Conclusion 156
Glossary 157
Index 167
Chapter 1
nondestructive testing. Its major difficulty is that the test object must
ferromagnetic materials.
test and to recognize those areas exhibiting doubtful test results that
including those too small or too tight to be seen with the unaided
size, type and shape; the strength of the applied field; and the type of
and perpendicular to the test object's axis. Objects with large cross
Personnel Qualifications
4. Process controls.
magnetized when part or all of its atomic elements have their north
use compasses built with lodestone, charged iron needles and other
4. Sequence of operations.
Wet Particles
Particle size distributions for both wet and dry tests.are important
Dry Particles
For dry tests, very fine particles that move slowly in the air may
better build up for flat and horizontal prod and yoke techniques.
high volume small test objects with automatic detectors and critical
Longitudinal Fields
around the test object. The magnetic field is greatest at the surface of
each line of the coil. Thus, the test object should be placed near the
inner diameter of the wrapped coil.
Field Direction
Field Strength
bar. When the energized yoke is placed on a test object, the flux
flowing from the yoke's north pole through the test object to the
However, the magnetic field produced by the yoke does not lie
Principles of Demagnetization
the magnetizing current is shut off. The strength of the residual field
itself, the polarity of the induced magnetic field also reverses with
each reversal of the current. As the test object is withdrawn from the
coil, the magnetic field becomes weaker the further the test object is
still in the influence of the magnetic field, the test object may still
Chapter 4
not penetrate very deeply below the surface of the material, some
test objects.
initial value. The direction of the current is then reversed, the current
value reduced and a magnetizing shot is given at the new value. This
in a large coil, the test object should be placed close to the inside
Efficiency of Demagnetization
conditions apply.
. N is!
I. .
s l i IN
test object.
retentivity is low.
3. Degree of automation.
5. Amperage required.
9. Accessories required.
Purpose of Test
Chapter 5
test equipment.
Figure 5.1. Location and nature of test object, size and test methods
all are factors that determine whether or not the equipment will be
brought to the test object, the test object will be brought to the
output light
Particles Used
value selector
Circuit breaker
Direct current
output lug
of intermediate size is shown in Figure 5.2. The unit has two contact
contain a coil used for longitudinal magnetization. The coil and one
contact head are movable on rails. The other contact head is fixed;
the contact plate on it, being air cylinder operated, provides a means
for clamping the test object. The unit has a self contained power
tank with pump, agitation and circulating system for wet testing
media is located beneath the head and coil mounting rails. A hand
hose with nozzle is provided for applying the bath. On special units,
machining or welding.
the test object. For ferromagnetic metals, this includes the initial
and casting into the final shape. They will be found in the final
1. Ingot pipe.
2. Ingot cracks.
3. Nonmetallic inclusions.
4. Blow holes.
1. Seams.
2. Laminations.
3. Cupping.
4. Cooling cracks.
5. Forging flakes.
Chapter 6
6. Forging bursts.
7. Forging laps.
This can happen in a single cycle and is called single cycle fatigue
may be locally overloaded and start a crack that propagates from the
interior of the test object to the exterior. These internal cracks may
testing techniques.
Chapter 13.
metal from its ore to the last finishing operation, may introduce
Chapter 7
effect each has on the results that will be attained. The following
these currents.
Magnetic Domains
c.. __'
the magnetic field strength is first reversed and only a small amount
point C, the magnetic flux changes its polarity and initially increases
flux density again lags the magnetic field strength, leaving residual
magnetism from the straight and reversed polarities are equal (O,Bis
Figure 7.4: Hysteresis data for unmagnetized steel: (a) virgin curve of a hysteresis loop;
(b) hysteresis loop showing residual magnetism; (c) hysteresis loop showing coercive
force; (d) hysteresis loop showing reverse magnetism; (e) hysteresis loop showing reverse
D -"'---
Reverse Bmagnetization
B+ B+
H- H+ H-
Coercive force
/ Saturation
Zero magnetic \
Residual magnetism
Residual magnetism
saturation point
Reverse residual
Removal of the reversed polarity residual magnetism requires
Magnetic Permeability
ratio between the flux density and the magnetic field strength
permeability material.
'0 --------~-----------
removal. Figure 7.6b is the hysteresis loop for annealed low carbon
Magnetic Particle Testing Classroom Training Book
hysteresis loop.
(a) (b)
that the most desirable current for magnetization was direct current
current, half wave direct current and full wave direct current. The
terms half wave rectified direct current and full wave rectified direct
wave and full wave direct current. Three types of electric current are
1. Alternating current.
Alternating Current
Chapter 8
Flux Fields
cycles. One hertz equals one cycle per second, and 60 Hz is sixty
The curve is symmetrical, with the positive and negative lobes being
mirror images.
The shallow penetration of alternating current fields into the test
outward and away from the test object center. The skin effect is the
top of the sine wave of the cycle, is 1.41 times that of the current
Direct Current
maximum at the surface to zero at the center of the bar in the case of
direct current penetrate deeper into a test object than fields produced
discontinuities possible.
they happen to land on the surface of the test object. This contrasts
same time increasing current at about the same ratio. Exceptions are
direct current for magnetizing test objects are obtained from single
phase systems or from one phase of three phase systems. Full wave
direct currents are usually obtained from three phase systems using
using dry powder and the continuous method. The pulsations of the
half wave current vibrate the magnetic particles, thereby aiding their
pure direct current is used. There is some skin effect when half wave
Figure 8.2 shows the waveform for half wave direct current.
maximum point, drop back to zero and then pause until the next
Magnetic Particle Testing Classroom Training Book
Alternating _
current input
positive cycle begins. The result is a varying current that flows only
in one direction.
single phase full wave direct current. Half wave current has a flux
current and the deeper penetration of half wave direct current cause
incomplete demagnetization.
Single phase full wave direct current has essentially the same
penetrating ability as three phase full wave direct current. The
Time --o
current output
direct current equipment is much less than that of three phase full
all three alternating current phases and inverts the negative flow to a
1/60 2/60
Three phase full wave direct current has all of the advantages of
single phase full wave direct current, plus some additional benefits.
The current draw on the power line is spread over three phases,
reducing the demand by nearly half. The demand on the line is also
Chapter 9
and shapes to produce optimum results for the intended use. The
smallest particles are more easily attracted to and held by the low
liquid media. Dry powders are available in various colors so the user
can select the color that contrasts best with the color of the surfaces
Colors for use with ordinary visible light are red, gray, black or
yellow. Red and black colored particles are available for use in wet
Wetting agents and rust inhibitors must be used with water wet
the test objects have an oily film, more wetting agent is required so
that the test object's surfaces will be completely wetted and covered
with the bath. Breaking of the bath into rivulets as it is applied over
for the correct quantity of wetting agent. No additives other than the
bulb squeezing and tossing of the powder toward the area being
air. One such device has the gun integrated with the powder
the gun controls the discharge of the powder and air mixture and the
blow off air. More elaborate production systems have been built
retentivity of the test object being tested and the desired sensitivity
have been magnetized using the induced current method, while the
it may be necessary to apply the liquid media (bath) while the test
Test objects having fine grinding cracks may require this technique.
