Eceeeeinstr F242 Control Systems - Handout
Eceeeeinstr F242 Control Systems - Handout
Eceeeeinstr F242 Control Systems - Handout
In addition to part-I (General Handout for all courses appended to the timetable) this portion gives further
specific details regarding the course.
2. Learning outcomes:
By the end of the semester, the students should be able to:
● Develop mathematical models of linear time invariant (LTI) control systems for electrical, mechanical
and electromechanical systems.
● Analyze the transient response, steady-state response and system stability of LTI control system.
● Analyze and design control system compensators to achieve specified control system performances in
time domain utilizing root-locus techniques.
● Analyze and design control system compensators to achieve specified control system performances
utilizing frequency-response techniques.
3. Text Book:
(T1) Nagrath I. J. and M. Gopal, Control Systems Engineering, New Age International (P) Limited,
5thed, 2007.
4. Reference Books:
(R1) Kuo, B. C., and Golnaraghi, F., Automatic Control Systems, John Wiley & Sons, 8thed, 2003.
(R2) Dorf, R. C., and Bishop, R. H., Modern Control Systems, Addison Wesley, 7thed, 1995.
(R3) Norman S. Nise, Control System Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, 4th ed, 2009.
5. Course Plan:
12 Hydraulic control system Block diagram and transfer function 4.5, 4.6
Pneumatic control components development
13-14 Various Test signals in time domain, Transient and natural response analysis of 5.1, 5.2, 5.3
Response of zeroth and first order systems dynamic first order systems to different
Second order systems excitations
15-16 Time response specifications of second order Transient and natural response analysis of 5.4, 5,5, 5.6
systems, error constants, effect of adding dynamic second order systems to different
pole(s)/zero(s) excitations
17-18 Compensation Techniques To design control system for given time domain 5.7, 5.8,
Higher order systems. specifications. 5.10
19-20 Stability; Routh criterion To apply Routh Test to closed loop system 6.1, 6.2,
stability study. 6.4, 6.5, 6.6
21 Root Locus. To draw root locus for various systems and there 7.1, 7.2
Introduction, from infer information on time response and
Magnitude and Angle criterion stability
22-23 Root Locus for second order systems without - do - 7.2
zero and with zeros
24 Other rules of root locus. - do - 7.3
Higher order examples. 7.5
25 Higher order examples (contd.) - do - 7.4
Root contours
25-26 Frequency Response; Introduction, To plot frequency response of systems and use 8.1, 8.2, 8.3
Polar plot for analysis by frequency domain approach.
27-28 Bode plot - do - 8.4
30 Nyquist criterion; Introduction. Investigation of the stability of closed loop 9.1, 9.2, 9.3
Nyquist contour system using their open loop transfer function
frequency plot.
31-32 Nyquist stability criterion. Various - do - 9.3
33-35 Introduction to Design To design lag, lead compensators, Tuning of 10.1-10.7
PID controllers
36-43 State variable analysis and design Analysis and design of a system using state 12.1 to 12..9
variable approach
6. Evaluation Scheme:
Component Duration Weightage Mar Date Remarks
Midsem 1.5 hours 30% 60 15/03 9.30 - CB
Quizzes (Best 2 out of 3) 40 min 30% 60 To be announced CB
Comprehensive Exam. 3 hours 20%+20% 80 12/05 FN OB/CB
ECE F242, EEE F242, INSTR F242