Game Objects and Scripts
Game Objects and Scripts
Game Objects and Scripts
This is the first tutorial in a series about learning the basics of working with Unity. In
it we will create a simple clock and program a component to have it display the
current time. You don't need to have any experience with the Unity editor yet, but
you're assumed to have some experience with multi-window editor applications in
At the bottom of all my recent tutorials you'll find links to the tutorial license, a
repository containing the finished tutorial project, and a PDF version of the tutorial
Before we can start working with the Unity editor we must first create a project.
When you open Unity you will be presented with the Unity Hub. This is a launcher and
installer app from where you can create or open projects, install Unity versions, and
do some other things. If you don't have Unity 2020.3 or higher installed add it now.
Unity releases multiple new versions per year. There are two parallel release schedules.
The most stable and safe are the LTS releases. LTS stands for long term support, which is
two years in Unity's case. I stick to LTS versions for my tutorials. This tutorial uses
2020.3.6 specifically. The third portion of the version number indicates the patch
release. Patch releases contain bug fixes and only rarely new functionality. A further f1
su!x indicates an o!cial final release. Any 2020.3 version will do for this tutorial.
The highest Unity version is the of the development branch, which introduces new
features and possibly removes old functionality. These versions aren't as reliable as LTS
versions and only remain supported for a few months each.
Occasionally my tutorials contain little questions and their answers, always in a gray
box, like the one above. On a web page the answer is hidden by default. This can be
toggled by clicking or tapping the question.
When you create a new project you get to pick its Unity version and a template. We'll
use the standard 3D template. Once it's created it gets added to the list of projects
and gets opened in the appropriate version of the Unity editor.
Yes, the only di"erence is that the project will have more things in its default scene and
your materials will look di"erent. Your project will also contain the appropriate
1.2 Editor Layout
If you haven't customized the editor yet, you will end up with its default window
The default layout contains all the windows that we need, but you can customize it as
you like, by reordering and grouping windows. You can also open and close windows,
like the one of the asset store. Each window also has its own configuration options,
accessible via the triple-dot button in their top right corner. Besides that most also
have a toolbar with more options. If your window doesn't look the same as in the
tutorials—for example the scene window has a uniform background instead of a
skybox—then one of its options is di"erent.
You can switch to a preconfigured layout via the dropdown menu at the top right of
the Unity editor. You can also save your current layout there so you can revert to it
1.3 Packages
Unity's functionality is modular. Besides the core functionality there are extra
packages that can be downloaded and included in your project. The default 3D
project currently includes a few packages by default, which you can see in the project
window under Packages.
Default packages.
These packages can be hidden, by toggling the button at the top right of the project
window that looks like an eye with a dash through it. This is purely to reduce visual
clutter in the editor, the packages are still part of the project. The button also
displays how many such packages there are.
You can control which packages are included in your project via the package
manager, which can be opened via the Window / Package Manager menu item.
The packages add extra functionality to Unity. For example, Visual Studio Editor adds
integration for the Visual Studio editor, used to write code. This tutorial doesn't use
the functionality of the included packages, so I removed them all. The only exception
is Visual Studio Editor because that's the editor that I use for writing code. If you use
a di"erent editor you'd want to include its integration package, if it exists.
Don't you also need the Visual Studio Code Editor package?
Despite the similar names, Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code are two di"erent editors.
You only need one of the packages, depending on which editor you use.
The easiest way to remove packages is by first using the toolbar to limit the package
list to In Project only. Then select the packages one at a time and use the Remove
button at the bottom right of the window. Unity will recompile after each removal, so
it takes a few seconds before the process is finished.
After removing everything except Visual Studio Editor I an left with three packages
visible in the project window: Custom NUnit, Test Framework, and Visual Studio
Editor. The other two are still there because Visual Studio Editor depends on them.