Test objects made of low retentivity steels must have wet method
media applied while they are being magnetized. Test objects that
have smooth machined surfaces will need extra care when handled
ferromagnetic test object, the field within the test object rises to a
the test object is always less than the field present while the
media stream is turned off or diverted from the test object before the
magnetic pulse ends. This allows the test object to be covered with a
the bath stream will not interfere with the formation of indications.
Maintaining the magnetizing field for a short time after the bath
stream ceases allows time for magnetic particle indications to form,
more attention and alertness on the part of the technician than does
swept with the bath spray. The magnetizing field is maintained for
1 to 2 s after the final spray has ceased or been diverted. This latter
acting while the magnetic particles are applied. When the current is
on, maximum flux density will be created in the test object for the
current being used, the current is actually left on, sometimes for
the zone and free to move while the magnetizing current flows. The
bath ingredients are selected and formulated so that the particles can
and do move through the film of liquid on the surface of the test
object and form strong, readable indications. This is one reason why
Many methods are used to apply wet bath magnetic particles. The
particles are applied to test objects after the test objects have been
magnetized. The residual method is used only when test objects are
that exist while the test object is being magnetized, as when the
Care must be taken in the handling of test objects that have been
only weakly magnetized test objects, and others, being more difficult
field strength results when the magnetization level within the test
tested using the residual method. Any object to be tested using this
object can lift and hold an ordinary paper clip, the test object is
retentive enough for residual testing. If the test object will not hold a
paper clip, the use of the residual method can be ruled out.
using the immersion method, particularly with test objects that have
that will allow residual bath drainage to flow across the suspected
taken in the case of wet media to ensure that test objects are
may need a longer drain time than others because indications may be
considerable time. This gives the leakage fields time to attract and
sensiti vity.
taken when applying dry magnetic powders to test objects that have
The use of dry powder with the residual method has several
object can be a problem, particularly when the test object has not
(transverse) cracks.
Field Direction
probability of detection.
for this purpose, but these methods or devices have all been limited
test object using rules of thumb and past experience. The actual test
through the probe or sensor at right angles. Placing the probe on the
test object surface merely indicates the flux at that point and does
not measure the field in the test object surface. Some attempt has
been made to cut slots or drill holes in critical areas of sample test
1.9 to
_l_ [==1J[~~c~o~pp~e~r=Sh=i:::::m~=:::::L
objects and then insert the probe. This greatly improves the
of the magnetizing force through the indicator, rather than the field
These form strings in a leakage field and bridge the area over the
surface cracks that are not exceedingly fine, but, as shown in the
using the same unhardened tool steel ring, shown in Figure 9.3,
indicates that the dry method is superior to the wet method for this
'Nonferrous trunions
0.8 cm
)\.9 em
6 + C'j
2.2 em
current is selected for use with the wet method to get the advantage
surface of test objects of all sizes and shapes. Dry powder is often
used for very local tests that are comparatively large in size.
conductor that passes through the test object. The circular field
around the inside of the test object will be wholly contained within
the path of the current flow is not located on the test object's
geometric axis.
small portion of the magnetic flux that passes out of the test object
and into the air that surrounds the test object. The no-pole condition
flowing and after current flow ceases. The test object is thus
object is cut, such as when a keyway is made, some of the field will
pass out and over the cut producing opposite magnetic poles on each
side of the cut. Such poles can hold chips or metal that can interfere
be taken.
Direct Contact
clamping heads. Lead face plates or copper braid pads must be used
juncture. This means contact surfaces must be clean and free of paint
good contact over a sufficient area of the test surface. Any excessive
heating at the contact points may bum the test object, affecting its
Central Conductor
such as a copper bar or cable, placed in the center of the test object
good current contact at each end. Either the central conductor or the
located close to the inside surface and several tests made around the
Amperage Requirements
3. The test object's size, shape and cross sectional area through
1.3 em (0.5 in.) long by 0.6 em (0.25 in.) wide by 0.03 em (0.01 in.)
thick. A 0.008 ern (0.003 in.) square slot is cut across the 0.6 em
area on the test object with the slotted side firmly against the test
indicator could develop a greater field strength than the test object
with the slot readily indicated but with insufficient field strength in
placed against the test object and the test object is magnetized with
off its zero position until near maximum material saturation has been
Since the leakage fields are a part of the field generated by the
magnetizing current, greater magnetizing current will produce
Too low amperage may produce leakage fields too weak to form
Testing Media
but also by the kind of magnetic particle testing media, its control
Wet method media, because of their smaller particle sizes, are the
sensitivity than do those used with ordinary light, such as the blacks
and reds. The fluorescent indications are more easily and quickly
automatic wet method testing in which the main bath stream is shut
-..-----.---.--~-..-.. --------
61Magnetic Particle Testing Classroom Training Book
selected, how carefully it is applied and its color. Most powders are
made for general use, and have a wide mix of particle sizes to favor
the best color contrast with the color of the surface on which it is
test object through which electric current is flowing will vary with
the current amperage. The greater the amperage, the greater will be
this magnetizing force. Inside the test object, just under the point on
the surface, the magnetic flux density will be the product of this
Direct Contact
given test object, particularly when the test object has a complicated
shape. Except for some special alloys and cast irons, the use of
1000 A per inch of diameter will usually ensure more than enough
Central Conductor
the test object's size and the diameter of the opening through which
strongest flux field being present at the surface inside the central
conductor's hole.
as possible to the inside diameter of the hole of the test object. Use
Eq. 9.1 to determine the number of times the test object must be
(Dp 7r)
Eq.9.1 S = ( )
where Dp is the diameter of the test object (inner diameter for central
magnetic poles, north and south, at the extreme ends of the test
magnetizing and testing because much of the leakage flux from the
pole ends is not parallel with the test object surface. This reduces the
Coil Shot
particle testing unit. The test object may be laid on the bottom inside
of the coil where the field is strongest, or the test object may be
supports are provided on some testing units for long, heavy test
Cable Wrap
stationary test unit. The type of power source to be used will depend
cable resistance, there is the inductance of the coil circuit that further
variations) and the current. The magnetic flux and current are
directly proportional to the coil opening's area for straight coils. The
Coil inductance increases directly with the coil opening area, and
increases as the square of the turns in the coil. Keeping each of these
turns over the length of the test object. The latter is occasionally
when a power pack having the required output voltage and current
capacity is available. Any cables and cable leads used with and for
and its number of turns. Also, the field strength will decrease if the
a test object placed against the inside of a coil, for example lying in
the bottom of the coil (as was shown in Figure 3.8 of Chapter 3),
and the demagnetizing effects of the poles at the test object ends.
that for many regularly shaped test objects is easily determined from
force are always at right angles to the direction of the current that
right hand so that the thumb points in the direction of the electric
current. The fingers then point in the direction taken by the magnetic
field Iines surrounding the conductor. This is called the right hand
rule, as was shown in Figure 3.2 in Chapter 3.
