74 Recipe Can
74 Recipe Can
74 Recipe Can
The word “recipe” comes from the Latin word recipere (to receive).
It was first used to refer to medical prescriptions.
Today it refers to cooking instructions.
A. Writing
Choose one of the following three topics. Write for five minutes on the lines
below or in your notebook. You don’t need to write in complete sentences.
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How to Write a Recipe
Writing in English
Warm-Up cont.
A. Writing cont.
B. Vocabulary Preview
4. meal d) food items that go well together, such as wine and pasta
5. appetizer e) delicious
12. room temperature l) a list of ingredients and instructions on how to prepare a dish
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How to Write a Recipe
Writing in English
Parts of a Recipe
A. Introduction
This modern adaptation to Grandma’s traditional
apple pie will have your guests coming back for
seconds. The honeycrisp apples combined with Task 1
gingery filling and light pastry make for a suprisingly
low-fat dessert. My family and friends always save Write a short introductory paragraph for a dish or
room for this scrumptious dessert after a turkey feast. dessert that your family is known for. Use some of
Prep time: 2 hours the adjectives from the list above.
Serves 6
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How to Write a Recipe
Writing in English
Writing Measurements
Choose a consistent format for measurements in your Many recipes use short forms to indicate measurements.
recipe. The United States customary units is the system Do you know what these abbreviations stand for?
that you will see in US cookbooks and recipes. The
US uses Fahrenheit for oven temperatures. In other • tsp, t • lb
countries, the metric system is used and Celsius is • tbsp, tbl, T • kg
used for temperatures. When reading a recipe, you • C, c • g
may need to convert the measurements to match • oz • L
your measuring tools. • ml • pt
Task 2
Invent your own pie. It can have
When writing out an ingredients list, it is not necessary to use
capitalization or complete sentences. You can use lowercase and notes. any ingredients you want! Write
Here is an example of an ingredients list for apple pie: your ingredients list in a logical
order. Use at least 10 ingredients.
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How to Write a Recipe
Writing in English
a) You will need sugar, water, to buy milk, and wearing an apron.
b) Y
ou will need sugar, water, milk, and an apron.
a) Add three cherries, two orange slices, and cook three apples to add.
b) A
dd three cherries, two orange slices, and three cooked apples.
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How to Write a Recipe
Writing in English
Task 3
5. Put one can of tomatoes, one cup of cream, and chop an onion into a large frying pan.
6. Add one bag of frozen vegetables (e.g., broccoli, carrots, and you can use peas) to the pan.
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How to Write a Recipe
Writing in English
Sample Recipe
Read the sample recipe. Identify the headnotes. Circle the food adjectives.
Underline the imperative verb forms in the Directions.
Is there anything more comforting than a freshly baked loaf of French Ingredients
bread? This simple recipe was perfected by my grandfather and has
1 1/4 cups water
been passed down for three generations. Whenever people asked my
2 tsp sugar
grandfather how he baked such delicious bread, his answer was
1 tsp salt
always, “Easy peasy.” Shh! Don’t tell Grandpa we mixed his scrumptious
3 1/3 cups white flour
dough in a bread machine. This recipe is easier than ever!
1 1/2 tsp bread machine yeast
Servings: 10–12 slices
Time: 2 hours
1. Place first four ingredients in a bread 6. Place dough roll onto a greased
machine in the order of appearance in the list. pan on counter. Spray with cooking oil.
2. Set bread machine to “Dough.” Use 7. Cover with a dry towel and
a delayed timer to ensure that all allow to rise for 30 minutes.
ingredients are at room temperature.
8. Preheat oven to 325ºF.
3. Remove dough from machine and
9. Remove towel and place in oven
place on lightly floured surface.
for 20–25 minutes or until golden brown.
4. Roll out dough into a rectangular shape.
10. Set baked bread on a rack to cool
5. Roll up dough into a log. for 5–10 minutes before slicing.
Task 4
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How to Write a Recipe
Writing in English
What have you learned so far?
Answer and discuss these questions in pairs or as a class.
4. How many synonyms did you learn for the word “delicious”?
Vocabulary Review
Read each sentence and identify a vocabulary word from page 1 that is
described or inferred. Write the word in the second column. In the third
column, indicate the part of speech of the vocabulary word you chose.
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How to Write a Recipe
Writing in English
# Utensil Use
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How to Write a Recipe
Writing in English
A Checklist
Recipe Testers
Exchange your recipe with a classmate. Ask your classmate to
test your recipe at home. What went wrong? What went right?
Write a review of your classmate’s recipe and share it with the class.
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How to Write a Recipe
Writing in English
Answer Key
In this lesson, students learn how to write a recipe. They review TIME: 2–3 hours
imperative verb forms and parallel structure, and learn new
TAGS: writing, cooking, recipe, ingredients, imperative,
cooking adjectives and verbs. They also write and test a recipe.
parallel structure, food, directions, instructions
It would be useful to have cookbooks, magazines, or websites with
recipes available for students to browse.
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How to Write a Recipe
Writing in English
Have students read through the sample recipe Have students brainstorm their recipes on the back of page 9.
(and/or other recipes that you bring in). They should circle They can use a separate piece of paper to write their good copies.
thefood adjectives and underline the imperative verb forms. You may also want them to type out their recipes. Consider placing
the recipes in a class cookbook.
Food Adjectives:
comforting, simple, baked, delicious, scrumptious
A Checklist
Imperative Verbs:
place, set, use, remove, roll out, roll up, Students can refer to this checklist to check if their recipe
place, spray, cover, allow, preheat, remove, place, set, serve from the Writing Your Own Recipe task includes all of the important
pieces. If you decide to grade their recipes, use this checklist.
Recipe Testers
1. T he headnotes of a recipe introduce the recipe and offer
some background information and a description. It should As a follow-up activity, challenge students to try
get the reader’s mouth watering. It may indicate how many each other’s recipes. They can also write reviews.
servings the recipe makes and how long the preparation takes.
2. T he ingredients should go in a logical order, such
as in the order of appearance in the recipe, in groups
based on individual steps, or in order of importance.
3. T he US uses the United States customary units system in
recipes. (It is similar to the old British Imperial system.)
4. Individual answers. May include: scrumptious,
tasty, yummy, delectable, lip-smacking.
5. T he imperative verb form should
be used in cooking instructions.
Vocabulary Review
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How to Write a Recipe
Writing in English
easy peasy
room temperature
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