You can make dependencies and implicitly imported packages visible in the package
manager via the project settings window, opened via Edit / Project Settings... Select
its Package Manager category and then enable Show Dependencies under Advanced
Nowadays rendering is usually done in linear color space, but Unity still configured to
use gamma color space by default. For best visual results select the Player category
of the project settings window, open the Other Settings panel, and scroll down to its
Rendering section. Make sure that Color Space is set to Linear. Unity will show
warning that this might take a long time, but this won't be the case for a nearly-
empty project. Confirm to switch.
Only when you're targeting old hardware or old graphics APIs. OpenGL ES 2.0 and WebGL
1.0 don't support linear space, besides that gamma can be faster than linear on old
mobile devices.
The new project contains a sample scene named SampleScene, which is opened by
default. You can find its asset under Assets / Scenes in the project window.
By default the project window uses a two-column layout. You can switch to a one-
column layout via its triple-dot configuration menu option.
One-column layout.
The sample scene contains a main camera and a directional light. These are game
objects. They are listed in the hierarchy window, under the scene.
You can select a game object either via the hierarchy window or the scene window.
The camera has a scene icon that looks like an oldfashioned film camera while the
directional light's icon looks like a sun.
You can use the alt or option key in combination with the cursor to rotate the view. You
can also use the arrow keys to move the point of view, and zoom by scrolling. Also,
pressing the F key focuses the view on the game object that is currently selected. There
are more possibilities, but these are enough to find your way around the scene.
When an object is selected details about it will be shown in the inspector window, but
we'll cover those when we need them. We won't need to modify the camera nor the
light, so we can hide them in the scene by clicking the eye icon to the left of them in
the hierarchy window. This icon is invisible by default but will appear when we hover
the cursor there. This is purely to reduce visual clutter in the scene window.
Hidden objects.
Next to the column that contains the eye icons is another column that contains hand-like
icons. These icons are also invisible by default. When a game object's hand icon is active
it is impossible to select the object via the scene window. This way you can control which
objects respond to selection via the scene window.
2 Building a Simple Clock
Now that our project is set up correctly we can start creating our clock.
We need a game object to represent the clock. We'll start with the simplest possible
game object, which is an empty one. It can be created via the GameObject / Create
Empty menu option. Alternatively, you can use the Create Empty option in the context
menu of the hierarchy window, which you can open with an alternative click, usually a
right-click or a two-finger tap. This will add the game object to the scene. It's visible
and immediately selected in the hierarchy window under SampleScene, which is now
marked with an asterisk to indicate that it has unsaved changes. You can also
immediately change its name or leave that for later.
The inspector window shows the details of the game object as long as it is selected.
At its top is a header with the object's name plus a few configuration options. By
default, the object is enabled, is not static, is untagged, and sits on the default layer.
These settings are fine, except its name. Rename it to Clock.
Below the header is a list of all the components of the game object. The list always
has a Transform component at the top, which is all our clock currently has. It controls
the position, rotation, and scale of the game object. Make sure that all the clock's
position and rotation values are set to 0. Its scale should be uniformly 1.
What about 2D objects?
When working in 2D instead of 3D, you can ignore one of the three dimensions. Objects
specifically meant for 2D—like UI elements—typically have a RectTransform instead,
which is a specialized Transform component.
Because the game object is empty it isn't visible in the scene window itself. However,
a manipulation tool is visible at the game object's location, which is at the center of
the world.
The manipulation tool exists in the scene window. Make sure that you're looking at the
scene window, not the game window.
Which manipulation tool is active can be controlled via the buttons at the top left of
the editor toolbar. The modes can also be activated via the Q, W, E, R, T, and Y keys.
The rightmost button in the group is for enabling custom editor tools, which we don't
have. The move tool is active by default.
Next to the mode buttons are three more buttons to control the placement,
orientation, and snapping of manipulation tools.
The new object has three more components than an empty game object. First, it has
a MeshFilter, which contains a reference to the built-in cylinder mesh.
We'll turn the cylinder into the clock's face, by flattening it. This is done by
decreasing the Y component of its scale. Reduce it to 0.2. As the cylinder mesh is two
units high, its e"ective height becomes 0.4 units. Let's also make a big clock, so
increase the X and Z components of its scale to 10.
