Health and Physical Edu 11th
Health and Physical Edu 11th
Health and Physical Edu 11th
Chapter IV A
Fundamental Duties
Fundamental Duties- It shall be the duty of every citizen of India-
(a) to abide by the Constitution and respect its ideals and institutions,
the National Flag and the National Anthem;
(b) to cherish and follow the noble ideals which inspired our national
struggle for freedom;
(c) to uphold and protect the sovereignty, unity and integrity of India;
(d) to defend the country and render national service when called upon
to do so;
(e) to promote harmony and the spirit of common brotherhood amongst
all the people of India transcending religious, linguistic and regional
or sectional diversities, to renounce practices derogatory to the
dignity of women;
(f) to value and preserve the rich heritage of our composite culture;
(g) to protect and improve the natural environment including forests,
lakes, rivers and wild life and to have compassion for living
(h) to develop the scientific temper, humanism and the spirit of inquiry
and reform;
(i) to safeguard public property and to abjure violence;
(j) to strive towards excellence in all spheres of individual and
collective activity so that the nation constantly rises to higher levels
of endeavour and achievement;
(k) who is a parent or guardian to provide opportunities for education
to his child or, as the case may be, ward between the age of six
and fourteen years.
The Coordination Committee formed by GR.No. Abhyas - 2116 / (Pra.Kra.43 / 16)
SD-4 Dated 25.4.2016. has given approval to prescribe this textbook in its
meeting held on 20.06.2019 and it has been decided to implement it from
academic year 2019-20.
Health and
Physical Education
Dear Students,
Welcome to Standard Eleven. We are delighted to hand you a textbook on
Health and Physical Education.
The book covers topics such as development of physical fitness, obesity,
nature and diet, yoga and mudra, doping, injury management, modern
technology to activism, opportunities in sports, various sports, sports
competitions, and success stories. You will also study the important concepts
in the field of sports.
The importance of health and physical education is unique and you will
become the ideal citizen of tomorrow's healthy and enterpreneurial India. This
requires preparation for the body as well as the mind. This textbook is designed
to focus the student learning process, emphasize creativity and constructivism
to achieve the minimum potential for physical reinforcement, and make the
learning process fun and pleasant.
Essentials for a career in health and physical education field are included
in the textbook. It will definitely help you.
It is expected that you will be able to understand the subject more
thoroughly while studying the textbook, with the help of suggested, supplementary
studies, use of information technology, various media support, group discussions,
presentations as well as the help of teachers and parents.
To find out more about content, information is given in Q R Code. Visual
information will be available to you through this Q.R. Code to make the
learning process pleasant.
While reading, understanding the content in this, textbook, please do inform
us which part or area you like or is difficult to understand. We wish you the
best in your future academic life.
Competency statements
• To generate awareness of holistic development.
• To plan exercise and diet for physical fitness.
• To develop physical fitness through rhythmic exercise.
• To adopt advanced and technically sound exercise and skills.
• To comprehend the misconception and effect of performance enhancing
• To develop team spirit to embrace sportsmanship and leadership qualities.
• To acquire information about sports related injuries, first aid and
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).
• To obtain information on professional opportunities in sports and how to
acquire them.
• To be inspired by success stories of sportsmen.
• To be informed of the different levels of competition.
• To increase physical fitness through training programs.
• To develop physical and intellectual abilities based on innate strengths
and weaknesses.
• To be informed about games, their rules and ground measurement.
• To be aware of modern technology that stimulates physical activity and
• To be informed about arrangement and facility management of various
• To embrace a stress-free lifestyle.
• To practice and adopt a lifestyle that aids sports dexterity.
2. Obesity 9
5. Doping (Stimulants) 31
6. Injury Management 35
9. Various Games 51
Practical Work 61
Wimbledon Men’s Cup Cricket World Cup Football World Cup Wimbledon Women’s Cup
5. Walking, running or swimming: spiritual. It is very useful for mental
Walking, running or swimming helps stability and peace of mind. Likewise,
to increase cardiovascular endurance yoga helps in controlling many
and efficiency of the circulatory diseases related to diabetes, blood
system. These activities are currently, pressure, lungs and heart related
very popular because they can help diseases, Which is mentioned in
to control lifestyle diseases like various Indian texts. When doing
diabetes and high blood pressure that yoga, begin with expert's guidance.
are widely prevalent in society today.
7. Training Methods : Training
Swimming is an all round exercise.
methods have a very important role
It helps in the rehabilitation process
to play in development of fitness.
to heal injuries and also helps to
There are various training methods
control body temperature. Exercise
that can help improve fitness. For
by walking or running should be
example, Circuit training, Weight
done for at least 20 to 60 minutes at
training, Fartlek training, Plyometric
a stretch. The intensity of the walk
training, etc. The basic details of
or run is an important factor while
these training methods are as follows:
exercising. By regulating the walking
or running pace, the intensity level 7.1 Circuit training : Amongst the
of the exercise can be termed as low, different training methods used,
moderate or high. There are different Circuit training is one of the
methods to monitor exercise intensity. most well-known methods. This
method is used to develop the
6. Yoga :
physical fitness required for
different sports. In this training
method, many activities or
exercises are done in a specific
order that forms the circuit.
