Assessment For Learning 1

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Core course 4(cc 4)

Assessment for learning

Task- 1
Study and Compare the implementation of
CCA of different school boards.


CLASS: sy B.ED sem iii (2023-2024)
This is to certify that SHILPA KAUSHIK
GANGANI of the class S.Y.B.Ed. Sem III (2023-
2024) has successfully completed the Task /
Activity / Test / Case study / Project work of
the subject CORE COURSE 4 (CC 4)
ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING on the topic/title
Study and Compare the implementation of
CCA of different school boards.

Principal sign and stamp

Task 1:

Study and Compare the implementation of CCA of

different school boards.



Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) refers to a system of school

based evaluation of student that covers all aspects of student development. It is a
developmental process of student which emphasizes on two fold objectives. These
objectives are continuity in evaluation and assessment of broad based learning and
behavioural outcomes on the other.

The term ‘continuous’ is meant to emphasise that evaluation of identified aspects

of students ‘growth and development’ is a continuous process rather than an
event, built into the total teaching-learning process and spread over the entire span
of academic session. It means regularity of assessment, frequency of unit testing,
diagnosis of learning gaps, use of corrective measures, retesting and feedback of
evidence to teachers and students for their self evaluation.

The second term ‘comprehensive’ means that the scheme attempts to cover both
the scholastic and the co-scholastic aspects of the students ‘growth and
development. Since abilities, attitudes and aptitudes can manifest themselves in
forms other than the written word, the term refers to application of variety of tools
and techniques (both testing and non-testing) and aims at assessing a learner’s
development in areas of learning.

The ‘comprehensive’ component of CCE takes care of assessment of all round

development of the child’s personality. It includes assessment in Scholastic as
well as Co-Scholastic aspects of the pupil’s growth.

Scholastic aspects include subject specific areas, whereas Co-Scholastic aspects

include Life Skills, Co-Curricular Activities, Attitudes and Values.

Assessment in Scholastic areas is done informally and formally using multiple

techniques of evaluation continually and periodically. The diagnostic evaluation
takes place at the end of unit/term as a test. The causes of poor performance in
some units are diagnosed using diagnostic tests. These are followed with
appropriate interventions followed by retesting Assessment in Co-Scholastic areas
is done using multiple techniques on the basis of identified criteria, while assessment
in Life Skills is done on the basis of Indicators of Assessment and Checklists


Formative Assessment is a tool used by the teacher to continuously monitor student

progress in a non-threatening, supportive environment. It involves regular descriptive
feedback, a chance for the student to reflect on the performance, take advice and
improve upon it. It involves the students’ being an essential part of assessment from
designing criteria to assessing self or peers. If used effectively, it can improve student
performance tremendously while raising the self-esteem of the child and reducing the
work load of the teacher.

Formative Assessment is carried out during a course of instruction for providing

continuous feedback to both the teachers and the learners. It discontinuous and
Comprehensive Evaluation.

Summative Assessment is carried out at the end of a course of learning. It measures

or ‘sums-up’ how much a student has learned from the course. It is usually a graded
test, i.e., it is marked according to a scale or a setoff grades. Assessment that is
predominantly of summative nature will not by itself be able to yield a valid measure of
the growth and development of the student. It can only certify the level of achievement
at a given point of time.

The paper pencil tests are basically a one-time mode of assessment and to exclusively
rely on it to decide about the development of a student is not only unfair but also
Overemphasis on examination marks focussing on only scholastic aspects makes
children assume that assessment is different from learning, resulting in the ‘learn and
forget’ syndrome. Besides encouraging unhealthy competition, the overemphasis on
Summative Assessment system also produces enormous stress and anxiety among
the learners.


The comprehensive component of CCE takes care of assessment of all round

development of the child’s personality. It includes assessment in scholastic and co-
scholastic aspects in pupils’ growth. Students will be evaluated both in scholastic and
non-scholastic areas.

1. As per the new pattern, students will be assessed in two areas - Scholastic and

For assessment of the scholastic areas, the academic year is divided in two terms
and two types of tests will be conducted to assess the academic subjects as given in
Table 1 below.
Term wise weight age
Each term to have 2 formative assessments and one summative assessment in
each subject.

