Remedial Reading Proposal

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Ilocos Norte College of Arts and Trades

School ID: 300373


I. Project Summary Information

A. Project Title: Nasa Pagbasa ang Pag-asa
B. Project Proponents: Margaret A. Bumanglag, Jane S. Dancel,
Avelene S. Dela Cruz, Armi Suerte C.
Manuel, Rodel Bryan C. Valdez
C. Project Location: Ilocos Norte College of Arts and Trades
D. Target Beneficiaries: Grade 7-12 learners
E. Cooperating Proponents: Teachers, School Principal, Assistant
Principal, Head Teachers, Parents,

II. Rationale

Reading is considered to be one of the most important academic

language skills among learners. It is believed that this skill would help
students cope with the tribulations of life and the constant changes in the
society brought about by the advancements in technology.
Indeed, man’s world is a reading world. Globe and Stoller (2006)
stated that reading is the central means for learning new information and for
gaining access to alternative explanations and interpretations. Through
reading, students would be able to understand concepts and key principles,
process skills and desirable values to make them liberate, productive and
effective citizens. They also add that reading provides the foundation for
synthesis and critical evaluation skill and is a means for independent
learning, whether the goal is performing better on academic tasks, learning
more about subject matter or improving language abilities. Moreover,
Baraceros (2001) stressed that reading enables them to develop an outlook
on the events and happenings occurring locally and globally, thereby giving
them understanding and control. He believes that students who are good in
reading are those who have the greatest chance of succeeding in college as
well as in their future careers.
However, a look into the reading abilities of students reveals that their
reading skills are deficient. Deanne Milan (2015) in her book Developing
Reading Skills claimed that reading instruction often ends at the elementary
school. She further noted that students sometimes have difficulty as they
progress through school. For instance, the reading material gets harder and
harder, yet students still must tackle their assignments armed only with
elementary reading skills.
In the same vein, Hilton and Schrader (2016) presented a more
alarming observation by noting that comprehension performance is
deteriorating even among high school students. Thus, it appears that the
problem in reading is universal and alarming.
In the Philippine setting, the education system is facing a dilemma
due to a wide spread and rapid deterioration of language skills particularly
in reading. For the last decade, the quality of Philippine education was put
into a big question due to poor performance of students in mathematics and
science tests both local and abroad. The efforts of the government by
implementing the K to 12 curriculum did not do much to change the status
quo (Imam, 2016). In fact, when K to 12 teachers are asked to identify the
challenges students face in learning, one of the major issues often discussed
is that students find it difficult to comprehend the texts that are used in
their classrooms. These difficulties are even pronounced for students in
grades 4 to 12, where more than eight million students are hard up in
understanding texts.
Thus, there is a need for teachers to implement reading strategies to
increase students’ comprehension of texts. These include providing effective
vocabulary instruction in their subject areas; giving instruction in reading
comprehension strategies that can help students make sense of content-area
texts; designing reading assignments that are likely to motivate students
who lack engagement in school activities; and teaching students to read in
the ways that are distinct to their own content areas.
However, before teachers could implement these reading strategies,
the first step that should be done is to identify the reading levels and reading
difficulties of their students, so they can determine the reading strategies
that are suitable to the needs of the learners. This is where the Philippine
Reading Inventory (Phil-IRI) comes in.
Phil-IRI is an initiative of the Bureau of Learning Delivery,
Department of Education (DepEd) that directly addresses its thrust to make
every Filipino child a reader. It is anchored on the flagship program of the
Department: “Every Child A Reader Program,” which aims to make every
Filipino child a reader and a writer at his/her grade level.
The Phil-IRI is an informal reading inventory composed of graded
passages designed to determine the individual student’s performance in oral
reading, silent reading and listening comprehension. These three types of
assessments aim to find the student’s independent, instructional and
frustration levels. The data from these measures could be used to design or
adjust classroom, small group or individualized instruction to fit the
students’ needs and abilities.
Although the Phil-IRI is not the sole assessment tool that provides the
holistic reading performance of the students, it can provide an
approximation of the students’ abilities and can be used in combination with
other reliable tools of assessment. The data shall also serve as one of the
bases in planning, designing/redesigning the reading programs or activities
in the school to improve the overall school reading performance.