Each exercise is to be done for
a fixed time or for a fixed count
and then the next exercise in the
Yoga is one of the gifts that India has
circuit is to be done. Improved
given to the world. Yoga is not just an
muscle endurance and develop
exercise; it is a lifestyle. Yoga involves
fitness is the prime objective of
asana, pranayama, meditation. Yoga
offers all kinds of benefits to life, Circuit training.
physical, mental, emotional and
Squat Jump
Plank chin ups
Push ups
Glutes Bridges
Circuit Training
• In circuit training there are at least 6 such training session 2 to 6 circuits
to 10 pre-decided exercise stations. can be performed. Based on the
The number of exercises can be fitness levels the number of such
increased based on the fitness of the circuits is to be determined.
sportsperson. • The rest period between two circuits
• Circuit training involves the exercise could be anywhere between 3 to 5
of major muscles in the body. minutes.
• After each exercise there is a rest 7.2 Weight training : A very
period followed by the next exercise. popular training method
The rest duration between two currently prevalent amongst
exercise stations can range from 30 youngsters is weight training.
to 60 seconds. These include exercises
• The time duration or frequency of performed with the help of free
doing the exercise or activity at every weights or machines. Increasing
station is fixed, based on the sport muscle strength and muscle
and the objective to be achieved in endurance are the prime objective
the process. of weight training. Weight
• When all the exercises selected for training as a training method is
circuit training are performed once, popular amongst common
then one circuit is completed. In one people, just as it is amongst
Weight training
Bench Press, Shoulder Press, Squat,
• Weight training exercises are different Bicep Curl, Leg Press, etc.
for the various body parts such as the
arms, shoulders, chest, back and legs. Important
Depth jump
Single leg hop
Plyometrics Training
Q.1 Fill in the blanks. Q.2 Answer in brief.
(1) Circuit training consists of at (1) Write in short the benefits of
least ------------- exercises. weight training method.
(2) Plyometric training develops --- (2) Give information about
------------ component of fitness. plyometric training.
(3) Borg's technique measures ------ (3) What are the various activities
------. for developing fitness?
(4) Rest time period between two (4) What are the misconceptions
sets of plyometric exercise about fitness and exercise?
should be --------------- minutes.
Supplementary Studies :
Prepare a circuit training program of at least 6 exercises for oneself.
2. Obesity
Side effects
of obesity
Breast Diseases
of joints
Snoring Infertility
Bad Effects of Obesity :
Many incurable diseases occur due to
Obesity. Fat people get diseases like
diabetes, blood pressure, heart disease,
joints diseases, brain stroke, infertility,
breast cancer, hormonal imbalance, back
pain and snoring and many such diseases
at early stage. Many times due to these
reasons there is possibility that obese
people die prematurely.
Causes of Obesity : Improper diet and obesity
Obesity is not a sudden occurrence. Weight gain as we age is a natural
Heredity, sedentary lifestyle, laziness, tendency. However, having less and
lack of movements, untimely eating, appropriate weight while ageing is
inappropriate eating habits, intake of ideal.
excessive cold drinks, not following
Gaining body weight is always easy,
sleeping and wake up time, family
but weight loss can be excruciating
environment, inappropriate mind-set and
and difficult.
today’s very important reason is screen
time. (Screen time is the time spent using Developing a pot belly is risky but
mobile, watching T.V, playing video can be easily avoided. It leads to an
games, laptop and computer etc.) They adverse effect on both the physical
are all factors causing obesity. The most fitness and health.
important factor is lifestyle. In fact it is Excessive intake of foods such as
found that obesity is due to laziness and potatoes, sugar, oils, vegetable ghee,
inactivity. sweets, etc. leads to obesity.
Every individual should track their Intake of excessive cold drinks
weight and ensure not to get Irregular sleeping and wake up time.
overweight. Mental Imbalance
Understand the causes of obesity and Heredity
check if it applies to someone you know.
Prevention and Treatment of obesity :
Modern and sedentary lifestyle
Obesity can be controlled and reduced
Laziness with appropriate diet and regular exercise.
Very little movement With regards to obesity, prevention is
Getting work done by servants or better than cure. The means to avoid
others obesity is awareness and adopting a
Eat more and work less healthy lifestyle accordingly. For this
purpose from the school going age itself,
Untimely eating health education is needed and an active
Inappropriate eating habits lifestyle should be inculcated.