Magnetic field
Magnetic field
-L9 ~ ~
.J . .J vi: J
Chapter 10
There is disagreement between common practice and electrical theory regarding current polarity.
circular field in localized areas of the test object using prods to pass
tips) are first pressed firmly against the test object. The magnetizing
current is passed through the prods and into the area of the object in
particle mobility.
are not normally used with the prod technique because of electrical
and fire hazards. In Europe, wet particles are regularly used with
prevent prod arc strikes and local heating of the test surface.
may be passed through the object. This creates poles on both sides
the discontinuity. Figure 10.2 shows the direct contact method for
circumferential discontinuities.
ring, which can be induced by making the ring a single tum, short
The ring is placed inside the coil with its axis parallel to that of
the coil. When the coil is energized with alternating current, the
is the primary and the ring is the single tum secondary. The total
applied in the technique called quick break, and the objects may then
For test objects made of soft material with low retentivity, the
continuous method must be used and the collapsing direct current
wave direct current) in the magnetizing coil, the current may be left
circumferential discontinuities.
Magnetizing coil
Magnetic field
Laminated core
cylinders, the cable can be brought back on the outside of the test
object, then threaded through again; each pass through increases the
Figure 10.4: Circular magnetization of cylindrical test objects using an internal current
carrying conductor: (a) internal bar conductor; and (b) internal cable conductor.
There is disagreement between common practice and electrical theory regarding current polarity.
The nature and direction of this field are the result of the field
around the conductor which forms the turns of the coil. Application
of the right hand rule to the conductor at any point in the coil shows
Flux lines
theoretical limit to the size of the object that can be tested in this
its short dimension, or end pieces should be added, and the long axis
of the test object should be parallel to the coil axis. This is especially
true in the case of irregularly shaped test objects, because the shape
object are parallel (or nearly parallel) to the induced magnetic field,
The detection of radial cracks in a test object of this shape is
and 10.3. Ring shaped objects, discs or wheels are best checked for
burning exists, and the field is constant throughout the test object.
and remagnetized).
and passed through the test object. The field is almost wholly
The field flow method has some advantages over the current flow
be required.
and the coil is energized, the test object completes the path of the
Figure lO.7b. Such yokes are often specified by their lifting power
Flux field
discontinuities are best detected when they are atright angles to the
ampere units, are among the most familiar. However, other systems,
collectat crack
quantities, and gaussian EMU units such as the gauss for magnetic
and magnetic flux density B. The term magnetic field is often used
Diamagnetic Materials
Paramagnetic Materials
greater than that of air. When such materials are placed in a strong
Ferromagnetic Materials
domains align parallel with the external field and remain aligned for
some period of time after removal from the field. This continued
the amperage used, but varies with prod spacing and the thickness of
test object centered in a coil, and the other is for a test object located
of which do not exceed about one tenth that of the coil and the test
require more than one test along their length. In these cases, the
test objects a flux density of about 70000 lines/in.? (10 850 G),
surface discontinuities.
A characteristic of longitudinal magnetization when using a coil
emanates from the magnetic poles generated at the test object ends.
The leakage field from these poles reduces the flux within the test
improved when the residual method is used and the test objects are
magnetized using a very rapid decay of the coil field. The rapid
test object. Test objects must be moderately retentive for this type of
residual test, and their shape must be generally cylindrical and have
current through a multi turn coil encircling the test object or section
equal to the radius of the coil. Long test objects should be tested in
are based on the use of three phase alternating current, rectified full
to use a tesla (gauss) meter, lay its probe on the test object and
Equation 10.2 should be used for test objects with low fill factor
_ KR +
Eq.10.2 NI - ( ) (_10%)
6L1 D -5
In this case, the cross sectional area of the fixed encircling coil
greatly exceeds the cross sectional area of the test object (less than
10% coil inside diameter). For proper test object magnetization, such
test objects should be placed well within the coils and close to the
inside wall of the coil, as shown in Figure 10.8. With this low fill
the following equations. Equation 10.1 should be used for test objects
K 45000
Eq.10.1 NI =-- (±10%) or ampere turns =--
when the cross section of the coil is greater than twice and less than
where NIh/is the value of NI calculated for high fill factor coils, Nlif
is the value of NI calculated for low fill factor coils and Y is the ratio
of the cross sectional area of the coil to the cross section of the test
Equation lOA should be used for high fill factor coils, shown in
Figure 10.9. In this case, when fixed coils or cable wraps are used
and the cross sectional area of the coil is less than twice the cross
sectional area (including hollow portions) of the test object, the coil
Eq.10.4 NI = ( (±1O%)
LI D)+2
q. . Del! =2-'-------'--
where At is the total cross sectional area of the test object and Ah is
cross sectional area of the hollow portiones) of the test object. For a
probe on the test object and measure the field strength than
nonrelevant or false.
Relevant Indications
Nonrelevant Indications
False Indications
Figure 10.9:Intermediate
factor coil.
Chapter 11
of the Earth's field. Rotating the test object on its eastto west axis
members that are not lying east and west. Vibration of the structure
applied, first in one direction and then the opposite direction, the
so difficult that for all practical purposes the only way to completely
early failure.
causing chips to adhere to the surface of the test object or the tip of
a tool that may become magnetized from contact with the
magnetized test object. Such chips can interfere with smooth cutting
by the tool; adversely affecting both finish and tool life. Small wear
Reasons to Demagnetize
does not equal or exceed the initial field strength, the initial
field is such that it does not affect the function of the test object nor its
service life; or the test object is magnetic particle tested a second time,
curie point for ferrous alloys ranges from about 650 to 870°C (1200
to 1600 OF).
Electromagnetic Demagnetization
intensity curves are plotted against time. When the current reaches
reverses the flux direction from the previous reversal. This requires a
number of cycles, depending on the permeability of the material.
; Figure 11.1: Demagnetization hysteresis loops with current and flux intensity curves.
H- -r==t==t=+===:;==f::i--- H+
+ -:;-.