Six assessments are proposed:

Class Term1 (April – September) Term-2 (October – March)

I-X FA1 FA2 SA-1 Total FA3 FA4 SA2 Total

10% 10% 30% 50% 10% 10% 30% 50%

Total Formative Assessments (FA) = FA1+ FA2 + FA3 +FA4 = 40%

Summative Assessments (SA) = SA1+ SA2 = 60%
Total = 60+40 = 100%

Formative Assessment and Summative Assessment in

CBSE board

 Formative Assessment  Summative Assessment

Comprises of

 Classwork  Includes term end examination:

 Homework
 Oral questions Half early and final exam
 Quizzes
 Projects
 Assignments/tasks

Formative assessment

The formative assessment is a tool for a teacher to continuously monitor the progress
of a student. The assessment (in secondary) may include quizzes, conversations, oral
testing, visual testing, projects, practical, assignments, class test, class-work,
homework etc. The teacher is free to take any number of formative tests in his/her
subject during the year but only four formative tests will be taken into account in each
subject. Performance of the students will be reflected in grades.

In primary classes the formative tests will be in the form of –Dictation, oral test, class
test, home work, class work, assignments & projects (III to V), Memory test, Story
telling, Quiz (III to V), Elocution (III to V) or any other tool found suitable by the teacher.
The formative tests are purely informal, however, the teachers will inform the date and
time of test beforehand. These tests will be taken in the regular periods only.

Summative Assessment

The Summative assessment is the terminal assessment of performance at the end of

instruction. Under the end term Summative assessment, the students will be tested
internally. The Summative assessment will be in the form of a pen-paper test
conducted by the schools themselves. It will be conducted at the end of each term
twice in a year. The schedule for the same is given below.

Tests Classes Dates/ Months Syllabus

Formative Assessment - I to X April and June April to Sept.

1 (FA-1) (First Term)

Formative Assessment - I to X July and August

2 (FA- 2)

Summative I to X 3rd week of

assessment-1 (SA-1) September

Formative Assessment - I to X Oct, Nov and Dec Oct to March

3 (FA-3) (Second

Formative Assessment - I to X Jan and Feb

4 (FA- 4)

Summative I to X March
Assessment-2 (SA-2)

Grading system
All assessment with regard to the academic status of the students shall be done in
marks and overall assessment will be given in grades in 9 point scale in secondary
(classes IX & X), 7 point scale for middle school (classes VI to VIII) and 5 point scale
for primary (classes I to V). The report cards will carry the grades only.
The performance of the students in the primary classes will also be shown in GRADES
(5 point scale) as per previous practice. The grades will be given on the basis of
performance of the students in all the 6 tests. The new grading system is given below
in Table-3.

Primary classes (5 point scale) Table 3 (a)

Grade – 1 Outstanding A* 90% to 100 %

Grade – 2 Excellent A 75% to 89 %
Grade – 3 Very Good B 56% to 74 %
Grade – 4 Good C 35% to 55 %
Grade – 5 Can Do Better D Below 35 %
Secondary classes (9 point scale) Table 3 (b)

Marks Grade Grade Points


91 – 100 A1 10.0
81 – 90 A2 9.0
71 – 80 B1 8.0
61 – 70 B2 7.0
51 – 60 C1 6.0
41 – 50 C2 5.0
33 – 40 D 4.0
21 – 32 E1 -
20 and below E2 -


The S.S.C. is designed to provide an examination in C.C.E pattern (Continuous

Comprehensive Evaluation), through the medium of English. Candidates for the
examination will be required to have completed satisfactorily courses in languages, Art
and Craft, Physical Education, Moral and Spiritual Values and Socially Useful and
Productive Work. These are assessed internally by the school and their results will
count towards the award of the final progress report.


 Formative Assessment  Summative Assessment

Comprises of
 Class tests/open book tests  Includes term end examination:
 Homework / activities
 Oral tests/surprise tests Half yearly and final examination
 Elocution , quiz
 Projects (Contributed from Oral exams, practical
 Practicals / experiments exams and Written exams.)
 extra-curricular activities

Total assessment= FA1 (20%) + SA1 (80%) = 100% &

FA2 (20%) +SA2 (80%) =100%

Marathi is taught from Class 1. Hindi from class 3, Art, Craft, Physical Training, outdoor
games, yoga and activities are compulsory for all.

