Weekly Site Material Report 3 July 2023

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Weekly Report on Movement And Use Of Materials On Site.

Table showing movement and use of materials on site 26th June - 2nd July, 2023.

Date Material Material used on Quantity Used for By Who

brought in site

26/6/23 Led spotlight 66 pieces Electrical fittings Teslim

(tulip) 7w

✓ Cement 10 bags Floor tile fixing Skull

✓ 3" nail 0.5 bag Arc. Matthew

✓ Binding wire 1 roll ✓

27/6/23 Cement 11 bags Floor tile fixing Skull

✓ ✓ 6 bags Molding block Block molder

✓ ✓ 8 bags Plastering & Oriyomi


28/6/23 Eva soap 3 packs Arc. Matthew

✓ Good mama 0.5 carton ✓


✓ Cement 10 bags Floor tile fixing Skull

29/6/23 Cement 4 bags Plastering Oriyomi

30/6/23 Cement 12.5 bags Plastering & Oriyomi


✓ 2×1 wood 148 pieces Onlywood


1/7/23 Block sand 1 trip Lameda

✓ 2×1 wood 58 pieces Onlywood

✓ Cement 4.5 bags Plastering Oriyomi

2/7/23 Cement 7 bags Choking of Oriyomi


Table showing materials brought in and used on site 26th June - 2nd July, 2023.

Material Numbers Previous Present Numbers used Remarks

brought in numbers in numbers in on site
stock stock
Cement 729 bags 659 bags 73 Excess by 3 bags

Led spotlight 168 pieces 102 pieces 66 pieces Ok

(tulip) 7w

3" nail 0.5 bag

Binding wire 1 roll

Eva soap 3 packs

Goodmama 0.5 carton


2×1 wood 206 pieces

Block sand 1 trip

NOTE THAT; the excess 3 bags of cement we have is because, some of the cement stack are 16 bags
instead of 15 bags. i.e each cement stack is supposed to be 15 bags.


The table below shows the stock count of items in the store excluding conduit pipes, offcut electrical
cables, and unpacked electrical junction boxes as of 3rd July, 2023.
Items Quantity Description

Cement 659 bags 50kg ordinary Portland cement.

Switch disconnector 7 packs, 6 pieces Electrical switch disconnector.

6mm cable 12 rolls Red Coleman Electric cable.

6mm cable 8 rolls Black Coleman Electric cable.

2.5mm cable 3 rolls Red Coleman Electric cable.

2.5mm cable 3 rolls Black Coleman Electric cable.

2.5mm cable 5 rolls Green Coleman Electric cable.

1.5mm cable 11 rolls Red Coleman Electric cable.

1.5mm cable 6 rolls Black Coleman Electric cable.

1.5mm cable 4 rolls Green Coleman Electric cable.

Adaptable box 1 pieces 4x4 electrical adaptable box.

Adaptable box 5 piece 2x6 electrical adaptable box.

Adaptable box 1 piece 6x9 electrical adaptable box.

Coupling junction box 4 packs 20mm electrical coupling junction box.

Coupling junction box 3 packs 25mm electrical coupling junction box.

4 way junction box 2 packs 20mm 4 way junction box.

T joint 6 pieces 100mm T joint for plumbing pipes.

Elbow joint 4 pieces 100mm elbow joint for plumbing pipes.

T joint 10 pieces 75mm T joint for plumbing pipes.

T joint 5 pieces 50mm T joint for plumbing pipes.

Elbow joint 2 pieces 75mm elbow joint for plumbing pipes.

Elbow joint 1 piece 50mm elbow joint for plumbing pipes.

Elbow joint 39 pieces 32mm elbow joint for plumbing pipes.

Elbow joint 6 pieces 40mm elbow joint for plumbing pipes.

50mm pipe 3 pieces Plumbing fittings

Socket 3 pieces 75mm socket for plumbing pipes.

Warning tape 1 roll

Fire extinguisher 1 6kg ABC powdered fire extinguisher.

Tornado nails 23 packs 2" tornado nails.

Chandelier without bulb 8 cartons Electrical fittings

AV1777 13k

Chandelier AV1841 S70 6 cartons ✓

Chandelier without bulb 1 carton ✓

AV1767 E60

Chandelier led candle 8 pieces ✓

light bulb G45

Chandelier led bulb G9 104 pieces ✓

Rope light 8 cartons ✓

Florescent 30w 2ft 49 pieces ✓

Florescent 40w 4ft 8 pieces ✓

Rope light plug 40 pieces ✓

Colored spotlight down 48 pieces ✓


Led panel lights 18w 40 pieces ✓

Led panel lights (lamp) 105 pieces ✓


Glass panel lights led 6w 8 pieces ✓

Led spotlight (tulip) 7w 102 pieces ✓

Led surface down light 52 pieces ✓

13 amp single socket 7 pieces ✓

13 amp double socket 51 pieces ✓

1 gang switch 42 pieces ✓

2 gang switch 31 pieces ✓

3 gang switch 4 pieces ✓

Water heater switch 23 pieces ✓

Wall light 2 pieces ✓

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