1. What is the correct name for a molecule that has two amino groups in opposing
(para) locations around a benzene ring?
a) Benzenediamine
b) Benzene-1,4-diamine
c) p-Aminoaniline
d) 4-Aminobenzenamine
2. When acetamide is converted to methylamine, what is the name of the reaction?
a) Friedel-Craft’s reaction
b) Hofmann reaction
c) Hoffmann bromamide degradation reaction
d) Hinsberg reaction
3. For which of the following is the Hinsberg approach used?
a) Preparation of primary amines
b) Separation of amine mixtures
c) Preparation of tertiary amines
d) Preparation of secondary amines
4. Which of the following is the IUPAC name of the chemical in which an ethyl group
replaces one hydrogen of ammonia?
a) Ethanamine
b) Aminoethane
c) Ethylamine
d) Ethane amine
5. Which of the following statements concerning methylamine is correct?
a) Methylamine is stronger base than NH3
b) Methylamine is less basic than NH3
c) Methylamine is slightly acidic
d) Methylamine forms salts with alkali
6. Which of these substances has a lower melting point than amine?
a) Alcohol
b) Ether
c) Carboxylic acid
d) Phosphine
Directions: These questions consist of two statements, each printed as Assertion and Reason.
While answering these questions, you are required to choose any one of the following four
(a) If both Assertion and Reason are correct and the Reason is a correct explanation of the
(b) If both Assertion and Reason are correct but Reason is not a correct explanation of the
(c) If the Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect.
(d) If both the Assertion and Reason are incorrect.
Read the passage given below and answer the following questions:
Amines are alkyl or aryl derivatives of ammonia formed by replacement of one or more hydrogen atoms.
Alkyl derivatives are called aliphatic amines and aryl derivatives are known as aromatic amines. The
presence of aromatic amines can be identified by performing dye test. Aniline is the simplest example of
aromatic amine. It undergoes electrophilic substitution reactions in which - NH2 group strongly activates
the aromatic ring through delocalisation oflone pair of electrons of N-atom. Aniline undergoes
electrophilic substitution reactions. Ortho and para positions to the -NH2 group become centres of high
electrons density. Thus, -NH2 group is ortho and para-directing and powerful activating group. The
following questions are multiple choice questions.
Choose the most appropriate answer:
(i) Cyclohexylamine and aniline can be distinguished by
(a) Hinsberg test (b) carbylamine test (c) Lassaigne test (d) azo dye test
(ii) Which of the following compounds gives-dye test?
(a) Aniline (b) Methyl amine (c) Diphenyl amine (d) Ethyl amine
(iii) Oxidation of aniline with manganese dioxide and sulphuric acid produces
(a) phenylhydroxylamine (b) nitrobenzene (c) p-benzoquinone (d) phenol.
(iv) Aniline when treated with conc, HNO3 and H2SO4 gives
(a) phenylhydroxylamine (b) m-nitroaniline (c) p-benzoquinone (d) nitrobenzene.
28. Give the structures of A, B and C in the following reactions : How will you convert the
following :
(i) Nitrobenzene into aniline
(ii) Ethanoic acid into methanamine
(iii) Aniline into N-phenylethanamide
29. Give the structures of A, B and C in the following reactions :
35. (a) Write the structures of main products when aniline reacts with the following
reagents :
(i) Br2 water (ii) HCI (iii) (CH3CO)2O/pyridine
(b) Arrange the following in the increasing order of their boiling point :
C2H5NH2, C2H5OH, (CH3)3N
(c) Give a simple chemical test to distinguish between the following pair of
compounds : (CH3)2NH and (CH3)3N
36. An aromatic compound ‘A’ of molecular formula C 7H6O2 undergoes a series of
reactions as shown below. Write the structures of A, B, C, D and E in the following
reactions :
37. (a) Write the structures of main products when benzene diazonium chloride reacts
with the following reagents :
(i) H3PO2 + H2O (ii) CuCN/KCN (iii) H2O
(b) Arrange the following in the increasing order of their basic character in an
aqueous solution :
C2H5NH2, (C2H5)2NH, (C3H5)3N
(c) Give a simple chemical test to distinguish between the following pair of
compounds :
C6H5—NH2 and C6H5—NH—CH3