Figure 11.2. The test objects are moved into the coil while the
test objects are then slowly and axially withdrawn some distance
from the coil. This procedure serves to reduce the magnetic field
placing the test object in the coil and gradually reducing the current
to zero. Some coils and some magnetic particle system designs have
built in circuitry for current reduction. When decaying alternating
applied directly to the test object through the headstock and tailstock
instead of passing the test object through the coil. This is more
rail assembly.
effective than the coil technique for long, circularly magnetized test
concentrates the magnetic flux at the test object surface. Large test
separated single layer with their long dimensions parallel to the axis
of the coil.
placed within the coil, or between the head and tailstock, where it
Yoke Demagnetization
power yokes cannot be used unless the unit also contains a current
objects through the poles of the yoke and withdrawing them while
exceed that of the test object's magnetic field. Several yokes may be
Demagnetization Practices
There are practical limits to the demagnetization process. These
limits are controlled by the equipment, the size and material of the
test object and the Earth's magnetic field. Generally, the practical
field meter. Some meters read relative units and are useful for
object is at the ends or comers of the test object. These are the best
Mechanized Equipment
Chapter 12
operation. The technician directs the flow of test objects, applies the
indication patterns.
Semiautomatic Equipment
contact heads, coils and yoke stages are easily changeable to quickly
typically set up for one type and size of test object. These test
objects may be cycled at high rates, but a technician will read each
for one type and size of test object. These test objects may be cycled
at high rates. Filtered light, meters, cameras and lasers are used to
._ .. ".,_ .._--_._..---,-------------------------------
current and full wave direct current outputs. The units have remote
permit operation at the site of testing. The units are supplied with
where suitable line input voltages and current capacity are available.
Both half wave direct current and alternating current outputs are
wave direct current and dry magnetic powder make the best
particularly when used with the prod method of testing. Half wave
Figure 12.1. These units have both alternating current and half wave
Figure 12.1: Portable magnetic particle testing equipment: (a) direct or alternating current
model with infinite current control; (b) lightweight pulse portable operating from outlet;
and (c) adjustable yoke, coil (for magnetizing or demagnetizing) and assorted accessories.
to a ferromagnetic substrate.
force required to pull (or break) the yoke from the plate is measured
along with the coating thickness. During this test, the poles of the
Such a test was performed using ASTM A-36 (1018) steel plates
cracks are very fine and barely visible to the unaided eye. Each plate
Each plate was then coated with inorganic zinc, zinc chromate,
recorded, and the plates were then retested with a yoke technique.
metal. This process was repeated until each plate reached the point
8.0 (18)
7.6 (17)
7.2 (16)
6.8 (15)
6.3 (14)-
5.9 (13)
5.4 (12)
5.0 (11)
4.5 (10)
To confirm that bead crack test data would be valid when applied
or caps. Each weld cap was about 2.5 em (1 in.) wide. These welds
dilution cracks. Except for the cracking, the welds were typical of
were made. Each plate was then coated with inorganic zinc, zinc
thicknesses were measured and recorded and each plate was retested
0.002 em (0.008 in.), all of the test objects revealed a dramatic loss
of indication detectability.
Phenolic epoxy
Zinc chromate
Inorganic zinc
Coating thickness
micrometer (milli-inch)
single bead test welds and from multiple bead test welds, especially
leakage fields that existed in the multiple bead weld cap but not in
the single bead weld, as shown in Figure 12.3. This could have
and in tum could have reduced the ability to attract and hold
Concurrent Leakage
original weld, and the new weld was retested. After seven beads had
dependent not only on coating type and thickness, but also on the
weld profile.
test has some important limitations that become evident during field
When spray bottles are used, the technician is responsible for mixing
bead welds
Pressurized cans, on the other hand, are labeled to show the particle
maintained from the first use to the last. Pressurized cans must be
thoroughly agitated before each use.
make this method much slower and more expensive than testing
area tested since the last acceptable settling test. This is avoided by
stopping all tests while waiting for the results of a settling test.
The dry powder method is primarily used for the testing of welds
below the surface is important. The particles used in the dry method
particle size and shape and coating method are similar in all colors,
Powder Selection
particles. It is these two characteristics, more than any other, that are
Powder Applications
Rules for the application of dry powder will make the process of
testing easier and more effective. The dry particles are heavier and
individually have a much greater mass than the very fine particles of
the wet method. If they are applied to the surface of a test object
not be able to stop and retain them. This is especially true when
vertical or overhead surfaces are being tested.
surfaces, the fields must overcome the pull of gravity that tends to
cause the particles to fall away. Since the dry particles have a wide
range of sizes, the finer particles will be held under these conditions
object can be lifted and tapped, the excess powder will fall away and
indications will be more readily visible. The excess powder can also
be gently blown away with an air stream not strong enough to blow
application easy. The squeeze bottle is light and easy to use. With
powder at low velocity, much like a very thin paint spray. When held
about 0.3 m (l ft) from the test surface, a very light dusting of
surfaces, excess powder is blown away with a gentle air stream from
the blower.
control: the flow of powder or clean air. Less powder is used with
the gun, which helps to ensure better testing. A more elaborate gun
hose connects to the gun. A work light is contained in the gun tip to
illuminate the test area. A trigger on the gun controls the discharge
of the powder and air mixture and the blow off air.
they are dispersed in the suspending liquid. In the past, the most
measured out and added directly to the agitated bath. The agitation
Particle Selection
to obtain this result. The most commonly used materials are listed
with the special characteristics of each.
powder for all applications except the very fine cracks in polished
incandescent light.
Suspension Characteristics
The need to incorporate all the special ingredients for water or oil
various additives are insoluble in oil and will not disperse the
intended for oil suspension are not soluble in water. However, with
their extremely small size. These very fine particles do not act as
because most machine objects that are tested tend to have an oily
the light oil of the bath. The oil should have very definite properties
ultraviolet radiation with a low sulfur content, a high flash point and
a fairly high, narrow boiling range.
a definite effect in reducing the build up, and therefore the visibility
of test objects tends to build up in the bath and increase its viscosity.
