Boys 1989
Boys 1989
Boys 1989
1 1
been the growing concern of power supply authorities any given time, or else a short-circuit of the two DC volt-
over the levels of harmonic pollution accumulating ages will result. If a transistor that is conducting current
within the power system. The diode rectifier is a principal is turned off, then owing to the inductive nature of the
offender [7, SI. The nonsinusoidal line currents of the circuit, the current instantaneously freewheels through
diode/thyristor rectifier can cause a multitude of prob- the diode in the opposite leg. If that same transistor is
lems, such as instrument malfunctions, insulation break- turned back on, then the conducting diode is reverse-
down and resonances within the power system. Most biased and the current will switch to flow back through
supply authorities already have limits on the levels of the transistor. In a CFC scheme, whenever a transistor is
harmonics that can be produced by a consumer, and as turned on the complementary transistor is always turned
more users of variable-speed AC drives appear, these off, so that the two transistors/diodes essentially behave
levels will have to be tightened and the penalties for as a two-pole bidirectional switch. This switch can conve-
failure to observe them increased. niently be represented by the variable S, allowing the for-
Most of the published work on reversible rectifiers to mulation of the following circuit differential equations :
date has been concerned with three-phase devices
because their biggest user, industry, generally has access Pis = ( u s - SEDC+ - (l - S)EDC-)/Ls (14
to a 3-phase supply. However, as mentioned earlier, there PED,+ = - EDC/Ro)/Co (14
are applications for single-phase devices provided the
performance is adequate. By adapting techniques used in PED,- = ((l - + EDC/Ro)/Co (IC)
three-phase reversible rectifiers to single-phase operation, where
it is demonstrated that acceptable performance is
obtained at realistic power levels. In this paper a single- = EDC+ - EDC-
phase reversible rectifier is presented, based on a modi- and
fied version of the simple voltage-doubling rectifier. The
device is shown schematically in Fig. 1, and it differs from S = 1 if T+ or D + is on
S =0 if T- or D - is on
I 7
I In a current-forced scheme, E D c + must be greater than
the maximum positive value of U, and E D c - must be less
j c o
than the maximum negative value of U , . Therefore, from
eqn. 1 it can be seen that if T+ is on the current is will
decrease for all U , , and if T- is on the current will
increase. Hence the current can be forced to track a refer-
ence waveform i, simply by switching on T+ if the current
is higher than i,, or by switching T- on if the current is
'b- lower than i,. In a practical situation, this simple pro-
Fig. 1 Single-phase voltage-sourced reversible rectifier cedure would be impossible to implement as the tran-
sistors have finite turn-on and turn-off times and cannot
a conventional voltage doubler in that an inverse parallel switch instantaneously. Modern bipolar power tran-
power transistor has been added across each diode, along sistors have a maximum switching rate of about 10 kHz,
with an inductor in series with the utility supply voltage. so to limit the switching rate a hysteresis band is inserted
A consumer load R , is depicted as opposed to a gener- about the reference waveform, as shown in Fig. 2. The
ating one because this is the most common mode of oper-
ation. However, it really makes little difference because
the transient nature of the two are very similar. The
power transistors are switched using a current-forced
control (CFC) strategy that enables the device to operate
with a sinusoidal line current, unity power factor and a
regulated DC busbar voltage. Details of the control tech-
nique and its implementation are discussed in subsequent
Fig. 3. A signal derived from the supply voltage is multi-
U 2K1s 2EDC
-- -
- PED,
co EDCr Ro co
The corresponding transfer function for eqn. 10, relating
ED, to I , , is then given by
-1 00
Fig. 4 Root locus of eqn. 15
[ 3 denote actual closed-loop poles
are integrated using a simple Euler algorithm to obtain ing the voltage across a simple 0.01 SZ resistor in series
the effect on the VSRR state variables. Effects such as with the inductor and utility supply voltage.
transistor switching delays, on-state voltages and series- The experimental results in Figs. 11-13 illustrate the
resistive voltage drops have been neglected. The second very good sinusoidal line current obtained by the
method involves solving the differential equations that
the transfer function (eqn. 15) represents. This method is 20000 r
less accurate and reveals nothing about the effects of the
hysteresis and ripple voltage, but has the advantage that
it requires the solution of only three differential equations 15000 -
instead of six, and a larger integral time-step can be used
to speed up the simulation. All the subsequent results use
the first method described, except for Fig. 9 which uses ~1000-
eqn. 15 directly.
