Lec01 Verilog Combinational Circuits Design 2022 Spring

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Introduction to IC Design &

Combinational Circuit

Lecturer: Tzu-Hsuan, Hung

System Integration and Silicon Implementation (Si2) Lab
Institute of Electronics
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan

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I ntegrated
C ircuit

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Performance Power Area

Higher battery life

Power Longer using time

Lab 8: low power design

Processing more tasks

Lower cost
Area Performance Reach complicated goal

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Section 1 Introduction to design flow
Section 2 Basic Description of Verilog
Section 3 Behavior Models of Combinational circuit
Section 4 Simulations

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Section 1 Introduction to design flow
Section 2 Basic Description of Verilog
Section 3 Behavior Models of Combinational circuit
Section 4 Simulations

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How Does Hardware Accelerate System
Profiling is a form of dynamic program analysis that measures the
space/time complexity of a program to aid program optimization.
By doing profiling we can find the most time-consuming part of the
Designers can implement this part in hardware instead of software

(Source: APM Zone)

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How Does Hardware Accelerate System - Example

An algorithm contains steps:

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Mathematical Analysis: Profiling

(1) : O(C) Running 1000 times takes 100sec
(2) : O(n) (1) : 5s
(3) : O(n2) (2) : 10s
(4) : O(n) (3) : 70s
(4) : 15s
Make ASIC for (3), easily accelerated by 100x
Profiling with ASIC : Running 1000 times
(1) : 5s
(2) : 10s
(3) : 0.7s + 0.3s (communication time) takes 31s
(4) : 15s

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How Does Hardware Accelerate System
Application Specific IC (ASIC)
Specially designed IC are much faster than general purpose CPU.
we can design dedicated datapath and controller for the time-
consuming part which requires less time

Field-Programmable Gate Array(FPGA)

As implied by the name itself, the FPGA is field programmable.
FPGA working as a microprocessor can be reprogrammed to
function as the graphics card in the field, as opposed to in the
semiconductor foundries.

(Source: sigenics) (Source: Xilinx)

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FPGA Example
No fabrication is needed
Limited routing resources

(Source: PDA, Prof. Chen)

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ASIC Example

Cell-based Design Flow

use pre-designed logic cells (known as standard cells) and
micro cells (e.g. microcontroller)
designers save time, money, and reduce risk

Full-Custom Design Flow

Design every thing by yourself
Not our focus

Cell-based Full-Custom
Pro. Design speed Large design
is fast freedom
Con. Less design Design speed
freedom is slow
(Source: TSRI)

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Standard Cell Example

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Full-Custom Example

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Cell-based Design Flow

Specification Development
System Architecture
System models

RTL code development

Functional Verification RTL

Timing Verificaiton

Physical Synthesis/Place and Route

Physical Design
Physical Verification

Prototype System Integration and

Build and Test Software Test

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Cell-based Design Flow - RTL to GATE

Design a input/output

1: Adder Write Verilog

RTL Code 2: Divider
3: Subtracter HDL Code

Pre-sim Make sure your Use Cadence Tool

Adder is working Ncverilog, irun

Choose suitable Run synthesis by

Synthesis components from
Design Compiler
standard cell library

Gate Level
Optimize result
And Generate
Gate level netlist

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Cell-based Design Flow GATE to LAYOUT

4ns 3ns
Input Output
Gate Level
Netlist AND OR
Check correctness
Gate-sim after adding timing
Gate Level
Decide each
Floorplan Components position

(Source: Intel i7-5960X processor floorpla

Placement Place transistor in
Best position

Routing Connect ports from

Different modules

Layout Cadence innovus tool

(Source: PDA, Prof. Chen)

ICLAB NCTU Institute of Electronics Ref1: https://timsnote.wordpress.com/digital-ic-design/ic-compiler/floorplan/


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Cell-based Design Flow LAYOUT to CHIP

Layout 4ns 3ns

Check correctness
Input 6ns Output
Post-sim after adding wiring
timing information AND Wiring OR

Check all functional Design rule check (DRC)

Verification work and no violation
of manufacturability Layout verse schematic(LVS)

Tape out Give all files to

the foundry


Fabricate your
Fabrication design

& Testing
Test the IC is work
(Source: MTK)

ICLAB NCTU Institute of Electronics Ref1: https://www.iue.tuwien.ac.at/phd/rovitto/node10.html

Cell-based Design Flow Summary
RTL Design SPEC.