This is the main reason for precleaning test objects to remove oil
and grease.
those usually used, but they would have other properties undesirable
boiling point lower than that specified, and therefore a lower flash
from the tank would be greater with lighter oil. Breathing unpleasant
approved, highly refined oils are nearly odorless and meet the color
coated magnetic particles glow with their own light, having a highly
Test Variables
Four basic test variables must be considered that affect the results
1. Bath strength.
3. Current/suspension application.
4. Lighting conditions.
missed or hidden.
which they are suspended. When the agitation system is shut off, the
the agitation system has been off for several hours, the agitation
test. This agitation time varies with the down time because of
the unit has been off for a week or more, 0.5 h of agitation plus
and corrective measures are different for these two types of loss. To
required. To compensate for the drag out loss, the addition of bath
any given case. For a unit in constant use, it can be assumed that
more than 50% of the loss is caused by drag out. For a unit used
Actually, with constant use, the accumulation of dirt, scraps and lint
settling test is run, the heavy particles settle out first. Dirt and lint
are lighter and settle more slowly. They are seen as a second layer
must be carefully excluded from the total volume. When the layer of
dirt reaches about 30% of the volume of the particle layer, formation
dumped and a new one made. This may occur as often as once a
week when a unit is in constant use. The layer of dirt and the media
immediately above it should not fluoresce. If oil is used as a
Surface Preparation
In general, the same requirements apply for the wet method as for
the dry method. Dirt, rust, loose scale and oil or grease should be
removed. The oil bath will dissolve oil or grease, but this builds up
the viscosity of the bath and shortens its useful life. With a water
bath, oil on the surface of the test object makes wetting more
Paint and plated coatings over 0.013 em (0.005 in.) thick should be
Suspension Application
spraying. Such cans, usually containing oil based baths, are very
convenient to use for spot checking, or small area tests in the field.
with special guns are used, particularly with water baths. Aerosol
them from being expelled from the container. One method practiced,
mostly on small test objects, is where the test objects are magnetized
must be placed in the tray so they do not touch one another, or else
not be permitted.
Bath strength and immersion time both have an effect on the size
influence of the field and makes the indication more prominent and
Water Problems
Ordinary potable tap water is suitable for use, and hardness is not
rust inhibitor may be used. If the test objects have an oily film, more
completely wetted and covered with the bath. The observance of the
and other additives that are required in the water suspension. Wet
Suspension Preparation
clean and not clogged by dried particles or accumulated dirt. Fill the
tank with oil or water as required, and operate the agitation system
drag the fine magnetic particles out of the bath media and
11. Do not use these magnetic particle materials for mixing test
pour it directly into the bath liquid in the tank. The agitation system
Paste Concentrate
added little at a time and mixed until a smooth, thin slurry has been
produced. This slurry is then poured into the tank at the point where
the agitation system will pick it up and disperse it. After agitating
the case of the dry powder concentrate. As it is used for testing, the
Water Baths
agents are used to minimize this tendency, but are not 100%
used are designed to isolate all high voltage circuits in such a way to
units can occur if proper provision is not made to avoid this. Units
designed for use with water as a suspension are, however, safe for
the technician and minimize the corrosion on the test objects if the
sample of the bath is filtered, the particles filtered from the various
soluble compounding materials and the separated particles then dried
and weighed. This is, however, a laboratory test and not readily used
by the technician at the unit. Since the bath strength must be checked
3. Place thumb over protruding end of the glass tube and remove
a darkened area.
performed on bulk media before formulating the test bath. The initial
contents to settle.
3. Remove the cap, cover, seal or plug from the media container.
vertical position.
5. Place a thumb over one end of the glass tube. Insert the other
bulk media. Ensure that the tube is all the way to the bottom
of the container.
6. Release thumb pressure on the upper end of the glass tube for
contamination level.
Settling Test
bath strength for oil bath suspensions should be checked daily before
should be checked for bath strength and wettability daily before use
2. Run suspension through the hand hose and nozzle for at least
Magnetic Particle Testing Classroom Training Book
the magnetic stand, in contact with the centrifuge tube, and let set on
results of the system effectiveness check using the tool steel ring. If
media and they are of a volume to interfere with the results of the
particle bath.
particle bath with the use of magnets. The bath in the magnetic
agitated) for 0.5 h. Place the magnets in the bath, ensuring not to
place them so deep that they will attract the particles that have
without any other color than the usual bluish white of most
the regular wet method are also satisfactory for use with fluorescent
particles. The reason for limiting the fluorescence of the bath itself is
The particles for this method are magnetically the same as the
visible type, but they must carry the fluorescent dye and the binding
material that holds the dye and particle together. This coating of the
particles needed for the nonfluorescent type. Thus, the overall effect
important that the bond between the fluorescent dye and the
the pump circulation. If the dye separates from the magnetic particle,
the dye tends to cling to the surfaces of the test object independent
The maintenance rules are identical to those used for the wet
be monitored.
detecting separation.
particles, which does not occur in the case of visible particles, is the
carried by the air, this material will accumulate in the bath along
Surface Preparation
materials must be kept out of the testing bath because of the increase
procedure described in detail for the wet visible method, except for
Test Variables
bath is very much smaller than for the wet visible nonfluorescent
on the order of those required for the visible type particles would
The volume of particles that settles out in the test for bath
particles. This is because the fluorescent dye and binder reduce the
varies, partly as the result of these additives. These factors affect the
of neon gas. When the lamp is first turned on, the mercury is
mercury, which then allows the arc to pass between the main
carbon arc systems. They require a high electrical power supply and
are very bulky because of the need for electrode drive mechanisms.
about 400 nm, which is emitted through the phosphor. Some of these
per unit area is below that of other types of bulbs. Until recently,
these bulbs were not used for fluorescent magnetic particle tests.
High pressure arc bulbs are the most common source for
distance from the bulb and under conditions of less than complete
400 W floodlight. The smaller sizes should not be used for magnetic
particle tests. The most frequently used size is the 100 W bulb.
Chapter 13
Types of Discontinuities
affect the physical properties of the test object and may in turn have
an effect on the test object's ability to fulfill its intended service life.
with the type of component, its construction, its materials and the
However, crack depth and width are not the only factors affecting
that may originate from the processing operations in each of the four
ferromagnetic materials.
Discontinuity Location
Cold shut
surface or subsurface
Cold Shut
insufficient molten metal for completely filling the top of the mold.
voids, called pipe, in the finished product. Pipe can also result from
toward the center of a bar at the back end. The presence of pipe is
Figure 13.1: Magnetic
shut in a casting.
an end surface.
Hot Tears
Lacking these, the cooling metal can tear and crack in the mold
result in higher metal surface stresses that in turn produce hot tears.
rise through the molten metal and escape. However, most are
product. Deep blowholes that are not rolled shut may appear as
Nonmetallic Inclusions
composition than their host materials, and each grade and type of
transverse (perpendicular to
from weld.
wrought product.
at center.
Hydrogen flakes
ferromagnetic materials.
surface or subsurface
cracks that vary in depth from the surface, as shown in Figures 13.8
and 13.9.
there is not enough metal to fill the rolls; and (b) a seam in the
(a) (b)
'-...... Underfill
condition, sandblasted
that are elongated and flattened during the rolling process. They are
Cooling Cracks
Forging laps are the result of metal being folded over, forming an
Figures 13.11 and 13.12. They are caused by faulty dies, oversized
blanks or improper handling of the metal in the die. Forging laps are
usually open to the surface and are either parallel or at a small angle
to the surface.