Candidates are declared successful if they reach a prescribed minimum aggregate of

marks in all subjects as per C.C.E pattern. The students who pass standard 10th
standard are certified from state board and are eligible for admission to the H.S.C. or
Diploma stream.

Results of the examination are recorded in the progress report which should be signed
by the parent/guardian and returned the very next day.

Students with less than 70% attendance are liable to be disqualified from appearing for
the final examination.

The annual report card of a student will contain grades in place of marks, but a student
with an E grade — the lowest — instead of being failed, will be promoted to the higher
class, but will need mandatory remedial training. SSC results are taken from best
five of six subjects (out of which English marks is compulsory)


The Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE) is an examination conducted

by the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations, a private, non-
governmental board of school education in India, for class 10, i.e., grade 10. It has
been designed to provide an examination in a course of general education, in
accordance with the recommendations of the New Education Policy 1986 (India),
through the medium of English. It was affiliated to French Board of Examination before
1986. The marking scheme of ICSE (CISCE Class 10) is given below:

Group 1 is Compulsory for all

Subjects in ICSE Class VIII

English Second Language – Hindi / Mathematics


History, Civics and Science Computer Studies

Geography (Physics, Chemistry,
Environmental Science

Students are also offered lessons in Indian Music, Indian Dance, Western Music,
Yoga, and Art & Drama.

Subjects in ICSE Class VIII

The following subjects are offered for external examination
at the end of Class X:
Group I
Group I Group II Group III
(Compulsory) (Compulsory) (Any one of the
following subjects)
English Mathematics Computer Applications

Second Language – Hindi Science Art

/ (Physics, Chemistry and
French Biology)

History, Civics and Environmental Science Physical Education

Technical Drawing

As part of the ICSE programme, students are also required to undertake ‘Socially
Useful Productive Work’ (SUPW).

This makes for a total of eight to eleven papers, depending on the subjects.

Grade Standards
A Very Good
B Good
C Fair
D Satisfactory
E Unsatisfactory

Grade E is the fail grade and candidates awarded this grade will not be eligible for the
award of a Pass Certificate.


ICSE schools also follow a continuous and comprehensive evaluation in which

there are
2 formatives and 2 summative
FA1 (20) + SA2 (80) = 100%
FA2 (20) + SA2 (80) = 100%


Oral and Listening Problem solving, Written Written
Comprehension, MCQ Data assignments - assignments -
Prepared Speech, handling MCQ, Descriptive short and long
Conversation or and analysis • Experimental answers
Dialogue. work which may
involve one or • Commentaries
Investigative more of Setting
Written Projects experiments, • Source based
assignments Making analysis
- Short, Long, observations,
Question-Answers, Math lab activities Handling data, • Projects
Creative Writing, Making deductions -investigative,
Reports and Working informative,
Models including safely. deductive,
Origami etc. • Planning or analytical
Newspaper Research Designing
Articles, Diary projects and experiments to • Research
Entries, Poetry Etc. presentations collect data or to
Speeches- Group investigate • Group work -
Debates, projects properties, laws, projects,
Oratory, Recitation phenomena, etc. Presentations
Etc. • Research which
Peer assignment could be • Models and
investigate or charts
Research projects information
which involve Presentations gathering • Presentations
-Information including the use of and deducing including the use of
Gathering, IT • Group work - IT
Deductive research
Reasoning or experimental • Open book test
• Contextual
research • Secondary
Projects Sources
Analysis and Peer assignment
Synthesis and a • Presentations • Comparison and
presentation using including the use of Contrast
a variety of forms IT
including the use of
the IT (Pair • Science Quiz
work/group work) • Seminar
• Symposium
• Field Tour
• Class Response
• Model Making

This is an overall assessment of the student performance which is done at the end of
the term/academic year. This is done for grading or certification. At the end of the year
Average of all formative tests & semesters are calculated.