Scaled cylinder.
Our clock is supposed to stand or hang on a wall, but its face is currently laying flat.
We can fix this by rotating the cylinder a quarter turn. In Unity the X axis points right,
the Y axis points up, and the Z axis points forward. So let's design our clock with the
same orientation in mind, meaning that we see its front while we're looking at it
along the Z axis. Set the cylinder's X rotation to 90 and adjust the scene view so the
clock's front is visible, so the blue Z arrow of the move tool points away from you,
into the screen.
Rotated cylinder.
Change the name of the cylinder object to Face, as it represents the face of the clock.
It is only one part of the clock, so we make it a child of the Clock object. We do this
by dragging the face onto the clock in the hierarchy window.
Child objects are subject to the transformation of their parent object. This means that
when Clock changes position, Face does as well. It's as if they are a single entity. The
same goes for rotation and scale. You can use this to make complex object
The outer ring of a clock's face usually has markings that help indicate what time it is
displaying. This is known as the clock periphery. Let's use blocks to indicate the
hours of a 12-hour clock.
Add a cube object to the scene via GameObject / 3D Object / Cube, name it Hour
Indicator 12, and also make it a child of Clock. The order of the child objects in the
hierarchy doesn't matter, you could place it either above or below the face.
Set its X scale to 0.5, Y scale to 1, and Z scale to 0.1 so it becomes a narrow flat long
block. Then set its X position to 0, Y position to 4, and Z position to −0.25. That
places it on top of the face to indicate hour 12. Also remove its BoxCollider
The indicator is hard to see, because it has the same color as the face. Let's create a
separate material for it, via Assets / Create / Material, or via the plus button or
context menu of the project window. This gives us a material asset that is a duplicate
of the default material. Change its name to Hour Indicator.
Hour indicator in project window, one and two column layout.
Select the material and change its Albedo to something else, by clicking its color
field. That opens a color popup window which o"ers various ways to pick a color. I
chose dark gray, corresponding to hexadecimal 494949, which is the same as
uniform 73 for RGB 0–255 mode. We don't use the alpha channel so its value is
irrelevant. We can also leave all other material properties as they are.
What is albedo?
Albedo is a Latin word which means whiteness. It's the color of something when
illuminated by white light.
Make the hour indicator use this material. You can do this by dragging the material
onto the object in either the scene or hierarchy window. You can also drag it to the
bottom of the inspector window when the indicator game object is selected, or
change Element 0 of the Materials array of its MeshRenderer.
Dark hour indicator.
We could make do with a single indicator for hour 12, but let's include one for every
hour. Begin by orienting the scene view camera so we look straight down the Z axis.
You can do this by clicking on the axis cones of the view camera gizmo at the top
right of the scene view. You can also change the axis of the scene grid to Z via the
grid toolbar button.
Duplicate the Hour Indicator 12 game object. You can do this via Edit / Duplicate, via
the indicated keyboard shortcut, or via the its context menu in the hierarchy window.
The duplicate will appear underneath the original in the hierarchy window, also a
child of Clock. Its name is set to Hour Indicator 12 (1). Rename it to Hour Indicator 6
and negate the Y component of its position so it indicates hour 6.
Indicators for hours 6 and 12.
Create indicators for hours 3 and 9 in the same way. In this case their X positions
should be 4 and −4 while their Y positions should be zero. Also, set their Z rotation
to 90 so they're turned a quarter circle.
Then create another duplicate of Hour Indicator 12, this time for hour 1. Set its X
position to 2, its Y position to 3.464, and its Z rotation to −30. Then duplicate that
one for hour 2, swap its X and Y positions, and double its Z rotation to −60.
Indicators for hours 1 and 2.