5 000 -
0 1 2 3 4
> hysteresis, A
Fig. 10 Simulated transistor switching rate as function of current
c [? 10mH
A 2.5 mH
40 msldiv
Fig. 7 Simulated response of E , t o a 7 kW step change in power
40 msJdiv
Fig. 9 Simulated response of E,, t o a 7 kW step change in power
demand using eqn. 15 directly
Fig. 13 Typical line current and supply voltage Fig. 15 Response of E , to a 7 kW step change in power demand
7 kW Inverting
100 V/div
L, = 2.5mH
40 ms/div
10 mH inductor, compare favourably. Experimentally, instead of the current distortion remaining constant it
the distortion is slightly greater at about 8.0 A peak-to- was substantially greater than before, especially near the
peak, and the switching rate is slightly less, correspond- waveform peaks. In Figs. 12 and 13 the distortion is
ing to an average current-ripple frequency of about about 12.0A peak-to-peak or nearly twice as great as
1200 Hz. These differences can be attributed to switching expected. This increase in distortion is due to the even
delays inherent in the control circuitry, transistors and more pronounced effect switching delays have on current
transistor driver boards. segments with large dildt, such as near the waveform
The simulated transient response in Fig. 9, which uses peaks, when small inductors are used.
eqn. 15, shows a good correlation with that of Fig. 7, Comparing the current waveforms in Figs. 12 and 13,
obtained using eqns. 1 and 11, thus justifying the assump- it is apparent that near the peaks the switching rate for
tion that the response of the AC side is instantaneous in the inverting case is almost a factor of two less than for
a CFC scheme. The simulated response of the DC busbar the rectifying case. This suggests that the applied induc-
voltages in Figs. 7 and 8 also compares very favourably tor voltages responsible for the smaller di/dt current seg-
with those experimentally obtained in Figs. 14 and 15, ments differ by about a factor of two in each case. An
expression for this voltage is given by eqn. 16 and
equates to VLmin= 57 V in the prototype device. At a
peak current of 40 A the accumulative voltage drop, due
to small resistances present in the utility supply, inductor,
diodes and transistors, could quite conceivably
be 5 15 V. During rectifier operation, this accumulated
voltage drop increases the effective magnitude of VLmin,
whereas for inverting operation it decreases it. Conse-
quently, during rectification VLmin= 72 V and during
inversion VLmin = 42 V, thus explaining the observed
difference in the switching rate between the two cases
described. It is a single-phase AC/DC convertor with 2 TENTI, P., and MALSANI, L.: ‘Three-phase AC/DC PWM con-
bidirectional power-flow capability, good DC-voltage verter with sinusoidal AC currents and minimum filter requirements’,
IEEE Trans., 1987,1A-23, (l), pp. 71-77
regulation, sinusoidal line current and unity power factor. 3 HOMBO, M., UEDA, A., and NAKAZATO, M.: ‘Current-source
CFC is very simple to implement and provides excellent inverters with sinusoidal inputs and outputs’, Hitachi Review, 1987,
response time and damping, as well as being extremely 36,(l), pp. 29-34
adaptive to nonlinear effects such as switching delays and 4 MANIAS, S., PRASAD, A.R., and ZIOGAS, P.D.: ‘Three-phase
inductor-fed SMR convertor with high-frequency isolation, high-
magnetic saturation in the inductors. This paper has power density and improved power factor’, ZEE Proc. E., 1987, 134,
demonstrated that it is necessary to include a lowpass (4), pp. 183-191
filter in the feedback loop to avoid third harmonic distor- 5 GREEN, A.W., BOYS, J.T., and GATES, G.F.: ‘Three-phase voltage-
tion in the supply current, and that the transient response sourced reversible rectifier’, IEE Proc. E, 1988, 135, (6), pp. 362-370
of the AC side can be considered instantaneous com- 6 KULKARNI, A.B., DIXON, J.W., NISHIMOTO, M., and 001, B.:
‘Transient tests on a voltage-regulated controlled-current PWM con-
pared to the DC side, thus simplifying the derivation of a vertor’, IEEE Trans., 1987, IE-34, (3), pp. 319-324
suitable transfer function to describe the device. It is 7 RICE, D.E.: ‘Adjustable speed drive and power rectifier harmonics-
expected that in the near future the same prototype their effect on power system components’, IEEE Trans., 1986, IA-22,
device used here will be able to operate direct from the (l), pp. 161-177
8 ARRILLAGA, J., BRADLEY, D.A., and BODGER, P.S.: ‘Power
full utility supply voltage of 230 V, with a HVDC busbar system harmonics’ (Wiley, New York, 1985),pp. 11C-135
of 700 V, and handle power levels approaching 15 kW.
Due to the high DC voltage that is produced, the
device is especially suited as a power source in variable- 9 Appendix
speed drive systems where only a single-phase utility
supply is available. Its reversible nature eliminates dump Prototype data
resistors (often needed to dissipate energy regenerated by
overhauling loads on a motor), thus increasing the CO= 14500 u F
overall efficiency of a drive system. Another possible use ED,-, = 680 V
being investigated is the removal of unwanted harmonics
from a power system. I, = 3.0 A
K, = 1.2
7 Acknowledgements
K, = 180
The authors are grateful for the assistance of Mr. Peter
K, = 40
Jenkins at the University of Auckland in obtaining the
experimental results. K , = 7200
L, = 10 mH
8 References
R, = 60 Q
1 MOKRYTSKI, B.: ‘Pulsewidth modulated inverters for AC motor
drives’, IEEE Trans., 1967, IGA-3, pp. 493-503 v, = 200 v
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