When rotated for the following pass, the material is rolled back into
the bar. Because of its heavily oxidized surface, the overfill cannot
straight or slightly curved from the longitudinal axis and are either
Figure 13.13.
Rolled and forged metals may also develop internal bursts when
fluorescentmagnetic particle
a connecting rod.
External bursts typically occur when the forming section is too
formed when the capabilities of the equipment are not great enough:
the outer layers of the metal are deformed more than the internal
Hydrogen Flakes
rapid cooling.
steel forgings, are extremely thin and are aligned parallel with the
Welding Discontinuities
Figure 13.14: Cross section of a bar
Cold cracking
Hot cracking
surface or subsurface atomic hydrogen, hardenable material and high residual stress
surface or subsurface
surface or subsurface
Lamellar tearing
Lack of fusion
molten weld pool contact with filler metal and tungsten electrode
mixing oxides on the base metal surface into the weld pool
Cold Cracking
atomic hydrogen into the molten weld pool and subsequently into
the base metal's heat affected zone. If the zone's cooling rate is high
rich discontinuities.
indications if they are open to the test object surface, as in the case
Hot Cracking
temperatures. The following types are two of the most common hot
the outside in, beginning at both toes and meeting at the center. The
low melting point impurities are pushed ahead of these two joining
Crater cracks
are typically star shaped on the surface, and are the result of three
Such cracks are often microscopic in size, but may link up under
Lamellar Tearing
A lamellar tear is a base metal crack that occurs in plates and
Figure 13.21: Weld joint designs in steel plate that are prone to lamellar tearing; typical
Lack of Fusion
Lack of fusion occurs when some portion of the weld filler metal
fails to coalesce with the adjacent base metal or the weld metal from
often seen at the beginning of the first weld pass, where the base
welding on a dirty base metal surface, so that the heat of the arc is
Lack of fusion mayor may not occur near the outside surface of
the weld joint. The closer it is to the surface, the sharper the
shallow melted zone at the faying surfaces and then expel most of
Lack of Penetration
the weld joint root by the weld metal, as shown in Figure 13.24. The
because of too large a root face, too narrow a root opening or too
small pocket of gas that is entrapped when the weld metal solidifies.
The pores can take a variety of shapes and sizes although they are
the base or filler metal surface before welding and can be prevented
weak and not clearly defined. All but the smallest surface pores
arc welding (SMAW), submerged arc welding (SAW) and flux cored
unable to float out while the pool is still liquid. The factors that
essential to remove all slag from each pass. Joint designs that exhibit
a high depth-to-width ratio and weld beads with an excessively
gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) process and are usually the result
contact with the tip of the tungsten electrode. This type of inclusion
present on the base metal surface. During welding, these oxides are
then mixed into the weld pool. The magnetic particle indications
visual examination.
the most costly because all previous processing costs are lost when
the component is diverted from service. Table 13.4 briefly describes
Discontinuity Location
Grinding cracks
Quench cracks
Figure 13.28.
Pickling Cracks
Machining Tears
degree that depends largely on the depth of cut, the type and shape
Heavy cuts and residual tool marks from rough machining act as
Plating Cracks
during machining.
Discontinuity Location
Fatigue surface cyclically applied stress below the ultimate tensile strength
Hydrogen cracking surface or subsurface combined effects of applied tensile or residual stress and
Fatigue Cracking
the stress intensity. This process continues until the stress intensity K
fatigue crack sizes; why some cracks may only propagate a small
amount; and why others propagate through nearly all the material
clamshell marks can be found. These distinct markings are the result
stress. Such marks are actually small ridges that develop on the
fracture surface and they indicate the position of the advancing crack
help establish the location of the crack origin and the direction of
particle tests.
this occurs, a circular pattern of beach marks may form around the
Creep Cracking
Figure 13.32: Magnetic particle indications
time. This can eventually lead to cracking and finally to failure. This
accounting for the vertical portion of the curve. The next portion of
period accounts for the majority of a component's life and the rate of
creep is nearly constant. During this stage, small voids begin to form
and grow at the triple points of the grain boundaries. Because the
void formation is nearly constant, the creep rate can be predicted
Once the material moves into the region of tertiary creep, the
useful life of the material is over. In the tertiary stage, the creep
voids have become so large that they begin to link, forming a crack
greater service life. Figure 13.37 shows the effect that various
resistance of steels.
=--..J ~~ = Minimumcreeprate
__ - (b)
Figure 13.35:
Photomicrograph of fracture
zone interface.
over time.
620°C 605 °C
(1080 OF)
Figure 13.36:
Photomicrograph of linked
(1050 OF)
540 °C
(1010 OF)
(970 OF)
which is based on the tensile load and a known crack length. The
does not occur if the stress intensity is below this value. If the initial
initial K[ or the closer the value gets to the critical stress intensity
This stress at the crack tip ruptures the normally protective corrosion
the corrosion products occupy a larger volume than the metal from
evidence of corrosion.
Hydrogen Cracking
hydrogen can diffuse into the metal and often initiates cracks at
cracking situation.
into molten metal during the initial solidification of the material and
surface. Hydrogen cracking from other causes can begin below the
Figure 13.40:
Photomicrograph showing a
stress riser.
severity of a discontinuity.
material, the test object geometry and the way in which the magnetic
field is induced.
Chapter 14
Evaluation Techniques
thumb) developed by trial and error in the early days of the method.
certain test setups. As with most empirical data, the rules developed
for magnetic particle testing should be used with caution and with an
test indication could mean that either tests were properly performed
System Standardization
Parametric Evaluations
Technique Development
three disadvantages.
The ring was first used in 1941. Since that time, its use has
expanded for both wet and dry methods, to the point that the ring is
level less than 20% of that usually applied is all that is needed to
)'1.9 em
\_ _l
to Center of Hole
(0.07) O.1S
O.1S (0.07)
0.36 (0.14)
O.1S (0.07)
0.53 (0.21)
O.1S (0.07)
1.07 (0.42)
O.IS (0.07)
1.42 (0.56)
0.18 (0.07)
1.78 (0.70)
O.1S (0.07)
2.14 (0.84)
through a conductor that in turn passes through the ring's center. The
magnetic particle testing procedure (or system) is evaluated based on
This dipole character is usually evident when the field from the
sensitivities, one at five to six holes (40% of the rings) and the other
are built with one face at an angle and when two such components
from the crack gradually weakens along the prism face. Specified
split prism test block. On one of the face ends, a small permanent
diameter and 1 em (0.4 in.) thick. Very fine cracks are situated
between bigger discontinuities across the block standard's face. As
an example of this standard's use, the loss of indications for the fine
cracks (or their appearance as points rather than lines) indicates that
?,/t d ?_/ 01
LSo;~ L}/'
linear discontinuity and a calibrated scale. The zero end of the scale
magnet. The better the quality of the suspension, the lower the
permanent magnet.
from the scale under ultraviolet radiation. After making the reading,
the indication can be removed by wiping the block with a lint free
the block standard. These tests gave a range of acceptable values for
standard field checks are almost instantaneous and use only a small
amount of suspension.
