Sea Grass
Sea Grass
Sea Grass
They most closely related to plant in the Class Helobiae and are
not true grasses of the Family Poaceae
Seagrasses having adapted to a submerged aquatic environment,
the morphological and anatomical features that are similar to
freshwater hydrophytes. However, there is sufficient variation in
reproduction and structure to indicate the independent evolution of
Den Hartog (1970) recorded 49 species and 12 genera in two
families, namely, the Hydrocharitaceae and Potamogetonaceae of
the Class Helobiae (Monocotyledonous)
Underwater strands of Zostera marina
Wheat leaf TS
Turtle grass leaf TS
Seagrass physiology also shows adaptations to a submerged marine
habit. Thus their rhizomaceous growth habit, the use of rhizomes as
storage organs, and the occurrence of a lacunar system for gas
exchange are all adaptive features
Seagrass must successfully adapt to nine possible marine stresses
to survive: salinity, temperature, water motion, anerobiosis, nutrient
limitation, epiphytes, irradiance, infection and herbivory
There are at least two possible advantages for being clonal
(1) The ability to carry out vegetative expansion or foraging and sharing
resources between ramets growing in areas of stress or low nutrients.
In a study of clonal high marsh grass Spartina patens, it was found
that severed ramets produced the high levels of osmoticum proline
whereas intact ramets did not. It means there are physiological
integration between ramets, with water being transported from intact
ramets to those growing in high salinity conditions.
(2) Further, rhizomes and short shoots adjacent to shaded short shoots
showed a depletion of soluble carbohydrate and protein, whereas
those with severed rhizomes did not. Thus the rhizomes and short
shots function to mobilise sugars and amino acids to short shoots,
whose productivity and growth are lowered due to shading.
Specific differences in vegetative growth among seagrasses
Halodule wrightii - shows aggressive growth but others (Thalassia
testudinum) do not. Species that exhibit aggressive growth are often
chosen for revegetation of disturbed areas.
For example: H. wrightii is preferred over Z. marina and T. Testudinum
for transplanting. The types of growth (foraging) strategies is similar to
that of terrestrial clonal plants.
guerilla strategy: rhizomes of H. wrightii, has the ability to reduce
branching frequency and can speed rapidly with the main shoot in a
heterogenous habit.
phalanx strategy: shown by Z. marina and T. testudinia whose rhizomes
with the ability to branch more extensively and through slow, steady
growth take advantage of available nutrients
Organic composition
As with other flowering plants, the proximate constituents of different
seagrasses show pronounced seasonal and interspecific variations.
Rhizomes are the primary storage organ for soluble carbohydrates and
proteins in most of the seagrasses. They are the sources of soluble
carbohydrates and protein for regrowth of cropped blades and for
initiation of spring blade growth.
Proximate constituents of protein, lipid, and soluble carbohydrate in
seagrasses leaf and rhizome (values within parenthesis)
Species Protein (%) Lipid (%)
carbohydrate (%)
10-14 8-19
Zostera marina (0.6-2.8)
(4-8) (31-59)
Only two species are common to both parts of world i.e., Halophila
decipiens and Halodule wrightii. This disjunct distribution of most
species of seagrass suggests a long period of separation and
diversification from centers of origin,