To avoid obesity
Do it Don't do it
Do your own house work. Avoid the overuse of mobile.
Use a bicycle instead of using a motor Minimize playing video games.
bike every time.
Eat appropriate diet. Avoid over eating fried foods.
Eat more leafy vegetables. Avoid junk food like burgers, pizza, etc.
Manage meal time. Avoid consuming food made from maida.
Keep stomach a little empty. Avoid eating late at night.
Get more active with emergence of a pot Avoid untimely eating due to pressure
belly. from friends, parents and siblings.
Be consistent in your daily routine. Avoid irregularity in daily activities.
Sleep early in the night and wake up early Avoid sleeping late and getting up late.
in the morning.
Engage in physical activities during Avoid misuse of leisure time.
leisure time.
Participate in swimming, cycling, Avoid adopting bad habits.
trekking groups, etc.
Go for picnic on holidays. Avoid misuse of holiday periods.
Challenge your own physical abilities. Avoid Over confidence
Check body weight regularly. Avoid untimely food habits
So, are we obese or not ? Let us find the answer to this question today and keep
our routine work active.
Causes of obesity
3. Nature And Diat
Milk butter
milk Fish
Supplementary Studies :
(1) Fill in the blank based on secretions and its functions.
Food .......................
Sweet tasty food Salty tasty food
Stuff -
Absorbs excess
............................, To taste the food.
Function- secretions in the body, ...................
Increasing body strength.
satiates the mind
(2) Complete the flow chart of the following dietary components.
Components ......................
Carbohydrates Vitamins Oily food
................, cereals, Dairy ......................, ................,
Sources - ................
................ products. Fruits and vegetables
4. Yoga and Mudra
Position :
Position : (1) Lie in supine position, bend knee
(1) Exhale and while inhaling lift legs, keeping feet hip-width apart and
shoulder and trunk off the ground bring it close to buttocks.
keeping knee joint and elbow straight (2) Lift hands up and place palms on the
and hands moving as close to the toe floor behind the shoulder with fingers
as possible and touching toe in the pointing to the shoulder.
final pose. The angle should be 450 to (3) Once comfortable, inhale and raise
earth. the hips maximum off the ground
(2) The weight of the body rests on the then slowly raise the shoulder with
buttocks, be aware of the tensing ab- upper and lower limbs supporting the
dominal muscles. body weight.
(4) Let head hang in a relaxed manner at
(3) Look towards the toe, be comfortable
and stable without straining and hold the neck and try to keep knee and
the final position. elbow as straight as possible in the
final pose.
(4) Keep breathing normally while
holding the final pose. (5) Keep breathing normally while
holding the pose.
Precautions : People with slip disc, wrist Precautions : People suffering from
injury, vertigo, high blood pressure or hernia, back injuries, intestinal disorder
neck injury should avoid or perform under should avoid the asana.
expert supervision. Benefits : Makes the spine stronger and
Benefits : Increases spine flexibility and more flexible, stimulates digestive,
strength, tones the abdominal region, ex- reproductive and urinary system,
pands the chest increasing lung capacity, regulates metabolism, works as a great
stimulates nervous and endocrine system, stress release.
strengthens arms, shoulders and wrists.
(B) Shalabhasana (30 sec)
2. Asanas in the prone position (lying
on the stomach) (A) Bhujangasana
Position :
(1) Lie on the stomach with chin pressing
to the ground and hands under the
Position : thighs and palms touching the floor.
(1) Lie on the stomach, feet together, (2) While inhaling and pressing the palm
hands to the side, forehead on the to the ground, raise both feet off the
floor. ground keeping knee straight and feet
(2) Move hands to the front, place palm together, toe pointing backward and
on the ground at shoulder level. hold final pose.
(3) Placing body weight on the palms (3) Keep breathing normally while
inhale and raise head and trunk off holding the pose.
the ground keeping elbows slightly Releasing the Asana : In the reverse
bent. order release asana to original position.
(4) Arch the neck backward but make Precautions : People suffering from
sure shoulder blades are firm and hernia, hyper tension, heart ailments,
away from the ears and feel the peptic ulcers should avoid practice of the
stomach pressed to the floor in the asana.
final pose. Benefits : Strengthens the lumbar region,
(5) Keep breathing normally while activates liver, kidneys and pelvic organs,
holding the pose. regulates intestinal function, stimulates
Releasing the Asana : In the reverse appetite, alleviates backache during
order release asana to original position. menses.
3. Asanas in the sitting position (B) Akarna dhanurasana (30 sec)
(A) Baddha padmasana (30 sec)
Position :
(1) Sit on the floor with the legs together
extended straight in front, keeping
head, back and shoulders erect.