Each hour covers a 30° clockwise rotation along the Z axis. In this case we use negative
rotations because Unity's rotation is counterclockwise. We can find the position for hour
1 via trigonometry. The sine of 30° is ½ and its cosine is . We scale those by the
distance at which we position the hours indicator from the center, which is 4. So we end
up with X 2 and Y 2√3 ≈ 3.464. For hour 2 the rotation is 60°, for which we can
simply swap the sine and cosine.
Duplicate these two indicators and negate their Y positions and their rotations to
create the indicators for hours 4 and 5. Then use the same trick on hours 1, 2, 4, and
5 to create the remaining indicators, this time negating their X positions and again
their rotations.
Hours arm.
The arm must rotate around the center of the clock, but changing its Z rotation
makes it rotate around its own center.
Now try rotating the pivot. If you do this via the scene view make sure that the tool
handle position mode is set to Pivot instead of Center.
Duplicate Hours Arm Pivot twice to create a Minutes Arm Pivot and a Seconds Arm
Pivot. Rename them accordingly, including the duplicated arm child objects.
Adjust Seconds Arm as well. This time use 0.1 and 5 for the XY scale and 1.25 and
−0.45 for the YZ position.
Let's make the seconds arm stand out by creating a separate material for it. I gave it a
dark red color, hexadecimal B30000. Also, I turned o" the grid in the scene window
as we finished building our clock.
If you haven't done so already, this is a good moment to save the scene, via File /
Save or the indicated keyboard shortcut.
It is also a good idea to keep the project's assets organized. As we have three
materials let's put them in a Materials folder that we create via Assets / Create /
Folder or via the project window. You can then drag the materials there.
Material folder in project window, one and two column layout.
3 Animating the Clock
Our clock currently does not tell the time, it's always stuck at twelve o'clock. To
animate it we have to add a custom behavior to it. We do this by creating a custom
component type, which is defined via a script.
Add a new script asset to the project via Assets / Create / C# Script and name it
Clock. C# is the programming language used for Unity scripts and is pronounced as
C-sharp. Let's also immediately put it in a new Scripts folder to keep the project tidy.
Scripts folder with Clock script, one and two column layout.
When the script is selected the inspector will show its contents. But to edit the code
we'll have to use a code editor. You can open the script for editing by pressing the
Open... button in its inspector or by double-clicking it in the hierarchy window.
Which program gets opened can be configured via Unity's preferences.
Inspector of C# Clock asset.
Once the script is loaded in your code editor begin by deleting the standard template
code, as we'll create the component type from scratch.
An empty file defines nothing. It must contain the definition of our clock component.
What we're going to define isn't a single instance of a component. Instead, we define
the general class or type known as Clock. Once that's established, we could create
multiple such components in Unity, even though we'll limit ourselves to a single clock
in this tutorial.
In C#, we define the Clock type by first stating that we're defining a class, followed by
its name. In the code fragments below, changed code has a yellow background, or
dark red if you're using the dark web page theme to view this tutorial. As we start
with an empty file, the contents of it should literally become class Clock and nothing
else, though you could add spaces and newlines between words as you like.
class Clock
What's a class, technically?
You can think of a class as a blueprint that can be used to create objects that reside in a
computer's memory. The blueprint defines what data these objects contain and what
functionality they have.
Classes can also define data and functionality that don't belong to object instances, but
to the class itself. This is often used to provide globally-available functionality. We'll use
some of that, but Clock won't have it.
Because we don't want to restrict which code has access to our Clock type, it is good
form to prefix it with the public access modifier.
Without the access modifier, it would be as if we had written internal class Clock.
That would restrict access to code from the same assembly, which becomes relevant
when you use code packaged in separate assemblies. To make sure it always works,
make classes public by default.
At this point we don't have valid C# syntax yet. If you were to save the file and go
back to the Unity editor then compilation errors will get logged in its console window.
We indicated that we're defining a type, so we must actually define what it is like.
That's done by a block of code that follows the declaration. The boundaries of a code
block are indicated with curly brackets. We're leaving it empty for now, so just write
Our code is now valid. Save the file and switch back to Unity. The Unity editor will
detect that the script asset has changed and triggers a recompilation. After that is
done, select our script. The inspector will inform us that the asset does not contain a
MonoBehaviour script.
