal
Smith Detection Proposal
Brief background of SOS Children’s Villages of India: SOS Children’s Villages of India is a
pioneering non-profit organization with 57 years of committed experience of caring for
parentless & disadvantaged children. Since its inception in 1964, SOS Children’s Villages of India
(SOS India) has expanded its programs for children at a rapid pace. Today it reaches out to over
25,000 children & their families, through 32 SOS Children’s Villages, allied & community based
projects like Family Strengthening
Programs, Kindergartens, Schools, Vocational Training Centres, and a Nursing School, spread in
22 states of India.
Total amount-96.88,000/-
Partnership Period: April 2022- March 2023(Recommended for 4-5 years to see the sustainable
Brief on organization’s evolution - Since its inception in 1964, SOS Children’s Villages of India (SOS
India) has expanded its programs for children at a rapid pace. Today it reaches out to over 24,000
children & their families, through 32 SOS Children’s Villages, allied & community based projects like
Family Strengthening Programs, Kindergartens, Schools, Vocational Training Centres, and a Nursing
School, spread in 22 states of India.
Mission Statement: We build families for children in need, help them shape their own futures and
share in the development of their communities.
Primary Target beneficiaries: SOS works primarily for children who have lost their parents (orphans)
or at a risk of losing adequate parental care via a curative & preventive approach. SOS Children's
Villages of India also works in the spirit of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
(UNCRC) by providing Alternative Care for parentless Children. SOS India is providing a caring,
protective and nurturing environment to these parentless children and attaining self-sustainability by
becoming contributing member of society in the long run.
The Family based care programme is aligned to the four pillars of UNCRC
• Right to Survival – right to live, access to nutritious food, shelter, adequate living standard,
access to medical services
• Right to Development – right to education, play, leisure, freedom of thought
• Right to Protection – right to safeguard against abuse, neglect, exploitation
• Right to Participation - freedom to express opinions, capacity development, opportunity to
participate in activities of society
Preventive Approach – Community Program: SOS India also operates community strengthening
programs (FSP) to support vulnerable children in destitute/ mother headed families. This program uses
a two-pronged approach - enabling children via education and empowering their families by enhancing
income via varied livelihood activities. This program reaches over 17500 children.
Other allied projects include schools, youth houses, vocational training Centers, reaching out to over
24,000 children annually. The SOS Children’s Villages of India is a part of SOS Children's Villages
International with operations in 132 countries with more than 500,000 beneficiaries worldwide
A. Family Home Sponsorship- Supporting 3 Family Homes in SOS Children’s Village of India
Project description: Under the Family Based Care Partnership, the focus will be on child development
such as the child’s growth, learning and development from early years to adulthood in a caring family
Objective of partnership: is to provide high quality care and education to 8-10 parentless and
destitute children living in a Family Home along with SOS Mothers leading to settlement in life via job
or marriage and enable them to live a life of dignity and financial independence as contributing
members of the society. Family home also includes the children, who are staying at youth homes and
hostel facilities/ PG accommodation, since they are the part that family only. Reasons for staying
• As per Juvenile Justice Act, boys who are not blood related to sisters living in same home are
required to stay at separate premises, once they reach puberty/ a certain age or maximum 14
years, so they are shifted to Youth Homes which are run by SOS India.
Programme Components
a) Care: SOS provides direct care to the children so that a child can build a supportive, reliable and
lasting relationship. SOS Mother will ensure the wellbeing of the child, that the child is not
discriminated against, be it by gender, health or ability, is being listened to and her/his voice is
taken into consideration in all actions relevant for her/his life and overall development.
Food and Nutrition: The child has access to sufficient food on a regular basis and a balanced
diet supporting his/her development.
Shelter: The child has access to adequate housing conditions that is safe and permanent.
b) Education: In the SOS Children’s Village Programme, the focus is on child development such
as the child’s growth, learning and development from birth to adulthood in a caring family
environment. Other aspects that are important for the development are physical, emotional,
intellectual, social, cultural and spiritual. Education is imparted in the following manners:
• Formal education: the child has access to pre-primary, primary, secondary and
vocational education and training.
• Non-formal education: the child has access to educational activities outside the formal
education system which support her/his holistic development.
• Informal education: the child has access to play, social networks and stimulating
situations which enable her/him to build her/his values, beliefs, attitudes, everyday
skills and knowledge.
c) Health:
• The child has access to preventative and curative health care, e.g. treatments,
vaccination/immunization, medicine, check-ups.
• Psycho-social support: the child has access to services supporting her/his cultural,
emotional, social, cognitive and spiritual development.
The impact of the programme is regularly reviewed with respect to the education, health, hygiene, skill
development, confidence building, emotional stability and settlement of children. To assess the
performance of the programme certain verifiable indicators are given below:
• 100% enrolment of children either in school education or in vocational training.