(2) Slide right hand toward the left toe
and left hand towards right toe and
grip them between thumb and index
Position : (3) While breathing, gently pull left toe
(1) Sit in Padmasana and cross hands be- with the right hand upward towards
hind the back such that right hand right ear, without bending at the neck.
grips big toe of right leg placed on left (4) Keep the neck straight and gaze at
thigh and left-hand grips left toe the left-hand grip on the right toe and
placed on the right thigh. hold the final pose.
(2) Bend the head down and place chin on
the chest and hold the final pose. (5) Maintain normal breathing.
(3) Keep normal breathing while in the (6) Repeat the steps to pull right toe to
pose. left ear.
(4) In reverse order, asana should be Releasing the Asana : In the reverse
released. order release asana to original position.
Precautions : People with disorders in the Precautions : Avoid straining the body
abdomen and having undergone surgery beyond its physical capacity. In case of
should practice after consultation with injury to the limbs perform the asana
doctor and under guidance of an expert. under expert supervision.
Benefits : The asana calms the mind, gives Benefits : Strengthening of the muscles
flexibility to the joints of the arms and of the hands, legs, waist and knee joint. It
legs, increases efficiency of the respiratory has a positive effect on those with
system. rheumatic disorders.
4. Asanas in the standing position and resulting in effective blood circulation.
(A) Virasana (30 sec) Spine flexibility increases and flexibility
of abdominal muscles improve.
(B) Kati Chakrasan (30 sec)
Position :
(1) Stand on both feet. Take a stride in Position :
front with the right leg and lunge for-
(1) Stand on both feet with hands to the
ward to form 90° at the right knee,
keeping left leg straight at knee.
(2) Exhale, then while inhaling raise
(2) Raise both hands up sideways, above right hand sideways, up and above
the head and join the palms fingers the head without bending at the
pointing to sky, elbows straight and elbow and hand touching the ear.
stretch to allow hands to touch the
ears. (3) Stretch the right hand upwards and
simultaneously slide left hand down
(3) Move joined palms backwards behind along the side of the left leg towards
the head, leaning the head back along the knee.
with the hands bending backward
(4) Do it by bending at the waist
from the back.
sideways to the left and hold the
(4) Keep breathing normal and look pose.
upwards and hold the pose.
(5) Repeat the same with change in
(5) Return to standing on both legs and hand positions and bending to the
repeat this pose using left leg. right side.
Releasing the Asana : In the reverse Releasing the Asana : In the reverse
order release asana to original position. order release asana to original position.
Precautions : Keep complete control Precautions : While bending sideways
over the movement especially while avoid leaning forward. In the beginning
bending backward. Stay within capacity to maintain balance keep feet slightly
and perform without straining oneself. apart.
Benefits : The legs, waist, spine and neck Benefits : The flexibility of the spine
are bent backwards clearing the toxins increases and breathing pattern improves.
Few guidelines to be followed while (A) Shitkari
performing the Asanas Procedure :
• Keep both the body and mind steady
and calm while performing the
• Avoid jerking the body while getting
into the pose.
• Do not hold the final pose by pulling
and straining the body parts, as spon-
taneous consistent practice will give
dominion over the asana.
• The final pose is not important but
the approach is vital.
• Breathing pattern should be regular.
Take a comfortable meditative seated
• Practice asanas in a clean and healthy position which may be padmasana,
environment. vajrasana, sukhasan or ardhpadmasan.
Pranayama Press the upper and lower teeth and
The fourth limb of Ashtanga Yoga is touch tongue to the top front teeth. Open
Pranayama. The control over breath lips in a wide smile and inhale through
during the inhalation and exhalation the teeth producing “ssssssiiiii” sound.
process is pranayama Close mouth and exhale through your
Pranayama can be divided into 3 distinct nose. Repeat 10 times.
parts; Precaution : Keep spine erect and neck
1. Purak (Inhalation) : The process of straight and focus attention on the breath.
breathing in, the air into the lungs is Benefits : The inner parts, eyes and ears
called inhalation. experience cooling, digestion improves,
2. Kumbhak (Retention) : The process disorders caused by acidity is reduced.
of holding the breath is called (B) Suryabhedan :
retention. There are two types of Procedure :
retention that can take place.
Antarkumbhak where the breath
inhaled is retained in the lungs and
Bahyakumbhak where retention is
after the breath is exhaled from the
3. Rechak (Exhalation) : The process
of breathing out, the air from the
lungs is called exhalation.
The practice of Pranayama is done
based on these three distinct parts. A
few practices of pranayama are given
that could be followed.