Plan the furniture

You want to own RTL Code
in your room
Gate Level
Choose the suitable Netlist
Furniture based on
Datasheet Gate-sim
P&R Layout

Produce Floorplan
And layout of Verification
your room Tape out
Fabrication TSMC

Construction Fabrication
Get your new room
Packing & Testing

CHIP (Source: MTK)

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Cell-based Design Tools
System and behavioral Synthesis and Verification
description (math. or building
module ) Synopsys
C/C++ / python RTL Compiler, Design Compiler
Matlab PrimeTime,
BuildGates Extreme
Hardware based description Verplex (Formal Verification)
System C
SystemVerilog Physical Design and post-layout
Verilog simulation
Innovus (SoC Encounter)
RTL simulation and debug IC compiler
NC-Verilog, irun Calibre
nLint, Verdi Nanosim, HSIM, UltraSim: a high-
performance transistor-level
FastSPICE circuit simulator

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Section 1 Introduction to design flow
Section 2 Basic Description of Verilog
Section 3 Behavior Models of Combinational circuit
Section 4 Simulations

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What is Verilog?
Hardware Description Language

Hardware Description Language

Hardware Description Language

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Hardware Description Language
Hardware Description Language

we plan to design
Verilog and VHDL are both widely using in the IC company
The difference between HDL and other programming

brain during designing the modules

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Basic Language Rules
Data type
Port Declare and Connect
Number Representation
Conditional Description

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All modules run concurrently

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Combinational Circuits
The output of combinational circuit depends on the
present input only.
Combinational circuit can be used to do mathematical
computation and circuit control.

Combinational circuit

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Behavioral Modeling (1/3)
Data Assignment
Continuous Assignment for wire assignment
Imply that whenever any change on the RHS of the assignment
occurs, it is evaluated and assigned to the LHS. => assign
Cont. assign

Procedural Assignment for reg assignment

data types may occur within always,
initial, task and function. These expressions are controlled by
triggers which cause the assignment to evaluate.
Proc. assign

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Behavioral Modeling (2/3)
Using always construct (Proc. assignment)
assignment should be applied in topological order
Simulation from top to down
always@(a,b,x,c,d) begin
x = a & b;
trigger b
y = x | c | d;

Using assign construct (Cont. assignments)

assign y = x | c | d ;
assign x = a & b ;
Which is better?

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Behavioral Modeling: Example (3/3)
Using blocking assignments in always construct

Sensitivity list changes value (trigger)

a x
c y

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Basic Language Rules
Terminate lines with semicolon ;
Verilog is a case sensitive language
C_out_bar and C_OUT_BAR: two different identifiers
Starts only with a letter or an _(underline), can be any sequence of
letters, digits, $, _ .
e.g. 12_reg illegal !!!!

single line : //

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Naming Conventions
Lowercase letters for signal names
Uppercase letters for constants

clk sub-string for clocks
rst sub-string for resets

_n for active-low, _z for tri-state, _a for async ,
Ex: rst_n => reset circuit at active-low

State Machine
[name]_cs for current state, [name]_ns for next state

Identical(similar) names for connected signals and ports

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Data Type (1/5)

4-value logic system in Verilog: 0, 1, X, or Z

0,1: means low or high signal
Z : high-impedance, the signal is neither 0 nor 1.
Avoid X and Z !!!


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Data Type (2/5)

Wire (default = Z (high impedance, floating net))

A wire cannot store value, often use in combination circuit
1. Represent port connection between devices
wire clk,A,B;
BBQ bbq1(.clk(clk),.meat(A),.vegetable(B))
BBQ bbq2(.clk(clk),.meat(A),.vegetable(B))
2. Can not be use in procedure assignment:
wire C;
always@(*) begin
C = a+b; // wrong, C should be reg data type (X)
3. Only use
wire C;
assign C = a+b; // correct (O)

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Data Type (3/5)

Registers (default = X (unknown, should be initialized) )

A reg is a simple Verilog, variable-type register
represent abstract data storage element
Hold their value until explicitly assigned in an initial or always block
1. Only use in procedure
2. Does not imply a physical register
reg C;
always@(*) begin
C = a+b; // (O) This reg does not imply a physical register
reg C;
Always@(posedge clk) begin
C <= a+b; // (O) This reg imply a physical register

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Data Type (4/5)

Wire Reg

1. Port connection(in/out) 1. Port output(register out)

2. Assign (cont. assignment) 2. Always block (Proc. assignment)

3. Can declared as vector 3. Can declared as vector

4. Often use in Comb. circuit 4. Often use in Sequ. circuit

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Data Type (5/5)

Vectors and Arrays : the wire and reg can be

represented as a vector
Vectors: single-element with multiple-bit
wire [7:0] vec; 8-bit
Arrays: multiple-element with multiple-bit

reg [7:0] mem [0:1023] Memories (1k - 1byte)