For pressurized spray cans, the prism block standard may also be
of the yoke (or any other magnetizing apparatus that might be used
for the test) or about the effectiveness of any specific test setup for
detecting discontinuities. Its use can replace some settling tests, but
might give a range of readings from 1.8 to 2 em (0.7 to 0.8 in.). This
1.1 in.).
end and tapered to a sharp edge at the other. Two particle materials
Block Standard
Length of Indication
centimeter (inch)
2.3 (0.9)
A 12
2.8 (1.1)
A 15
B 15
B 17
Though often called a gauss meter, the device does not actually
the remanence.
to 4.8 kA· m-I (60 Oe) when the residual method is used. A residual
field less than 240 A . m-I (3 Oe) usually does not attract
the large number of variables that can affect eddy current response
in a ferromagnetic material.
known discontinuities.
with yokes.
Magnetic Particle Testing Classroom Training Book
New Materials
effort must then be expended to locate and retest the suspect objects.
performance characteristics.
In Use Materials
Chapter 15
Quality Control
are stored in closed containers until they are used. These processes
during use. More often, however, the materials are used in open
tanks, where the surplus materials are allowed to drain from the test
4. Dirt, soil and other insoluble solids are carried into the
Evaporation Losses
Heat Degradation
60 °C (140 OF).
Process Degradation
variables and how they work in the overall test system, but they do
a block standard.
wavelength light.
fluorescent magnetic particles (320 to 400 nm). The eye is not very
present. However, with reduced visible light, the eye's pupil dilates
they emit visible light. The quality of color of the emitted light
ranging from violet (400 nm) to red (700 nm). One of the factors in
wavelength band of 510 to 550 nm. This color is chosen because the
Figure 15.1: Electromagnetic spectrum showing the narrow range of ultraviolet radiation
(10 pm to
10 nm)
Visible light
(4 to
400 nm)
10 100
10 100
10 10010 100
10 100
(700 nm to 1 mm)
(l mm to 1m)
Radio waves
light. This increases the contrast between the light emitted from the
than this intensity should not be used. The actual intensity needed at
the surface of the test object will vary depending on the ambient
sources by moving the source closer than 38 em (15 in.) to the test
this level, the intensity of ultraviolet radiation striking the test object
surface should not be less than 800 W/cm2. As the ambient light
light levels during the test. Ultraviolet radiation and ambient light
infrared radiation. Filters are not normally used since the variation is
term often used is lux, which equals one lumen per square meter.'
vary by as much as 50% in their initial output. This means that with
two new bulbs, one may have an intensity that is double that of the
arc and the lamp will extinguish. It will not restart until it has
During use, dust and dirt will collect on both the bulb face and
filter. Even small amounts will reduce the intensity and if allowed to
build up, can result in a tenfold decrease. The bulb face and filter
allowed to remain on until its last use of the day. This practice will
to ensure safety.
they contact the bulb at this temperature. The bulb temperature also
heats the external surfaces of the lamp housing of some lamps. The
among these variables, the technician must know what they are and
how each affects the end result.
Variation in Technique
3. Sequence of steps.
4. Direction of field.
5. Sensitivity level.
6. Equipment.
the surface?
breakage of a tool?
8. What is the size and shape of the test object in which the
discontinuities occur?
Selection of Current
current produces a skin effect that limits its use to the detection of
background does not appear, increase the current and reapply. When
Selection of Media
the wet method, and secondarily among the various colors that are
available, including fluorescent particles. Dry powder is superior for
mobility and shape and size of the particles. The wet method is
black, gray, red and yellow particles are considerable when viewed
in various kinds of light. Black stands out against most light colored
In the case of the wet method, the ultimate in visibility and contrast
Selection of Technique
later. This method can be used only on test objects having sufficient
Either the dry or the wet method for particle application can be
used. With the wet method, the magnetized test objects may be
method, either wet or dry, has many attractive features and finds
magnetic particles while the magnetizing force is still acting and the
Field Orientation
magnetization in others.
Head Shot
Small contact areas can easily over heat, ruining the test object. As a
Central Conductor
having a wall thickness less than 1.3 em (0.5 in.), use 500 A of
also a guide and should be combined with common sense and past
produce sufficient flux in the test object. As a guide, the air gap
between the conductor and the test object should not exceed 2.5 em
conductor placed near the test object wall. The portion of the test
Longitudinal Field
divide 45 000 by this number and the answer will be the number of
divided by the number of turns in the coil or cable wrap to give the
Sensitivity Requirements
training book will have taken an important step, from unaided visual
process qualifications and controls. The results are the uniform and
Air gap: When a magnetic circuit contains a small gap, which the
Ampere turns: The product of the number of turns in a coil and the
the opening in a ring or tube, or any hole in a test object, for the
the hole.
a test object so that the magnetic lines of force take the form of
the test object. The circular method is applicable for the detection
Core: That part of the magnetic circuit which is within the electrical
rectified or direct.
Diffuse indications: Indications that are not clearly defined as, for
example, indications of subsurface discontinuities.
laps are not necessarily discontinuities, as they may not affect the
pads or prods.
cuts the unit area at rightangles to the direction of the flux. Flux
Flux leakage: Magnetic lines of force that leave and enter a test
Gauss: The unit of flux density. Numerically, one gauss is one line
letter B.
horseshoe so that the two poles are adjacent. Usually the term
S shaped loop. Intercepts of the loop with the Band H axes and
Leakage field: The magnetic field forced out into the air by the
field into the test object such that the magnetic lines of force
extending through the test object are about parallel to the axis of
increase in magnetization.
test object.
condition which does not affect the usefulness of the test object
magnetized. (b) The ratio between field strength produced and the
magnetizing force.
Pole: The area on a magnetized test object from which the magnetic
electric circuit.
particle testing.
established standards.
magnetizing current.
1. ASNT Level II Study Guide: Magnetic Particle Testing Method. Columbus, Ohio:
2. ASNT Level III Study Guide: Magnetic Particle Testing Method. Columbus, Ohio:
Testing. Fort Worth, Texas: Convair Division of General Dynamics Corporation (1977).
The following credits indicate the sources of illustrations in this book. All figures reprinted with
Chapter 1
Figure 1.1: Reprinted from Nondestructive Testing Handbook, second edition: Vol. 6, Magnetic
Particle Testing.