Take a comfortable meditative seated dharna, dhyana and samadhi. Mudras
position which may be padmasana, affect very specific parts of the body.
vajrasana, sukhasan or ardhpadmasan. The different prana in the body is
The left hand is placed in gnyan mudra balanced through the practice of mudras.
while the right hand is kept in Traditionally, the Rudhitil mudra, Yoga
pranavmudra. Eyes are gently closed. mudra, Sinhamudra, Brahmamudra,
Using the right hand little finger and the Ashwinimudra, Viparit karni mudra,
ring finger gently press and close the left Pranav mudra are the meditative mudras.
nostril. Inhale from the right nostril and Hathayoga pradipika and shivsahitya
exhale also from the right nostril. give 10 mudras while Gheranda Samihita
Precaution : Do not apply too much literature gives 25 mudras. Mudras are
pressure when closing the nostril. Do considered a separate part in yoga. The
not hold and keep breath. following are the 10 mudras according
Benefits : The digestive process (fire) is to the literature of Hathayoga: Maha
activated that helps metabolism. mudra, Maha bandha, Maha vedh,
Khechari, Uddiyaan, Muladharbandh,
Preparation to practice Pranayama Jalandhar bandha, Viparit karni,
• Expertise over asanas help effective Vajroliche sahajoli and Aamroli and
practice of pranayama. Shaktichalan.
• Body and mind should be totally Mudra are gestures formed by some
steady. part of the body. They guide the energy
• Breathing pattern should be calm flow to specific areas of the brain. They
and regular. are done in conjunction with breathing
• Do not practice pranayama where to increase the flow of Prana in the body.
the air is polluted. The practice of mudra develops a connect
• Pranayama should be practiced un- with the patterns of the brain that
der guidance of an expert. influence unconscious reflexes in the
different areas. The internal energy is
• Take care to avoid strain on breath-
balanced and redirected, creating an
ing, without a reason.
impact on the sensory organs, tendons
Mudra and glands veins.
Mudra is a Sanskrit word which is Classification of Mudras
expressed as happiness or joy (‘Mud’-
(1) Hand mudras : These mudras are
happiness, ‘da’- to give). Mudras are a
mainly used in the practice of
life enforcing invention in Yoga. Mudras
pranayama, dhyana and dharana.
are given an important place in Hath
The five fingers of the hand represent
yoga. The study and practice of mudras
the pancha mahabhoot. Thumb – sun
and bandhas help to experience the
/ fire, index finger – air, middle finger
effectiveness of Asanas and Pranayama.
– space, ring finger – earth, little
The practice of mudras can cause the
finger – water. Based on the
‘awakening of the kundalini’ – a life
imbalances in the constituents of the
force dormant and lying at the base of
body the mudras are used to keep the
the spine, leading to spiritual liberation.
body healthy. The outflow of body
The practice of Asanas and pranayama
energy is stopped through the practice
along with mudras and bandhas sensitizes
of mudras. Dhyan mudra, Bhairav
the individual and leads to the path of
mudra, Akash mudra, Vayu mudra,
Jal mudra, Hruday mudra are various
mudras performed by the hand.
Bhairav Mudra
Khechari Mudra
Akash Mudra
Kaki Mudra
Vayu Mudra
(3) Mudras using body position : Benefits :
Viparit karni, yoga mudra, Tadagi
• Maintains physical and mental
mudra, Manduki mudra, Ashwini
mudra, etc. balance.
• Specific body energy is gained
• Intellect is activated effectively
• Mental peace and internal happiness
is experienced
• Positive approach is imbibed
Manduki Mudra
Q.1. Fill in the blanks Q.2. Write answers
(1) ______are gestures formed by (1) Write any four names of Mudras.
some part of the body. (2) Explain and write a few lines on
(2) Yogasana make the body the concept of Yoga.
_____________. (3) Write any four benefits of
(3) Filling of the lungs with air is Mudras.
_____________. (4) What guidelines need to be
(4) Holding of the breath is followed while practicing
_______________. Asana.
Supplementary Studies :
1) Write information about one standing and one sitting asana not mentioned
in the text book.
2) Fill in the boxes. Mudra
5. Doping (Stimulants)
Performance enhancing drugs and To prevent such malpractices in the
their side effects field of sports, advanced high-tech
testing methods based on scientific
Drug Side effects methodologies have been introduced.
Kidney damage, liver For success in the field of sports there is
Anabolic a need for the right approach. To display
cancer, hair loss, low
steroid remarkable and legendary performances,
sperm count etc.
virtues of honesty, pride, fair play, team
Death caused due to spirit, team work, commitment and
heart failure courage needs to be fostered. Games are
played to experience true pleasure and
Elevated blood sugar recognise our unique potential. Players
levels, nausea, need to develop their natural sporting
Diuretics vomiting, diarrhoea, talents and enhance their performance.
dermatitis, lethargy, They need to stay away from the short
etc. cut route of doping.