(Array) Vector
: For this reason, we do not
use array as memory,
Memory component will be
introduced later

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Port Declare and Connect (1/3)
Interface is defined by ports
Port inside module declaration
input : input port, only wire can be assigned
output : output port, wire/reg can be assigned
inout : bidirectional port, only wire can be assigned

Port connection outside module

input : wire or reg can be assigned to connect into the module
output : only wire can be assigned to connect out of the module
inout : register assignment is forbidden neither in module nor out of
module [Tri-state]

wire inout
wire or reg wire wire or reg wire
output input output input
Module Module Module

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Port Declare and Connect (2/3)
Modules connected by port order (implicit)
Order must match correctly. Normally, it not a good idea to connect ports
implicitly. It could cause problem in debugging when any new port is
added or deleted.
e.g. : FA U01( A, B, CIN, SUM, COUT );
Order is vital!

Modules connect by name (explicit) Use this!!!

Use named mapping instead of positional mapping
name shall match correctly.
e.g. : FA U01 ( .a(A), .b(B), .cin(CIN), .sum(SUM), .cout(COUT) );
Name Mapping

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Port Declare and Connect : Example (3/3)

module MUX2_1(out,a,b,sel,clk,rst);
input sel,clk,rst; mux.v Wire for port
input a,b; module test; connection
output out; reg out; //incorrect define
Wire for input
wire c; reg a,b;
reg a,b; //incorrect define reg clk,sel,rst;
reg out;
// 1. connect port by ordering
//Continuous assignment MUX2_1 mux(out,a,b,sel,clk,rst);
assign c = (sel a:b;
// 2. connect port by name
//Procedural assignment, MUX2_1 mux(.clk(clk), .reset(rst),
//only reg data type can be assigned value .sel(sel), .a(a), .b(b), .out(out));
always@(posedge rst or posedge clk)
begin initial begin

else out <= c; end

end endmodule
endmodule sub module test module

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Number Representation (1/2)
Number Representation
Format: <size> <base><value>
Base format: b(binary), o(octal), d(decimal) or h(hexadecimal)
4-bit, 10, decimal
If <size> is smaller than <value>, left-most bits of <value>are
If <size> is larger than <value>, then left-most bits are filled based
on the value of the left-most bit in <value>

zzzz zzzz zzzz; xx xxxx;

0000 0001;
6- -
Default size is 32-bits decimal number

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Number Representation(2/2)
Number Representation
Signed Value (Verilog-2001)
By default the signal is unsigned
e.g. wire signed [7:0] a;
Negative : -
e.g. 3 illegal
A 3-bit signed value would be declared as wire signed [2:0] A
Decimal Value

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Operators (1/4)
Arithmetic Description
A = B + C;
A = B C;
A = B * C;
A = B / C;
A = B % C; (modulus)
Shift Operator (logical)
A = B >> 2; -bit
A = B << 2; -bit

Shift Operator (arithmetic)

A = B >>> 2; signed
A = B <<< 2;
e.g. wire signed [3:0] A,B;
positions and sign-filled.)
A = B >>>2;

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Operators (2/4)
Unsigned Operation

Signed Operation

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Operators (3/4)
Unsigned / Signed Mix Operation
If there are one unsigned operator, the operation will be regard as
Goal: Number need to be in 0~6

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Operators (4/4)
Bitwise operators: perform bit-sliced operations on vectors
~(4 b0101) = {~0,~1,~0,~1} = 4 b1010
4 0101 & 4 0011 = 4 b0001

Logical operators: return one-bit (true/false) results

!(4 b0101) = ~1 = 1 b0

Reduction operators: act on each bit of a single input vector

&(4 0101) = 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 = b0

Comparison operators: perform a Boolean test on two arguments

Bitwise Logical Reduction Comparison
~a NOT !a NOT &a AND Relational
a&b AND a && b AND ~& NAND a>b
a <= b
| OR a >= b
a|b OR a || b OR
a^b XOR ~| NOR a == b returns x when x or z
a != b in bits. Else returns 0
a ~^ b XNOR ^ XOR or 1
case [in]equality
a === b returns 0 or 1 based
Note distinction between ~a and !a a !== b on bit by bit

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Conditional Description (1/2)
If-then-else often infers a cascaded encoder
inputs signals with different arrival time
Priority inferred
used in proc. assignment

case infers a single-level mux

case is better if priority encoding is not required
case is generally simulated faster than if-then-else
used in proc. assignment

conditional assignment (? :)
?: c = sel ? a : b;
used in cont. assignment
same as if-else statement