Non-component script.
What this means is that we cannot use this script to create components in Unity. At
this point, our Clock defines a basic C# object type. Our custom component type must
extend Unity's MonoBehaviour type, inheriting its data and functionality.
The idea is that we can program our own components to add custom behavior to game
objects. That's what the behavior part refers to. It just happens to use the British
spelling, which is an oddity. The mono part refers to the way in which support for
custom code was added to Unity. It used the Mono project, which is a multi-platform
implementation of the .NET framework. Hence, MonoBehaviour. It's an old name that
we're stuck with due to backwards-compatibility.
To turn Clock into a subtype of MonoBehaviour, we have to change our type declaration
so that it extends that type, which is done with a colon after our type name, followed
by what it extends. This makes Clock inherit everything of the MonoBehaviour class
However, this will result in an error after compilation. The compiler complains that it
cannot find the MonoBehaviour type. This happens because the type is contained in a
namespace, which is UnityEngine. To access it, we have to use its fully-qualified name,
A namespace is like a website domain, but for code. Just like domains can have
subdomains, namespaces can have sub-namespaces. The big di"erence is that it's
written the other way around. So instead of it would be Namespaces are used to organize code and prevent name clashes.
The assembly containing the UnityEngine code comes with Unity, you don't have to go
online to fetch it separately. The project file used by the code editor should be set up
automatically to recognize it, if you imported the appropriate editor integration package.
using UnityEngine;
Now we can add our custom component to the Clock game object in Unity. This can
be done either by dragging the script asset onto the object, or via the Add
Component button at the bottom of the object's inspector.
Note that most code types in my tutorials are linked to online documentation. For
example, MonoBehaviour is a link that takes you to Unity's online scripting API page for
that type.
3.3 Getting Hold of an Arm
To rotate the arms, Clock objects need to know about them. Let's start with the hours
arm. Like all game objects, it can be rotated by adjusting its Transform component. So
we have to add knowledge of the arm pivot's Transform component to Clock. This can
be done by adding a data field inside its code block, defined as a name followed by a
The name hours pivot would be appropriate for the field. However, names have to be
single words. The convention is to make the first word of a field name lowercase and
capitalize all other words, then stick them together. So we'll name it hoursPivot.
It's still there, I just didn't show it. The code fragments will contain enough of the
existing code so you know the context of the changes.
We also have to declare the type of the field, which in this case is
UnityEngine.Transform. It has to be written in front of the field's name.
Transform hoursPivot;
Our class now defines a field that can hold a reference to another object, whose type
has to be Transform. We have to make sure that it holds a reference to the Transform
component of the hours arm pivot.
Fields are private by default, which means that they can only be accessed by the code
belonging to Clock. But the class doesn't know about our Unity scene, so there's no
direct way to associate the field with the correct object. We can change that by
declaring the field as serializable. This means that it should be included in the
scene's data when Unity saves the scene, which it does by putting all data in a
sequence—serializing it—and writing it to a file.
Yes, but it is generally bad form to make class fields publicly accessible. The rule of
thumb is to only make class contents public if C# code from other types need access to
it, and then prefer methods or properties over fields. The less accessible something is
the easier it is to maintain, because there's less code that could directly depend on it. In
this tutorial our only C# code is Clock so there's no reason to make its contents public.
Once the field is serializable Unity will detect this and display it in the inspector
window of the Clock component of our Clock game object.
To make the proper connection, drag the Hours Arm Pivot from the hierarchy onto
the Hours Pivot field. Alternatively, use the circular button at the right of the field and
search for the pivot in the list that pops up. In both cases the Unity editor grabs the
Transform component of Hours Arm Pivot and puts a reference to it in our field.
We have to do the same for the minutes and seconds arm pivots. So add two more
serializable Transform fields to Clock with appropriate names.