Erythropoietin Highly increased red Supplement protein
(E.P.O) blood cell. The use of supplement protein powder
and creatine can also be a form of
Doping incidents in athletes doping. In India, many popular sports
(1) In 1986 an English cyclist died due persons, movie stars garner attention for
to over dose of Cocaine. their style and sophistication. A number
of popular sport stars and movie stars
(2) In 1986, American basketball player are known for their great looks and fit
Leonard Kevin Bias died due to body. In the craze to emulate them,
doping. teenagers who have just passed out from
(3) Professional footballer Don Rodgers school seek membership to gyms. They
died of excess doping. are in a hurry to look slim, well-shaped
(4) In 1988, Canadian sprinter Ben or muscular as per choice. Taking
Johnson was found guilty of doping. advantage of this express desire, most
His gold medal in the Seoul Olympics gyms have on sale supplements, protein
was taken back as he was proven powder and creatine which provide the
guilty for the use of anabolic steroids. gym great profit margins. Although
there is no great need for such
(5) In 1988 Seoul Olympics, Bulgarian supplementation for an average person,
weight lifter Angel Guenchev was masked information is given out to
banned from competitions for the increase the demand for these powder
use of diuretics. containers. Information on the natural
(6) 7 time cycling champion of ‘Tour de sources for pre work and post work out
France’, Lance Armstrong was found diet is not imparted in the gym. There
guilty for doping. is a misconceived notion created by the
gym trainers that the body will shape up
faster and better with such additions.
And people in a hurry to see quick results
end up spending huge amount of money
on such supplements.
For a toned and fit physique, the
body has to be trained over a period of
time consistently with a proper diet.
Only ingesting the artificial powder
forms of the food components, do not
get the body into shape. These instant
and express ways will backfire causing
damage to the body and health of the
individual. In extreme cases, the
individual can also risk losing one’s life.
However, over a period of time certain
supplements may be required depending
on the body’s response and metabolism.
But these should be consumed only after
consultation with a qualified doctor or
Misconception Reality
1. Consumption of supplement (protein 1. When not really necessary the intake
powder) can generate six pack abs. of supplements can lead to kidney
2. Use of supplements will help quick fat 2. Supplements used for weight loss pose
loss. a health hazard.
3. I am a sports person or I train regularly 3. High level sports performance depends
so it is necessary that I consume on proper training and wholesome
supplements or performance enhancing diet. A well-balanced diet is sufficient
drugs. for a person who exercises for fitness.
4. High level performing sport stars, 4. High level performing sport stars and
movie stars use dope to build and movie stars maintain fitness by
maintain their attractive physique. physically working out and modifying
their diet in consultation with a doctor.
Q.1. Write answers.
(1) What is doping ? What are the side effects of doping ?
(2) Write the names of some narcotics ?
(3) What are the misconceptions with regards to ingestion of supplements ?
(4) Complete the given table below.
Dope Side effects
Diuretic ...........................................
.......................................... Death caused due to heart failure
Erythropoietin (E.P.O) ........................................
.......................................... Kidney failure, liver cancer
Supplementary Study :
(1) Mention the names of sports personalities found guilty of doping and banned
from competing, in the format given below.
Sr. Sports personality Country Sport Competition Year
(2) Name two sports personalities who have won medals in the competition but had
to forfeit them having proven guilty of doping.
Sr. Sports personality Country Sport Competition Year
6. Injury Management
B) Bruises F) Punch
(2) Joint injuries C) Oblique fracture
A) Partial dislocation
Basic Position
D) Comminuted facture
B) Complete dislocation
G) Segmental fracture Goal of first aid
1. To help casualties
2. To reduce distress in them
3. To save life
Motive of first aid
To provide appropriate first help to
the victim or casualty before getting
access to a doctor or hospital.
Importance of first aid
Injuries from games or sports when In normal day to day life or in the life
of a sports person, accidents can take
appropriate care is not taken place. Every individual should be aware
Game Types of injuries of first aid and how it needs to be
imparted. Moreover, there is greater need
Tennis Injuries to elbow,
amongst the sports teachers, trainers and
knee, leg sports persons to generate awareness
Boxing Injuries to the face, about first aid.
brain and fingers Injury management
Diving Injuries to head 1. Soft tissue injury management and
Fencing Face injury rehabilitation.
Rest the injured body part.
Weight lifting Shoulder, back and
spine injury Place an ice pack on the injured
part for 20 to 30 minutes.
Throwing Injuries to shoulder
Do not massage the injured body
events and elbow
part for 48 hours.
Basket ball Fingers and shoulder Clean the wound and bandage it
injury to stop blood flow.
Rafting Injury to nerves Give cold compression to avoid
Horse riding Back and spine injury and reduce swelling.
Games on Injuries to hands and Use pain killer medicines or spray
ice, Kabaddi, legs to reduce pain.
Kho kho For support use safe and sturdy
Training for long durations or constant Visit the doctor for proper and
participation in competitions can cause complete treatment.
defect leading to injuries to the body. Give appropriate rehabilitation
First aid exercises for the injured part till
Many a times, players get injured full recovery and retrieval of
while playing or practicing. On such complete mobility.
occasions, expert help may not be at 2. Joints injury management and
hand and so, appropriate and immediate rehabilitation
remedial measures need to be taken.