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Conditional Description: Example (2/2)

d 0

c 1 0

b 0
1 out
sel Sel=10
a 1 a 00

Sel=01 b 01

Sel=00 c 10

d 11


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{} assign a = {b, c}; b[0]

{{}} assign a = {2{c}};

a = b << 1;

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Gate-Level Modeling (1/3)

Primitive logic gate

and nand
or nor
xor xnor

can use without instance name i.e. and( out, in1, in2 ) ;

can use with multiple inputs i.e. xor( out, in1, in2, in3 ) ;

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Gate-Level Modeling (2/3)

Primitive logic gate

buf, bufif0, bufif1

not, notif0, notif1

can use without instance name i.e. buf( out, in ) ;

can use with multiple outputs i.e. not( out1, out2 ,in) ;

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Behavioral Model v.s. Gate Level Model
Gate Level Model Behavioral Model

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Coding style
Data has to be described in one always block
Muti-driver (not synthesizable)

always@* begin
always@* begin
end B+C B+D

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Coding style
use initial block in your design for synthesis

initial begin
end Initial use for PATTERN only!!

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Coding style
Avoid combinational loop
May synthesis a Latch in your circuit !! (Latch is non-edge
triggered, avoid)
always@* begin always@* begin
A=B; always@* begin
end A=B;

always@* begin
always@* begin
default: A=D;
else A=D;
Figure. (a) D-latch (b) D flip-flop

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Section 1 Introduction to design flow
Section 2 Basic Description of Verilog
Section 3 Behavior Models of Combinational circuit
Section 4 Simulations

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Simulation Environment



Port declaration
data type declaration

Applying simulation
Display results

Can use behavior-level

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Simulation Environment (cont.)

TESTBED.v Just like a breadboard

`timescale 1ns/10ps


module TESTBED;

wire out,a,b,sel,clk,reset;

MUX2_1 mux(.out(out),.a(a),.b(b),.sel(sel)); Putting devices on the board and

PATTERN pat(.sel(sel),.out(out),.a(a),.b(b)); connect them together!


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Simulation Environment (cont.)

PATTERN.v # CYCLE sel=1;

for(i=0;i<=3;i=i+1) begin
#CYCLE {a,b}=i;
module PATTERN(sel,out,a,b); #CYCLE $display( "sel=%b, a=%b, b=%b,
out=%b" , sel, a, b, out);
input out; end
output a,b,sel;
# CYCLE sel=0;
reg a,b,sel,clk,reset; for(i=0;i<=3;i=i+1) begin
integer i; # CYCLE {a,b}=i;
parameter CYCLE=10; # CYCLE $display( "sel=%b, a=%b, b=%b,
out=%b" , sel, a, b, out);
always #(CYCLE/2) clk = ~clk; end

initial begin # CYCLE $finish;

a=0;b=0;sel=0;reset=0;clk=0; end
#3 reset = 1;
#10 reset = 0; endmodule

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Simulation Environment (cont.)

Simulation command input waveforms

Verilog compile Your
irun TESTBED.v -define RTL debug Verilog Test pattern
Invoke nWave output test data
nWave &
Stop the simulation and continue the simulation
Ctrl+z Suspend the simulation at anytime you want.(not terminate yet!)
jobs Here you can see the jobs which are processing with a index on
the left [JOB_INDEX]

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Overview Cursor Marker

Tool Bar
Position Position Delta Zoom Scale Ruler

Pull Down


Value Window Full Scale Ruler Scroll Bar

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nWave (cont.)

Open fsdb file

Use File command

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nWave (cont.)

Get signal
Use Signal Get Signals... command

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nWave (cont.)

Choose value format

On the value window click Left Button

Default : Hexadecimal

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nWave (cont.)

Reload nWave
Update fsdb file in Debussy database
File Reload
Hot key L (shift + l)

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2004 Chia-Hao Lee (matchbox@si2lab.org)
2006revised Yi-Min Lin (ymlin@si2lab.org)
2008revised Chien-Ying Yu (cyyu@si2lab.org)
2008revised Chi-Heng Yang (kevin@oasis.ee.nctu.edu.tw)
2009revised Yung-Chih Chen (ycchen@oasis.ee.nctu.edu.tw)
2010revised Liang-Chi Chiu (oboe.ee98g@nctu.edu.tw)
2012revised Shyh-Jye Jou
2014revised Sung-Shine Lee (sungshil@si2lab.org)
2018revised Po-Yu Huang
2019revised Wei Chiang
2020revised Ya-Yun Hou / Lien-Feng Hsu
2021revised Lin-Hung Lai (h123572119@gmail.com)
2022revised Tzu_Hsuan Hung (davidhung.c@nycu.edu.tw)
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