Transform hoursPivot;
Transform minutesPivot;
Transform secondsPivot;
It is possible to make these field declarations more concise, because they share the
same attribute, access modifier, and type. They can be consolidated into a comma-
separated list of field names following the attribute and type declaration.
Transform hoursPivot, minutesPivot, secondsPivot;
//Transform minutesPivot;
//Transform secondsPivot;
Double slashes indicate a comment. All text after them until the end of the line is
ignored by the compiler. It is used to add text to clarify code, if needed. I also use it to
indicate code that has been removed. Besides that, deleted code has a line through it.
3.5 Waking Up
Now that we have access to the arm pivots the next step is to rotate them. To do this,
we need to tell Clock to execute some code. This is done by adding a code block to
the class, known as a method. The block has to be prefixed by a name, which is
capitalized by convention. We'll name it Awake, suggesting that the code should be
executed when the component awakens.
Transform hoursPivot, minutesPivot, secondsPivot;
Awake {}
Like a mathematical function a method can produce a result, but this isn't required.
We have to declare the type of the result—as if it were a field—or write void to
indicate that there is no result. In our case, we just want to execute some code
without providing a resulting value, so we use void.
void Awake {}
We also don't need any input data. However, we still have to define the method's
parameters, as a comma-separated list between round brackets. It's just an empty
list in our case.
void Awake () {}
We now have a valid method, although it doesn't do anything yet. Just like Unity
detected our fields, it also detects this Awake method. When a component has an Awake
method, Unity will invoke that method on the component when it awakens. This
happens after it's been created or loaded while in play mode. We're currently in edit
mode, so this doesn't happen yet.
Doesn't Awake have to be public?
Awake and a collection of other methods are considered special Unity event methods. The
Unity engine will find them and invoke them when appropriate, no matter how we declare
them. This happens from outside the managed .NET environment.
Note that Awake and other special Unity event methods have bold text in my tutorials
and link to their online Unity scripting API page.
To rotate the arms we have to create a new rotation. We can change the rotation of a
Transform by assigning a new one to its localRotation property.
What's a property?
What's a quaternion?
Quaternions are based on complex numbers and are used to represent 3D rotations.
Although harder to understand than a combination of separate X, Y, and Z rotation
angles, they have some useful characteristics. For example, they don't su"er from gimbal
void Awake () {
The method has parameters used to describe the desired rotation. In this case we'll
provide a comma-separated list of containing three arguments, all between round
brackets, after the method name. We supply three numbers for the X, Y, and Z
rotations. Use zero for the first two and −30 for the Z rotation.
Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, -30);
The result of this invocation is a Quaternion struct value containing a 30° clockwise
rotation around the Z axis, matching hour 1 on our clock.
What's a struct?
A struct—short for structure—is a blueprint, just like a class. The di"erence is that
whatever it creates is treated as a simple value, like an integer or color, instead of an
object. It has no sense of identity. Defining your own structure works the same as
defining a class, except you write struct instead of class.
To apply this rotation to the hour arm assign the result of Quaternion.Euler to
hoursPivots.localRotation, using the = assignment statement.
The compiler can detect that no code assigns anything to the field and could indeed
issue such a warning, because it is unaware that we set it up via Unity's inspector.
However, this warning is suppressed by default. The suppression can be controlled via
the project settings. There's a Suppress Common Warnings toggle under Player / Other
Settings / Script Compilation. It suppresses warnings about both uninitialized and
unused private fields.
Now enter play mode in the editor. You can do this via Edit / Play, the indicated
keyboard shortcut, or by pressing the play button at top center of the editor window.
Unity will switch focus to the game window, which renders what the Main Camera in
the scene sees. The clock component will awaken, and the clock will be set to one
If the camera isn't focused on the clock you can move it so the clock becomes visible,
but keep in mind that the scene is reset when exiting play mode, so any changes that
you make to the scene while in play mode will not persist. This isn't true for assets
though, changes to them always persist. You can also have the scene window—or
even multiple scene and game windows—open while in play mode. Exit play mode
before continuing.