Figure 1.2 to 1.3: Reprinted from Nondestructive Testing Classroom Training Handbook, second
Chapter 2
Figure 2.1 to 2.2: Reprinted from ASNT Level III Study Guide: Magnetic Particle Testing
Method, second edition.
Chapter 3
Figure 3.1, 3.2: Reprinted from Nondestructive Testing Classroom Training Handbook, second
FIgure 3.3,3.4,3.6,3.8: Reprinted from ASNT Level III Study Guide: Magnetic Particle Testing
Figure 3.5,3.7: Reprinted from Nondestructive Testing Handbook, second edition: Vol. 6,
Chapter 4
Figure 4.1: Reprinted from Nondestructive Testing Classroom Training Handbook, second
Chapter 5
Figure 5.1 to 5.2: Courtesy of Magnaflux, Division of Illinois Tool Works, Glenview, Illinois.
Chapter 7
Figure 7.1 to 7.6: Reprinted from Nondestructive TestingHandbook, second edition: Vol. 6,
Chapter 8
Figure 8.1 to 8.2: Reprinted from Nondestructive Testing Classroom Training Handbook, second
Figure 8.3 to 8.5: Reprinted from Nondestructive TestingHandbook, second edition: Vol. 6,
Chapter 9
Figure 9.1 to 9.3: Reprinted from Nondestructive TestingHandbook, second edition: Vol. 6,
Figure 10.1, 10.3 to 10.7: Reprinted from Nondestructive TestingHandbook, second edition:
Figure 10.2: Reprinted from ASNT Level III Study Guide: Magnetic Particle TestingMethod,
second edition.
Chapter 11
Figure 1l.1: Reprinted from Nondestructive TestingHandbook, second edition: Vol. 6, Magnetic
Particle Testing.
Chapter 12
Figure 12.1 to 12.4: Reprinted from Nondestructive Testing Handbook, second edition: Vol. 6,
Chapter 13
Figure 13.1 to 13.40: Reprinted from Nondestructive Testing Handbook, second edition: Vol. 6,
Chapter 14
Figure 14.1 to 14.4: Reprinted from Nondestructive Testing Handbook, second edition: Vol. 6,
Chapter 15
Figure 15.1: Reprinted from Nondestructive TestingHandbook, second edition: Vol. 6, Magnetic
Particle Testing.
portable equipment, 88
paramagnetic material, 74
antifreeze solutions
automatic sensors, 87
banding, 153
barkhausen effect, 6
bar magnets, 37
poles, 7
batch demagnetization, 24
demagnetization, 80
portable equipment, 88
multidirectional magnetization, 17
casting shrinkage, 30
sensitivity, 63-64
certification, 4
portable equipment, 88
known, 155
codes, 4
and retentivity, 17
coil inductance, 64
coils, 71-72
equipment selection, 25
portable equipment, 88
semiautomatic equipment, 87
sensitivity, 64
typical system, 27
concurrent leakage, 91
contact plates, 14
semiautomatic equipment, 87
continuous magnetization, 16
paramagnetic material, 74
detectability, 109
cropping, 109
alternating current, 21
methods, 82-85
diamagnetic materials, 6, 74
sensitivity, 62
surface discontinuities
19 our. 97
applicators, 93-94
equipment, 92-94
equipment selection, 25
magnetization, 16
portable equipment, 88
sensitivity, 62
characteristics of.7
false indications, 78
- ----- ....------------------------------~------
mobile, 26, 88
selection, 25-27
stationary, 27,87-88
ultraviolet, lO6-lO8
wet fluorescent, 96-lO0
surface discontinuities, 9
inherent discontinuities present before, 29, lO9-112
fracture, 130
demagnetization, 80
nonferromagnetic material, 7
grinding cracks
portable equipment, 88
heat treatment
holes, 14
cylinders, 13-14
horseshoe magnet, 37
poles, 7
welds, 119
in welds, 122-123
indication detection, 25
indirect magnetization, 11
ingot cracks, 29
ingot pipe, 29
inherent discontinuities
brief description, 29
inservice discontinuities
brief description, 29
interpretation, 3,78
low, 23
ferromagnetic material, 6
lines of force, 7
portable equipment, 88
known, ISS
machine tears, 30
demagnetization prior to, 22
processing discontinuities, 29
magnetic attraction, 6
circular, 8, 11-14,58
measurement, 56-58
orientation, 154-155
subsurface discontinuities, 10
surface discontinuities, 9
magnetic flux, 7
demagnetization, 83
magnetic moment, 38
selection, 26
capabilities, 3-4
Level I, 3-30
personnel qualification, 4
principles, 33-42
sensitivity, 61-65
techniques, 34
coatings, 89
magnetic repulsion, 6
magnetic rubber, 14
magnetic saturation, 6
magnetism, 6-7
equipment selection, 25
field flow, 72
magnetized ring, 36
magnets, 5-6
mechanized equipment, 87
multidirectional magnetization, 17
ferromagnetic material, 6
nonferromagnetic materials, 7
nonrelevant indications, 78
overload cracks
inservice discontinuities, 30
nonferromagnetic material, 7
paramagnetic materials, 6, 74
particle shape, 49
particle size, 49
permanent magnets, 5
personnel qualifications, 4
petroleum distillate baths, 49, 95-96
no additives necessary, 50
pie gage, 57
primary creep, I 30
processing discontinuities
prod demagnetization, 85
circular, 68
quality control
quenching cracks
quick break, 69
reference standards
electronic, 142-143
relevant indications, 78
reluctance, 41
remanence, 39
remnant field, 79
repeatability, 143
residual magnetization, 21
retentivity, 17, 39
saturation point, 40
nonferromagnetic material, 7
scratches, 10
semiautomatic equipment, 87
sensitivity, 61-65
reference standards, 135
settling test
procedure, 103-104
specifications, 4
squeeze bulbs, 50
standards, 4
coercive force, 80
stress cracking
subsurface discontinuities
inherent discontinuities, 29
inservice discontinuities, 30
surface discontinuities
effect on materials, 9
inservice discontinuities, 30
surface preparation, 98
suspending agents, 95
tempering, 125
temporary magnets, 5
uitravioler radiation
generation, 106-107
hazards, 15I
hazards, 151
\ ide. tape. 87
Virgincurve, 39
\ is.b.Iiry
problems with, 99
safety, 101
X-rays, 149
equipment selection, 25
magnetization, 16
mobile equipment, 26
portable equipment, 88
sensitivity, 61-62
stationary equipment, 26
surface preparation, 98
yoke demagnetization, 85
yokes, 73
block standards for control of wet field tests, 143
equipment selection, 25
semiautomatic equipment, 87