MIDTERM-Baleros 3 Project-Charter
MIDTERM-Baleros 3 Project-Charter
MIDTERM-Baleros 3 Project-Charter
Project Title and Enhancing Infrastructure Maintenance for Disaster Resilience and Sustainable
Description Development
Business Case
Scope Statement Objectives
The scope of the "Enhancing Infrastructure Maintenance
1. Improve Infrastructure Maintenance: Enhance
for Disaster Resilience and Sustainable Development"
maintenance practices to ensure the optimal performance
project encompasses a comprehensive approach to
and extend the lifespan of aging infrastructure assets.
improve maintenance practices and enhance disaster
resilience within the Department of Public Works and 2.Optimize Resource Allocation: Implement data-driven
Highways (DPWH). The project aims to address the decision-making processes to allocate resources efficiently
challenges posed by aging infrastructure, optimize and prioritize maintenance projects that yield the most
resource allocation, integrate climate-resilient design significant impact.
standards, and foster effective coordination with local
government units. Through infrastructure assessments, 3. Enhance Disaster Resilience: Integrate climate-resilient
data-driven decision-making, and technology integration, design standards and develop comprehensive disaster
the project will develop long-term renewal plans and preparedness plans to minimize damages and facilitate a
prioritize critical maintenance needs. Additionally, swift recovery in the face of natural disasters.
disaster preparedness plans will be devised to minimize
damages and expedite recovery in the face of natural 4. Strengthen Coordination with Local Government Units:
disasters. Community engagement initiatives will be Foster effective communication and collaboration with
conducted to raise awareness and involve local local government units to facilitate efficient maintenance
communities in ensuring the safety and sustainability of efforts and address community-specific maintenance
vital infrastructure assets. needs.
Deliverables (What does the end result look like? What will we need to deliver in order to provide the end result?) The
steps we need to achieve our objectives.
Infrastructure Assessment Reports and Prioritization Plan - Conduct infrastructure
A assessments, collate data, and prioritize maintenance needs based on criticality and
public safety impact.
Long-Term Renewal and Rehabilitation Plans - Develop long-term renewal and
rehabilitation plans in alignment with prioritized maintenance needs.
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