III. Project Objectives

1. Identify learners with reading difficulties;
2. Equip non-readers with necessary reading strategies; and
3. Monitor the progress of the learners’ reading proficiency

IV. Significance of the Project

It is hoped that through this project the learners would be motivated

to improve their study habits, knowing the extent of support of their
teachers. It will not only help the learners become better readers but also
better learners.

Teachers will be tapped to provide their full service among struggling

learners in order to enhance their reading proficiency and at the same time
preparing them to have health, independent reading habits. Hence, it is
expected that the program would make students gain a deeper appreciation
of the efforts of their teachers in ensuring the progress of their reading

V. Project Benefits/Beneficiaries

The primary beneficiaries of this project are the struggling readers of

INCAT. Through this project, they will be guided by their adviser and/or
subject teachers during remedial sessions.

Parents will be benefited as well because aside from the guidance they
provide to their children, additional guidance will be provided by the

VI. Project Description

This project required diagnosis of the reading level of INCAT learners

from Grade 7 to Grade 12. In relation to this, materials such as graded
passages and words list will be purchased. All learners under frustation level
will be required to undergo remedial sessions with their respective
advisers/teachers who will strictly monitor their learners’ progress. The
project will use the pre-test post-test design to determine the overall
progress of the learners.

VII. Strategies/Work Plan

The following activities will be conducted during the implementation

of the project.

Timetable of Activities

Activities Output Date of Person Budget Budget

Implementation Responsible Source
1. Purchasing/ Copies of September to Reading Php MOOE
printing of grades October 2022 program 2,000.00
materials, i.e. passages, coordinators,
graded Phil-IRI advisers, Head
passages, Phil- reading texts, Teachers,
IRI, words list. and words Assistant
list Principal,
2. Conduct of List of September to English and
Phil-IRI learners per October 2022 Filipino
(Classification section sorted Teachers
of learners based on
based on their their level of
level of reading proficiency
proficiency, i.e.
3. Planning of Reading October 2022 English and
reading intervention Filipino
program for plan Teachers
learners in
4. Conduct of Remedial October 10, 2022 English and
intervention or assessment to June 2023 Filipino
remedial checklist Teachers
classes to
learners with Syllabus
poor reading (See attached)
habits and
5. Conduct of Pre-test post- June 2023 English and
post-test test Filipino
comparative Teachers

VIII. Monitoring Evaluation

The improvement of the reading level of students as indicated by posttest

results using the Phil-IRI will be used as the success indicator of the project.

Prepared by:








Approval recommended by:

Head Teacher VI

Assistant Principal II


School Principal IV
Attachment 1
Proposed Syllabus for Remedial Instruction:

Course Content:
Unit I. Understanding the Nature of Reading
Unit II. Reading Activities and Exercises
A. Pronunciation Drills
1. Consonants
a. Single Consonants
b. Double Consonants
2. Vowels
a. Short Vowels
b. Long Vowels
B. Word Attack Skill Building
C. Comprehension Skill Building
1. Recognizing Emotional Reactions
2. Following Directions
3. Recognizing Sequence of Events
4. Classifying According to Similar Characteristics
5. Reading for Meaning
6. Interpreting Signs and Notices
7. Noting Details
a. Paragraphs
b. Short Poems
8. Grammatical Interpretation
a. Sentences
b. Paragraphs
D. Building Study Skills
1. Vocabulary Building
a. Getting meaning through context
2. Skimming and Scanning
E. Developing Critical Reading Skills
1. Recognizing Facts and Opinion
2. Forming Judgments
3. Identifying Irrelevant Sentences
4. Predicting Outcomes
F. Improving Speed in Reading

1. Villamin, Araceli M. and Chita R. Villamin. Remedial Reading. Quezon
City: Phoenix Publishing House.1990
2. Developing Comprehension in Young Readers. Manila: Anvil Publishing,

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