• Quality education reflected through improved performance of children
• Promotes better integration into society when the children grow up.
• Mentoring & advancement of our children in any vocation or in higher education
• Securing our children’s future by settling them via career.
• Health improvement (weight, height, occurrence of diseases, immunizations, etc.)
• Improved awareness programs on child rights, child protection, hygiene, legal rights, parenting
skills, etc. for caregivers and community members.
• Improved standard in communication skills, computer skills, knowledge of career options, life
skills, etc. among children of the target group and other children in the community.
• Quality education reflected through improved performance of children.
• Settlement of our children either through marriage or vocation.
Family Home Linewise Items For Budget For 1 Home (8 Budget For 3
Children's Village Pune Children) Home
Transport and
10 11,643
communication(Village Staff)
Utilities- electricity, water,
11 68,796
generator 206388
SOS Children’s Villages of India will be submitting half-yearly and annually narrative and audited
Fund utilization certificate (FUC) reports to Canon India.
• For submission of narrative report 30 days’ time is required from due date
•Power cuts are very common at the Children’s Villages’ locations with frequent power cuts
daily during Peak Summers. During the evening, the whole village becomes dark which affects
the movement and safety of children, especially girls. With the installation of a solar system,
the Village will have an uninterrupted power supply.
•By installing solar plant provide confidence to mothers and children to go out in the evening
to attend extracurricular activities and tuition classes which will help them to get exposure to
attaining holistic development and become independent contributing members of society in the
long run.
•The installation of the solar system in the village will enable the children in the Village to
continue their regular study schedule which was interrupted due to the power cuts. The SOS
India mothers will be able to finish some of their household chores under the lighting provided
by the Solar system.
•It will help us in cutting down the operational cost of running SOS Children's Villages as they
are cost-effective and creates a possibility of saving more funds which can be used to innovate
and initiate more robust programmatic interventions to ensure holistic development of the SOS
India Children.
A solar Lighting System is powered by solar energy using solar cells that convert solar energy
(sunlight) directly to electricity. Solar PV converts sunlight to generate electricity through a
photovoltaic process. A solar plant consists of ----
• Solar Panels - These are mounted on the roof and convert sunlight into DC power.
• Mounting Structures - These secure the solar panels to the roof of the building. Most
mounting structures are strong enough to hold the solar panels even at high wind speeds, such
as during cyclones.
• Inverter – This converts the generated DC power into the AC power that is required by
the appliances. A charge controller also regulates battery charging if required.
• Other solar plant components are cables, junction boxes, fuses, etc.
Project Impact
Environmental Benefits:
1. Solar systems are pollution-free as it is a Green Technology. This natural resource i.e.
solar energy does not pollute the air when being converted into electricity by solar panels or
other thermal devices.
2. Utilisation of clean energy enables us to reduce our carbon footprint (CO2 Emission Per
kWh is estimated to be 0.91-0.95 per kWh).
Economic Benefit: Savings in the electricity bills. This would have a direct impact on the
consumption of existing units of electricity and thus help in reducing the outflow of cash.
Long Terms Benefits: The solar system offers long-term benefits beyond a simple economy.
In addition to having free energy, after the system has paid for itself in reduced utility bills.
Other Benefits: Minimum maintenance, negligible operating cost, hot water supplies un-
affected by power cuts, Easy to switch over to electric backup during absolute cloudy/foggy
days, safe, clean, silent, minimum 25 years’ service lives, as there are no moving parts.
We have already installed Solar Power Plants at the SOS Children’s Villages at Greenfields,
Hyderabad and Jaipur and it has successfully helped the children to cope with their studies
despite the frequent power cuts and will also positively impact SOS financially in the long run.
SOS would like to install this Technology in all the SOS Villages in the near future.
Total 58,00,000
• All donations to SOS India are 50% Tax exempt under 80G section of the income Tax
Act, 1961.
• Comprehensive employee volunteering opportunities across all locations.
• Announcement of Smith Detection CSR program with SOS in SOS internal media, website
and SOS Messenger which goes out to over 60,000 people.
• Satisfaction of giving back to the society through a trust worthy and well respected NGO.
• SOS Children’s Villages of India realizes the importance of brand and program awareness
to ensure sustainability for both its programs and importantly, its partnerships with
donors. We offer branding boards at front of Family Home supported.
• The Progress of supported children along with other parameters will be submit
through annual report
Budgetary Quotation
Dear Sir,
Thank you for showing you valuable interest in our range of products. We are please to quote our best possible prices for
Tata Power Solar Systems with the following details suite to your requirement.
Technical Details :
Laisoning, Installation
As per MSEDCL / MNRE / MEDA Guidelines
& Commissioning
Commercials :
GST (12% on 70% of the value and 18% on 30% of the value, Effective 13.8%) ₹ 5,74,091
Thanking You,
Ishan Shahade
Phone : 976560329