3.7 Getting the Current Time
The next step is to figure out the current time when we awaken. We can use the
DateTime struct to access the system time of the device we're running on. DateTime isn't
a Unity type, it is found in the System namespace. It is part of the core functionality of
the .NET framework, which is what Unity uses to support scripting.
DateTime has a Now property that produces a DateTime value containing the current
system date and time. To check whether it's correct we'll log it to the console at the
start of Awake. We can do that by passing it to the Debug.Log method.
using System;
using UnityEngine;
Transform hoursPivot, minutesPivot, secondsPivot;
void Awake () {
hoursPivot.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, -30);
Now we get a timestamp logged each time we enter play mode. You can see it both in
the console window and in the status bar at the bottom of the editor window.
We're getting close to a working clock. Let's again start with the hours. DateTime has
an Hour property that gets us the hours portion of a DateTime value. Invoking it on the
current timestamp will give us the hour of the day.
So to have the hours arm show the current hour we have to multiply the −30°
rotation by the current hour. Multiplication is done with the asterisk * character. We
also no longer need to log the current time so can get rid of that statement.
hoursPivot.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, -30 * DateTime.Now.Hour);
Currently four o'clock in play mode.
To make it clear that we're converting from hours to degrees, we can define an
hoursToDegrees field containing the conversion factor. The angles of Quaternion.Euler
are defined as floating-point values, so we'll use the float type. Because we already
know the number, we can immediately assign it as part of the field declaration. Then
multiply with the field instead of the literal -30 in Awake.
Transform hoursPivot, minutesPivot, secondsPivot;
void Awake () {
hoursPivot.localRotation =
Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, hoursToDegrees * DateTime.Now.Hour);
What's a float?
Computers cannot store all numbers, they have to be representable in their binary
memory which consists of bits that are either 0 or 1. This makes it impossible to store
many numbers exactly within a finite memory size, for example ⅓, just like how we
cannot exactly write that number in decimal notation. The best we can do is write
0.3333333 and stop at some point.
Suppose that we decide to write at most three digits after the dot and only one in front
of it. Then ⅓ is approximated by 0.333. If we were to divide ⅓ by 100 then we'd be
forced to write 0.003, which means that we lost two digits of precision. To improve
precision of small values let's add a separate exponent that indicates the order of
magnitude of our number. Then 0.333 × 10 can represent ⅓ divided by 100,
without losing meaningful digits. And we can use 0.333 × 10 to represent
multiplication by 100 as well, while keeping only a single digit in front of the dot. Thus
the dot can be considered to float, as it doesn't designate a fixed order of magnitude.
This allows us to use only a few digits to represents a large amount of numbers.
Floating-point numbers work the same way for computers, except that they use binary
instead of decimal digits and also have to represent special values like infinities and not-
a-number. A float is such a value stored in four bytes, which means that it has 32 bits.
Transform hoursPivot, minutesPivot, secondsPivot;
void Awake () {
hoursPivot.localRotation =
Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, hoursToDegrees * DateTime.Now.Hour);
The amount of degrees per hour is always the same. We can enforce this by adding
the const prefix to the declaration of hoursToDegrees. This turns it into a constant
instead of a field.
The const keyword indicates that a value will never change and doesn't need to be a
field. Instead, its value will be computed during compilation and is substituted for all
usage of the constant. This is only possible for primitive types like numbers.
Let's give the same treatment to the other two arms, using the appropriate properties
of DateTime. Both a minute and a second are represented by a rotation of negative six
Transform hoursPivot, minutesPivot, secondsPivot;
void Awake () {
hoursPivot.localRotation =
Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, hoursToDegrees * DateTime.Now.Hour);
minutesPivot.localRotation =
Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, minutesToDegrees * DateTime.Now.Minute);
secondsPivot.localRotation =
Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, secondsToDegrees * DateTime.Now.Second);
Currently 5:16:31.