Nature Of This is the state This is a state ICSE is the name
board of Delhi and board syllabus. It of the exam
Board the board followed differs from state conducted by
by Kendriya to state. Council for the
Vidyalayas. It's Indian School
based on the Certificate
syllabus set by the Examinations.

Medium Of English and Hindi English Hindi Only English

Instruction Urdu Gujarati etc.

Quality Of No Errors/ No Lot of errors and Less mistakes and

Printing Mistakes mistakes errors
Content in Textbooks’are as compared to
good. SSC board.

CCE It removes the It follows marking It follows grading

marking system system and grades system for
and introduces cocurricular curricular and co
grading system activities. curricular
based on a series activities.
of curricular and

No Of FA1+ FA2 + FA3 FA1 (20%) + SA1 FA1 (20)+

+FA4 (80%) SA2(80)=
Formative And = 40% = 100% & 100%
Assessments (SA) = SA1+ SA2 FA2 (20%) +SA2 FA2(20)+
= 60% (80%) SA2(80)= 100%
40+60=100 =100%
Curriculum & CBSE curriculum State Board Curriculum is
is curriculum designed in
Syllabus geared towards promotes rote such a way that
developing learning and does students develop
student’s not give enough thorough
application skills importance to knowledge about
and problem application and various concepts
solving abilities. critical thinking. and topics, both
Once a particular content and
concept is taught, application
students are wise. Practical and
tested on the lab work is given a
concept using lot of importance.
Extracurricular This varies from This varies from Curriculum is
school to school. school to school. known togive a lot
Activities There are many Some schools give of importance to
CBSE schools that equal importance extracurricular
give a lot of to extracurricular activities.
importance to activities and The board
extracurricular academics while believes in giving
activities while some schools give students an all
there are many very little rounded education
others that strictly importance to and students are
focus only on activities that are exposed to all
studies. Some elite not academic kinds of activities,
schools may have oriented ranging from
better facilities and academic oriented
training for such as project
extracurricular works, debates,
activities competitions to
other activities
such as sports,
drama, arts and
Quality Of The quality of Most schools Since most CICSE
teachers in India presently do not schools charge a
Teachers has gone down have good quality hefty fee, you can
considerably due teachers esp. expect the
to most students government teachers to be
belonging to the schools but one well qualified and
younger can find good trained for their
generation teachers in private job.
preferring to join schools.
the IT workforce
where the salary
and other
prospects are way
better than what
teaching jobs
offer in India.
schools have

Examination CBSE has made SSC has made While ICSE has
class X board compulsory its not made its class
Nature: examination class x X examination
optional wherein examination. optional yet.
students have the However, class XII
option if he or board exam is
she will write the not optional in
exam or otherwise either of the
be graded. boards.

Grade System: CBSE students of No grading system In ICSE, the

class IX and X are in main subjects grading system
evaluated on a 9- but has grades in ranges from 1 to 9,
point grading co curricular In Socially Useful
system namely A1, subjects Productive Work
A2, B1, B2, C1, and Community
C2, D, E1 and E2, Service which
A1 being the is internally
highest and E2 the assessed, the
lowest. Each assessment shall
grade is based on be made by
both formative grades A, B, C, D
and summative or E.

Qualifying In CBSE, the pass In SSC 35% is .While in ICSE,

mark of each passing 35% and 40% are
Marks subject is 33%. marks the pass marks for
But in a subject class X and XII
involving practical respectively.
work, a student
must secure 33%
marks in the
and 33% marks in
the practical
separately in
addition to 33%
marks in
aggregate so as to
pass in that
particular subject.
Subjects With the change in SSC offers limited Compared to
its pattern, CBSE subjects. It offers CBSE, ICSE
Offered too have variety in language provides a lot of
introduced several selection and more subjects to
new subjects to basic maths or the choose from. In
opt for such as regular maths. ICSE, some of the
Mass Media, subjects which
Music, students can opt
Environmental for are
Studies and Environmental
Carpentry. Education,
Technical Drawing
Visual Art, Yoga
and other
performing arts
including Drama,
Indian Music,
Western Music,
Indian Dance; and
Personal, Social
and Health

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