If possible, reset the dislocated
This immediate remedial measure is first
joint with mild hands.
Keep the patient in restful position First ensure personal safety.
and avoid movement of injured Call out to the victim and check for
part. response.
Give cold compression to injured Call out to others for help.
part to reduce swelling.
Use or tie a support bandage to Dial 108 for ambulance.
injured joint and take to the doctor.
Evaluate the injury using
Arthroscopy or X-ray.
Plaster the joint for a duration as
prescribed by the doctor.
Get operated if required.
Perform prescribed exercises for
recovery and strengthening of
muscles around the injured joint. Arousing Calling for help
3. Bone injury management and Check breathing
Examine if victim is breathing
Stop movement of the injured part.
If victim is not breathing kneel down
Support the injured bone with flat to his side.
wooden scale or object. Tilt the head backwards.
Immediately take injured person Raise the chin upwards.
to hospital.
Wipe and clean mouth to clear the
Examine the position and type of
breathing pathway.
fracture using bone scan or X-ray.
Realign the broken bone through
Plaster the affected area for a
duration as prescribed by the
Under the direction of the doctor,
include movements and regular
isometric exercises as prescribed.
Checking for breath Raising chin
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
Chest compression at the rate 100 per
Note : minute
CPR is an emergency lifesaving first Spread and keep left hand palm on
aid method. Before using this technique the centre of the chest
take the guidance of experts having Place right hand palm over the left
in-depth knowledge and training hand and interlock fingers between
Try to arouse the victim, call for them. Bend over the victim from the
help. waist and without bending at the
elbow give chest compression 4-5 cm
The chest compression should be at
the rate of 100 per minute.
After every compression release the
pressure on chest to allow previous
position enabling blood flow towards
the heart.
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7. Modern Technology - Activism
Loss due to
screen time imbalance
on eyes
Game - 1
materialistic advancement is being made
by leaps and bounds.
To really enjoy the benefits of
changing technology for convenience
and ease to use, it is necessary to adhere
to certain limits. Given below are certain
rules that can be followed. Think about
Game - 2 Rule 1 : Using of computer/ mobile/
TV as per time pre decided by
Screen time and physical activeness parents.
Screen time refers to the time spent Rule 2 : Continuous use of computer or
in front of TV, computer, mobile and mobile for not more than 20-
video games. Children with longer screen 30 minutes.
time spend very minimal time engaging Rule 3 : Maintaining proper body
in physical activity. This increased posture by keeping the spine
inactivity deforms the physique, reduces erect and having the mobile or
muscle strength and increases an influx computer at an appropriate
of diseases. A variety of studies have distance from the eye.
also concluded that, increased screen
Rule 4 : Spending minimum 1 hour for
time is a reason for obesity among
physical activities like cycling,
swimming or playing.
In fact, with the use of technology
mankind is making progress. However, Rule 5 : Using mobile or computer for
not limiting the use of technology will gaining new knowledge rather
weaken mankind physically, although than for social networking and
playing games.
Let’s resolve to follow all these rules Remember : we should at least walk
and increase physical activity along 10,000 to 12,000 steps every day.
with the use of modern technology.
Technology and Activism Some useful mobile applications :
The world of modern technology and A. Google fit
the day to day advancement in technology B. Samsung health
has brought drastic changes to routine
activities like using a mobile phone to C. Nike plus
talk, listen to music, watch videos, buy D. Run keeper
and sell items, etc. Technology has
E. Fitness builder
influenced daily life of mankind in a
large way but this technology can also (2) Wearable smart devices : Apparel
be used to keep oneself active. Let’s that provide details of vitals while
identify the technologies that can help, performing exercise are called as
to stay active. wearable smart devices e. g. Smart
(1) Mobile - Fitness application : Smart wrist watch. To make use of these
phones have made many things easy devices their related app is to be
in life. Some applications in them download to the mobile.
can be used to track intensity of
A. Smart Wrist watch : Nowadays,
exercise done, the duration of
wrist watches are available which
exercise, etc. and so increasing the
gives us information about our
awareness about staying active.
fitness, let alone time. e.g. duration
of exercise, calories burnt, etc.
Calorie Also, alarms and reminders alert
the user for remaining sedentary
for long time.