We're using DateTime.Now three times, to retrieve the hour, minute, and second. Each
time we go through the property again, which requires some work, which could
theoretically result in di"erent time values. To make sure that this doesn't happen,
we should retrieve the time only once. We can do this by declaring a variable inside
the method and assign the time to it, then use this value afterwards. Let's name it
What's a variable?
A variable acts like a field, except that it exists only while a method is being executed. It
belongs to the method, not the class.
void Awake () {
DateTime time = DateTime.Now;
hoursPivot.localRotation =
Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, hoursToDegrees * time.Hour);
minutesPivot.localRotation =
Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, minutesToDegrees * time.Minute);
secondsPivot.localRotation =
Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, secondsToDegrees * time.Second);
In case of a variable it's possible to omit the type declaration, replacing it with the var
keyword. This can shorten the code but is only possible when the variable's type can
be inferred from what is assigned to it when it is declared. Also, I prefer to only do
this when the type is explicitly mentioned in the statement, which is the case here.
We get the current time when entering play mode, but after that the clock remains
motionless. To keep the clock synchronized with the current time, change the name
of our Awake method to Update. This is another special event method that gets invoked
by Unity every frame instead of just once, as long as we stay in play mode.
void Update () {
var time = DateTime.Now;
hoursPivot.localRotation =
Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, hoursToDegrees * time.Hour);
minutesPivot.localRotation =
Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, minutesToDegrees * time.Minute);
secondsPivot.localRotation =
Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, secondsToDegrees * time.Second);
Updating clock.
What's a frame?
While in play mode Unity continually renders the scene from the point of view of the
main camera. Once rendering is done the result is presented to the display. The display
will then show that frame until it gets the next one. Before rendering a new frame
everything gets updated. So Unity goes through a sequence of update, render, update,
render, and so on. A single update step followed by rendering the scene once is typically
considered a single frame, though in reality the timing is more complicated.
Note that our Clock component has gained a toggle in front of its name in the
inspector. This allows us to disable it, which prevents Unity from invoking its Update
The arms of our clock indicate exactly the current hour, minute, or second. It behaves
like a digital clock, discrete but with arms. Typically clocks have slowly-rotating arms
that provide an analog representation of time. Let's change our approach so our clock
becomes analog.
DateTime doesn't contain fractional data. Fortunately, it does have a TimeOfDay
property. This gives us a TimeSpan value that contains the data in the format that we
need, via its TotalHours, TotalMinutes, and TotalSeconds properties.
Begin by getting the TimeOfDay struct value from DateTime.Now and store that in the
variable instead. As the TimeSpan type isn't mentioned in this statement I'll make the
variable's type explicit. Then adjust the properties that we use to rotate the arms.
void Update () {
TimeSpan time = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay;
hoursPivot.localRotation =
Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, hoursToDegrees * time.TotalHours);
minutesPivot.localRotation =
Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, minutesToDegrees * time.TotalMinutes);
secondsPivot.localRotation =
Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, secondsToDegrees * time.TotalSeconds);
This will result in compiler errors, complaining that we cannot convert from double to
float. This happens because the TimeSpan properties produce values with the double-
precision floating point type, known as double. These values provide higher precision
than float values, but Unity's code only works with single-precision floating point
For most games, yes. It becomes a problem when working with very large distances or
scale di"erences. Then you'll have to apply tricks like teleportation or camera-relative
rendering to keep the active area near the world origin. While using double precision
would solve this problem, it would also double the memory size of the numbers
involved, which leads to other performance problems. Game engines typically use single-
precision floating-point values, and so do GPUs.
We can solve this problem by explicitly converting from double to float. This process
is known as casting and is done by writing the new type within round brackets in
front of the value to be converted.
hoursPivot.localRotation =
Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, hoursToDegrees * (float)time.TotalHours);
minutesPivot.localRotation =
Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, minutesToDegrees * (float)time.TotalMinutes);
secondsPivot.localRotation =
Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, secondsToDegrees * (float)time.TotalSeconds);
Analog clock.
Now you know the fundamentals of object creation and writing code in Unity. The
next tutorial is Building a Graph.