BTC2 NguyenTranDoanAnh
BTC2 NguyenTranDoanAnh
BTC2 NguyenTranDoanAnh
, that
||R v||=¿|v|∨¿
Let's assume v is the original free vector and R is the rotation matrix.
Let A, B ∈ SO(n)
( AB )( AB )T =AB . B T A T =A A T =I
AB ∈ SO(n)
det ( A −1 ) =det ( A ) =1
T −1 T−1
( A¿¿−1)( A¿ ¿−1) =A A =¿ ¿ ¿ ¿
Write the matrix product that will give the resulting rotation matrix (do not perform
the matrix multiplication).
[ ]
1 0 0
Rotation Matrix Rx (∅) = 0 cos ( ∅ ) sin ( ∅ )
0 −sin ( ∅ ) cos ( ∅ )
[ ]
cos (θ) sin (θ) 0
Rotation Matrix Rz (θ) = −sin ( θ) cos (θ) 0
0 0 1
[ ]
1 0 0
Rotation Matrix Rx (ψ) = 0 cos (ψ ) sin (ψ )
0 −sin (ψ ) cos (ψ )
[ ]
cos (α ) sin (α ) 0
Rotation Matrix Rz (α) = −sin ( α ) cos (α ) 0
0 0 1
[ ] []
x new x
y new = Rz (α) Rx (ψ) Rz (θ) Rx (∅) y
z new z
17. Verify Equation (2.46).
22. Suppose R represents a rotation of 90◦ about y0 followed by a rotation of 45◦ about
z1. Find the equivalent axis/angle to represent R. Sketch the initial and final frames and
the equivalent axis vector k.
[ ]
0 −1 0
R = Rx,0 Ry,0 Rz,90 = 1 0 0
0 0 0
We see that T r(R) = 0 and hence the equivalent angle is given by Equation (2.48) as
[ ]
k= 0
2/√ 3
27. Complex numbers can be generalized by defining three independent square
−1 = i2 = j2 = k2,
i = jk = −kj,
j = ki = −ik,
k = ij = −ji
( 2 2 2 2)
Q= cos( θ
) , n sin ( ), n sin ( ) ,n sin ( ) . Show that such a quaternion has unit norm, i.e.,
θ θ
Here unit vector n = [nx, ny, nz] T and the rotation by around the unit vector n can be
We know the norm of a quarternion (q0, q1, q2, q3) is q02 + q12 + q22 + q32.
( θ2 )+ n sin ( θ2 )+n sin ( θ2 )+ n sin ( θ2 )=cos ( θ2 )+sin ( θ2 )( n + n +n )=cos ( θ2 )+ sin ( θ2 )=1( as n
2 2
2 2
2 2 2 2
2 2 2
Show that Q∗ is the inverse of Q, i.e., that Q∗Q = QQ∗ = (1, 0, 0, 0).
q + q* = 2q0
qq* = q*q = q 0−( q1 i+q 2 j+ q3 k ) =q 0−|q 1 i+q 2 j+ q3 k|
2 2 2
¿ q 20 +q21 +q 22 +q32=|q|
1 q
A quaternion has an inverse: q = q = 2
−1 ¿
¿> q =q
37. Consider the diagram of Figure 2.16. A robot is set up 1 meter from a table. The
table top is 1 meter high and 1 meter square. A frame o1x1y1z1 is fixed to the edge of
the table as shown. A cube measuring 20 cm on a side is placed in the center of the table
with frame o2x2y2z2 established at the center of the cube as shown. A camera is
situated directly above the center of the block 2m above the table top with frame
o3x3y3z3 attached as shown. Find the homogeneous transformations relating each of
these frames to the base frame o0x0y0z0. Find the homogeneous transformation
relating the frame o2x2y2z2 to the camera frame o3x3y3z3.
In the drawing it would appear that the origin of F3 is on the table top; however, in the
description, the origin of F3 is described as being at the center of the cube, thus 10 cm
above the table top. I accepted either interpretation.
We can describe the sequence of frames in words as follows. Frame 1 is obtained from
the fixed frame by translating 1 meter in each of the positive y0 and positive z0
Frame 2 is obtained from F1 by translating 50 cm in each of the positive y1 and negative
x1 directions and 10 cm in the positive z1 direction.
As noted above, there are many ways to define the rotation from the block frame to the
camera frame. They all have one thing in common. They result in the same
transformation matrix. Here are three examples.