Weekly Duration of
work out B. Smart Rope : This skipping rope
summary of
Distance of
Heart rate C. Smart Shoes : Special technology
is used to make these shoes. The
electronic devices fixed in the
Sleep time shoes provides complete data of
your work out on your smart
Mobile fitness application
D. Smart Socks/gloves : These socks virtual games. The technology
and gloves, like the shoes gather generates a virtual image of the
data on the duration of time spend opponent. The equipment’s used
actively or the intensity of the like badminton racquet, cricket
exercises performed. bat or ball, table tennis bat, etc.
are made using special
E. Smart Shorts : Instead of the
technologies that are movement
regular shorts, these shorts have
a chip that saves the data about sensitive.
the exercise program onto the All the movements used in actual play
smart phone. on the ground are required while playing
F. Virtual games : Now a days, the virtual games. Therefore, these games
people prefer playing on a mobile provide a good opportunity to stay active
or the computer. As a remedial
to overcome this problem,
companies have introduced
o es
Benefits of exercising with modern Information of exercise can be easily
technology : shared in friend circles.
Supplementary Studies :
(1) Measure and compare your screen time and activity time for a week.
(2) Make your own rules for self to limit the use of technological gadgets,
mobile and computer.
8. Career Opportunities in Sports
Supplementary Studies :
(1) Take an interview of sports person working in government services as staff
/officer and prepare notes.
(2) Record an interview of sports equipment retailer and keep in your collection.
9. Various Games
1. Wrestling 1. Baseball
2. Wushu 2. Cricket
3. Judo 3. Softball
4. Karate 4. Carrom
5. Boxing 5. Squash
6. Kickboxing 6. Montexball
7. Sikai martial arts
8. Fencing 5. Target Games
9. Unifight 1. Archery
10. Teng Su-do
2. Rifle shooting
11. Kudo
12. Mallakhamb 6. Lifting games
13. Ashte do Akhada
1. Weightlifting
14. Taekwondo
2. Powerlifting
7. Tag games 8. Other games
1. Kho-Kho 1. Athletics
2. Atya Patya 2. Swimming
3. Dodgeball 3. Gymnastics
4. Yoga
5. Chess
6. Modern pentathlon
7. Skating
8. Cycling (Track & Road)
10. Various Sports Competitions
Q.1 Answer in one sentence. (8) In which year was the first
national games conducted?
(1) In which year was the first
modern Olympics conducted? Q.2 Answer in one sentence.
(2) Who is known as the father of a) The first modern Olympics was
modern Olympics? held in the city of _______.
(3) In which year was the Indian b) The headquarters of the
Olympic Association International Olympic
established? Committee is in ________.
(4) What is the motto of the Olympic c) The first Asian games was
Games? conducted in the year _____.
(5) Who is the founder of the Asian
d) The Commonwealth Games
games competitions?
were conducted in India in the
(6) What is the total number of year _________.
nations that participate in the
e) The 2018 inaugural Khelo India
Commonwealth Games?
Youth Games was conducted in
(7) In which year was the first South ______________.
Asian Games organized?
Supplementary Study :
(1) List the different games and disciplines that are included in the modern
Olympics games.
(2) Write the player's information in the picture below.
Success Stories of Sportsmen
2. Leander Paes
3. Karnam
4. Rajvardhan Singh
5. Abhinav Bindra
6. Sushil Kumar
7. Vijender Singh
8. Vijay Kumar
9. Yogeshwar Dutt
13. P. V. Sindu
Physical Fitness
• Training Methods : Circuit Training, Weight Training, Plyometric Training,
Fartlek Training, Obstacle course, Aerobics / Zumba, ABC Drills, etc.
Suggestions : While practicing these training methods, one should know the
number of sets, order of rotations, relaxation between two sets, intensity, variety,
complexity and integration of the two exercises accordingly.
• In addition to the ‘Asanas’ provided in the textbook, at least five ‘Asanas’
should be practiced in sitting position, standing position, supine and prone
4 position.
• Pranayama : Practice Anulom vilom Pranayama.
• The Kapalbhati postures given in textbook should be practiced.
Activities (At least one of the given activities should be completed in each
• Bicycle trip
• Keeping records of physical activity with the help of a fitness app. (At least
seven days)
• Exhibition of sports equipment (in picture format, replica or actual sports
equipment, etc.)
5 • List the various exercise equipment. Try new exercises using different
• Conducting a sports quiz.
• Visit a sports complex and record the sports facilities available there.
• Conduct inter class competitions of any one sport at school on the basis of
the Premier League. (e.g. player auctions, team owners, team managers,
coaches, etc.)
• Set and achieve a goal of performing mass level ‘Suryanamaskar’
IMPORTANT NOTE : The practice of any sports skill, physical activity, or field play
etc. should be done only under the guidance of experts.
Below is a list of some sports websites, to help which you explore more by visiting
your favorite sports websites.
1. Various competition web sites 2. Websites for various sports league events
• पाठ्यपुस्तक मंडळाची
वैशिष्ट्यपूर्ण पाठ्येत्तर
• नामवंत लेखक, कवी,
विचारवंत यांच्या
साहित्याचा समावेश.
• शालेय स्तरावर पूरक
वाचनासाठी उपयुक्त.