Procurement Awards - Assessment Form

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Awards 2023-2024
Assessment Form

By Udaipur Branch

In Quest of Future Leadership

Where everybody can thrive within the means
About The Awards & Categories

1 Procurement Excellence Award

This flagship award recognises a leading and impactful example of procurement creating
significant value for the businesses. The emphasis is on excellence on how procurement
delivers tangible and measurable commercial impact.

Focus Area:
‣ Contribution to overall business results in a measurable way
‣ Strategic business decisions to augment the value chain
‣ Fair & ethical business practices

Supplier Collaboration & Innovation Award
To showcase the accomplishment on how procurements have worked with the supply and
supplier base to drive innovation into the organisation, products, services, or processes;
and how such innovation can be captured and exploited by any organisation.

Focus Area:
‣ Worked closely with a supplier or suppliers to develop innovative solution(s)
‣ Identification & segmentation of suppliers based on innovation potential and improving
the value chain

Interpretation of Categories:
 Small Enterprises Turnover not exceeding 50 Crores
 Medium Enterprises Turnover not exceeding 250 Crores
 Large Enterprises Turnover exceeding 250 Crores

Eligibility Criteria:
Candidates must:
 Be currently handling procurement for any company or its unit in Rajasthan.
 Have made a noteworthy contribution to contracting operations or policy within 12 months of
the due date for application.

1.Select the award classification, you wish to apply for-

o Procurement Excellence Award
o Supplier collaboration and innovation Award
o Both of the above.

2.Please select your category -

(Small Enterprises - Turnover not exceeding 50 Crores,

Medium Enterprises - Turnover not exceeding 250 Crores,
Large Enterprises - Turnover exceeding 250 Crores)
o Small
o Medium
o Large
General Information

Name of The Applicant

Contact Details
Company’s Name, Where Employed
Size of Company (Turnover of your
unit, In Cr)

Company’s Contact Details Landline/Mobile:


Nature of Business Activity

Company’s Website
( ) Location / PIN / State(s)
Company’s Manufacturing Location(s)
(Applicable to the locations that the ( ) Location / PIN / State(s)
applicant is handling) ( ) Location / PIN / State(s)
Applicant’s Total Service Tenure
(Years & Month)
Applicant’s Current Job Description

(Use additional A4 sheets IF REQUIRED)

Currently are you an active member of
Mention if you have perused any
educational course of IIMM.
Functional Baseline

1 What are your main means of purchasing?

o Manual
o Electronic
o Combination/both?
2 What is the average number of purchase requisitions you manage in a

3 What is the value of purchase requisitions you manage during a year?

4 What is the maximum value of any order that you can purchase without
an approval?

5 In your current purchasing process, what do you like the most?

6 In your current purchasing process, what do you like the least?

Processes & Procedures
1 What are the strategic sourcing drives and initiatives undertaken by your
organization during 2022-2023?

2 What are savings derived from the above initiatives?

3 What is the total number of Vendors you manage in your organization?

How are your vendors classified?

4 For how many number of items, you have only one supplier. (Please
explain one)

5 How many suppliers have signed contractual agreements on long term

and short terms basis?

6 How do you verify that the suppliers meet the compliance requirements?

7 How do you monitor and deal with the request for deviations?

8 What is your vision aligned for the future vendor service level/ new
vendor development in your company?

9 What is the periodic supplier evaluation process you follow? And what
kind of supplier evaluation do you do?

10 How do you induct a new vendor as part of the Vendor Development

11 What percent of the procurement is extra revenue expenditure due to
risk / emergency purchases during the year

12 What is the percentage of imports in the overall purchases during the


13 What kind of influence do you exercise in the decision making of your

procurement function for outsourcing, import substitution or off-shore

14 How do you leverage the pricing and discounts vis-à-vis the credit policy
in your organization?

15 Quantify the total number of invoices and the ratio of disputed invoices
that you deal with in a year.

16 Please tell us about the improvement in your procurement efficiencies

in terms of
1. Cost Saving
2. Improvement in Procurement plans
3. Reduced supply risks
4. Ensuring seamless continuity
5. Green Procurement

17 What is your Procurement ROI? (Procurement ROI = Annual cost savings /

Annual procurement cost x 100)

18 To what extent does your procurements comply with the MSME

Procurement Policy, 2012?

19 Please explain how you are leveraging IT in procurement system. Use of

software, ERP or other digitization etc.

20 What according to you is the best consideration of purchasing.

Is getting the lowest price a sole consideration of your purchasing
Personal Progression & Accomplishments
1 What kind of training have you acquired or have been provided by the
company for your functional responsibilities, if any?

2 What are your purchasing roles and responsibilities?

3 What are your short-and long-term goals with the company, and for your
career? How did you set goals for you after your last performance

4 Which goals you think that you couldn’t meet… and the reasons?

5 Do you feel that your current job and responsibilities are aligned with
your future goals?

6 Which parts of your job do you enjoy most and least?

7 In what ways might you contribute more to the company? What do you
think could enhance efficiency within your company’s purchasing

8 Are you happy with the company’s culture? Where do you foresee any
scope for improvement for your performance?
9 How do you think the business and supply chain functions are going to
change next year? Do you think that the company is ready for futuristic

10 Any accomplishment you're proud of during the last two years? Please
provide relevant details like (i) any awards in recognition of your work
or professional achievements or any articles (related to your profession)
that has been published in any periodical / journal or if you are or have
been a member of any task-force team and committee in your


 The purchaser function as defined by the IIMM, Udaipur for this award is not restricted to job
title and consists of purchaser’s involvement in the process of determining the customer
requirements, reviewing specifications or requirements and making an impactful increase in
productivity in the end-to-end processes of the supply chain management.
 It is advisable to attempt all the questions. You may respond “NOT APPLICABLE” in case
certain areas are not covered in your organization’s policy/functional area.
 Your response is requested on quantitative measures for a fair assessment. Avoid abstract
 Last date of filing applications is 7th December, 2023.
 IIMM, Udaipur Review Committee reserves the right to request additional documentation.
The decision of the Committee is final. With this application form, the applicant is officially
requesting award committee for review of his/her application for which he has obtained
consent from his/her organization and agree to comply with the policies and procedures of
the award.
 In case of any difficulty or need of assistance, please reach us at:

WhatsApp: 9352720948

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